4 research outputs found

    Aquaculture in Shared Waters Fact Sheet: Husbandry

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    When people think of sea farming, it’s usually the husbandry part that they have in mind: tending the crop, working on the boat, etc. Husbandry is a rewarding part of the aquaculture process, and good husbandry is critical to success. Paired with strong financial management and sales and marketing, husbandry is where the rubber meets the road. Your goal as the farmer is very simple, but difficult to do well: Successful aquaculturists keep their animals and plants at optimum health. Another way to think about this is to keep the crop at minimum stress: low stress equals faster growth, improved survival, and maximum quality. Good farmers know their crop, their site, and their gear

    Aquaculture in Shared Waters Fact Sheet: Kelp Aquaculture

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    “Kelp” are large brown marine macroalgae species native to New England and traditionally wild harvested for food. There are three commercially important kelp species in Maine—sugar kelp (Saccharina latissima), winged kelp (Alaria esculenta), and horsetail kelp (Laminaria digitata). Maine is developing techniques for culturing kelp on sea farms as a way for fishermen and farmers to diversify their operations while providing a unique, high quality, nutritious vegetable seafood for new and existing markets. Kelp is grown on submerged horizontal long lines on leased sea farms from September to May, making it a “winter crop” for Maine. The simple farm design, winter season, and relatively low startup costs allow for new and existing sea farmers to experiment with this newly developing type of aquaculture on Maine’s coast

    Aquaculture in Shared Waters Fact Sheet: Getting to Know Your Water

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    Aquaculture businesses must operate on sound environmental principles, most especially because marine aquaculture occurs in an open system: the ocean. While all farming activities, on land or at sea, have some degree of environmental interaction, farmers should understand these processes, with best management practices to minimize negative impacts. Successful farms must cope effectively with any changes to the marine system, and an organized system of monitoring and recordkeeping will improve your chances of business success, while maintaining a healthy environment. This fact sheet provides a summary of direct and indirect environmental factors that may affect your marine aquaculture business; more detail on equipment and methods is covered in the companion fact sheets on Site Selection, and Husbandry

    Aquaculture in Shared Waters Fact Sheet: Aquaculture in Maine

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    This series of “Aquaculture in Shared Waters” fact sheets is intended to help fishermen or others in Maine’s coastal communities interested in starting a small-scale aquaculture business as we move towards achieving this potential in a way that is best for our people and the environment