3,272 research outputs found
Conservation and redistribution of crust during the Indo‐Asian collision
We evaluate the mass balance of the Indo‐Asian orogen by reconstructing the Indian and Asian margins prior to collision using recently published paleomagnetic and surface shortening constraints, and subtracting modern crustal volumes derived from gravity inversions and deep seismic soundings. Results show a ~30% deficit between original and modern orogen volumes if the average global crustal thickness of 41 km is assumed prior to collision, even once eastward extrusion and crustal flow are considered. Such a large discrepancy requires crustal recycling of a magnitude that is greater than one half of the modern orogenic mass, as others have previously suggested. Proposals for extensive high elevations prior to or soon after the collision further exacerbate this mismatch and dramatically increase the volume of material necessary to be placed into the mantle. However, we show that this discrepancy can be eliminated with a 23–29 km thick crust within the orogen prior to collision along with a thick southern Tibet margin (the Lhasa and Qiangtang terranes). Because of the relatively low magnitude of surface shortening in Asia, an initially thin crust would require underplating of Indian crust in southern Tibet and displacement of a highly mobile lower crust to the north and east in order to explain modern crustal thicknesses. The contrast between a proposed thinner Asian interior and older and thicker lithosphere of the North China block may have defined the distal extent of deformation at the time of collision and since. Key Points Thick crust or high elevation in Asia prior to collision leads to mass imbalance A 23–29 km thick crust in India and Asia precollision eliminates mass imbalance Redistribution of mass at depth needed to reconcile shortening and convergencePeer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/108001/1/tect20149.pd
Newmark-Type Pseudo-Three-Dimensional Back-Analysis Of Co-Seismic Landslides In Egkremnoi, Lefkada, Greece
A pseudo-three-dimensional (pseudo-3D) methodology to back-analyze coseismic landslides was developed and applied to 68 mapped landslides, which occurred over approximately 1 km2area in Egkremnoi, Greece, during the 2015 Mw6.5 Lefkada earthquake. The methodology is based on a one-dimensional (1D) Newmark-type sliding block model to assess instability and a spatial projection in 3D topography to derive landslide geometry. The strength parameters for modeled landslides that best match the landslide location, area, and volume were derived through an iterative scheme that optimizes the match using predefined matching criteria. The range of different-sized landslides produced shear strength estimates from ~10 to 300 kPa and led to the derivation of a regionally averaged strength envelope characterized by a cohesion of 6 kPa and a friction angle of 53° for the highly fractured limestones that are encountered in this area. Compared to previous full 3D slope stability analyses in this area, the friction angle using this methodology was found to be generally consistent, but the cohesion was lower. The presented methodology can provide a computationally efficient method to estimate the average shear strength of a geologic unit over large areas, especially where extensive field and laboratory tests on the materials are unavailable or difficult to conduct
Dynamic topography produced by lower crustal flow against rheological strength heterogeneities bordering the Tibetan Plateau
Dynamic stresses developed in the deep crust as a consequence of flow of weak lower crust may explain anomalously high topography and extensional structures localized along orogenic plateau margins. With lubrication equations commonly used to describe viscous flow in a thin-gap geometry, we model dynamic stresses associated with the obstruction of lower crustal channel flow due to rheological heterogeneity. Dynamic stresses depend on the mean velocity (Ū), viscosity (µ) and channel thickness (h), uniquely through the term µŪ/h^2. These stresses are then applied to the base of an elastic upper crust and the deflection of the elastic layer is computed to yield the predicted dynamic topography. We compare model calculations with observed topography of the eastern Tibetan Plateau margin where we interpret channel flow of the deep crust to be inhibited by the rigid Sichuan Basin. Model results suggest that as much 1500 m of dynamic topography across a region of several tens to a hundred kilometres wide may be produced for lower crustal material with a viscosity of 2 × 10^(18) Pa s flowing in a 15 km thick channel around a rigid cylindrical block at an average rate of 80 mm yr^(−1)
Regional 3D Stability Analyses Of The Egkremnoi Coastline And Comparison With Landslides Caused By The 2015 Lefkada Earthquake
Regional three-dimensional (3D) forward modeling stability analyses are presented for the Egkremnoi coastline of Lefkada Island in Greece. The pre-earthquake 5-m resolution DEM of the region was used as input for the regional 3D model and the modeling results were evaluated for five large landslides that occurred in the area during a Mw 6.5 earthquake that occurred in 2015. The area ratio and the overlap area ratio were defined to quantitatively assess the geospatial match between predicted and mapped landslides. Parametric analyses using variable material strength and DEM resolution were subsequently conducted to assess the influence of the input on the estimates of factor of safety, geometry, and location for the predicted most critical landslide. For the cases studied here, the assumed material strength has a greater influence on the factor of safety compared with DEM resolution. However, we find that the DEM resolution has a more pronounced influence on the location and size of predicted landslides
Late Cenozoic uplift of southeastern Tibet
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, 2003.Includes bibliographical references.Recent field work and DEM analysis show that remnant, local areas of a low-relief land scape (or "erosion surface") are geographically continuous across the southeastern Tibetan Plateau margin and can be correlated in order to define the maximum envelope of topogra phy of the margin itself. This observation contradicts earlier notions that the low-gradient plateau margin slope (i.e. the maximum elevation of the margin) is a product of landscape dissection and reduction by fluvial incision due to the presence of major rivers which drain this portion of the plateau and plateau margins. Although initial development of the erosion surface is likely diachronous, we propose that a continuous low-relief landscape existed at low elevations prior to uplift and long-wavelength tilt of the southeastern plateau margin. The modern altitude of the erosion surface provides an excellent datum for constraining the total amount of surface uplift of the southeastern plateau margin. The long-wavelength tilt of the surface across the plateau margin without major disruption mirrors the low-gradient decrease in crustal thickness across the plateau margin, which suggests that crustal thickening has occurred in a distributed manner. Because large-magnitude compressional structures of late Cenozoic age are lacking, we propose that crustal thickening beneath the southeastern plateau margin has largely been accomplished by preferential thickening the lower crust. Perched, relict landscape remnants that reflect slow erosion, low initial elevations and slow uplift rates contrast sharply with the rapidly eroding modern river gorges that incise the surface, indicating that the modern landscape is not in equilibrium. Surface remnants are preserved because incision of the fluvial system has been largely limited to major rivers and principle tributaries, and has not yet progressed throughout the entire fluvial network.(cont.) This "transient condition" of the landscape in southeastern Tibet reflects the initiation of rapid bedrock incision into a developing plateau margin, and the altitude of the remnant erosion surface can also be used as a datum by which to measure the total amount of erosion since the beginning of plateau uplift. 2.1 Introduction The continent-continent collision between India and Eurasia is largely responsible for creating the Tibetan Plateau, the most extensive region of elevated topography on Earth [Figure 2.1]. The development of such an anomalously high landmass has been of interest to scientists in a broad range of disciplines ranging from lithospheric dynamics to the inter action between tectonics, climate and surface processes. Studies of the Tibetan Plateau have raised several first-order questions such as: 1) how is plate convergence accommodated in the continents and what are the relative contributions of continental subduction, uniform or differential shortening in the upper and lower crust, and lateral extrusion of rigid lithospheric blocks?; 2) how do spatial (or temporal) variations in crust and mantle rheology partition deformation throughout theorogen?; 3) does the convective removal of the mantle lithosphere contribute to surface uplift and high plateau elevation? ...by Marin Kristen Clark.Ph.D
Far‐field lithospheric deformation in Tibet during continental collision
Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/95177/1/tect2049.pd
Widespread late Cenozoic increase in erosion rates across the interior of eastern Tibet constrained by detrital low-temperature thermochronometry
New detrital low-temperature thermochronometry provides estimates of long-term erosion rates and the timing of initiation of river incision from across the interior of the Tibetan Plateau. We use the erosion history of this region to evaluate proposed models of orogenic development as well as regional climatic events. Erosion histories of the externally drained portion of the east-central Tibetan Plateau are recorded in modern river sands from major rivers across a transect that spans >750 km and covers a region with no published thermochronometric ages. Individual grains from eight catchments were analyzed for apatite (U-Th)/He and fission track thermochronometry. A wide distribution in ages that, in most cases, spans the entire Cenozoic and Late Mesozoic eras requires a long period of slow or no erosion with a relative increase in erosion rate toward the present. We apply a recently developed methodology for inversion of detrital thermochronometric data for three specified erosion scenarios: constant erosion rate, two-stage erosion history, and three-stage erosion history. Modeling results suggest that rates increase by at least an order of magnitude between 11 and 4 Ma following a period of slow erosion across the studied catchments. Synchroneity in accelerated erosion across the whole of the Tibetan Plateau rather than a spatial or temporal progression challenges the widely held notion that the plateau evolved as a steep, northward-propagating topographic front, or that south to north precipitation gradients exert a primary control on erosion rates. Instead, we suggest that accelerated river incision late in the orogen's history relates to regional-scale uplift that occurred in concert with eastern expansion of the plateau
Examining adherence to activity monitoring devices to improve physical activity in adults with cardiovascular disease: A systematic review
Activity monitoring devices are currently being used to facilitate and monitor physical activity. No prior review has examined adherence to the use of activity monitoring devices amongst adults with cardiovascular disease.
Literature from June 2012 to October 2017 was evaluated to examine the extent of adherence to any activity monitoring device used to collect objective physical activity data. Randomized control trials comparing usual care against the use of an activity monitoring device, in a community intervention for adults from any cardiovascular diagnostic group, were included. A systematic search of databases and clinical trials registers was conducted using Joanna Briggs Institute methodology.
Of 10 eligible studies, two studies reported pedometer use and eight accelerometer use. Six studies addressed the primary outcome. Mean adherence was 59.1% (range 39.6% to 85.7%) at last follow-up. Studies lacked equal representation by gender (28.6% female) and age (range 42 to 82 years).
This review indicates that current research on activity monitoring devices may be overstated due to the variability in adherence. Results showed that physical activity tracking in women and in young adults have been understudied
Sierra Nevada river incision from apatite ^4He/^3He thermochronometry
Published erosion rates suggest that acceleration of
river incision beginning some time before 3 Ma initiated
formation of the deep river canyons in the southern
Sierra Nevada. Such acceleration signals a change
in erosional efficacy but its initial timing is poorly constrained.
Increased erosional efficacy caused by elevation
gain is predicted by scenarios such as block faulting,
mantle lithosphere removal, and passage of a slab
window. The timing and magnitude of elevation gain
may be used to distinguish between competing mechanisms.
As in many landscapes, the small magnitude ( <
1.5 km) and antiquity of river incision in the Sierra
Nevada make the timing of landscape evolution and
its relation to tectonic scenarios inaccessible by most
methods. Until recently, we have lacked the potential
to 'see' erosional events that exhume leas than several
kilometers and that occur over several to several tens
of millions of years
A Cretaceous‐Eocene depositional age for the Fenghuoshan Group, Hoh Xil Basin: Implications for the tectonic evolution of the northern Tibet Plateau
The Fenghuoshan Group marks the initiation of terrestrial deposition in the Hoh Xil Basin and preserves the first evidence of uplift above sea level of northern Tibet. The depositional age of the Fenghuoshan Group is debated as are the stratigraphic relationships between the Fenghuoshan Group and other terrestrial sedimentary units in the Hoh Xil Basin. We present new radiometric dates and a compilation of published biostratigraphic data which are used to reinterpret existing magnetostratigraphic data from the Fenghuoshan Group. From these data, we infer an 85–51 Ma depositional age range for the Fenghuoshan Group. U‐Pb detrital zircon age spectra from this unit are compared to age spectra from Tibetan terranes and Mesozoic sedimentary sequences to determine a possible source terrane for Fenghuoshan Group strata. We propose that these strata were sourced from the Qiangtang Terrane and may share a common sediment source with Cretaceous sedimentary rocks in Nima Basin. Field relationships and compiled biostratigraphic data indicate that the Fenghuoshan and Tuotuohe Groups are temporally distinct units. We report late Oligocene ages for undeformed basalt flows that cap tilted Fenghuoshan Group strata. Together, our age constraints and field relationships imply exhumation of the central Qiangtang Terrane from the Late Cretaceous to earliest Eocene, followed by Eocene‐Oligocene deformation, and shortening of the northern Qiangtang and southern Songpan‐Ganzi terranes. Crustal shortening within the Hoh Xil Basin ceased by late Oligocene time as is evident from flat‐lying basaltic rocks, which cap older, deformed strata. Key Points The Fenghuoshan Group was deposited from late Cretaceous to early Eocene time The Fenghuoshan Group was likely sourced from the central Qiangtang Terrane Crustal shortening of the Hoh Xil Basin occurred from Eocene to Oligocene timePeer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/106814/1/ts02.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/106814/2/fs02.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/106814/3/tect20113.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/106814/4/ts06.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/106814/5/fs06.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/106814/6/ts03.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/106814/7/fs03.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/106814/8/ts07.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/106814/9/fs07.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/106814/10/fs04.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/106814/11/ts04.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/106814/12/fs01.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/106814/13/ts08.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/106814/14/ts01.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/106814/15/fs05.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/106814/16/ts05.pd
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