5,518 research outputs found

    Gauge Symmetry and Gravito-Electromagnetism

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    A tensor description of perturbative Einsteinian gravity about an arbitrary background spacetime is developed. By analogy with the covariant laws of electromagnetism in spacetime, gravito-electromagnetic potentials and fields are defined to emulate electromagnetic gauge transformations under substitutions belonging to the gauge symmetry group of perturbative gravitation. These definitions have the advantage that on a flat background, with the aid of a covariantly constant timelike vector field, a subset of the linearised gravitational field equations can be written in a form that is fully analogous to Maxwell's equations (without awkward factors of 4 and extraneous tensor fields). It is shown how the remaining equations in the perturbed gravitational system restrict the time dependence of solutions to these equations and thereby prohibit the existence of propagating vector fields. The induced gravito-electromagnetic Lorentz force on a test particle is evaluated in terms of these fields together with the torque on a small gyroscope. It is concluded that the analogy of perturbative gravity to Maxwell's description of electromagnetism can be valuable for (quasi-)stationary gravitational phenomena but that the analogy has its limitations.Comment: 29 pages no-fig

    Radio observations of the massive stellar cluster Westerlund 1

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    High-dynamic range radio observations of Westerlund 1 are presented that detect a total of 21 stars in the young massive stellar cluster, the richest population of radio emitting stars known for any young massive galactic cluster in the Galaxy. We will discuss some of the more remarkable objects, including the highly radio luminous supergiant B[e] star W9, with an estimated mass-loss rate ~10^{-3} solarmass/yr, comparable to that of eta Carina, along with the somewhat unusual detection of thermal emission from almost all the cool red supergiants and yellow hypergiants. There is strong supporting evidence from X-ray observations that each of the WR stars with radio emission are likely to be colliding-wind binariesComment: To appear in the proceedings of "Massive Stars: Fundamental Parameters and Circumstellar Interactions". 2 pages, 1 figur

    Westerlund 1 as a Template for Massive Star Evolution

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    With a dynamical mass M_dyn ~ 1.3x10e5 M_sun and a lower limit M_cl>5x10e4 M_sun from star counts, Westerlund 1 is the most massive young open cluster known in the Galaxy and thus the perfect laboratory to study massive star evolution. We have developed a comprehensive spectral classification scheme for supergiants based on features in the 6000-9000A range, which allows us to identify >30 very luminous supergiants in Westerlund 1 and ~100 other less evolved massive stars, which join the large population of Wolf-Rayet stars already known. Though detailed studies of these stars are still pending, preliminary rough estimates suggest that the stars we see are evolving to the red part of the HR diagram at approximately constant luminosity.Comment: To be published in Proceedings of IAU Symposium 250: Massive Stars as Cosmic Engines, held in Kaua'i (Hawaii, USA), Dec 2007, edited by F. Bresolin, P.A. Crowther & J. Puls (Cambridge University Press

    Optimizing optical Bragg scattering for single-photon frequency conversion

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    We develop a systematic theory for optimising single-photon frequency conversion using optical Bragg scattering. The efficiency and phase-matching conditions for the desired Bragg scattering conversion as well as spurious scattering and modulation instability are identified. We find that third-order dispersion can suppress unwanted processes, while dispersion above the fourth order limits the maximum conversion efficiency. We apply the optimisation conditions to frequency conversion in highly nonlinear fiber, silicon nitride waveguides and silicon nanowires. Efficient conversion is confirmed using full numerical simulations. These design rules will assist the development of efficient quantum frequency conversion between multicolour single photon sources for integration in complex quantum networks.Comment: 9 pages, 14 figure

    The population of M-type supergiants in the starburst cluster Stephenson 2

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    The open cluster Stephenson 2 contains the largest collection of red supergiants known in the Galaxy, and at present is the second most massive young cluster known in the Milky Way. We have obtained multi-epoch, intermediate-resolution spectra around the CaII triplet for more than 30 red supergiants in Stephenson~2 and its surroundings. We find a clear separation between a majority of RSGs having spectral types M0-M2 and the brightest members in the NIR, which have very late spectral types and show strong evidence for heavy mass loss. The distribution of spectral types is similar to that of RSGs in other clusters, such as NGC 7419, or associations, like Per OB1. The cluster data strongly support the idea that heavy mass loss and maser emission is preferentially associated with late-M spectral types, suggesting that they represent an evolutionary phase.Comment: Contribution to the Betelgeuse workshop, November 2012, Paris. To be published in the European Astronomical Society Publications Series, editors: Pierre Kervella, Thibaut Le Bertre & Guy Perri

    POLLEX-Online: The Polynesian Lexicon Project Online

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    CO-dark gas and molecular filaments in Milky Way type galaxies

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    We use the moving mesh code AREPO coupled to a time-dependent chemical network to investigate the formation and destruction of molecular gas in simulated spiral galaxies. This allows us to determine the characteristics of the gas that is not traced by CO emission. Our extremely high resolution AREPO simulations allow us to capture the chemical evolution of the disc, without recourse to a parameterised `clumping factor'. We calculate H2 and CO column densities through our simulated disc galaxies, and estimate the CO emission and CO-H2 conversion factor. We find that in conditions akin to those in the local interstellar medium, around 42% of the total molecular mass should be in CO-dark regions, in reasonable agreement with observational estimates. This fraction is almost insensitive to the CO integrated intensity threshold used to discriminate between CO-bright and CO-dark gas, as long as this threshold is less than 10 K km/s. The CO-dark molecular gas primarily resides in extremely long (>100 pc) filaments that are stretched between spiral arms by galactic shear. Only the centres of these filaments are bright in CO, suggesting that filamentary molecular clouds observed in the Milky Way may only be small parts of much larger structures. The CO-dark molecular gas mainly exists in a partially molecular phase which accounts for a significant fraction of the total disc mass budget. The dark gas fraction is higher in simulations with higher ambient UV fields or lower surface densities, implying that external galaxies with these conditions might have a greater proportion of dark gas.Comment: Accepted by MNRA