12 research outputs found

    Rusia, tres años después

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    La sociedad de Rusia: entre el cambio y la continuidad

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    Si hubo "terapia de choque" en Rusia ésa ha sido, sin lugar a duda, la que se ha producido en las mentalidades, en la psicología colectiva de la gente. Esta dimensión del proceso social ruso está muy poco abordada en los estudios científicos que suelen pasar por alto su impacto en la valoración de los cambios por parte de la sociedad. De la misma manera, la alineación de los datos, unida a la extensa información acerca de los distintos episodios de tragedias y catástrofes que han sacudido a Rusia estos años, no permite comprender cómo vive ¿o, visto desde Occidente, como "sobrevive"¿ la gente, y sobre todo cómo se puede hablar de avances en Rusia. Éstas son las cuestiones centrales que aborda el presente trabajo

    ¿Qué Rusia, veinte años después?

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    ¿Qué pasa con los vecinos de Rusia?

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    La Concepción de la política exterior de la Federación de Rusia, aprobada por el presidente Vladímir Putin en noviembre de 2016, incluye entre sus principales objetivos “establecer relaciones de buena vecindad con los estados limítrofes,contribuir a la supresión de los focos de tensión existentes y los conflictos en sus territorios, así como la prevención del surgimiento de tales focos y conflictos”. ¿Hasta qué punto se ajustan los hechos a esta declaración? Ahora que Siria ha eclipsado a Ucrania, la atención mediática se concentra en las tensiones de Rusia con la Unión Europea y Estados Unidos. Pero no solo de allí provienen las líneas de fractura que Rusia se puede encontrar por el camino. Las tensiones empiezan también en sus propias fronteras

    Patterns, trends and sex differences in HIV/AIDS reported mortality in Latin American countries: 1996-2007

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>International cohort studies have shown that antiretroviral treatment (ART) has improved survival of HIV-infected individuals. National population based studies of HIV mortality exist in industrialized settings but few have been presented from developing countries. Our objective was to investigate on a population basis, the regional situation regarding HIV mortality and trends in Latin America (LA) in the context of adoption of public ART policies and gender differences.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Cause of death data from vital statistics registries from 1996 to 2007 with "good" or "average" quality of mortality data were examined. Standardized mortality rates and Poisson regression models by country were developed and differences among countries assessed to identify patterns of HIV mortality over time occurring in Latin America.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Standardized HIV mortality following the adoption of public ART policies was highest in Panama and El Salvador and lowest in Chile. During the study period, three overall patterns were identified in HIV mortality trends- following the adoption of the free ART public policies; a remarkable decrement, a remarkable increment and a slight increment. HIV mortality was consistently higher in males compared to females. Mean age of death attributable to HIV increased in the majority of countries over the study period.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Vital statistics registries provide valuable information on HIV mortality in LA. While the introduction of national policies for free ART provision has coincided with declines in population-level HIV mortality and increasing age of death in some countries, in others HIV mortality has increased. Barriers to effective ART implementation and uptake in the context of free ART public provision policies should be further investigated.</p

    Narratives of Change and Theorisations on Continuity: the Duality of the Concept of Emerging Power in International Relations

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    Which Russia, twenty years later?

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    Russia is proud of its position among the emerging powers, of the strength provided by its ample energetic resources and its nuclear potential with which it can influence the world and always be taken into account. Nevertheless, the perception within the country is that stagnation has become Russia’s dominant characteristic at present. The objective of this article is to explore how this situation came about, analysing the evolution of domestic processes in Russia during both of its most defining periods: Yeltsin and Putin’s leadership, since the ephemeral presidency of Medvedev proved to be basically a continuation of the latter. During the eight years of Boris Yeltsin’s tenure, the state of crisis, latent or open, developed into the way that political processes are carried out in Russia. With Putin’s arrival, however, stability and State control are imposed, against the backdrop of economic growth, and they become values in themselves, far from the democratic discourse of the first years