6,915 research outputs found
Horticultural Studies 1999
Horticultural Studies 1999 is the second edition of a Research Series dedicated to horticultural programs in the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture and the Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences. This publication summarizes research, extension, and educational activities that serve horticultural industries and interest groups in Arkansas. The goals of this publication are to provide relevant information to the growers and end-users of horticulture crops in Arkansas and to inform the citizens of Arkansas and the surrounding region of activities related to horticulture
Horticultural Studies 1998
Horticulture connects with people in many ways including an enhanced awareness concerning the importance of fruits and vegetables in our diet. The health benefits of such a diet is gaining wide recognition throughout the public and will likely provide tremendous opportunities for research, education and business development. Significant faculty additions and programmatic efforts were made to the university’s fruit and vegetable programs in 1998
The Empire of the Dead and the Empire of the Living: John Fiske and the Spatialization of Tradition
The Empire of the Dead and the Empire of the Living: John Fiske and the Spatialization of Traditio
Martial and Imaginative Values: The Greater Appeal of Brooks Adams' Man of Fear
Martial and Imaginative Values: The Greater Appeal of Brooks Adams
The unavoidable costs of ethnicity : a review of evidence on health costs
This report was commissioned by the Advisory Committee on Resource Allocation (ACRA), and prepared
by the Centre for Health Services Studies (CHESS) and the Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations
(CRER) at the University of Warwick. The NHS Executive does not necessarily assent to the factual
accuracy of the report, nor necessarily share the opinions and recommendations of the authors.
The study reviews the evidence concerning the degree to which the presence of populations of minority
ethnic origin was associated with ‘unavoidable additional costs’ in health service delivery. While local
health authorities retail full autonomy in their use of funds allocated to them under the Hospital and
Community Health Services formula, the size of that budget is governed by a set of weightings applied to
their population, to allow for factors known to influence levels of need, and the costs of providing services.
The study began by considering the definitions used in describing ‘ethnicity’ and ethnic groups in relevant
medical and social policy literature. It is clear that no fixed set of terms can be adopted, and that flexibility
is required to respond to social changes. The terms used in the 1991 Census, with additions to allow for
local and contemporary developments, provide a suitable baseline but require additional information on
religion language and migration history for clinical and health service delivery planning.
There have been notable developments in health service strategy to meet the needs of black and minority
ethnic groups which have been encouraged by good practice guidelines and local initiatives. Together with
research into epidemiology and ethnic monitoring of services, these have enlarged understanding of the
impact of diversity. A conceptual model is developed which explores the potential for such diversity to lead
to variations in the cost of providing health services to a multi-ethnic population.
The research team reviewed the existing published evidence relating to ethnic health and disease treatment
in medical, social science, academic and practitioner literature, using conventional techniques. Additional
evidence was located through trawls of ‘grey’ literature in specialist collections, and through contacting all
English health districts with a request for information. A number of authorities and trusts provided written
and oral evidence, and a bibliography of key materials is provided.
Key issues considered include the need for and use of, interpreter and translation services, the incidence of
‘ethnically-specific’ disease, and variations in the prevalence and cost of treating ‘common’ conditions in
minority ethnic populations. Sources of variation are discussed, and a ‘scoping’ approach adopted to
explore the extent to which these variations could be adequately modelled. It is clear that while some
additional costs can be identified, and seen to be unavoidable, there are other areas where the presence of
minority populations may lead to lessened pressures on budgets, or where provision of ‘ethnic-specific’
facilities may be alternative to existing needs.
The literature provides a range of estimates which can be used in a modelling exercise, but is deficient in
many respects, particularly in terms of precise costs associated with procedure and conditions, or in
associating precise and consistent categories of ethnic group with epidemiological and operational service
provision data. Certain other activities require funding to set them up, and may not be directly related to
population size. There is considerable variation in the approaches adopted by different health authorities,
and many services are provided by agencies not funded by NHS budgets. The study was completed before
the announcement of proposed changes in health service commissioning which may have other implications
for ethnic diversity.
The presence of minorities is associated with the need to provide additional services in respect of
interpreting and translation, and the media of communication.
In order to achieve clinical effectiveness, a range of advocacy support facilities or alternative models of
provision seem to be desirable.
Ethnic diversity requires adaptation and additional evidence in order to inform processes of consultation
and commissioning.
Minority populations do create demands for certain additional specific clinical services not required by the
bulk of the majority population: it is not yet clear to what extent the reverse can be stated since research on
‘under-use’ is less well developed.
Some variations in levels of need, particularly those relating to established clinical difference in
susceptibility or deprivation, are already incorporated in funding formulae although it is not clear how far
the indicators adequately reflect these factors.
Costs are not necessarily simply related to the size of minority populations.
The provision of services to meet minority needs is not always a reflection of their presence, but has
frequently depended upon the provision of additional specific funds.
There is a consensus that the NHS research and development strategy should accept the need for more work
to establish the actual levels of need and usage of service by ethnic minority groups, and that effort should
be made to use and improve the growing collection of relevant information through ethnic monitoring
A variety of modelling techniques are suggested, and can be shown to have the potential to provide
practical guidance to future policy in the field.
Current data availability at a national or regional scale is inadequate to provide estimates of the ‘additional
costs of ethnicity’ but locally collected data and the existence of relevant policy initiatives suggest that a
focused study in selected districts would provide sufficiently robust information to provide reliable
The review has demonstrated that there are costs associated with the presence of minority ethnic groups in
the population which can be shown to be unavoidable and additional, but that others are either ‘desirable’ or
‘alternative’. It would be wrong to assume that all cost pressures of this nature are in the same direction.
Our study has drawn attention to deficiencies in data collection and budgeting which may hinder
investigation of the effectiveness of the service in general. The process of drawing attention to ethnic
minority needs itself leads to developments in services which are functional and desirable for the majority
The use of aerial photographs for estimating school sizes of cetaceans
ENGLISH: The accuracy and precision of dolphin school size estimates based on aerial photograph counts were examined using data collected on recent aerial and ship surveys. These estimates were found to be accurate during a 1979research cruise aboard a tuna purse-seiner; dolphin schools were photographed from the ship’s helicopter, encircled with the purse-seine, and then counted as the dolphins were released from the net. A comparison of photographic estimates with these counts indicated that the relationship was fairly close and gave no indication of significantly differing from 1:1. During a 1980 aerial study, photographic estimates from different schools, passes, and camera formats were compared and were found to be quite precise with a standard deviation of approximately 60/0 of school size. Photographic estimates were also compared with estimates made by aerial observers. Most observers tended to underestimate school size, particularly for large schools. The variability among observers was high, indicating that observers should be individually calibrated. SPANISH: Se examinó la exactitud y la precisión de las estimaciones de la magnitud de los cardúmenes de delfines basadas en el cálculo de las fotografÃas aéreas, usando los datos obtenidos en los últimos reconocimientos aéreos y de los barcos. En 1979, durante un crucero de investigación en un cerquero atunero, se encontró que estas estimaciones eran acertadas; se fotografiaron los cardúmenes de delfines desde un helicóptero del barco, cercados con la red y luego se contaron a medida que se libraban los delfines de la red. Una comparación de las estimaciones fotográficas con estos cálculos indicó que la relación era bastante aproximada y no hubo indicación que se diferenció significativamente de la razón 1:1. Durante un estudio aéreo en 1980, se compararon las estimaciones fotográficas de diferentes del cardúmenes, en los pases y los formatos de las cámaras y se encontró que eran bastante precisos, con una desviación normal de cerca del 60/0 de la magnitud cardumen. Se compararon también las estimaciones fotográficas con las estimaciones realizadas por los observadores aéreos. La mayorÃa de los observadores tienden a subestimar la magnitud de los cardúmenes, especialmente los cardúmenes grandes. La variabilidad entre los observadores fue elevada, lo que indica que se deben calibrar individualmente los datos de observadores.
(PDF contains 39 pages.
The meaning of freedom for George Bancroft and John Fiske
The meaning of freedom for George Bancroft and John Fisk
Toward Disruptive Creation in Digital Literature Instruction
Given the multimodal and collaborative nature of digital literature along with the ways it often embodies the theories informing its artistic production, approaches to exploring both the creation and study of the form must abandon legacy pedagogies in favor of disruptive, student-driven course experiences. This work must further include explorations of digital culture, means of production, multimodal literacies, and connections with various definitions of literature ranging from print to auditory to visual forms. To accomplish this, instructors must move from more traditional hierarchical roles to those of facilitator and participant, committing consistently to returning decision-making work to the students
D0 Detector Assemble Hall Platform Oxygen Deficiency Hazard Analysis
Liquid cryogens, released and warming to atmosphere conditions, expand to, on average, seven hundred times their liquid volume, and displace vital atmospheric oxygen. An oxygen deficiency hazard analysis assesses the increased risk to personnel in areas containing cryogenic systems. The D0 detector platform area ODH analysis has been approached four different ways using established methods. In each case, the analysis shows the platform area to be ODH class 0 as equipped (with ventilation fans) and requiring no special safety provisions. System designers have provided for a reduced oxygen level detection and warning system as well as emergency procedures to address fault conditions. The Oxygen Deficiency Hazard of any particular area is defined by these parameters: the nature of the accidental supply of inert gas (probability of occurrence and quantity then released), the area's volume, the area's ventilation rate, and to a small degree the elevation of the area. Once this information is assembled, the ODH classification can be determined through standardized calculations. The platform area under the D0 detector contains much of the cryogenic and gas system piping necessary for the D0 experiment. Prior to moving the detector into the Collision Hall, the liquid argon calorimeters are cooled down and operated in the Assembly Hall. The first phase of this operation involved the cooldown of the Central Calorimeter, which was done in February 1991. This engineering note assesses the increased risk to personnel in the platform level to a reduced oxygen atmosphere during the cool down and subsequent operation of the calorimeters in the Assembly Hall. In addition, it outlines the steps taken to warn personnel of an emergency and to direct the subsequent evacuation. This note analyses only the Assembly Hall area. A similar engineering note, EN-332, covers the analysis of the Collision Hall area
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