87 research outputs found

    Protein quality of amaranth grains cultivated in Ethiopia as affected by popping and fermentation

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    The effect of popping and fermentation on protein quality of three different varieties of amaranth grains cultivated in Ethiopia was evaluated. Total lysine content of the grains was higher than that of commonly available cereals but close to that of legumes. Methionine and cysteine contents in the grains were also higher than that found in cereal and legume proteins. Percentage of total indispensable amino acids, excluding tryptophan, was 43% - 49%, which was higher than WHO reference pattern (31%). Popping resulted in 36% and 37% reduction in total lysine and cysteine contents, respectively, whereas fermentation reduced cysteine, lysine and methionine contents by 16%, 20% and 20%, respectively. From the free amino acids, histidine was the major indispensable amino acid but threonine was not detected. During popping, all free amino acids, except threonine, were reduced. On the other hand, fermentation significantly increased (p < 0.01) most amino acids except arginine, which was significantly decreased (p < 0.01), and tyrosine and glutamic acid, for which no change was observed. Popping decreased in vitro protein digestibility (IVPD) by 8.3% - 17.1% while fermentation increased IVPD by 4.8% - 7.5%. Substitution of amaranth for wheat and/or maize during complementary food formulation could contribute much to the daily requirements of indispensable amino acids of young children

    Nonbreast-fed, HIV-1-exposed Burkinabe infants have low energy intake between 6 and 11 months of age despite free access to infant food aid

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    In a WHO coordinated, mother-to-child HIV transmission (MTCT) prevention trial in Burkina Faso, HIV-1 nfected mothers were adv sed to either stop breast-feeding oy 6 mo or totally avoid it. Participants were prov ded with cereal-based, infant fortified mix (IFM) from 6 to 12 mo postpartum along with infant feeding counseling. Our objective was to describe ronbreast-fed infants food consumption and adecuacy of nutrient intake. A 1-d weighed food record and one 24 h dietary recall were performed in 68 nonbreast-fed, non-HIV infected 6- to 11-mo-old infants. Mean food enemy density and feeding frequency were satisfactory n 6-8 mo ods [0.8 +/- 0.2 kcal/g (3.3 +/- 0.9 kJ/g) and 7.2 +/- 1.6 times/c] and n 9-11 moods [0.9 +/- 0.2 kcal/lg (3.6 +/- 0.8 kJ/g) and 7.7 +/- 2 1 times/d]. Median energy intake was 523 Kcal [range 82-1053 (2187 kJ, range: 345-4401)] in 6-8- and 811 kcal [range: 34-1543 (3392 kJ, range: 144-6452)] n 9-11-mo-old infants, respectively. Approximately 75% of their energy intake was provided by subsidized foods (milk that mothers obta ned from support networks and IFM). One-has of the infants had intakes < 80 kcal/kg (<334 kJ/kg) on the day of the survey, mainly because IFM and milk were consumed in amounts that were too low. Thus, coverage of energy needs required a diet with sufficient amounts of both IFM and milk in these vulnerable infants. These findings argue for the development of adequate, sustainable infant fort fed foods and their rapid integration into MTCT prevent on services They also lend support to the recent revision of WHO infant feeding guidance for future MTCT prevention programming that recommends breast-feeding up to 12 me postpartum (under cover of antiretroviral prophylaxis) as the safest feeding option for infants of HIV-infected mothers. J. Nutr. 141: 674-679, 2011

    Increasing pulse agrobiodiversity to improve food security and sustainable agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    Long-life cycle pulses have significant food security potential, however, there is little evidence to explain why they are not more widely produced and consumed in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). This study aimed at exploring existing knowledge to inform on future research priorities in mainstreaming superior species. As staple food along with cereals, pulses are an important source of nutrients whose intake is often inadequate in SSA, however, pulse consumption remain inadequate in SSA. Depending on the crop's life cycle, pulses have multiple functions that can support food systems and ecosystem resilience. Compared to short-life cycle pulses, long-life cycle pulses rank higher in multipurpose role. However, prior research has focused primarily on short-life cycle pulses due to rapid grain production. Long-life cycle pulses remain underutilized and neglected despite showing steady but modest yield increases and adaptation to environments, suggesting that they are better positioned to respond to the diverse needs of smallholder farmers in SSA. In the context of climate change, rain-fed agriculture, depleted agricultural soils, and lack of subsidized fertilizers, there is need to transform existing food systems toward sustainable food production and improved resilience. Increasing pulse agrobiodiversity by integrating long-life cycle pulses in existing farming systems could not only contribute in alleviating malnutrition, but also poverty and inequalities. In addition, representative and accurate data are needed based on the correct use of accepted scientific names for all data across the food system. This is a prerequisite for assessing pulse consumption adequacy and quantifying production and consumption trends

    Caregiver-infant's feeding behaviours are associated with energy intake of 9-11 month-old infants in rural Ethiopia

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    Inappropriate complementary feeding, both in quantity and quality, is a major determinant of undernutrition. However, little is known about how infant-caregiver's feeding behaviours affect infants' energy intake. Therefore, the objective of this study was to characterize infant-caregiver feeding behaviours and investigate their association with infants' energy intake. The study involved 106 mother-child pairs recruited from seven randomly selected kebeles of Mecha district, West Gojam, Ethiopia. The feeding styles were assessed through observations of 1-day, in-home, feeding episodes that were videotaped and coded into self-feeding, responsive, active, distracting, and social feeding behaviours. Infants' haemoglobin and anthropometric measurements were taken. The association between feeding behaviour scores and energy intake per meal was investigated. The mean food intake of the infants was very low (11.4 +/- 7.0g/kg body weight per meal) compared to the minimum theoretical gastric capacity (30g/kg body weight per meal). Infants' haemoglobin concentration was negatively associated with energy intake (rho = 0.178, p=.03). Infants' responsive and active positive feeding styles were positively associated with energy intakes (rho = 0.258 and 0.432, p=.004 and p<.001, respectively) as well as caregivers' responsive positive feeding styles (rho = 0.237, p=.007). Both haemoglobin concentrations and feeding styles were associated with infant's energy intake. Anaemia prevention and control measures should be reinforced. Current nutrition education programmes should give emphasis on ways to effectively incorporate culturally adapted responsive feeding messages in this and similar settings

    Effects of starch, lipid and moisture contents on extrusion behavior and extrudate characteristics of rice-based blends prepared with a very-low-cost extruder

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    Response surface methodology with a 3 x 3 factorial plan design was used to investigate the effects of starch content (60-70 g/100 g dry matter [DM]), lipid content (6.2-10.2 g/100 g DM) and moisture content (10-16 g/100 g wet matter [WM]) on extrusion behavior of rice-based blends, on the physicochemical properties of extrudates, and the apparent viscosity of resulting gruels. The increase in starch content increased the loss of lipid, the expansion ratio, the degree of gelatinization (DG) of starch, and the water absorption index (WAI). Increasing lipid content resulted in higher loss of lipids and a lower WAI and water solubility index (WSI). Water content had the most influence. Increasing water content resulted in increased loss of lipids, higher moisture content of extrudates, and in lower die temperature, expansion ratio, DG, WAI and WSI. The high DG (>= 91%) of all extrudates demonstrated that the very-low-cost extruder manufactured in Vietnam is suitable for the production of ready-to-eat infant flour. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS This work tested and optimized the effect of blend composition on the characteristics of rice-based extrudates obtained using a very-low-cost extruder (VLCE) manufactured in Vietnam and on derived gruels. Our results enable prediction of the characteristics of extruded products, when the starch, lipid and water contents of the blends are known. Thus, VLCE users will be able to choose the nature and relative proportion of ingredients to obtain extrudates with specific targeted characteristics. In addition, this study demonstrated that serious loss of lipids occurs during extrusion of blends with high lipid contents. To obtain the lipid content recommended for complementary food, it is thus preferable to add ingredients with high lipid content after extrusion. We conclude that this kind of VLCE manufactured in Vietnam is suitable for low-cost production of instant flour with all the required characteristics for use as complementary foods for infants and young children after the age of 6 months

    Rétention et biodisponibilité du fer et du zinc au cours des procédés de préparation des plats traditionnels à base de céréales locales ou biofortifiées, consommés par les jeunes enfants au Burkina Faso

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    Dans un contexte où les carences en micronutriments constituent un problème majeur de santé publique touchant particulièrement les jeunes enfants, l'étude de la rétention et de la biodisponibilité du fer et du zinc dans les plats les plus fréquemment consommés peut constituer une stratégie de lutte contre les carences en ces minéraux. Une enquête de consommation alimentaire par pesées auprès de 630 enfants de 6 à 36 mois au Burkina Faso a permis de dégager les principales caractéristiques de l'alimentation de complément des jeunes enfants. Les résultats mettent en évidence une couverture des apports recommandés en fer et en zinc très faible, des apports élevés en fibres et en phytates. Le jour de l'enquête, plus de 90% des enfants avaient consommé du mil, du sorgho ou du maïs, essentiellement sous forme de tô, une pâte très consistante, de bouillie ou de galettes. Des suivis de préparation de ces plats dans les ménages ont permis d'identifier les principales opérations unitaires susceptibles d'avoir un effet sur les teneurs en fer et en zinc et leur biodisponibilité. Le décorticage traditionnel, manuel ou mécanique, entraine d'importantes pertes en fer (50% dans le mil pour 10% de perte de MS) et en zinc (23% dans le sorgho pour 7% de perte de MS). Les variétés biofortifiées présentent un comportement similaire, mais permettent tout de même une amélioration significative du rapport molaire phytate/zinc. La mouture, lorsqu'elle est réalisée à l'aide d'un moulin à meules, entraine une contamination en fer, allant jusqu'à tripler la teneur en fer initiale des grains. Mais la bioaccessibilité de ce fer est extrêmement faible. L'acceptabilité des variétés de mil biofortifiées, testées sur différents plats, reste inférieure à celle de la variété locale. L'amélioration des procédés combinée à l'utilisation de variétés biofortifiées pourrait être promue afin de contribuer à la lutte contre les carences en fer et zinc.In contexts where micronutrient deficiencies are a major public health concern, the improvement of the retention and bioavailability of iron and zinc in dishes frequently consumed by young children could be part of a food-based strategy to combat these deficiencies. A food consumption survey using weighing records was carried out on 630 children from 6 to 36 months in Burkina Faso. This permitted to highlight the main characteristics of the children diet. Iron and zinc intakes were far below the recommended intakes. High fibre and phytate intakes were also observed. More than 90% of the young children consumed millet, sorghum or maize in the day of the survey. A detailed monitoring of the traditional processing of the cereal dishes permitted the identification of the main unit operations that could have an effect on iron and zinc content and bioavailability. Important losses in iron content (50% in millet for 10% DM loss) and zinc (23% in sorghum for 7% DM loss) were observed after traditional dehulling, either manual or mechanical. Biofortified varieties showed similar behaviour but their phytate/zinc molar ratio was still improved. During milling in local mill with grindstones, iron contamination occurred, and tripled the initial iron content. But the bioaccessibility of this contaminant iron was very low. The acceptability of the biofortified varieties of millet, tested on various dishes, was lower than that of the local variety. The improvement of the processing methods combined with the use of biofortified varieties could be advantageously promoted to contribute to alleviate iron and zinc deficiencies.MONTPELLIER-BU Sciences (341722106) / SudocSudocFranceF

    The type of fortificant and the leaf matrix both influence iron and zinc bioaccessibility in iron-fortified green leafy vegetable sauces from Burkina Faso

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    Leafy vegetable sauces from Burkina Faso were assessed as a potential vehicle for food fortification. First, iron and zinc bioaccessibility were measured by dialysability method in amaranth and Jew's mallow sauces and in traditional whole dishes consisting of maize paste plus leafy vegetable sauces. Iron dialysability and solubility were higher in amaranth than in Jew's mallow sauce, pointing to a marked effect of the matrix. Iron dialysability was hardly affected by the maize paste contrary to zinc dialysability, which was reduced. Second, iron and zinc bioaccessibility was assessed in the same sauces fortified with NaFeEDTA or iron sulfate. Added iron, i.e. iron supplied by fortification, represented 60% of total iron at the low fortification level and 80% at high level. In amaranth sauces with the high level of fortification using NaFeEDTA and iron sulfate, fractional dialysable iron reached respectively 66% and 26% compared to only 8.1% in the unfortified sauce. Similarly, in Jew's mallow sauces, fractional dialysable iron was 57% and 5% respectively with NaFeEDTA and iron sulfate and less than 1% in the unfortified sauce. Concomitantly, fractional dialysable zinc increased by respectively 20% and 40% in amaranth and Jew's mallow sauces fortified with NaFeEDTA whereas it remained unchanged with iron sulfate. Iron fortification could be an efficient way to greatly increase the available iron content of green leafy vegetable sauces and for this purpose NaFeEDTA is more effective than iron sulfate whatever the food matrix

    Contribution ofleafy vegetable sauces to dietary iron, zinc, vitamin A and energy requirements in children and their mothers in Burkina Faso

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    Improved leafy vegetable (LV) sauces, with amaranth, sorrel, and Ceylon spinach/spider plant leaves were formulated from traditional recipes to assess their potential use for food-to-food fortification in iron, zinc and vitamin A in the diet of young children and their mothers in Burkina Faso. Improvement was based on an increase in LV proportion and a decrease in mineral absorption inhibitors. An increase in iron content of up to 3 mg/100 g was obtained in some improved sauces in which dried fish was replaced by chicken liver, and vitamin A content was about 40 times higher than in traditional sauces. Fractional dialyzable iron was low in all sauces. Intakes of sauce were measured to assess their acceptability and no significant difference was found between traditional and improved formulations. The mean intakes of sauces were 66 +/- 40 g for young children and 166 +/- 65 g for their mothers. Amaranth or Ceylon spinach/spider plant sauces, consumed with the cereal based paste "t" twice a day, would contribute 80 to 86 % of children's estimated average requirement (EAR) of iron and to 90 to 170 % of EAR of vitamin A but their contribution to zinc and energy needs would remain low
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