164 research outputs found

    The Effects of Aging on Orientation Discrimination

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    Visual perception relies on low-level encoding of local orientation. Recent studies show an age-dependent impairment in orientation discrimination of stimuli embedded in external noise, suggesting that encoding of orientation is inefficient in older adults. In the present study we ask whether aging also reduces decoding, i.e., selecting the neural representations of target orientation while discarding those conflicting with it. We compared younger and older participants capability (mean age 24 and 68 years respectively) in discriminating whether the orientation of a Gabor target was left or right from the vertical. We measured (d0), an index of discrimination sensitivity, for orientation offset ranging from 1 to 12. In the isolated target condition, d0 was reduced by aging and, in the older group, did not increase with orientation offset, thus resulting in a larger group difference at large than small orientation offsets from the vertical. Moreover, oriented elements in the background impaired more discrimination in the older group. However, distractors reduced more d0 when target-background orientation offset was large than when target and flanker had similar orientation, indicating that the effect of the background was not local, i.e., due to target inhibition by similarly oriented flankers. Altogether, these results indicate that aging reduces the efficiency in discarding the response to orientations differing from the target. Our results suggest that neural decision-making mechanisms, involving not only signal enhancement but also non-signal inhibition, become inefficient with age. This suggestion is consistent with the neurophysiological evidence of inefficient visual cortical inhibition in aging

    induced movement the flying bluebottle illusion

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    Two small objects (flies) followed identical circular orbits. However, a large background that circled around behind them in different phases made one orbit look twice as large as the other (size illusion) or made the circles look like very thin horizontal or vertical ellipses with aspect ratios of 7.5:1 or more (shape illusion). The nature of the perceptual distortion depended upon the relative phase between the movements of the background and those of the flies. Brief snatches of the moving background that added up to a circular motion were also effective

    Contribution of visuospatial and motion-tracking to invisible motion

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    People experience an object’s motion even when it is occluded. We investigate the processing of invisible motion in three experiments. Observers saw a moving circle passing behind an invisible, irregular hendecagonal polygon and had to respond as quickly as possible when the target had just reappeared from behind the occluder. Without explicit cues allowing the end of each of the eight hidden trajectories to be predicted (length ranging between 4.7 and 5 deg), we found as expected, if visuospatial attention was involved, anticipation errors, providing that information on pre-occluder motion was available. This indicates that the observers, rather than simply responding when they saw the target, tended to anticipate its reappearance (Experiment 1). The new finding is that, with a fixation mark indicating the centre of the invisible trajectory, a linear relationship between the physical and judged occlusion duration is found, but not without it (Experiment 2) or with a fixation mark varying in position from trial to trial (Experiment 3). We interpret the role of central fixation in the differences in distinguishing trajectories smaller than 0.3 deg, by suggesting that it reflects spatiotemporal computation and motion-tracking. These two mechanisms allow visual imagery to form of the point symmetrical to that of the disappearance, with respect to fixation, and then for the occluded moving target to be tracked up to this point

    Interactions between motion and form processing in the human visual system

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    The predominant view of motion and form processing in the human visual system assumes that these two attributes are handled by separate and independent modules. Motion processing involves filtering by direction-selective sensors, followed by integration to solve the aperture problem. Form processing involves filtering by orientation-selective and size-selective receptive fields, followed by integration to encode object shape. It has long been known that motion signals can influence form processing in the well-known Gestalt principle of common fate; texture elements which share a common motion property are grouped into a single contour or texture region. However, recent research in psychophysics and neuroscience indicates that the influence of form signals on motion processing is more extensive than previously thought. First, the salience and apparent direction of moving lines depends on how the local orientation and direction of motion combine to match the receptive field properties of motion-selective neurons. Second, orientation signals generated by “motion-streaks” influence motion processing; motion sensitivity, apparent direction and adaptation are affected by simultaneously present orientation signals. Third, form signals generated by human body shape influence biological motion processing, as revealed by studies using point-light motion stimuli. Thus, form-motion integration seems to occur at several different levels of cortical processing, from V1 to STS

    Effects of Aging on Visual Contour Integration and Segmentation

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    PURPOSE. Perception of circular disconnected contours requires the integration of relevant local orientation information across space and the suppression of irrelevant orientations. Using a detection of deviation from circularity (DFC) task, the present study examined whether the efficiency of either integrative or suppressive visual mechanisms, or both, declines with age. METHODS. Younger and older observers' sensitivities in detecting the DFC of a contour formed by Gabors were compared in three conditions: when all elements were oriented tangentially to the contour, with and without the presence of randomly oriented background noise; and when they had alternated tangential and orthogonal orientations, without background noise. RESULTS. In agreement with previous studies, the authors found that younger observers were not impaired in the mixed condition with respect to the tangential condition, suggesting the involvement of a high-level mechanism responding to the global closure information provided by tangential local orientations, even if they are interspersed with orthogonal ones. Instead, older observers were specifically impaired in the mixed condition, suggesting a reduced capability of suppressing nontangential information along the contour, and were also less efficient in suppressing irrelevant orientations in the background. CONCLUSIONS. These results support the suggestion that, whereas integrative mechanisms are not affected by age, suppressive mechanisms are. (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2011;52: 3955‐3961) DOI:10.1167/iovs.10-543

    Parietal tACS at beta frequency improves vision in a crowding regime

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    Abstract Visual crowding is the inability to discriminate objects when presented with nearby flankers and sets a fundamental limit for conscious perception. Beta oscillations in the parietal cortex were found to be associated to crowding, with higher beta amplitude related to better crowding resilience. An open question is whether beta activity directly and selectively modulates crowding. We employed transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) in the beta band (18-Hz), in the alpha band (10-Hz) or in a sham regime, asking whether 18-Hz tACS would selectively improve the perception of crowded stimuli by increasing parietal beta activity. Resting electroencephalography (EEG) was measured before and after stimulation to test the influence of tACS on endogenous oscillations. Consistently with our predictions, we found that 18-Hz tACS, as compared to 10-Hz tACS and sham stimulation, reduced crowding. This improvement was found specifically in the contralateral visual hemifield and was accompanied by an increased amplitude of EEG beta oscillations, confirming an effect on endogenous brain rhythms. These results support a causal relationship between parietal beta oscillations and visual crowding and provide new insights into the precise oscillatory mechanisms involved in human vision

    Perceptual learning improves contrast sensitivity, visual acuity, and foveal crowding in amblyopia

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    BACKGROUND: Amblyopic observers present abnormal spatial interactions between a low-contrast sinusoidal target and high-contrast collinear flankers. It has been demonstrated that perceptual learning (PL) can modulate these low-level lateral interactions, resulting in improved visual acuity and contrast sensitivity. OBJECTIVE: We measured the extent and duration of generalization effects to various spatial tasks (i.e., visual acuity, Vernier acuity, and foveal crowding) through PL on the target's contrast detection. METHODS: Amblyopic observers were trained on a contrast-detection task for a central target (i.e., a Gabor patch) flanked above and below by two high-contrast Gabor patches. The pre- and post-learning tasks included lateral interactions at different target-to-flankers separations (i.e., 2, 3, 4, 8λ) and included a range of spatial frequencies and stimulus durations as well as visual acuity, Vernier acuity, contrast-sensitivity function, and foveal crowding. RESULTS: The results showed that perceptual training reduced the target's contrast-detection thresholds more for the longest target-to-flanker separation (i.e., 8λ). We also found generalization of PL to different stimuli and tasks: contrast sensitivity for both trained and untrained spatial frequencies, visual acuity for Sloan letters, and foveal crowding, and partially for Vernier acuity. Follow-ups after 5-7 months showed not only complete maintenance of PL effects on visual acuity and contrast sensitivity function but also further improvement in these tasks. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that PL improves facilitatory lateral interactions in amblyopic observers, which usually extend over larger separations than in typical foveal vision. The improvement in these basic visual spatial operations leads to a more efficient capability of performing spatial tasks involving high levels of visual processing, possibly due to the refinement of bottom-up and top-down networks of visual areas

    Attention modulates psychophysical and electrophysiological response to visual texture segmentation in humans

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    none5noTo investigate whether processing underlying texture segmentation is limited when texture is not attended, we measured orientation discrimination accuracy and visual evoked potentials (VEPs) while a texture bar was cyclically alternated with a uniform texture, either attended or not. Orientation discrimination was maximum when the bar was explicitly attended, above threshold when implicitly attended, and fell to just chance when unattended, suggesting that orientation discrimination based on grouping of elements along texture boundary requires explicit attention. We analyzed tsVEPs (variations in VEP amplitude obtained by algebraic of uniform-texture from segmented-texture VEPs) elicited by the texture boundary orientation discrimination task. When texture was unattended, tsVEPs still reflected local texture segregation. We found larger amplitudes of early tsVEP components (N75, P100, N150, N200) when texture boundary was parallel to texture elements, indicating a saliency effect, perhaps at V1 level. This effect was modulated by attention, disappearing when the texture was not attended, a result indicating that attention facilitates grouping by collinearity in the direction of the texture boundary.openCasco, C; Grieco, A; Campana, G; CORVINO M., P; Caputo, GIOVANNI BATTISTACasco, C; Grieco, A; Campana, G; CORVINO M., P; Caputo, GIOVANNI BATTIST

    Illusory Contours over Pathological Retinal Scotomas

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    Our visual percepts are not fully determined by physical stimulus inputs. Thus, in visual illusions such as the Kanizsa figure, inducers presented at the corners allow one to perceive the bounding contours of the figure in the absence of luminance-defined borders. We examined the discrimination of the curvature of these illusory contours that pass across retinal scotomas caused by macular degeneration. In contrast with previous studies with normal-sighted subjects that showed no perception of these illusory contours in the region of physiological scotomas at the optic nerve head, we demonstrated perfect discrimination of the curvature of the illusory contours over the pathological retinal scotoma. The illusion occurred despite the large scar around the macular lesion, strongly reducing discrimination of whether the inducer openings were acute or obtuse and suggesting that the coarse information in the inducers (low spatial frequency) sufficed. The result that subjective contours can pass through the pathological retinal scotoma suggests that the visual cortex, despite the loss of bottom-up input, can use low-spatial frequency information from the inducers to form a neural representation of new complex geometrical shapes inside the scotoma