2,776 research outputs found

    Reduced dimension modeling of leading edge turbulent interaction noise

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    A computational aeroacoustics approach is used to model the effects of real airfoil geometry on leading edge turbulent interaction noise for symmetric airfoils at zero angle of attack. For the first time, one-component (transverse), two-component (transverse and streamwise), and three-component (transverse, streamwise, and spanwise) synthesized turbulent disturbances are modeled instead of single frequency transverse gusts, which previous computational studies of leading edge noise have been confined to. The effects of the inclusion of streamwise and spanwise disturbances on the noise are assessed, and it is shown that accurate noise predictions for symmetric airfoils can be made by modeling only the transverse disturbances, which reduces the computational expense of simulations. Additionally, the two-component turbulent synthesis method is used to model the effects of airfoil thickness on the noise for thicknesses ranging from 2% to 12%. By using sufficient airfoil thicknesses to show trends, it is found that airfoil thickness will reduce the noise at high frequency, and that the sound power P will reduce linearly with increasing airfoil thickness

    Magnitudes and sources of precipitation and dry deposition fluxes of indestrial and natural leads to the North Pacific at Enewetak

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    A total atmospheric Pb input flux of 7 ng Pb cm^−2 yr^−1 was measured in the North Pacific Easterlies at Enewetak. Parameters used to measure this flux were ratio of dry deposition flux to precipitation flux; Pb/^(210)Pb in precipitation and seawater; ^(210)Pb flux; washout factor; and Pb concentrations in air, rain, and dry deposition deposits. Relations among these parameters established at Enewetak were used to recompute and confirm previous estimates of lead fluxes to the oceans (ng Pb cm^−2 yr^−1) at the following locations: North Atlantic Westerlies, 170; North Pacific Westerlies, 50; and South Pacific Easterlies, 3. Prehistoric lead output fluxes to sediments (ng Pb cm^−2 yr^−1) at these locations have been previously measured and were 4 (Enewetak); 30 North Atlantic Westerlies; 3 North Pacific Westerlies; 4 South Pacific Easterlies. These data show that the rates of atmospheric inputs of lead to the oceans vary directly with variations in rates of upwind emissions of industrial lead from urban complexes on land. In the North Pacific and North Atlantic, present rates of atmospheric lead inputs are 10-fold greater than prehistoric outputs. In equatorial regions, present inputs and past outputs are more nearly equal. These observations disclose the effects of intense industrial atmospheric emissions of lead in the northern hemisphere westerlies which have overwhelmed prehistoric natural fluxes of lead to the oceans. The average concentration of lead in marine air at Enewetak is 170 pg m−3 and varies less than a factor of 2 from that mean. One to 15% of this lead comes from seaspray, while the remainder comes from sources on land. About 90% of the seaspray lead is industrial, while 80 to 99% of that originating from land sources is industrial. Concentrations of lead in rain at Enewetak range from 6 to 63 pg/g with a mean value of 28. The mean precipitation flux, corrected for recycled lead in sea salts, measured by four different methods, was 6 ng Pb cm^−2 yr^−1, while the net dry deposition flux measured on horizontal plastic plates was 0.6 ng Pb cm^−2 yr^−1. The total dry deposition flux measured was 6 ng cm^−2 yr^−1, but 90% of this lead came from recycled seaspray. Lead isotope tracers show that Japan is the major source of industrial lead at Enewetak during the dry season, while the United States is the major source during the wet season

    Chemical ionization tandem mass spectrometer for the in situ measurement of methyl hydrogen peroxide

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    A new approach for measuring gas-phase methyl hydrogen peroxide [(MHP) CH_3OOH] utilizing chemical ionization mass spectrometry is presented. Tandem mass spectrometry is used to avoid mass interferences that hindered previous attempts to measure atmospheric CH_3OOH with CF_3O− clustering chemistry. CH_3OOH has been successfully measured in situ using this technique during both airborne and ground-based campaigns. The accuracy and precision for the MHP measurement are a function of water vapor mixing ratio. Typical precision at 500 pptv MHP and 100 ppmv H_2O is ±80 pptv (2 sigma) for a 1 s integration period. The accuracy at 100 ppmv H_2O is estimated to be better than ±40%. Chemical ionization tandem mass spectrometry shows considerable promise for the determination of in situ atmospheric trace gas mixing ratios where isobaric compounds or mass interferences impede accurate measurements

    Deduction of a Functional Dependency from a Set of Functional Dependencies

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    This paper describes an algorithm called the Deduction Tracing Algorithm (DTA) which utilizes basic properties of functional dependencies from database systems and a modification of a tree search algorithm from artificial intelligence. The algorithm takes a set of functional dependencies, F, along with a specific functional dependency L → R as input and produces a list of functional dependencies from F that can be used to deduce L → R. The resulting algorithm is easily automated to provide relational database users with a tool for organizing their queries

    The Association between Type and Intensity of Sport and Tobacco or Nicotine Use-A Cross-Sectional Study among Young Swiss Men.

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    The objective of this study was to assess the association between tobacco/nicotine use and type and intensity of sport. Data were drawn from the second follow-up of the Cohort Study on Substance Use Risk Factors. Young Swiss men completed a questionnaire about tobacco/nicotine use (cigarette, vaping, snus, snuff), type and intensity of sport and other demographic and medical variables. Among the 5414 included participants (mean age 25.5), 3434 (63.4%) reported regularly practicing a sport. They had a lower rate of cigarette smoking (32.3%) compared with participants not practicing a sport (44.6%) but a higher rate of snus use (15.0% vs. 10.0%). In adjusted models, individual-sport participants were less likely to use snus and snuff (OR = 0.63, 95% CI = 0.51-0.77 and OR = 0.73, 95% CI = 0.61-0.88), compared with team-sport participants. The association was inversed for vaping users (OR = 1.54, 95% CI = 1.03-2.30). Furthermore, participants who practiced high-intensity sports had a lower likelihood to smoke cigarettes (OR = 0.63, 95% CI = 0.52-0.78) compared with low-intensity sports. Our findings suggest that type and intensity of sport are associated with tobacco/nicotine use. Youth who practice an individual sport are less likely to use snus or snuff and more likely to vape compared with a team sport. This could help better target smoking prevention in young people

    The distribution of lead between sea salt dust, and lead-rich aerosols in the mid South Pacific easterlies at American Samoa

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    Aerosols in the South Pacific Easterlies have been sampled at American Samoa with a cascade impactor and analysed for Pb, Ba, K, Ca, Sr, and Rb by isotope dilution mass spectrometry using ultraclean procedures. Some 84% of the Pb was found in fine (≤ 0.5 μm) aerosols which were collected on the backup filter with an efficiency of only 33%. Sea salt and eroded terrestrial material (dust) containing 6% and <1% respectively, of the Pb (sea salt indexed by the metals K, Ca, Sr, and Rb and dust indexed by Ba) were collected on early stages of the impactor, although 65% of the dust, because of its larger size, was lost to surfaces of the rain shelter before reaching the impactor. The remaining 10% of the Pb was associated with plant leaf waxes of continental origin which produced Pb and Ba peaks on stage 4 (0.5 μ) of the impactor

    Ethernet Performance: Design and Implementation Study

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    General concepts concerning local area network designs, functions and topologies will be presented. Ethernet as a multipoint bus topology local area network will be presented in detail. The Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detect (CSMA/CD) method of fairly regulating access to the shared network bus is studied. The Ethernet Network in relation to the Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) is reviewed, but only the layers pertaining to Ethernet are discussed throughout the majority of the paper. The specifications as described by Xerox, Digital and Intel are presented to help the designer understand the network\u27s physical limitations. Analytical models are used to predict performance and actual measured performance studies will be used to make performance assumptions. The performance is studied under varying load conditions. The data gathered concerns both limits imposed on the number of users by the finite bandwidth of the channel and efficient utilization of that channel. In conclusion, design specifications and performance data will be used together to formulate a design methodology for building the most efficient Ethernet network

    Global and regional effects of the photochemistry of CH_3O_2NO_2: evidence from ARCTAS

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    Using measurements from the NASA Arctic Research of the Composition of the Troposphere from Aircraft and Satellites (ARCTAS) experiment, we show that methyl peroxy nitrate (CH_3O_2NO_2) is present in concentrations of ~5–15 pptv in the springtime arctic upper troposphere. We investigate the regional and global effects of CH_3O_2NO_2 by including its chemistry in the GEOS-Chem 3-D global chemical transport model. We find that at temperatures below 240 K inclusion of CH_3O_2NO_2 chemistry results in decreases of up to ~20 % in NO_x, ~20 % in N_2O_5, ~5 % in HNO3, ~2 % in ozone, and increases in methyl hydrogen peroxide of up to ~14 %. Larger changes are observed in biomass burning plumes lofted to high altitude. Additionally, by sequestering NO_x at low temperatures, CH_3O_2NO_2 decreases the cycling of HO_2 to OH, resulting in a larger upper tropospheric HO_2 to OH ratio. These results may impact some estimates of lightning NO_x sources as well as help explain differences between models and measurements of upper tropospheric composition