238 research outputs found

    Scalable First-Order Methods for Robust MDPs

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    Robust Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) are a powerful framework for modeling sequential decision-making problems with model uncertainty. This paper proposes the first first-order framework for solving robust MDPs. Our algorithm interleaves primal-dual first-order updates with approximate Value Iteration updates. By carefully controlling the tradeoff between the accuracy and cost of Value Iteration updates, we achieve an ergodic convergence rate of O(A2S3log⁥(S)log⁥(ϔ−1)ϔ−1)O \left( A^{2} S^{3}\log(S)\log(\epsilon^{-1}) \epsilon^{-1} \right) for the best choice of parameters on ellipsoidal and Kullback-Leibler ss-rectangular uncertainty sets, where SS and AA is the number of states and actions, respectively. Our dependence on the number of states and actions is significantly better (by a factor of O(A1.5S1.5)O(A^{1.5}S^{1.5})) than that of pure Value Iteration algorithms. In numerical experiments on ellipsoidal uncertainty sets we show that our algorithm is significantly more scalable than state-of-the-art approaches. Our framework is also the first one to solve robust MDPs with ss-rectangular KL uncertainty sets

    L'Ă©toffe des dieux. Les consĂ©crations de vĂȘtements dans le monde grec : autour du culte attique d'ArtĂ©mis Brauronia

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    Publication suite au Colloque international "Agalma ou les figurations de l’invisible". Approches comparĂ©es. OrganisĂ© par Marcello Carastro (EHESS), Ivonne Manfrini (Haute Ecole d’Art et de Design de GenĂšve) et StĂ©phan Dugast (IRD), Paris, 13 et 14 fĂ©vrier 2012. Actes du colloque Ă  paraĂźtre.INHA, 2 rue Vivienne 75002 Paris.In many Greek sanctuaries, worshippers used to dedicate textiles to the deities. Two main kinds of dedications might be found: first, occasional offerings of clothing previously worn, that aim at creating an intimate relationship between the dedicant (mostly women) and the deity ; second, the annual offering, on behalf of a whole city, of a brand-new fabric that was woven especially for this purpose, and was conveyed through a procession to dress the divine statue during public festivals. This paper will analyze the close relationship between the two types of dedications, by studying the case of the attic worship of Artemis in Brauron. Relying mainly on epigraphic testimonies (public inventories of textile offerings), I will try to shed light on the « agalmatic » aspect of such textile offerings. A comparison will thus be drawn with the catholic cult of Virgins, as studied by MarlĂšne Albert Llorca, and in particular with the worship of the Black Virgin of La Daurade in Toulouse, during modern times. By doing so, I will show that the sharp distinction between individual and public offerings, often assumed by ancient Greek historians, should be reconsidered.L’offrande de piĂšces de tissu aux divinitĂ©s constitue un acte de piĂ©tĂ© rĂ©pandu dans le monde grec. Par-delĂ  la diversitĂ© des formes qu’elle peut prendre, on a tendance Ă  distinguer deux principaux cas de figure. D’un cĂŽtĂ©, les consĂ©crations ponctuelles de vĂȘtements effectivement portĂ©s par des individus sont liĂ©es Ă  des circonstances particuliĂšres et visent Ă  crĂ©er une proximitĂ© entre le dĂ©dicant et la divinitĂ©. De l’autre, la remise par l’ensemble de la communautĂ© d’une piĂšce d’étoffe neuve, tissĂ©e Ă  cet effet pour ĂȘtre apportĂ©e en procession et vĂȘtir l’effigie divine, a lieu lors de fĂȘtes impliquant toute la citĂ©. Selon que l’on se situe dans l’un ou l’autre registre, acte de dĂ©votion privĂ© ou rite public, les acteurs, les motivations, la nature des offrandes dĂ©posĂ©es, les temporalitĂ©s diffĂšrent. C’est sur ces points que l’article se propose de revenir, en Ă©tudiant le dossier relatif aux vĂȘtements consacrĂ©s dans le sanctuaire d’ArtĂ©mis Ă  Brauron, en Attique. L’étude, qui s’appuie principalement sur la documentation Ă©pigraphique, cherche Ă  montrer en quoi les offrandes textiles relĂšvent de l’« agalmatique ». Pour ce faire, une comparaison est Ă©tablie avec les donnĂ©es rassemblĂ©es par MarlĂšne Albert Llorca sur le culte marial Ă  l’époque moderne et alimentĂ©e par l’analyse des archives relatives au culte de la Vierge Noire de la Daurade, Ă  Toulouse. La confrontation s’avĂšre fĂ©conde et permet de considĂ©rer sous un angle neuf les pratiques votives qui ont lieu Ă  Brauron. Elle montre notamment que la distinction entre offrandes « publiques » et offrandes « privĂ©es » mĂ©rite d’ĂȘtre reconsidĂ©rĂ©e

    Hittorff, un architecte Ă  l'Ă©cole de la GrĂšce

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    Jacques-Ignace Hittorff (1792-1867) appears as a figure at once emblematic and singular in XIXth century Europe. That architect and archeologist from the Rhineland got his formation at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts and settled in Paris to exercise his talents as a Hellenist and artist. He contributed to the advances of archeological science by becoming the inventor and theoretician of the monumental polychromy of the Greeks. Reviving the link between antique and modern architecture on new foundations, he promoted a freer reappropriation of the classical tradition and helped to precipitate the end of the reign of neo-classicism then prevailing in Europe. He thus put to advantage his erudite research to conceive edifices that bear the trace of a daring grafting of the antique coloured pattern: this is the case with the Cirque d'Hiver and Saint-Vincent de Paul's church. Still, the relationship between his activities as archeologist and those as architect is not a one-way affair: they entertain a dynamic, complex dialectic relationship. As a matter of fact, his work as historian was for a large part motivated and guided by his desire to justify and make acceptable for the Parisians his own polychromic projects.Jacques-Ignace Hittorff (1792-1867) apparaĂźt comme une figure Ă  la fois emblĂ©matique et singuliĂšre dans l'Europe du xixe siĂšcle. Cet architecte et archĂ©ologue originaire de RhĂ©nanie, formĂ© Ă  l'École des Beaux-Arts, s'est installĂ© Ă  Paris pour y exercer ses talents d'hellĂ©niste et d'artiste. Il a contribuĂ© aux progrĂšs de la science archĂ©ologique, en se faisant l'inventeur et le thĂ©oricien de la polychromie monumentale des Grecs. Renouant le lien entre l'architecture antique et l'architecture moderne sur des bases neuves, il a promu une rĂ©appropriation plus libre de la tradition classique et a contribuĂ© Ă  prĂ©cipiter la fin du rĂšgne du nĂ©o-classicisme, alors dominant en Europe. Il a ainsi mis Ă  profit le fruit de ses recherches Ă©rudites pour concevoir des Ă©difices qui portent la trace d'une greffe audacieuse de la bigarrure antique : c'est le cas du Cirque d'Hiver et de l'Ă©glise Saint-Vincent de Paul. Pour autant, le rapport tissĂ© entre ses activitĂ©s d'archĂ©ologue et celles d'architecte n'est pas Ă  sens unique : elles entretiennent une relation dialectique dynamique et complexe. En effet, son travail d'historien a Ă©tĂ© pour une bonne part motivĂ© et guidĂ© par un dĂ©sir de justifier et de faire accepter auprĂšs des Parisiens ses propres projets polychromes

    The Best Decisions Are Not the Best Advice: Making Adherence-Aware Recommendations

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    Many high-stake decisions follow an expert-in-loop structure in that a human operator receives recommendations from an algorithm but is the ultimate decision maker. Hence, the algorithm's recommendation may differ from the actual decision implemented in practice. However, most algorithmic recommendations are obtained by solving an optimization problem that assumes recommendations will be perfectly implemented. We propose an adherence-aware optimization framework to capture the dichotomy between the recommended and the implemented policy and analyze the impact of partial adherence on the optimal recommendation. We show that overlooking the partial adherence phenomenon, as is currently being done by most recommendation engines, can lead to arbitrarily severe performance deterioration, compared with both the current human baseline performance and what is expected by the recommendation algorithm. Our framework also provides useful tools to analyze the structure and to compute optimal recommendation policies that are naturally immune against such human deviations, and are guaranteed to improve upon the baseline policy

    Introduction [to Part III: Names and Images]

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    On the convex formulations of robust Markov decision processes

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    Robust Markov decision processes (MDPs) are used for applications of dynamic optimization in uncertain environments and have been studied extensively. Many of the main properties and algorithms of MDPs, such as value iteration and policy iteration, extend directly to RMDPs. Surprisingly, there is no known analog of the MDP convex optimization formulation for solving RMDPs. This work describes the first convex optimization formulation of RMDPs under the classical sa-rectangularity and s-rectangularity assumptions. By using entropic regularization and exponential change of variables, we derive a convex formulation with a number of variables and constraints polynomial in the number of states and actions, but with large coefficients in the constraints. We further simplify the formulation for RMDPs with polyhedral, ellipsoidal, or entropy-based uncertainty sets, showing that, in these cases, RMDPs can be reformulated as conic programs based on exponential cones, quadratic cones, and non-negative orthants. Our work opens a new research direction for RMDPs and can serve as a first step toward obtaining a tractable convex formulation of RMDPs

    Charlotte Ribeyrol, « ÉtrangetĂ©, passion, couleur ». L’hellĂ©nisme de Swinburne, Pater et Symonds (1865-1880)

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    L’ouvrage, issu d’une thĂšse de doctorat en littĂ©rature britannique, invite Ă  dĂ©couvrir l’hellĂ©nisme de trois auteurs de l’Angleterre victorienne, Swinburne, Pater et Symonds, dont l’Ɠuvre constitue une Ă©tape majeure dans le renouvellement du rapport Ă  l’AntiquitĂ©, entre la tradition nĂ©o-classique et les lectures des Modernistes. C’est le moment oĂč la GrĂšce, de mieux en mieux connue grĂące au progrĂšs de l’archĂ©ologie, tend Ă  supplanter Rome et Ă  s’affirmer par rapport au modĂšle de rĂ©fĂ©rence hĂ©b..

    Florence Gherchanoc, L’oikos en fĂȘte. CĂ©lĂ©brations familiales et sociabilitĂ© en GrĂšce ancienne

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    La sphĂšre domestique est sans aucun doute l’un des lieux privilĂ©giĂ©s pour observer et analyser l’imbrication du « public » et du « privé » dans la citĂ© grecque, notamment en matiĂšre de pratiques religieuses : l’ouvrage de Florence Gherchanoc (F.G.) le montre bien. L’oikos y est apprĂ©hendĂ© sous l’angle des « fĂȘtes et cĂ©lĂ©brations » qui rythment la vie de la maisonnĂ©e, principalement aux Ă©poques archaĂŻque et classique. L’objectif affichĂ© est de faire converger, d’une part, les Ă©tudes rĂ©centes s..

    Le musée Saint-Raymond, musée des Antiques de Toulouse, et ses portraits romains

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    En guise de prĂ©sentation L’histoire de la rĂ©ception de l’AntiquitĂ© se nourrit de celle de l’accueil rĂ©servĂ© aux Ɠuvres antiques, qui contribuent tout autant que les textes Ă  la connaissance des civilisations passĂ©es. Au cours du xixe siĂšcle, la « naissance » de l’archĂ©ologie moderne modifie profondĂ©ment le regard portĂ© sur les objets antiques, amorçant une Ă©volution du statut qui leur est dĂ©volu. La recherche du « bel objet », Ɠuvre d’art Ă©levĂ©e au rang de modĂšle indĂ©passable, qui suscite adm..
