19 research outputs found

    Study of Porosity and Surface Groups of Activated Carbons Produced from Alternative and Renewable Biomass: Buriti Petiole

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    This study reports the production of activated carbon (AC) from chemical activation with sodium hydroxide in pyrolysis temperature of 500 to 600 °C using alternative and renewable material, Buriti petiole. The characterization of the material was performed by simultaneous thermogravimetry-differential thermal analysis (TG–DTA), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), nitrogen adsorption–desorption isotherms at -196 °C by the BET (Brunauer, Emmett and Teller) and BJH (Barrett, Joyner and Halenda) methods for mesoporous materials. Infrared spectroscopy (FT–IR) and TG/DT–FTIR coupled system were used to study the surface groups. Adsorption tests for the activated carbons samples (ACs) were carried out using the methylene blue (MB) cationic and anionic orange G (OG) dyes, the most satisfactory results were methylene blue dye. These results indicated the formation of mesoporous adsorbent materials with BET surface areas obtained between 340 m2g-1 and 1715 m2g-1. The chemical activation of the carbons with sodium hydroxide produced highly mesoporous material suitable for adsorption of cationic and anionic dyes in aqueous solution. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v9i1.87

    Insecticidal Activity of [Cu(H2NTA)2].2H2O in Aedes aegypti Larvae (Diptera: Culicidae)

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    The demand for new insecticides and alternative strategies for the population control of Aedes aegypti has stimulated research to obtain new compounds with broad biological activity. Accordingly, the dihydrogen nitrilotriacetate complex of copper (II) dihydrate, [Cu(H2NTA)2].2H2O, was synthesized by the stoichiometric reaction of nitrilotriacetic acid (H3NTA) hydroxide with basic copper carbonate (II) (Cu2(OH)2CO3) and characterized by the spectroscopic techniques UV-Vis and FT-IR. The biological toxicity in A. aegypti was determined by bioassay using concentrations ranging from 90.0 mg L−1 to 897.4 mg L−1. The LC50 obtained was 146.11 mg L−1 [132.18–160.10] and the LT50 obtained at a concentration of 897.4 mg L−1 was 70.61 min [38.21–94.90]. The results showed that the complex obtained in this work is a potential metal-insecticide. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v7i4.73

    Insecticidal Activity of [Cu(H2NTA)2].2H2O in Aedes aegypti Larvae (Diptera: Culicidae)

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    The demand for new insecticides and alternative strategies for the population control of Aedes aegypti has stimulated research to obtain new compounds with broad biological activity. Accordingly, the dihydrogen nitrilotriacetate complex of copper (II) dihydrate, [Cu(H2NTA)2].2H2O, was synthesized by the stoichiometric reaction of nitrilotriacetic acid (H3NTA) hydroxide with basic copper carbonate (II) (Cu2(OH)2CO3) and characterized by the spectroscopic techniques UV-Vis and FT-IR. The biological toxicity in A. aegypti was determined by bioassay using concentrations ranging from 90.0 mg L−1 to 897.4 mg L−1. The LC50 obtained was 146.11 mg L−1 [132.18–160.10] and the LT50 obtained at a concentration of 897.4 mg L−1 was 70.61 min [38.21–94.90]. The results showed that the complex obtained in this work is a potential metal-insecticide. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v7i4.73

    Síntese, caracterização e estudo do comportamento térmico dos 2-metoxicinamalpiruvatos de lantanídeos (III), exceto promécio, e ítrio (III) no estado sólido

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    Sintetizou-se o ácido 2-metoxicinamalpirúvico (2-MeO-HCP), através da reação de condensação aldólica do 2-metoxicinamaldeído (CH3O-C6H4-(CH)2-CHO), 96 % de pureza com o piruvato de sódio, (Na-2-MeO-CP), 99% puro, ambos da Aldrich. A pureza do ácido 2-metoxicinamalpirúvico sintetizado foi determinada por DSC através do pico de fusão em 125 ºC. O ácido 2-metoxicinamalpirúvico foi convertido a uma solução de aproximadamente 0,15 mol L-1 de 2-metoxicinamalpiruvato de sódio (pH~7,5). Com esse sal foram sintetizados os compostos no estado sólido (Ln-2-MeO-CP.nH2O), sendo que Ln representa os lantanídeos trivalentes e Y(III), 2-MeO-CP o ligante 2-metoxicinamalpiruvato e n o número de moléculas de água com n = 1,5 para o composto de túlio e itérbio e para os demais compostos n = 1. Os Ln-2-MeO-CP.nH2O foram obtidos no estado sólido por adição lenta do ligante aos respectivos cloretos metálicos ou nitratos sob agitação contínua até a total precipitação dos íons metálicos. Os precipitados foram filtrados em papel de filtro Whatman n 42 lavando-se os mesmos com água destilada até a obtenção de teste negativo para cloretos com AgNO3 em meio nítrico e difenilamina para nitratos. Posteriormente os precipitados foram secos em temperatura ambiente e armazenados em dessecador contendo cloreto de cálcio. Técnicas instrumentais utilizadas no estudo dos compostos: Termogravimetria e Análise Térmica Diferencial Simultânea (TG-DTA) e Calorimetria Exploratória Diferencial (DSC) e Complexometria com EDTA (padrão de 1,000 x 10-2 mol L-1 ) forneceu informações sobre grau de hidratação, comportamento térmico e estequiometria; Difratometria de Raios X pelo método do pó, informações da cristalinidade e Espectroscopia de Absorção na Região do Infravermelho sugeriu a forma de coordenação dos compostos sintetizados. Na caracterização do ácido...The 2-methoxycinnamylidenepyruvic acid (2-MeO-HCP) was synthesized through the reaction of aldolic condensation of 2-methoxycinnamaldehyde (CH3O-C6H4-(CH) 2-CHO), 96% purity, with sodium pyruvate, (Na-2 - MeO-CP) 99% pure, both from Aldrich. The purity of 2-methoxycinnamylidenepyruvic synthesized was determined by DSC through the melting peak at 125 ºC. The 2-methoxycinnamylidenepyruvic acid was converted to a solution of about 0.15 mol L-1 of the sodium 2-methoxycinnamylidenepyruvate (pH ~ 7.5). With this salt were synthesized the solid compounds (Ln-2-MeO-CP.nH2O), where Ln represents trivalent lanthanides and Y (III), 2-MeO-CP is the methoxycinnamylidenepyruvate ligand and n the number of water molecules with n = 1.5 for the compound thulium, ytterbium and for the other compounds, n = 1. The Ln-2-MeO-CP.nH2O were obtained in the solid state by slow addition of the ligand to the respective metal chlorides or nitrates on continuous stirring until total precipitation of metal ions. The precipitates were filtered through filter paper Whatman number 42, washing them with distilled water to obtain a negative test for chloride with AgNO3 in nitric acid and diphenylamine to nitrates. Subsequently the precipitates were dried at room temperature and stored in a desiccator containing calcium chloride. Instrumental techniques used in the study of compounds: Thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis (TG-DTA), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Complexometry with EDTA (standard padrão de 1,000 x 10-2 mol L-1 ) provided information on degree of hydration, thermal behavior and stoichiometry; X-ray Diffractometry by the method of powder provided information about crystallinity, and Absorption Spectroscopy in the Infrared Region suggested the form of coordination of the compounds synthesized. In the characterization of 2-methoxycinnamylidenepyruvic, apart from the DSC... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Síntese, caracterização e estudo do comportamento térmico dos 2-metoxibenzoatos de Mn(II), Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II) e Zn(II) no estado sólido

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    Carbonatos de Mn(II), Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II) e Zn(II) foram preparados por adição lenta da solução saturada de hidrogeno carbonato de sódio com gotejamento contínuo às soluções dos respectivos cloretos metálicos, exceto para o cobre, até a total precipitação do íon metálico. Os precipitados foram lavados com água destilada para eliminar os íons cloretos e teste qualitativo com solução de AgNO3/HNO3 foi realizado para confirmar a ausência destes, e após isso, foi mantida em suspensão. Os compostos no estado sólido foram preparados pela mistura dos respectivos carbonatos metálicos com o ácido 2-metoxibenzóico (2-MeO-HBz). A suspensão aquosa foi aquecida lentamente próximo da ebulição até neutralização total dos carbonatos. As soluções resultantes depois de arrefecidas foram mantidas em banho de gelo para recristalizar o ácido em excesso e filtradas. Assim, as soluções aquosas dos metoxibenzoatos metálicos foram concentradas em banho maria e o precipitado seco resultante deste processo colocado em um dessecador contendo cloreto de cálcio. O composto de cobre devido a sua baixa solubilidade foi preparado pela adição lenta com gotejamento contínuo de solução do 2-metoxibenzoato de sódio 0.1 mol L-1 à solução de sulfato de cobre, até a total precipitação do íon cobre e o precipitado lavado com água destilada para eliminação do íon sulfato e teste qualitativo de confirmação realizado com BaCl2 0.1 mol L-1, em seguida filtrada em papel de filtro Whatman 40 e o precipitado após seco foi colocado em dessecador contendo cloreto de cálcio. Os compostos sintetizados foram investigados por meio de espectroscopia de infravermelho, difratometria de raio X pelo método do pó, termogravimetria e análise térmica diferencial simultânea (TG-DTA), termogravimetria, termogravimetria derivada (TG/DTG), calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC) e outros métodos de análise.Carbonates of Mn (II), Co (II), Ni (II), Cu (II) and Zn (II) were prepared by adding slowly with continuous stirring saturated sodium hydrogen carbonate solution to the corresponding metal chloride solutions (except copper), until total precipitation of the metal ions. The precipitates were washed with distilled water until elimination of chloride ions (qualitative test with AgNO3/HNO3 solution) and maintained in aqueous suspension. olid state Mn (II), Co (II), Ni (II) and Zn (II) compounds were prepared by mixing the respective metal carbonates with 2-methoxybenzoic acid 99% (2-MeO-HBz) obtained from Aldrich, in slight excess. The aqueous suspension was heated slowly up to near ebullition, until total neutralization of the respective carbonates. The resulting solutions after cooled were maintained in an ice bath to recrystallize the acid in excess and filtered through a Whatman nº 40 filter paper. Thus, the aqueous solutions of the respective metal 2-methoxybenzoates were evaporated in a water bath until near dryness and kept in a desiccator over calcium chloride. The copper compound due to its low solubility was prepared by adding slowly, with continuous stirring, the aqueous solution of Na-2-MeO-Bz 0.1 mol L-1 to the respective metal sulphate solution, until total precipitation of the metal ions. The precipitate was washed with distilled water until elimination of the sulphate ion, filtered through and dried on Whatman no42 filter paper, and kept in a desiccator over anhydrous calcium chloride, under reduced pressure to constant mass. The compounds were investigated by means of infrared spectroscopy, X-Ray powder diffractometry, simultaneous thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis (TG-DTA), Thermogravimetry derivative termogravimetry (TG/DTG), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and other methods of analysis.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Synthesis and Preliminary Characterization of Manganese 3,4-(methylenedioxi)cinnamate Compound: A Simple Approach to Improve Electroanalytical Application After Incorporation to the Carbon Paste Electrode

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    The manganese 3,4-(methylenedioxi)cinnamate (MnMCA) compound was synthesized and characterized using thermal analysis technique to determine purity as well as stoichiometry and infrared spectroscopic data to suggest the metal-ligand coordination. The feasibility of the MnMCA compound as modifier of carbon paste electrodes was studied via electrochemical techniques such as cyclic and linear sweep voltammetry. The modified carbon paste electrode (MCPE) presented a satisfactory electrocatalytic activity for propyl gallate (PG) oxidation. The study of the instrumental and experimental parameters as well as of the voltammetric behavior showed that the MCPE exhibits better analytical performance in the detection of the PG than the glassy carbon electrode and the unmodified carbon paste electrodes. The results obtained were satisfactory concerning the use of the target MCPE-MnMCA in electroanalytical applications and detection of PG antioxidant in biodiesel sample after a simple and fast step.<!--[endif] --