22 research outputs found

    Batillipes dandarae Santos, Rocha, Jr & Fontoura, 2017, sp. nov.

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    <i>Batillipes dandarae</i> sp. nov. <p>(Figs 4–5; Table 2)</p> <p> <b>Diagnosis</b>. Medium sized <i>Batillipes</i> with cylindrical undivided primary clavae. Papillar secondary clavae present. Sensorial leg spines and cirri, including all cephalic cirri, lateral cirri and cirri E, with an optically dense dot near their blunt tips. Sensorial spine on leg I inserted on the posterior part of the leg and turning frontwards. Toes 3 and 4 of legs IV with different lengths. Lateral processes between legs absent. Pointed triangular caudal appendage very variable in shape and size among specimens. Finely punctated cuticle comprised of small pillars; dorsal punctations uniformly distributed. Rosette-like female gonopore separated from the anus by a groove. Males with circular gonopore with crescent-shaped cuticular fold. Anus surrounded by a peculiar cuticular structure constituted by six platelets.</p> <p> <b>Type locality.</b> Gunga Beach, Alagoas, Brazil (9°51'45"S, 35°54'17"W).</p> <p> <b>Type material.</b> Holotype: adult, female (slide CVII-81) collected at Gunga Beach, mounted in glycerol. Allotypic male (slide TARD/UFRPE 02-18), collected at Forte Orange Beach, mounted in polyvinyl alcohol. Paratypes: 23 specimens (6 females, 17 juveniles) collected at Forte Orange Beach, mounted in polyvinyl alcohol (slides TARD/UFRPE 02-15 to 02-21); 1 female collected in Ponta do Sal Beach, mounted in polyvinyl alcohol (slide CVII-83); 2 females collected in Patacho Beach, mounted in glycerol (slide TARD/UFRPE 02-22).</p> <p> <b>Type repository.</b> The type material (holotype slide CVII-81 and paratype CVII-83) is deposited in the collection of the Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto, Portugal, and the other slides in the collection of Tardigrades—UFRPE (Laboratory of Meiofauna, Department of Biology, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Brazil).</p> <p> <b>Etymology.</b> The specific name, <i>dandarae</i>, is in honor of “Dandara dos Palmares”, an ex-slave warrior, who led the fight against slavery in Brazil in the XVII century.</p> <p> <b>Ecological note.</b> <i>B. dandarae</i> <b>sp. nov.</b> was mainly found in shallow sublittoral fine to medium calcareous and quartz sands in low energy and estuarine beaches as Gunga Beach and Forte Orange Beach and occasionally in high energy beaches (Ponta do Sal) and in reef pools as Patacho Beach.</p> <p> <b>Description of holotype.</b> Female, 194 µm long (204 µm including the caudal apparatus) and 68.9 µm wide between the third and fourth pairs of legs (Fig. 4 A, B). Eyes present (very faint and difficult to see, fig 4 D, probably dissolved by effect of the mounting media). Trapezoid head with eleven cephalic appendages (Figs 4 D, E, 5 A): Internal cirri inserted dorsally on the frontal edge of the head are 23.2 µm long, bearing cirrophores (about 3.1 µm long). External cirri 16.1 µm long (Fig. 4 E), with indistinct cirrophores, inserted ventro-laterally, ventral to the pedestals bearing lateral cirri and primary clavae. The median cirrus, with cirrophore (about 3.4 µm long), is 24.8 µm long (Fig 4 D). The lateral cirrus, 28.2 µm long, is located dorsally in relation to the unconstricted tubular primary clava which is 13.3 µm long. These two appendages share a common pedestal (Fig 5 A). A van der Land’s organ is present at the base of the primary clava. All the cephalic cirri, including external cirri, and lateral cirri have an optically dense dot (black dot when observed under PHC) near their blunt tips. Indentation or notch in the frontal margin of the head between the external cirrus and the pedestal bearing the primary clava and lateral cirrus not observed. In the frontal edge of the head well developed (major diameter about 6.8 µm) secondary clavae are present (Fig 5 A).</p> <p>Ovoid pharyngeal bulb 19.5 µm long and 19.0 µm wide. Placoids not visible after slide mounting. Mouth opening located at the top of an ovoid buccal cone (12.1 µm long and 18.2 µm wide) about 10 µm distant from the frontal edge (Fig. 4 E).</p> <p>A dorsal blunt enlargement is visible in the scapular region at the level of legs I Figs 4 A, B, 5 A). No other body lateral projections or cuticular lateral processes are present. The caudal apparatus is constituted by a cuticular conical-shaped projection, 8.9 µm long.</p> <p>Sensorial spines present on all legs. Sensorial spine on leg I is the shortest, about the same length on legs II and III, and longer on legs IV (9.4; 11.3; 11.2, and 12.7 µm long, respectively). Leg I sense organs are not subdivided into different parts. They are similar in shape to sense organs on legs II and III that are spine-like. However, leg I sense organs are inserted on the posterior part of the leg and revolved frontwards (Fig. 5 B). All the sense organs on legs I–III have an optically dense dot near their blunt tips. The sense organ on leg IV is divided into a cirrophore (1.3 µm long), a proximal portion (4.7 µm long) and a distal portion (6.4 µm long) with a basal van der Land’s organ and an optically dense dot near the tip. Dorsal cirri E are blunt and short (18.7 µm long) with no evident cirrophores and also with a dot near the tip.</p> <p>Telescopic legs without tibial papillae. Toes with distal stalks considerably enlarged (2.6 µm wide), terminated by small ovoid suction discs (3.7 µm long and 3.4 µm wide on leg IV) with conspicuous braces and well developed peripheral thickenings. In the first three pair of legs, toe 2 is the shortest, toes 3 and 5 are the longest and toes 1, 4 and 6 are medium sized (13.4, 4.7, 16.2, 10.2, 17.9 and 12.7 µm long, respectively for toes 1 to 6 of leg II). In the fourth pair of legs (Figs 4 A, B, 5 C) toes conform to the pattern of the D group of species proposed by Kristensen and Mackness (2000), with toes 3 and 4 of different lengths (10.1 and 12.7 µm long respectively). In legs IV toes 1 and 6 are of intermediate size and similar in length; toes 2 and especially toes 5 are the longest (this character was observed in paratypes; in the holotype only toe 1, 14.4 µm, was measurable).</p> <p> Dorsal cuticle uniformly and finely punctated, with about 15 pillars/10 µm, comprised of short pillars (<i>ca.</i> 1 µm high) with some delicate transverse lines (about eight) and without smooth regions. Less dense punctation on ventral cuticle which exhibit some transverse folds.</p> <p>Gonopore rosette-shaped (Figs 4 C, 5C) separated from the anus by a very small groove. The anus, 7.3 µm posterior from the gonopore, is surrounded by a peculiar cuticular round structure, constituted by six platelets.</p> <p> <b>Remarks.</b> Sexual dimorphism was not evident in the only male (138 µm long) found. This male is similar to females in both qualitative and metric characters (except for their circular gonopore with crescent shaped cuticular fold, distant 6.5 µm from the anus). Juveniles, with six toes on each leg but without a visible gonopore, were also similar to adults. Four-toed larvae were not found. Sense organ on legs I inserted on the posterior part of the leg and turning frontwards, similar to the one described for <i>B. noerrevangi</i> Kristensen, 1978 is consistently present in all the examined specimens. Shape and size of the caudal apparatus are strongly variable among individuals.</p> <p> <b>Differential diagnosis.</b> <i>Batillipes dandarae</i> <b>sp. nov.</b> in having medial toes 3 and 4 on leg IV of different lengths and respectively different from toe 1 and toe 2, belongs to the D group of species (Kristensen and Mackness 2000). Only six known species, including <i>B. brasiliensis</i> <b>sp. nov.</b> described above, exhibit this toe pattern on leg IV. However, similarly to <i>B. dandarae</i> <b>sp. nov.</b>, only two other species included in this D group, <i>B. africanus</i> and <i>B. tubernatis</i>, lack body cuticular lateral processes.</p> <p> <i>B. tubernatis</i> was originally described by Pollock (1971) as having a rounded and swollen caudal contour and not a real caudal appendage. In the emended description (McKirdy 1975), some specimens of <i>B. tubernatis</i> can exhibit a “strong, single, swollen-based caudal spike inserting as a continuous extension of the body”, similar to the caudal apparatus of the new species. However, in <i>Batillipes dandarae</i> <b>sp. nov.</b> the caudal appendage is present in all the specimens, including young. Moreover, the new species differs from <i>B. tubernatis</i> in the aspect of dorsal punctations: they are uniformly distributed and finely punctate in the new species, while apunctate areas and different sized punctations occur in <i>B. tubernatis</i>. In <i>B. dandarae</i> <b>sp. nov.</b>, and contrary to <i>B. tubernatis</i>, the secondary clavae are well developed, protruding from the frontal head border. In addition, according to McKirdy (1975), in <i>B. tubernatis</i> toe suction discs are rounded-quadrate to subcircular in shape with slightly indented frontal edge (see Fig. 12 B in McKirdy 1975), while they are ovoid in the new species (Fig. 5 A, C).</p> <p> <i>Batillipes dandarae</i> <b>sp. nov.</b> and <i>B. africanus</i> are very similar each other. In <i>B. dandarae</i> <b>sp. nov.</b>, compared to <i>B. africanus</i>, pedestals bearing primary clavae and lateral cirri are less pronounced. Despite the variability in shape and size, the caudal apparatus is more consistently triangular shaped in <i>B. dandarae</i> <b>sp. nov.</b>, and never in the shape of an elongated spine as sometimes occurs in <i>B. africanus</i>. On the other hand, specimens of the new species without caudal apparatus were not found. Segmental folds are weakly marked in the new species, preventing the differentiation of body sections, contrary to <i>B. africanus</i> where a cephalic, a caudal and three body sections are evident, including in first stage larvae. Another difference between the two species refers to tibial papillae that are present in <i>B. africanus</i> only. In addition, the following characters, by their taxonomic relevance, deserve special attention. <i>i</i>) Shape of the scapular region: in <i>B. dandarae</i> <b>sp. nov.</b> a conspicuous dorsal blunt enlargement is present in the scapular region at the level of legs I, while <i>B. africanus</i> lacks this enlargement and the body is more rectangular-shaped. <i>ii</i>) Morphology of leg I sense organs, that are spine-like, inserted in the posterior region of the legs and revolved frontwards in the new species and not articulated, straight and parallel to the toes, as in <i>B. africanus</i>. In addition, in the new species sense organs on legs III are longer, about twice the length, than those of <i>B. africanus</i> (range 10.0–11.2 µm in the new species; 5.0–6.0 µm in <i>B. africanus</i>). <i>iii</i>) Structure and morphology of the gonopore and the anus: in the new species the female gonopore has the typical rosette-like shape without additional structures or special cuticular areas and the anus is surrounded by a round structure constituted by six cuticular platelets. In <i>B. africanus</i> the female gonopore has two posterior apunctated areas and the anus is covered by three platelets.</p> <p> Small dots near the tips of sensorial structures, appearing as black dots (optically dense) under phase contrast microscopy, present in <i>B. dandarae</i> <b>sp. nov.</b> were not described for both <i>B. tubernatis</i> and <i>B. africanus.</i> Optically dense regions below the tip of cephalic cirri were observed by Gallo D’Addabbo <i>et al.</i> (2000), redescribing <i>B. dicrocercus</i>. Probably, the observation of these dots had been neglected in the description of other <i>Batillipes</i> species; therefore this character should be carefully used in comparisons of different species.</p> <p> As previously mentioned, the structure of the revolved sense organ on leg I of <i>B. dandarae</i> <b>sp. nov.</b> is shared with <i>B. noerrevangi.</i> The two species cannot be confused because they exhibit a different toe pattern (<i>B. noerrevangi</i> belongs to the A group of species proposed by Kristensen and Mackness 2000, which have the middle toes of legs IV of equal length). Both species can be found in low saline waters. The new species occurring mainly in estuarine beaches, as it is the case of Forte Orange Beach that, according da Rocha <i>et al</i>. (2004), has a salinity value of 5–29 PSU, while <i>B. noerrevangi</i> can be found in low saline waters of the North Sea (4–20 PSU) and the Baltic Sea (3–11 PSU) (Kristensen 1978, Zawierucha <i>et al.</i> 2015).</p>Published as part of <i>Santos, Erika, Da Rocha, Clélia M. C., Jr, Edivaldo Gomes & Fontoura, Paulo, 2017, Three new Batillipes species (Arthrotardigrada: Batillipedidae) from the Brazilian coast, pp. 483-502 in Zootaxa 4243 (3)</i> on pages 491-496, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4243.3.4, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/400153">http://zenodo.org/record/400153</a&gt

    Batillipes potiguarensis Santos, Rocha, Jr & Fontoura, 2017, sp. nov.

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    <i>Batillipes potiguarensis</i> sp. nov. <p>(Fig. 6; Table 3)</p> <p> <b>Diagnosis</b>. Medium sized <i>Batillipes</i> with tubular undivided primary clavae and well developed papillar secondary clavae. Cephalic cirri with swollen distal tips. Sensorial spines on all legs. Sensorial organ on leg IV very short. Legs terminated by long toes with spatula-like suction discs. Toes 3 and 4 of legs IV of equal lengths (pattern of the A group of species proposed by Kristensen and Mackness, 2000). Distinct head separated from the body by a neck constriction. Scapular region well developed, protruding laterally at the level of the first pair of legs. Small lateral blunt processes between legs I–III. Well-developed blunt processes between legs III and IV. Prominent semicircular caudal projection. Cuticle finely punctated with transverse folds. Rosette-like female gonopore delimited by four punctate cuticular platelets.</p> <p> <b>Type locality.</b> Amor Beach, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, (6°13'41"S, 35°02'29"W).</p> <p> <b>Type material.</b> Holotype: adult, female (slide CVII-82) collected at Amor beach, mounted in glycerol. Paratypes mounted in glycerol: one female collected at Gunga beach (slide TARD/UFRPE 02-23); and 3 females collected at Amor beach (slides TARD/UFRPE 02-24 and CVII-82); 1 female and 1 juvenile collected at Francês Beach (slides TARD/UFRPE 02-25 and 02-26).</p> <p> <b>Type repository.</b> The type material (slide CVII-82) is deposited in the collection of the Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto, Portugal, and the other slides in the collection of Tardigrades— UFRPE (Laboratory of Meiofauna, Department of Biology, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Brazil).</p> <p> <b>Etymology.</b> The name <i>potiguarensis</i> refers the inhabitants of the State of Rio Grande do Norte where the new species was found, primitively named the Potiguar Territory.</p> <p> <b>Ecological note.</b> <i>B. potiguarensis</i> <b>sp. nov.</b> was found in shallow sublittoral medium to coarse gravels and quartz sands, in reef pools of high energy beaches (Amor Beach) and low energy beaches (Francês Beach).</p> <p>FEMALES JUVENILE adults 6-toed</p> <p>STRUCTURES Holotype Mean ± SD (Range); N</p> <p> <b>Description of the holotype.</b> Female, 171 µm long (187 µm including the caudal apparatus) and 62.1 µm wide between the third and fourth pair of legs (Figs 6 A, B). Typical trapezoid head separated from the body by an evident neck constriction. Head bearing eleven cephalic appendages. Internal cirri inserted dorsally on the frontal edge of the head are 21.8 µm long with cirrophores (about 3.8 µm long). External cirri 20.1 µm long, with indistinct cirrophores, inserted more ventrally, near the lateral cirri and primary clavae. The median cirrus, with cirrophore (2.6 µm), is 20.5 µm long. The lateral cirrus, 35.8 µm long, is located dorsally in relation to the unconstricted, but wrinkled, tubular primary clava, 19.4 µm long (Fig 6 C). These two appendages share a common pedestal. A van der Land’s organ is present inside the base of the primary clava that has a terminal pore. Well developed and prominent papillar secondary clavae (diameter about 5.6 µm) are visible on the frontal edge of the head (Fig 6 C). All the cephalic cirri, including the external cirri and the lateral cirri have a optically dense dot (black dot when observed under PHC) near their swollen tips. There is no notch between internal and external cirrus nor an indentation between the external cephalic cirrus and the pedestal bearing the primary clava and lateral cirrus. Eye spots not observed. The ovoid pharyngeal bulb is 21.3 µm long and 20.7 µm wide. Placoids not visible after slide mounting.</p> <p>A lateral blunt expansion (auricle), 6.8 µm long, is present between the head and the first pair of legs (Fig 6 C). The scapular region is well developed (70.8 µm wide) protruding laterally at the level of the first pair of legs (Fig. 6 A, B). At the level of the second pair of legs a weak body protrusion is also visible. Ventrolateral blunt processes (Fig. 6 A, B) are present between all leg pairs, particularly developed between legs III and IV (4.6, 5.8 and 9.1 µm between legs I–II, II–III and III–IV respectively). The caudal region has a conspicuous semicircle-shaped protrusion, 15.2 µm long.</p> <p>Sharply pointed (20.1 µm long) cirri E with small cirrophores. Sensorial organs present on all legs (9.8; 11.4; 10.8, and 6.6 on leg I, II, III and IV respectively). Leg sense organs of legs I and IV divided into a basal and a distal portion with a dot near their swollen tips. The short sense organ on leg IV (Fig 6 A, B) has a van der Land’s organ separating the two portions (basal portion 3.1 µm long; distal portion 3.5 µm long). Sense organs on legs II and III are spines.</p> <p>Telescopic legs with long toes. Toes with the distal stalk with a distal enlargement (3.0 µm wide), spatula-like suction discs (5.3 µm long and 4.7 µm wide on leg IV) with straight frontal edge, short and thin braces and slightly thickened lateral edges. In the first three pair of legs, toe 2 is the shortest, toes 3 and 5 are the longest and toes 1, 4 and 6 are medium sized (in leg I 10.3, 7.9, 19.7, 11.4, 20.6 and 12.4 µm long for toes 1 to 6 respectively). In the fourth pair of legs (Fig. 6 D) the toes conform to the pattern of the A group of species proposed by Kristensen and Mackness (2000), with medial toes 3 and 4 of equal lengths (15.5 and 15.7 µm long respectively). Toes 5 and 6 of legs IV are respectively 25.7 and 19.1 µm long and toes 1 and 2 were not measurable (in paratypes toes 2 and 5 are the longest and similar each other; toes 1 and 6, also similar each other, are of intermediate length).</p> <p>Dorsal cuticle punctated (about 12 pillars/10 µm; each pillar with about 1 µm high) with about eight transverse folds. Ventral transverse folds are also visible.</p> <p>Rosette-like gonopore delimited by four punctate cuticular platelets, two anterior and two posterior forming a groove in direction to the anus (Fig. 6 E). The anus is 10.8 µm distant from the gonopore.</p> <p> <b>Remarks.</b> Males and four-toed larvae were not found. Morphometric variations in lateral processes and caudal projection of adult specimens were not observed. The only juvenile observed, with six toes on each leg but without a visible gonopore, is similar to adult females also.</p> <p> <b>Differential diagnosis.</b> <i>Batillipes potiguarensis</i> <b>sp. nov.</b> in having toes 3 and 4 of the hind legs of equal lengths and respectively different from toe 1 and toe 2, belongs to the A group of species (Kristensen and Mackness 2000). There are 20 known species included in this group. However, similarly to the new species, only two species, both with limited geographic distribution in the Pacific Ocean, have simultaneously a blunt or semicircular caudal protrusion and blunt lateral processes between legs III and IV: <i>B. rotundiculus</i> Rho, Min and Chang, 1999, described from the Korean coasts (Sea of Japan) and <i>B. solitarius</i> Jørgensen, Boesgaard, Møbjerg and Kristensen, 2014, from the Australian coast (Tasman Sea).</p> <p> <i>B. potiguarensis</i> <b>sp. nov.</b> differs from <i>B. solitarius</i> in having a much more protruded semicircular caudal projection; smaller and different shaped secondary clavae (prominent papilla, less than 6.2 µm wide in the new species, concave and elongate lens-shaped, 13.0 µm wide, in <i>B. solitarius</i>) and lateral projection between legs I and II (blunt in the new species; sharp pointed in <i>B. solitarius</i>). Moreover, cephalic cirri in <i>B. potiguarensis</i> <b>sp. nov.</b> have a plain tip, while in <i>B. solitarius</i> median, internal and lateral cirri have terminal tufts.</p> <p> The new species is very similar to <i>B. rotundiculus.</i> These two species share a similar caudal protrusion, a welldeveloped scapular region at the level of the first pair of legs, and similar blunt-shaped ventrolateral processes. However <i>Batillipes potiguarensis</i> <b>sp. nov.</b> can be distinguished from <i>B. rotundiculus</i> in having swollen cephalic cirri (sharply pointed in <i>B. rotundiculus</i>) and an evident and protruded secondary clavae (not present in <i>B. rotundiculus</i>). In addition, the two species also differ in the relative length of leg sense organs: contrary to <i>B. rotundiculus</i>, in the new species sense organs on leg IV are particularly shorter and shorter than sense organs on leg I (in the holotype of <i>B. rotundiculus</i> leg spine I is 8 µm and sense organ on leg IV is 9.2 µm; in <i>B. potiguarensis</i> <b>sp. nov.</b> leg spine I is 9.8 µm and sense organ IV is 6.6 µm, specimens respectively 195 and 187 µm long, including caudal apparatus). Moreover, the leg IV sensory organs of <i>B. rotundiculus</i> are spike-shaped while in the new species they are divided into two portions, the distal portion with swollen tips. Another important differentiating character between the two species is the relative size of medial (toes 3 and 4) and lateral toes (1 and 6) on legs IV. In <i>B. potiguarensis</i> <b>sp. nov.</b> toes 3 and 4 of hind legs are shorter than toes 1 and 6 while in <i>B. rotundiculus</i> they are similar or longer (in the holotype lateral toes are 16.6 and 17.1 µm long and medial toes are 17.5 and 17.1 µm long).</p>Published as part of <i>Santos, Erika, Da Rocha, Clélia M. C., Jr, Edivaldo Gomes & Fontoura, Paulo, 2017, Three new Batillipes species (Arthrotardigrada: Batillipedidae) from the Brazilian coast, pp. 483-502 in Zootaxa 4243 (3)</i> on pages 496-499, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4243.3.4, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/400153">http://zenodo.org/record/400153</a&gt

    Three new Batillipes species (Arthrotardigrada: Batillipedidae) from the brazilian coast

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    Three new tardigrade species, Batillipes brasiliensis sp. nov., Batillipes dandarae sp. nov. and Batillipes potiguarensis sp. nov., are described from shallow subtidal sediments of the Brazilian coast. B. brasiliensis sp. nov. and B. dandarae sp. nov. have toes 3 and 4 on leg IV different in length, so they can be included in the D group of species, while B. potiguarensis sp. nov., with toes 3 and 4 on leg IV equal in length belong to the A group. Batillipes brasiliensis sp. nov. is characterized by having an ala-like caudal expansion; cuticular projections on the coxal region of legs I-III, and lateral projections. The lateral projection located between the third and fourth legs is fringed with digit-shaped expansions. Batillipes dandarae sp. nov. has a dorsal blunt enlargement in the scapular region; a pointed triangular caudal appendage, and no lateral projections. The new species exhibits a sensorial spine on legs I inserted posteriorly and turning forward, and anus surrounded by a peculiar cuticular structure constituted by six platelets. Batillipes potiguarensis sp. nov. is characterized by a unique combination of characters: scapular region well developed, protruding laterally at the level of the first pair of legs; lateral blunt processes between legs, and prominent roundish caudal protrusion. In addition, the new species exhibits cephalic appendages with swollen tips, evident secondary clavae, and very short sense organs on the legs IV.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT); Parcialmente financiado pela FEDER; Coordination of Improvement of Higher Level Personnel (CAPES)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Orzeliscus belopus du Bois-Reymond Marcus 1952

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    <i>Orzeliscus belopus</i> du Bois-Reymond Marcus, 1952 <p> <b>Material examined.</b> Four specimens collected in medium to coarse, gravels and quartz sands, in low energy beaches, one specimen from Forte Orange Beach (Pernambuco State) and three from Gunga Beach (Alagoas State).</p>Published as part of <i>Santos, Erika, Da Rocha, Clélia M. C., Jr, Edivaldo Gomes & Fontoura, Paulo, 2017, Three new Batillipes species (Arthrotardigrada: Batillipedidae) from the Brazilian coast, pp. 483-502 in Zootaxa 4243 (3)</i> on page 500, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4243.3.4, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/400153">http://zenodo.org/record/400153</a&gt

    Batillipes pennaki Marcus 1946

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    <i>Batillipes pennaki</i> Marcus 1946 <p> <i>Material examined</i>: Ten specimens collected in medium to coarse, gravels and quartz sands, in low energy beaches, five from Sossego Beach (Pernambuco State) and five from Gunga Beach (Alagoas State).</p>Published as part of <i>Santos, Erika, Da Rocha, Clélia M. C., Jr, Edivaldo Gomes & Fontoura, Paulo, 2017, Three new Batillipes species (Arthrotardigrada: Batillipedidae) from the Brazilian coast, pp. 483-502 in Zootaxa 4243 (3)</i> on page 496, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4243.3.4, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/400153">http://zenodo.org/record/400153</a&gt


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    <i>Florarctus</i> sp. <p> <b>Material examined.</b> One specimen in a dirty preparation and not identified to species level, collected in medium to coarse, gravels and quartz sands, in a low energy beach, Sossego Beach (Pernambuco State).</p>Published as part of <i>Santos, Erika, Da Rocha, Clélia M. C., Jr, Edivaldo Gomes & Fontoura, Paulo, 2017, Three new Batillipes species (Arthrotardigrada: Batillipedidae) from the Brazilian coast, pp. 483-502 in Zootaxa 4243 (3)</i> on page 500, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4243.3.4, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/400153">http://zenodo.org/record/400153</a&gt

    Batillipes adriaticus Grimaldi de Zio, Morone De Lucia, D'Addabbo Gallo & Grimaldi 1979

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    <i>Batillipes adriaticus</i> Grimaldi de Zio, Morone De Lucia, D’Addabbo Gallo & Grimaldi, 1979 Material examined <p>PORTUGAL: 1 ♀ collected at Portinho da Arrábida Beach, mounted in PVA (slide C. IX-71), and 14 specimens (9 ♀♀, 1 ♂, 3 juveniles and 1 four-toed larva, all mounted in glycerol), collected at Vasco da Gama Beach (slides C. IX-75, C. IX-80 – C. IX-91).</p> Remarks <p> The specimens clearly correspond to the original description of Grimaldi de Zio <i>et al</i>. (1979). The main characteristic of this species is its dorsal cuticle sculpture constituted by large pillars, appearing as large tubercles (diameter about 2–3 µm); ventrally the cuticle exhibits the fine punctuation as do the majority of <i>Batillipes</i> species. Cephalic appendages have a lance-like tip and papillary secondary clavae are present. Between legs III and IV, an acute sculptured conical body projection is present. Lateral body projections between the first three pairs of legs are not referred to by Grimaldi de Zio <i>et al</i>. (1979). However, in some Portuguese specimens, small blunt ventro-lateral body projections are visible. The caudal appendage is a long spine inserted on a cylindrical base. Middle toes (3 and 4) on feet of legs IV are of similar length. Sensory organs are present on all legs, considerably long on legs IV.</p> <p>The specific characters of the species: dorsal sculpture, conical lateral body projection between legs III–IV and spine-like caudal appendage are already present in the four-toed larva.</p> Distribution <p> Up to now, this species had only been reported from the Mediterranean Basin (Adriatic Sea, Ionian Sea and Tyrrhenian Sea, see Kaczmarek <i>et al</i>. 2015). This is its first record for the Atlantic Ocean.</p> Associated species <p> <i>Batillipes phreaticus</i> and <i>H. greveni</i>.</p>Published as part of <i>Santos, Erika, Rubal, Marcos, Veiga, Puri, da Rocha, Clélia M. C. & Fontoura, Paulo, 2018, Batillipes (Tardigrada, Arthrotardigrada) from the Portuguese coast with the description of two new species and a new dichotomous key for all species, pp. 1-32 in European Journal of Taxonomy 425</i> on pages 4-5, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2018.425, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/3806131">http://zenodo.org/record/3806131</a&gt

    Batillipes phreaticus Renaud-Debyser 1959

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    <i>Batillipes phreaticus</i> Renaud-Debyser, 1959 <p>Fig. 8</p> Material examined <p>PORTUGAL: 1 ♂, collected at Ilha de Tavira Beach, mounted in glycerol (slide C.10-79); 1 juvenil collected at Baleal Sul Beach, mounted in PVA (slide C.10-13); 34 specimens (22 ♀♀, 8 ♂♂, 3 juveniles and 1 four-toed larva), collected at Meia-Praia Beach, mounted in glycerol (slides C.VII.89, C.IX.1, C.IX-2; C.IX-37–C.IX-39, C.IX-41–C.IX-43, C.IX-47, C.IX-50–C.IX-52, C.IX-55–C.IX-58, C.IX- 60–C.IX-64, C.IX-66, C.IX-67); 116 specimens (42 ♀♀, 37 ♂♂, 33 juveniles and 4 four-toed larvae), collected at Vasco da Gama Beach, mounted in glycerol (slides C.IX-75–C.IX-86, C.IX-88–C.IX-98).</p> Short description <p> Distinct head separated from the body by a neck constriction followed by well-developed lateral processes (Fig. 8A). Eyes not observed in mounted specimens. Caudal apparatus constituted by one major pointed spine surrounded, at its base, by a crown of small accessory spines (2 to 6) (Fig. 8B). Paired internal and external cephalic cirri and median cirrus all with lance-like tips. Surface of primary clavae with black punctations, sharing the same pedestal with the lateral cirri <i>A</i>, that also have a lancelike tip. Papillar secondary clavae present. Dorsal cuticle shows fine punctuation, with pillars uniformly distributed. Single sharp conical body projections between legs III and IV (Fig. 8B). Lateral body projections between the first three pairs of legs often indistinct. When present, they are blunt between legs I–II and triangular between legs II–III. Dorsal cirri <i>E</i> present. Sensory spines on all legs, longer on legs IV (Fig. 8B). Middle toes (3 and 4) on feet of legs IV (Fig. 8C) equal in length.</p> Distribution <p>Interstitial species recorded in the Eastern Atlantic region (Atlantic Ocean, North Sea, Irish Sea and Celtic Sea) and in the Mediterranean Basin (Balearic and Ionian Seas) where it has been recorded,</p> <p> mostly intertidally, but also subtidally (Kaczmarek <i>et al</i>. 2015). <i>Batillipes phreaticus</i> was recorded from the Galician coast, NW Spain (Veiga <i>et al</i>. 2009), but this is the first record from Portugal.</p> Associated species <p> <i>Batillipes adriaticus</i>, <i>B. algharbensis</i> sp. nov., <i>B. lusitanus</i> sp. nov., <i>B. pennaki</i> and <i>H. greveni.</i></p> Remarks <p> In the original description of <i>B. phreaticus</i> from Arcachon Bay, France (Celtic Sea), the presence of lateral body projections between the first three pair of legs is not referred (Renaud-Debyser 1959).</p> <p> Concerning toes, Renaud-Debyser (1959) states that they are similar to those of <i>B. littoralis</i> (also from Arcachon Bay), which are described in the same publication as having stalks of different lengths. However, the relative size of toes and details of the arrangement among feet were not referred by Renaud-Debyser (1959).</p> <p> Specimens from England, Filey Beach and Stoup Beck Beach, Yorkshire, collected by Pollock (1971) and from Germany, Elbe Estuary (Riemann 1966) attributed to <i>B. phreaticus</i>, differed from the original description in some morphometric aspects and in having lateral body projections often present (Pollock 1971). Moreover, Pollock (1971) noticed that in English specimens, the middle toes (toes 3 and 4) on feet of legs IV were equal in length. Later, Villora-Moreno & de Zio Grimaldi (1993), based on specimens collected on sandy beaches from the Mediterranean Sea (Balearic Sea), provided a redescription of the species, confirming the differences mentioned by Pollock (1971), regarding the original description: presence in adult specimens of a ventro-lateral body projection between legs II and III, and middle toes on feet of legs IV equal in length (toe pattern group <i>A</i>, Pollock 1970a). Despite his own observations, Pollock (1971) did not correct his proposal from 1970 of three different patterns of toe arrangement within <i>Batillipes</i> species, having included <i>B. phreaticus</i> in group <i>B</i>, which considers middle toes on feet of legs IV of different length and toe 1 equal to 3, while <i>B. littoralis</i> have been included in group <i>C</i> (middle toes on feet of legs IV of different length and toe 2 equal to 4).</p> <p> The system of toe arrangement patterns on the fourth feet of species of <i>Batillipes</i> species was modified by Kristensen & Mackness (2000), who proposed a fourth group (group <i>D</i>, constituted by species with middle toes of different length and also different from all the other toes). As previously proposed by Pollock (1970a), <i>B. phreaticus</i> and <i>B. littoralis</i> were kept in groups <i>B</i> and <i>C</i>, respectively, by Kristensen & Mackness (2000).</p> <p> Taking into account the taxonomic importance of those characters (Gallo D’Addabbo <i>et al</i>. 2000), the examination of type material of those two species deposited in the collection of the MNHN was of primordial importance. This examination showed that the toe pattern of the fourth feet of <i>B. littoralis</i> perfectly matches the group <i>D</i> proposed by Kristensen & Mackness (2000). Concerning <i>B. phreaticus</i>, despite the poor condition of the specimen, the middle toes of the fourth feet seem to be equal in length and shorter than all the other, from which, toes 2 and 5 are the longest and about the same length, and toes 1 and 6, also similar in size and of intermediate length (toe pattern of group <i>A</i>). One of the examined specimens from Scotland collected by Pollock in 1981 also exhibits the middle toes of the fourth feet equal in length (Fig. 8D). Unfortunately, this character was not visible in the other Scottish specimen deposited in the MNHN (slide AR607).</p> <p>Therefore, specimens from the Portuguese coast match with observations of Pollock (1971) and Villora- Moreno & de Zio Grimaldi (1993). Ventro-lateral body projections between legs I–III were not observed in the type specimen, neither in the Scottish specimens. However, according to Pollock (1971) and as observed in Portuguese specimens, these lateral projections can be absent in some specimens or, as stated by Villora-Moreno & de Zio Grimaldi (1993), are indistinct as a result of slide preparation. It is important to remark that in a few adult specimens from Portugal (three specimens from Vasco da Gama Beach and six from Portinho da Arrábida Beach) the main caudal spine was inserted on a wide conical base, lacking the basal crown of small accessory spines as it occurs in juveniles. This ontogenetic variability of the morphology of the caudal appendage was also referred by Villora-Moreno & de Zio Grimaldi (1993).</p>Published as part of <i>Santos, Erika, Rubal, Marcos, Veiga, Puri, da Rocha, Clélia M. C. & Fontoura, Paulo, 2018, Batillipes (Tardigrada, Arthrotardigrada) from the Portuguese coast with the description of two new species and a new dichotomous key for all species, pp. 1-32 in European Journal of Taxonomy 425</i> on pages 17-19, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2018.425, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/3806131">http://zenodo.org/record/3806131</a&gt