182 research outputs found

    General description of electromagnetic radiation processes based on instantaneous charge acceleration in `endpoints'

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    We present a new methodology for calculating the electromagnetic radiation from accelerated charged particles. Our formulation --- the `endpoint formulation' --- combines numerous results developed in the literature in relation to radiation arising from particle acceleration using a complete, and completely general, treatment. We do this by describing particle motion via a series of discrete, instantaneous acceleration events, or `endpoints', with each such event being treated as a source of emission. This method implicitly allows for particle creation/destruction, and is suited to direct numerical implementation in either the time- or frequency-domains. In this paper, we demonstrate the complete generality of our method for calculating the radiated field from charged particle acceleration, and show how it reduces to the classical named radiation processes such as synchrotron, Tamm's description of Vavilov-Cherenkov, and transition radiation under appropriate limits. Using this formulation, we are immediately able to answer outstanding questions regarding the phenomenology of radio emission from ultra-high-energy particle interactions in both the Earth's atmosphere and the Moon. In particular, our formulation makes it apparent that the dominant emission component of the Askaryan Effect (coherent radio-wave radiation from high-energy particle cascades in dense media) comes from coherent `bremsstrahlung' from particle acceleration, rather than coherent Vavilov-Cherenkov radiation.Comment: accepted by Phys. Rev. E, new title, some corrections in equations and references, figure styles updated to match journal policie

    Systematic performance of the ASKAP Fast Radio Burst search algorithm

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    Detecting fast radio bursts (FRBs) requires software pipelines to search for dispersed single pulses of emission in radio telescope data. In order to enable an unbiased estimation of the underlying FRB population, it is important to understand the algorithm efficiency with respect to the search parameter space and thus the survey completeness. The Fast Real-time Engine for Dedispersing Amplitudes (FREDDA) search pipeline is a single pulse detection pipeline designed to identify radio pulses over a large range of dispersion measures (DM) with low latency. It is used on the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) for the Commensal Real-time ASKAP Fast Transients (CRAFT) project . We utilise simulated single pulses in the low- and high-frequency observation bands of ASKAP to analyse the performance of the pipeline and infer the underlying FRB population. The simulation explores the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (S/N) recovery as a function of DM and the temporal duration of FRB pulses in comparison to injected values. The effects of intra-channel broadening caused by dispersion are also carefully studied in this work using control datasets. Our results show that for Gaussian-like single pulses, >85%> 85 \% of the injected signal is recovered by pipelines such as FREDDA at DM < 3000 pc cm−3\mathrm{pc\ cm^{-3}} using standard boxcar filters compared to an ideal incoherent dedispersion match filter. Further calculations with sensitivity implies at least ∼10%\sim 10\% of FRBs in a Euclidean universe at target sensitivity will be missed by FREDDA and HEIMDALL, another common pipeline, in ideal radio environments at 1.1 GHz.Comment: 11 pages 13 figures. Accepted for MNRAS; Data and simulation code available onlin

    Probabilistic Association of Transients to their Hosts (PATH)

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    We introduce a new method to estimate the probability that an extragalactic transient source is associated with a candidate host galaxy. This approach relies solely on simple observables: sky coordinates and their uncertainties, galaxy fluxes and angular sizes. The formalism invokes Bayes' rule to calculate the posterior probability P(O_i|x) from the galaxy prior P(O), observables x, and an assumed model for the true distribution of transients in/around their host galaxies. Using simulated transients placed in the well-studied COSMOS field, we consider several agnostic and physically motivated priors and offset distributions to explore the method sensitivity. We then apply the methodology to the set of 13~fast radio bursts (FRBs) localized with an uncertainty of several arcseconds. Our methodology finds nine of these are securely associated to a single host galaxy, P(O_i|x)>0.95. We examine the observed and intrinsic properties of these secure FRB hosts, recovering similar distributions as previous works. Furthermore, we find a strong correlation between the apparent magnitude of the securely identified host galaxies and the estimated cosmic dispersion measures of the corresponding FRBs, which results from the Macquart relation. Future work with FRBs will leverage this relation and other measures from the secure hosts as priors for future associations. The methodology is generic to transient type, localization error, and image quality. We encourage its application to other transients where host galaxy associations are critical to the science, e.g. gravitational wave events, gamma-ray bursts, and supernovae. We have encoded the technique in Python on GitHub: https://github.com/FRBs/astropath.Comment: In press, ApJ; comments still welcome; Visit https://github.com/FRBs/astropath to use and build PAT

    Using negative-latency gravitational wave alerts to detect prompt radio bursts from binary neutron star mergers with the Murchison Widefield Array

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    We examine how fast radio burst (FRB)-like signals predicted to be generated during the merger of a binary neutron star (BNS) may be detected in low-frequency radio observations triggered by the aLIGO/Virgo gravitational wave detectors. The rapidity, directional accuracy, and sensitivity of follow-up observations with the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) are considered. We show that with current methodology, the rapidity criteria fails for triggered MWA observations above 136 MHz for BNS mergers within the aLIGO/Virgo horizon, for which little dispersive delay is expected. A calculation of the expected reduction in response time by triggering on `negative latency' alerts from aLIGO/Virgo observations of gravitational waves generated by the BNS inspiral is presented. This allows for observations up to 300 MHz where the radio signal is expected to be stronger. To compensate for the poor positional accuracy expected from these alerts, we propose a new MWA observational mode that is capable of viewing one quarter of the sky. We show the sensitivity of this mode is sufficient to detect an FRB-like burst from an event similar to GW170817 if it occurred during the ongoing aLIGO/Virgo third science run (O3).Comment: Published in MNRAS Letters. 8 pages (5 main + 3 supplemental), 4 figures. Link to article: https://academic.oup.com/mnrasl/advance-article-abstract/doi/10.1093/mnrasl/slz129/555266

    The unseen host galaxy and high dispersion measure of a precisely-localised Fast Radio Burst suggests a high-redshift origin

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    FRB 20210912A is a fast radio burst (FRB), detected and localised to sub-arcsecond precision by the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder. No host galaxy has been identified for this burst despite the high precision of its localisation and deep optical and infrared follow-up, to 5-σ\sigma limits of R=26.7R=26.7 mag and Ks=24.9K_\mathrm{s}=24.9 mag with the Very Large Telescope. The combination of precise radio localisation and deep optical imaging has almost always resulted in the secure identification of a host galaxy, and this is the first case in which the line-of-sight is not obscured by the Galactic disk. The dispersion measure of this burst, DMFRB=1233.696±0.006 pc cm−3\mathrm{DM_{FRB}}=1233.696\pm0.006~\mathrm{pc}\ \mathrm{cm}^{-3}, allows for a large source redshift of z>1z>1 according to the Macquart relation. It could thus be that the host galaxy is consistent with the known population of FRB hosts, but is too distant to detect in our observations (z>0.7z>0.7 for a host like that of the first repeating FRB source, FRB 20121102A); that it is more nearby with a significant excess in DMhost\mathrm{DM_{host}}, and thus dimmer than any known FRB host; or, least likely, that the FRB is truly hostless. We consider each possibility, making use of the population of known FRB hosts to frame each scenario. The fact of the missing host has ramifications for the FRB field: even with high-precision localisation and deep follow-up, some FRB hosts may be difficult to detect, with more distant hosts being the less likely to be found. This has implications for FRB cosmology, in which high-redshift detections are valuable.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures. Revised based on referee's comments and accepted to MNRA

    Overview of lunar detection of ultra-high energy particles and new plans for the SKA

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    The lunar technique is a method for maximising the collection area for ultra-high-energy (UHE) cosmic ray and neutrino searches. The method uses either ground-based radio telescopes or lunar orbiters to search for Askaryan emission from particles cascading near the lunar surface. While experiments using the technique have made important advances in the detection of nanosecond-scale pulses, only at the very highest energies has the lunar technique achieved competitive limits. This is expected to change with the advent of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), the low-frequency component of which (SKA-low) is predicted to be able to detect an unprecedented number of UHE cosmic rays. In this contribution, the status of lunar particle detection is reviewed, with particular attention paid to outstanding theoretical questions, and the technical challenges of using a giant radio array to search for nanosecond pulses. The activities of SKA’s High Energy Cosmic Particles Focus Group are described, as is a roadmap by which this group plans to incorporate this detection mode into SKA-low observations. Estimates for the sensitivity of SKA-low phases 1 and 2 to UHE particles are given, along with the achievable science goals with each stage. Prospects for near-future observations with other instruments are also described
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