9,044 research outputs found

    Using polyhedral models to automatically sketch idealized geometry for structural analysis

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    Simplification of polyhedral models, which may incorporate large numbers of faces and nodes, is often required to reduce their amount of data, to allow their efficient manipulation, and to speed up computation. Such a simplification process must be adapted to the use of the resulting polyhedral model. Several applications require simplified shapes which have the same topology as the original model (e.g. reverse engineering, medical applications, etc.). Nevertheless, in the fields of structural analysis and computer visualization, for example, several adaptations and idealizations of the initial geometry are often necessary. To this end, within this paper a new approach is proposed to simplify an initial manifold or non-manifold polyhedral model with respect to bounded errors specified by the user, or set up, for example, from a preliminary F.E. analysis. The topological changes which may occur during a simplification because of the bounded error (or tolerance) values specified are performed using specific curvature and topological criteria and operators. Moreover, topological changes, whether or not they kept the manifold of the object, are managed simultaneously with the geometric operations of the simplification process

    Discrete curvature approximations and segmentation of polyhedral surfaces

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    The segmentation of digitized data to divide a free form surface into patches is one of the key steps required to perform a reverse engineering process of an object. To this end, discrete curvature approximations are introduced as the basis of a segmentation process that lead to a decomposition of digitized data into areas that will help the construction of parametric surface patches. The approach proposed relies on the use of a polyhedral representation of the object built from the digitized data input. Then, it is shown how noise reduction, edge swapping techniques and adapted remeshing schemes can participate to different preparation phases to provide a geometry that highlights useful characteristics for the segmentation process. The segmentation process is performed with various approximations of discrete curvatures evaluated on the polyhedron produced during the preparation phases. The segmentation process proposed involves two phases: the identification of characteristic polygonal lines and the identification of polyhedral areas useful for a patch construction process. Discrete curvature criteria are adapted to each phase and the concept of invariant evaluation of curvatures is introduced to generate criteria that are constant over equivalent meshes. A description of the segmentation procedure is provided together with examples of results for free form object surfaces

    Existence and properties of travelling waves for the Gross-Pitaevskii equation

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    This paper presents recent results concerning the existence and qualitative properties of travelling wave solutions to the Gross-Pitaevskii equation posed on the whole space R^N. Unlike the defocusing nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations with null condition at infinity, the presence of non-zero conditions at infinity yields a rather rich and delicate dynamics. We focus on the case N = 2 and N = 3, and also briefly review some classical results on the one-dimensional case. The works we survey provide rigorous justifications to the impressive series of results which Jones, Putterman and Roberts established by formal and numerical arguments
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