1,551 research outputs found

    Physical education programs for the physically normal boy in junior high school.

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    Thesis (Ed.M.)--Boston University This item was digitized by the Internet Archive

    Educational psychologists' and teachers' perceptions of consultation: an analysis of initial consultations.

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    This research took a qualitative approach, focusing on the perceptions and experience of consultants and consultees. The rationale is explored in the light of previous research, which concentrates on a quantitative approach and does not explore consultation from the participants' perspective. This research adds to the research base because it investigates the experience of participants in consultations from a number of perspectives. 46 questionnaires were sent to educational psychologists to gain their understanding of the pertinent elements of consultations and to aid reflection on the language of consultation. The return rate was 40%. The resultant data was used to formulate a semi-structured questionnaire, which was used to interview eight educational psychologists about their experiences of consultation in perceived successful and unsuccessful circumstances. 16 consultees were interviewed: one from each of the perceived successful and unsuccessful situations. Finally transcriptions were made from recordings of 'live' consultations of each of the original consultants. An iterative qualitative analysis was undertaken using grounded theory and focused feedback with the participants. A critique of the methodology focused on the strengths and limitations of the design adopted. The results showed significant variation in the conceptualisation and practice between consultants, with little shared understanding of the role and practice of consultation either across consultants or between consultants and consultees. The espoused practice of consultants differed from their actual practice and from the experience of consultees. Differences were found in the use of theoretical principles, power stances, the process of problem analysis and intervention strategy development. Although most participants acknowledged the importance of evaluation, in practice no time was allocated to this activity. This research considered a small sample of consultants and consultees, all of whom worked in the same county. Any generalisations drawn must be tentative. Nonetheless, the variance found within the relative homogeneity of the group of psychologists does suggest the variance would only increase within a larger sample with less homogeneity. The discussion and summary considers the implications for educational psychology practice of consultation and future research


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    ABSTRACT Result of National Examination of SMP / MTs of Sub-district of Ujung Tanah Makassar which has decreased since last 3 years shows that there are other factors that influence student's mathematics learning result. The ability of mathematical operations, divergent thinking and linguistic intelligence play an important role in the learning process that influences the students' mathematics learning outcomes. This type of research is type of research expost-facto with quantitative method based on SEM-PLS, where the observed variables are the influence of independent variables namely mathematical arithmetic ability, divergent thinking ability and linguistic intelligence to the dependent variable that is students' mathematics learning outcomes. this study will examine the extent to which these independent variables influence the dependent variable. Based on the results of data analysis, the average value of each test result, Mathematics Computation, Thinking Divergent, Linguistic Intelligence and Student Mathematics Learning in the category is rather low, because the value the average of each variable is still centered on 50 with p-value <0.005 (50%), so it can be concluded that Operation Mathematics Count, Thinking Divergene and Linguistic Intelligence together or partially to the Results of Mathematics Learning VII Grade Students SMP / MTs Se-Subdistrict Ujung Tanah Makassar. Keywords : Ability to Operate Mathematics, Divergent Thinking Skill, Linguistic Intelligence, Results of Mathematics Learnin

    Pre-Retrofit Lighting Study at the University of Texas at Arlington

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    In the summer of 1993 the University of Texas at Arlington Physical Plant Department submitted a request to the Energy Systems Lab to conduct a lighting study to determine the most cost-effective method of implementing energy-saving lighting retrofits in U.T. Arlington classrooms without compromising the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) recommended minimum lighting levels. A preliminary series of field tests was undertaken to get a sampling of classroom lighting levels on the U.T. Arlington campus and to determine whether lamp locations within the fixture would impact the amount of light output. This was followed by a series of lab tests conducted at the Energy Systems Lab, located on the Texas A&M University campus, to compare the light output of fixtures with different combinations of lamp types and locations within the fixture. In order to evaluate the impact of the proposed lighting retrofit, a study was made to determine the capital investment required as weighed against energy cost savings. The results of the study are presented in the paper and a summary table is provided to take into account lamp and ballast performance compared with capital expenditure with respect to meeting IES minimum footcandle levels. Based on the report findings it was recommended that a full, comprehensive survey be undertaken at UTA, to ensure that minimum lighting levels will be maintained, while also ensuring that the capital investment is the most cost-effective

    Investigating local population dynamics of bottlenose dolphins in the northern Bahamas and the impact of hurricanes on survival

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    This study was made possible with financial support from Earthwatch Institute, Atlantis Blue Project Foundation, with permission to conduct research granted by the Bahamas Department of Marine Resources.Little Bahama Bank in the northern Bahamas supports several populations of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). We provide the first estimates of birth rate and age-class-specific apparent survival rates for the local South Abaco population using data from a long-term (1997–2014) photo-identification (photo-ID) study and use the estimated life history parameters in a population viability analysis (PVA) to predict future population trends. Hurricane events are predicted to become more intense due to climate change but knowledge of how hurricanes may impact cetacean populations is limited. Little Bahama Bank is subject to hurricane activity, so we also investigate the potential impact of hurricanes on calf, juvenile and adult survival. Photo-ID data confirmed the existence of a core adult population with relatively high site fidelity in South Abaco, but also evidence of transient animals. Estimated annual birth rate was 0.278 (95% CI: 0.241–0.337). We found strong support for a decline in apparent survival for all age-classes. Estimated survival declined by 9% in adults (0.941 in 1998, to 0.855 in 2013), 5% in juveniles (0.820 in 2000, to 0.767 in 2013) and 36% in calves (0.970 in 1997, to 0.606 in 2013). Evidence that survival was influenced by repeated hurricane activity leading to increased mortality and/or emigration was stronger for calves and juveniles than for adults. PVA simulations of an assumed isolated South Abaco population showed that declines would lead to extinction within decades, even under the most optimistic scenario. Future work should focus on establishing if South Abaco is part of natural source–sink metapopulation dynamics on Little Bahama Bank by assessing trends in abundance in local populations and establishing how they interact; this will be important for assessing their conservation status in a potentially increasingly changing environment.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Automatic Calibration of a Building Energy Simulation Model Using a Global Optimization Program

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    A simulation model used to analyze the energy performance of an existing building should be calibrated to measured consumption data from the building so the simulation output closely follows the measured time series energy consumption data and shows the same temperature dependence. This paper has used optimization software to show that a simple simulation program which is a coding of the ASHRAE 'Simplified Energy Analysis Procedure' can be automatically calibrated to “measured” data. The “measured data” used in this case study was simulation data to which a small amount of white noise had been added

    Simulation of the Post-Retrofit Thermal Energy Use for the Perry-Castaneda Library Building with the Use of Simplified System Models

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    Several state owned buildings with dual-duct constant volume (DDCV) systems are being retrofitted with energy efficient variable air volume (VAV) systems as part of Texas LoanSTAR Program. One method of determining the energy savings resulting from energy conserving retrofits relies on the use of a model for the daily whole building consumption, Epre, in the pre-retrofit configuration. Epre is typically a function of primary influencing parameters such as ambient temperature, humidity, building internal gains and others (Figure 1). Following the retrofit, the energy saved, E,av is determined using measured daily consumption, Emea3 as shown in Figure 1. This method is being used in the Texas LoanSTAR monitoring and analysis program for buildings that have adequate pre-retrofit monitored data. Unfortunately, in the Perry-Castaneda Library (PCL) building, the retrofits were completed before the monitoring instrumentation was installed. Therefore, no pre-retrofit monitored data are available for this building. Hence another method to estimate savings is needed. Such a method was developed and tested (Katipamula and Claridge 1991). This method was based on the use of the ASHRAE TC 4.7 simplified energy analysis procedure (SEAP). It involved developing one model each for the VAV (post-retrofit system) and the DDCV (pre-retrofit system) systems
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