27 research outputs found

    Parallel evolution in streptococcus pneumoniae biofilms

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    Streptococcus pneumoniae is a commensal human pathogen and the causative agent of various invasive and noninvasive diseases. Carriage of the pneumococcus in the nasopharynx is thought to be mediated by biofilm formation, an environment where isogenic populations frequently give rise to morphological colony variants, including small colony variant (SCV) phenotypes. We employed metabolic characterization and whole-genome sequencing of biofilm-derived S. pneumoniae serotype 22F pneumococcal SCVs to investigate diversification during biofilm formation. Phenotypic profiling revealed that SCVs exhibit reduced growth rates, reduced capsule expression, altered metabolic profiles, and increased biofilm formation compared to the ancestral strain. Whole-genome sequencing of 12 SCVs from independent biofilm experiments revealed that all SCVs studied had mutations within the DNA-directed RNA polymerase delta subunit (RpoE). Mutations included four large-scale deletions ranging from 51 to 264 bp, one insertion resulting in a coding frameshift, and seven nonsense single-nucleotide substitutions that result in a truncated gene product. This work links mutations in the rpoE gene to SCV formation and enhanced biofilm development in S. pneumoniae and therefore may have important implications for colonization, carriage, and persistence of the organism. Furthermore, recurrent mutation of the pneumococcal rpoE gene presents an unprecedented level of parallel evolution in pneumococcal biofilm development

    Afatinib in patients with metastatic or recurrent HER2-mutant lung cancers: a retrospective international multicentre study.

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    HER2 mutations occur in 1-3% of lung adenocarcinomas. With increasing use of next-generation sequencing at diagnosis, more patients with HER2-mutant tumours present for treatment. Few data are available to describe the clinical course and outcomes of these patients when treated with afatinib, a pan-HER inhibitor. We identified patients with metastatic or recurrent HER2-mutant lung adenocarcinomas treated with afatinib among seven institutions across Europe, Australia, and North America between 2009 and 2017. We determined the partial response rate to afatinib, types of HER2 mutations, duration of response, time on treatment, and survival. We collected information on 27 patients with stage IV or recurrent HER2-mutant lung adenocarcinomas treated with afatinib. Of 23 patients evaluable for response, three partial responses were noted (13%, 95% confidence interval [CI] 4-33%). In addition, 57% of patients (13/23) had stable disease, and 30% (7/23) had progressive disease. We documented partial responses in patients with HER2 exon 20 insertions, including two with YVMA insertion and one with VAG insertion. Two patients with partial responses were previously treated with trastuzumab and pertuzumab. Median duration of response to afatinib was 6 months (range 5-10); median time on treatment was 3 months (range 1-30) and median overall survival from the date of diagnosis of metastatic or recurrent disease was 23 months (95% CI 18-53 months). Afatinib is modestly active in patients with HER2-mutant lung adenocarcinomas, including responses after progression on prior HER2-targeted therapies. However, investigations into the biology of HER2-mutant lung adenocarcinomas and development of better HER2-directed therapies are warranted

    Intoxicação natural por Amaranthus spinosus (Amaranthaceae) em ovinos no Sudeste do Brasil Amaranthus spinosus (Amaranthaceae) poisoning in sheep in southern Brazil

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    No Estado do Rio de Janeiro descreve-se um surto de intoxicação aguda por Amaranthus spinosus em 12 ovelhas, caracterizado clinicamente por hálito urêmico, ausência de movimentos ruminais, dispnéia e aborto. Os animais foram colocados em um pasto adubado e severamente invadido pela planta. A necropsia realizada em seis ovinos revelou rins pálidos, em geral, com estriações esbranquiçadas desde o córtex até a medula; em um animal verificaram-se diversos infartos sob forma de figuras geométricas no córtex. O fígado apresentava-se mais claro, por vezes com lobulação evidente. Em um animal verificaram-se áreas pálidas no miocárdio. Os pulmões congestos, algo mais pesados e consistentes, por vezes evidenciavam áreas de hepatização vermelha e cinzenta na porção cranial. Petéquias, equimoses e sufusões foram observadas em serosas, na mucosa do tubo digestório e em outros órgãos. Ao exame histológico verificaram-se acentuada nefrose tubular tóxica, focos aleatórios de necrose coagulativa no fígado, áreas de necrose coagulativa no miocárdio e pneumonia intersticial aguda incipiente acompanhada por áreas de broncopneumonia. Na literatura não foram encontradas referências à intoxicação natural por A. spinosus em ovinos. Tentativas de reprodução da intoxicação com a planta em ovinos, não foram bem sucedidas, provavelmente porque, nos experimentos, não se utilizou A. spinosus proveniente de áreas adubadas. A necrose do miocárdio encontrada, ao exame microscópico do coração de diversos animais foi atribuída a hipercalemia secundária à insuficiência renal, ao passo que a gênese dos infartos renais verificados em um ovino permanece obscura.<br>An outbreak of acute poisoning caused by Amaranthus spinosus is described in ewes of southern Brazil. The clinical signs were characterized by uremic halitosis, loss of ruminal motility, dispnoea and abortion. Grossly in the kidneys there were pale red spots, white streaks extending from cortex to medulla, and congestion. Histologically there was a severe acute tubular nephrosis, dispersed foci of coagulative necrosis in the liver, areas of coagulative necrosis in the myocardium and acute incipient interstitial pneumonia as well as secondary bronchopneumonia. Myocardial coagulative necrosis observed in seven sheep was attributed to hyperkalemia secondary to renal insufficiency. No references to spontaneous A. spinosus poisoning in sheep was found in the literature. Attempt to reproduce the poisoning by administration of the plant to sheep was insuccessful, probably because A. spinosus used was not from fertilized areas