13 research outputs found

    Ants as Bioindicators of Habitat Conservation in a Conservation Area of the Atlantic Forest Biome

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    Ants are used as bioindicators because they play diverse ecological roles in terrestrial ecosystems. Their richness, abundance, and broad geographic distribution allow these insects to be used to predict the conditions of environmental conservation. This study aimed to evaluate the bioindicator potential of the ant fauna in Parque Estadual do Turvo, Rio Grande do Sul. Sampling was carried out in two events, in January and November of 2019, using soil and canopy pitfall traps, sardine baits, glucose baits, an entomological umbrella, and a sweeping net. We verified the association of ant species to the sampled strata (soil and leaf litter and vegetation) through an Indicator Species Analysis (ISA) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). We identified 157 species belonging to 32 genera and eight subfamilies. The subfamily with the most outstanding richness was Myrmicinae, with 70 species, followed by Formicinae, with 40 species. The richest genera in the samples were Camponotus (S = 29), Pheidole (S = 23), and Linepithema (S = 11). Overall, 58 species occurred exclusively in the soil and leaf litter stratum and 23 in the arboreal stratum. Nine species had a significant indication value for the sampled strata, seven for soil and leaf litter, and two for the arboreal strata. The results show the potential of ant fauna as a basis for environmental impact studies and management and conservation plans in the southern Atlantic Forest biome

    Evaluation of an ant sampling protocol (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in three modified environments located inside an austral Atlantic Forest area of Brazil

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    Evaluamos el uso de seis técnicas de muestreo para hormigas en tres ambientes (pino, eucalipto y bosque nativo) en el Bosque Nacional de Chapecó y el efecto de estos ambientes sobre la complementariedad del muestreo. Las técnicas de muestreo fueron las trampas de caída, dos cebos (sardina y glucosa), la red entomológica, agitación de follaje y trampa Malaise. La eficacia del conjunto de técnicas para lograr un inventario de las hormigas de estos ambientes se evaluó empleando curvas de rarefacción, estimadores de riqueza y registros de ocurrencia. El conjunto de técnicas capturó la mayor riqueza en el bosque nativo (S = 95), seguida de la plantación de eucalipto (S = 81) y bosque de pino (S = 78). La trampa de caída, el cebo de sardina, la trampa Malaise y la red entomológica mostraron registros únicos en los tres ambientes, los cebos de glucosa mostraron registros únicos en los ambientes de eucalipto y bosque nativo, y la agitación de follaje sólo en el bosque de eucalipto. Los resultados mostraron que la utilización de técnicas complementarias para el inventario de la fauna de hormigas resultó más eficiente que las técnicas por separado en todos los ambientes. Contrariamente a lo esperado, la mayor complejidad del ambiente del bosque nativo con respecto a los otros ambientes no se asoció a una menor eficiencia de la utilización de una determinada técnica.This study evaluated the efficiency as a tool for ant survey of a sampling protocol composed of six methods, and examined the role of environmental features on the efficiency of methods complementarity . We applied them in three environments (pine, eucalyptus and native forest) in the National Forest of Chapecó and the effect of the characteristics of these environments on methods complementarity. The sampling methods were pitfall traps, two types of bait (sardines and glucose), sweep net, entomological umbrella and Malaise trap. The protocol efficiency of the protocol in the ant inventory was evaluated based on rarefaction curves, richness estimators and records of occurrence of ants. The protocol captured the greatest richness on native forest environment (S = 95), followed by the eucalyptus plantation (S = 81) and pine forest (S=78). Pitfall trap, sardine baits, Malaise trap and sweep net contributed with unique records in the three environments, while the glucose baits contributed with unique records in the eucalyptus plantation and native forest, and entomological umbrella only in eucalyptus environment. The results highlighted the importance of using complementary techniques for the ant fauna inventory irrespective of the environment complexity. Contrary to our prediction, the greater environmental complexity of the native forest with respect to the other environments was not associated to lower efficiency of using single technique


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    The conversion of natural environments into agricultural areas has led to habitat fragmentation and caused impacts on biological communities. This study evaluated the richness and abundance of ant assemblages from different environments within a small rural property. The study was conducted in December 2015 in the Palma Sola municipality, extreme western region of the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. The sampled environments included a permanent preservation area, a forest fragment, a corn crop, a tobacco crop and a pine reforestation. Pitfall traps and manual collections were used. The observed richness totaled 69 species. Only two species, Camponotus rufipes and Pheidole lignicola, occurred in the five environments sampled. Overall, 65.3% of the variation in ants’ occurrence, according to the sampled environments, was explained by the principal component analysis (PCA) components. This study presents new results on the ant diversity from rural areas, and may provide potential subsidies for management and conservation plans


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    Permanent preservation areas contribute to the recovery of impacted environments and Formicidae is a potentially bioindicator group, used to describe the structural complexity of habitats. In this context, the study aimed to characterize the diversity of ant assemblages that occur in sites with different soil use history in the APP of Foz do Chapecó HPP reservoir, as well as to evaluate the similarity of ant assemblages according to the sampled sites. Sampling was carried out in January 2017 at five sites, three in Santa Catarina state and two in Rio Grande do Sul state. Pitfall, entomological umbrella, sardine bait, glucose bait and manual collection were used. Assemblies were characterized and compared through richness, abundance, diversity of Shannon-Weaver (H’), Equitability (J’) and estimated richness (Chao 1). A total of 101 species were sampled. The average of the estimates indicated that richness may be 86.7% greater than that sampled, while the diversity parameters indicated differences between the assemblies. Diversity indices showed divergence of 39.7% between the more and less diverse assemblies. The richness observed in this study reiterates the potential of the use of ants as bioindicators of the state of environmental conservation, adds important information on the richness and occurrence of ants for the region and presents, above all, an inventory of the species of ants present in an area of APP in a regeneration process that can serve as parameter for subsequent evaluations

    Flutuação populacional de gafanhotos na Floresta Nacional de Chapecó, Santa Catarina Grasshopper Population fluctuation in the National Forest of Chapeco, Santa Catarina

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    Com o objetivo de verificar a flutuação populacional de gafanhotos na Floresta Nacional de Chapecó (FLONA), em Santa Catarina, foram realizadas coletas semanais durante o período de dezembro de 2003 a dezembro de 2004 com armadilhas do tipo pit-fall, rede de varredura, guarda-chuva entomológico e malaise. Os picos populacionais para a maioria das espécies ocorreram durante os meses de dezembro, janeiro e fevereiro. A análise de regressão (5%) apontou relação significativa entre os fatores climáticos e os níveis populacionais de Allotruxalis gracilis (Giglio-Tos, 1897), Parorphula graminea Bruner, 1900, Rhammatocerus brunneri (Giglio &#150; Tos, 1895) e Xyleus discoideus discoideus (Serville, 1831).<br>In order to verify the grasshopper population dynamics in the National Forest of Chapecó, SC., weekly collections were made between December 2003 and December 2004, using pit-fall traps, sweep nets, entomological umbrellas and malaises traps. The population peaks for most of the species was reached in December, January and February. The regression analysis (5%) showed significant relation between the climatic factors and the population levels of Allotruxalis gracilis (Giglio-Tos, 1897), Parorphula graminea Bruner, 1900, Rhammatocerus brunneri (Giglio &#150; Tos, 1895) and Xyleus discoideus discoideus (Serville, 1831)

    Análise faunística de gafanhotos na Floresta Nacional de Chapecó, Santa Catarina Faunistic analyses of grasshoppers in the National Forest of Chapecó, Santa Catarina, Brazil

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    &lt;p&gt;Realizou-se a análise faunística de gafanhotos coletados em três constituições vegetais da Flona de Chapecó. Coletas semanais foram realizadas em áreas de eucalipto, mata nativa e pinus durante o período de dezembro de 2003 a dezembro de 2004. Utilizaram-se armadilhas do tipo “pitfall”, rede de varredura, guarda-chuva entomológico e “malaise”. A fauna encontrada nas diferentes áreas foi caracterizada por meio dos índices de abundância, constância, dominância e frequência. Dezoito espécies foram comuns para as três áreas. As espécies &lt;em&gt;Staurorhectus&lt;/em&gt; &lt;em&gt;logicornis logicornis&lt;/em&gt;, &lt;em&gt;Cylindrotettix &lt;/em&gt;sp. e &lt;em&gt;Ommexecha&lt;/em&gt; virens ocorreram apenas em eucaliptos e pínus, enquanto, &lt;em&gt;Scotussa lemniscata &lt;/em&gt;e &lt;em&gt;Zoniopoda tarsata &lt;/em&gt;ocorreram para eucaliptos e mata nativa enquanto &lt;em&gt;Amblytropidia &lt;/em&gt;sp. ocorreu somente em mata nativa e pínus. &lt;em&gt;Tridactylus&lt;/em&gt; politus ocorreu somente em pínus. As espécies &lt;em&gt;Allotruxalis gracilis&lt;/em&gt;, &lt;em&gt;Dichroplus elongatus&lt;/em&gt;, &lt;em&gt;Dichroplus&lt;/em&gt; &lt;em&gt;misionensis &lt;/em&gt;e &lt;em&gt;Ronderosia bergi &lt;/em&gt;foram muito frequentes, dominantes e muito abundantes na área de eucaliptos. &lt;em&gt;A. gracilis&lt;/em&gt;, &lt;em&gt;Metaleptea adspersa&lt;/em&gt; e &lt;em&gt;D. misionensis&lt;/em&gt; foram muito frequentes, dominantes e muito abundantes na área de mata nativa. &lt;em&gt;Metaleptea adspersa&lt;/em&gt; e &lt;em&gt;R. bergi &lt;/em&gt;foram muito frequentes, dominantes e muito abundantes na área de pínus. Observou-se uma semelhança na diversidade de espécies entre as áreas, com maior abundância para a área de eucaliptos.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;doi: 10.4336/2011.pfb.31.65.43&lt;/p&gt;<br>&lt;p&gt;A study of the grasshopper fauna was performed through samples collected in three vegetal types in the National Forest of Chapecó. Weekly collections were carried out from December 2003 to December 2004. Pitfall traps, sweep nets, entomological umbrellas and malaise traps were used. Collections were repeated in areas with eucalyptus trees, native species and pine trees. The fauna found in different areas was classified by its abundance, constancy, dominance and frequency. Eighteen species were common in the three areas. &lt;em&gt;Staurorhectus longicornis longicornis&lt;/em&gt;, &lt;em&gt;Cylindrotettix&lt;/em&gt; sp. and &lt;em&gt;Ommexecha virens&lt;/em&gt; were found only in eucalyptus and pine areas. &lt;em&gt;Scotussa lemniscata&lt;/em&gt; and &lt;em&gt;Zoniopoda tarsata&lt;/em&gt; were found in areas with eucalyptus and native trees. &lt;em&gt;Amblytropidia&lt;/em&gt; sp. was found only in native vegetation and pines areas. &lt;em&gt;Tridactylus politus&lt;/em&gt; was found just in the pine area. &lt;em&gt;Allotruxalis gracilis&lt;/em&gt;, &lt;em&gt;Dichroplus elongatus&lt;/em&gt;, &lt;em&gt;Dichroplus misionensis&lt;/em&gt; and &lt;em&gt;Ronderosia bergi&lt;/em&gt; were very frequent, dominant and very abundant in the eucalyptus tree area.&lt;em&gt; A. gracilis&lt;/em&gt;,&lt;em&gt; M. adspersa&lt;/em&gt; and &lt;em&gt;D.&lt;/em&gt; &lt;em&gt;misionensis &lt;/em&gt;were very frequent, dominant and very abundant in the native tree area. &lt;em&gt;Metaleptea adspersa&lt;/em&gt; and &lt;em&gt;R. bergi&lt;/em&gt; were very frequent, dominant and very abundant in the pine area.&lt;em&gt; A similarity&lt;/em&gt; in diversity of species was verified with greater abundance in the eucalyptus area.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;doi: 10.4336/2011.pfb.31.65.43&lt;/p&gt

    Assembleias de formigas (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) de áreas de influência direta de duas pequenas centrais hidrelétricas na região sudoeste do Paraná

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    Current energy production has been the subject of studies on&nbsp;environmental impacts and the need to adequately understand that the&nbsp;relationship to biodiversity loss is growing. One of the ways of assessing&nbsp;environmental changes is the use of bioindicator species, and ants&nbsp;represent an alternative in this regard. This study aimed to evaluate&nbsp;ant assemblages occurring in different environments in areas under the&nbsp;direct influence of two small hydropower plants (SHPP). Sampling was&nbsp;carried out using pitfall traps in forest and agricultural fragments, as&nbsp;well as pasture areas, along the Andrada River, municipality of Cascavel,&nbsp;state of Paraná, in July 2016 and March 2017. The sampled ant&nbsp;assemblages were evaluated for richness, abundance, and composition.&nbsp;The rarefaction analysis was used to compare the richness sampled in&nbsp;the two areas under direct influence. Abundance was analyzed based&nbsp;on the number of occurrences. The nonmetric multidimensional scaling&nbsp;(NMDS) was applied to test whether the abundance and composition&nbsp;of ant assemblages differ at the same site when sampled in both&nbsp;seasons. In total, 63 species belonging to 23 genera and 6 subfamilies&nbsp;were identified. The subfamily Myrmicinae was the most speciesrich&nbsp;(S = 25), followed by the subfamily Formicinae (S = 21). The most&nbsp;species-rich genus was Camponotus (S = 15) followed by Pheidole&nbsp;(S =11). A total of 41.3% richness was registered concurrently in the two&nbsp;assemblages. The study contributes to the expansion of knowledge of&nbsp;the ant fauna occurring in the state of Paraná and serves as a basis for&nbsp;monitoring impacts caused by the implementation of SHPP and other&nbsp;developments.A produção energética vigente tem sido alvo de estudos sobre seus impactos&nbsp;ambientais, e cresce a necessidade de se compreender adequadamente sua&nbsp;relação com a perda de biodiversidade. Uma das formas de avaliação das&nbsp;alterações ambientais é a utilização de espécies bioindicadoras, e as formigas&nbsp;representam uma alternativa nesse quesito. Esta pesquisa objetivou avaliar&nbsp;diferentes ambientes quanto às assembleias de formigas que ocorrem nas áreas&nbsp;de influência direta de duas pequenas centrais hidrelétricas. A amostragem foi&nbsp;conduzida em ambientes de fragmentos florestais, agrícolas e de pastagens,&nbsp;junto das margens do Rio Andrada, no município de Cascavel, estado do Paraná,&nbsp;nos meses de julho de 2016 e março de 2017. Foram utilizadas armadilhas&nbsp;do tipo pitfall nas amostras e foram avaliadas a riqueza, a abundância e a&nbsp;composição das assembleias de formigas amostradas. Efetuou-se a análise de&nbsp;rarefação para comparar a riqueza amostrada nas duas áreas de influência&nbsp;direta. A abundância foi analisada com base no número de ocorrências.&nbsp;Foi construída uma análise nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) para&nbsp;testar se a abundância e a composição das assembleias de formigas diferem&nbsp;em um mesmo ponto quando amostradas nas duas estações. Registraramse&nbsp;63 espécies pertencentes a 23 gêneros e a seis subfamílias. A subfamília&nbsp;Myrmicinae foi a mais rica (S = 25), seguida da Formicinae (S = 21). O gênero&nbsp;mais rico foi Camponotus (S = 15), seguido por Pheidole (S = 11). O total de&nbsp;41.3% da riqueza foi registrado concomitantemente nas duas assembleias.&nbsp;O estudo contribui para a expansão do conhecimento sobre a mirmecofauna&nbsp;que ocorre no território paranaense e serve de base para o monitoramento&nbsp;de impactos causados pela instalação de pequenas centrais hidrelétricas e de&nbsp;outros empreendimentos


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    Ants can be important tools to assess the conditions of a given environment, as well as to monitor restoration of degraded areas. This study evaluated the richness and abundance of ant assemblages associated with areas directly impacted by the construction of small hydropower plants in the State of Paraná. To survey the ant fauna, samples were collected in September 2014 and January 2015 using pitfall and malaise traps. The association of the ant fauna composition with fragments and seasonality was analyzed by detrended correspondence. Fifty-eight species of ants were registered. The subfamily Myrmicine and the genus Camponotus were the most abundant (S= 25, S = 10, respectively). The removal of vegetation and formation of lakes in the directly affected area cause impacts that can be monitored based on the results of this study