25 research outputs found

    L’usage de la poésie haïku en psycho-oncologie

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    International audienceAbstract Aim: Our study aims to describe the discourseeffects of specific and structured protocol focused on severalhaiku poems about one patient, who have experienced cancer.Procedure: The protocol consists of 4 steps: a preliminaryexploratory interview, fifteen haiku proposed without a partof the poem (a creative writing filled in by the patient), a freeform haiku composed by the patient, and finally, a finalinterview.Clinical case: A man, D., aged 25, had tumor.Result: Using this protocol, we showed discourse variationson the illness before and after the experience of poetrywriting, by Tropes V8.4 software.Conclusion: Haiku poetry can be a useful tool in the contextof supportive interventions or as preparatory work for engagementin psychotherapeutic intervention. We believe thatthe formal structure of haikus can create conditions for aspecific poetic work composed of: poetic evocation, synthesis,and mapping of the most intimate experiences in oncologyenvironment.Résumé Objectif : Cette étude qualitative et exploratoirevise à décrire les effets d’un protocole poétique centré surles haïkus en psycho-oncologie sur l’approche de la maladiechez un patient atteint de cancer.Matériel et méthodes : Il s’agit d’un protocole d’écriturepoétique composé de quatre étapes : un entretien préliminaire,la proposition de 15 haïkus (sans le vers du milieu)tirés de grands auteurs japonais, la réalisation d’un poèmecomposé librement par deux patients atteints de cancer, unentretien final sur l’expérience de l’écriture poétique.Cas clinique : Un homme, M. D., âgé de 25 ans, qui est entraitement pour un cancer.Résultats : Nous montrons les variations discursives utiliséesavant et après l’expérience de l’écriture poétique, à travers lelogiciel Tropes V8.4.Conclusion : Le travail poétique avec le haïku peut être unoutil utile, dans un contexte de support clinique en institutionou comme préparation à un travail de psychothérapie. Nouspensons que la structure formelle des haïkus peut inviter à untravail poétique spécifique : évocation poétique, synthèse etschématisation des vécus plus intimes en milieu oncologique

    Kunara, petite ville des piedmonts du Zagros à l'âge du Bronze. Rapport préliminaire sur la première campagne, 2012 (Kurdistan irakien)

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    International audienceWith its relatively small size, between 7 to 10 hectares, Kunara is organized as a city from the Bronze age period. It is located on the Upper Tanjaro and displays a continuous occupation from at least the end of the third millennium till the beginning of the second. It is argued that this area could have been part of the Land of Lullubum. Before excavation, a geophysical survey was undertaken which revealed a monumental building more than 60 m long and 30 m wide. Three areas were opened, one on the upper town, area A, a stratigraphical trench and two on the lower town, areas B and C. Remains of three main levels were excavated. Among the amazing discoveries, we must stress the presence of two monumental buildings and of sophisticated building techniques. A first analysis of the pottery points to a quite homogeneous assemblage including a number of parallels with sites from the Diyala and from south Mesopotamia. As for the small finds, apart from stone tools, flints, grinders, buffers, we also found several bronze pins and needles, a carnelian bead and a cylinder seal. From a chronological point of view, these data find some parallels with other sites from the Akkadian, Ur III or Isin Larsa periods