4 research outputs found

    Bioética e literatura: relato de experiência do Eixo ético-humanístico FMB-UFBA

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    O ensino médico brasileiro tem-se transformado para atender às demandas do modelo assistencial em saúde e à implementação do Sistema Único de Saúde, bem como formar profissionais com atuação generalista, capazes de prestar assistência integral e humanizada. A reforma curricular da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal da Bahia, marco no ensino médico no estado, implantou o Eixo ético-humanístico do primeiro ao oitavo semestre do curso médico. Neste Eixo, diversas ferramentas são utilizadas no ensino da ética médica e bioética, inclusive literatura narrativa. A partir de observação empreendida no período de 2009 a 2012 este trabalho relata a experiência do referido Eixo com o uso dessa forma de literatura para o ensino médico. A literatura pode ser usada como ferramenta para viabilizar o debate sobre questões político-sociais, necessárias à formação do médico, e induzir reflexões sobre o sofrimento humano e as relações humanas imanentes à prática médica

    Ingestive behavior of grazing heifers receiving crude glycerin supplementation during the dry-rainy season transition

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    The search to find food alternatives for corn and feeding alternatives that reduce the cost of production has been constant. The use of oleaginous grains to produce ethanol and biodiesel has produced an excess of byproducts, especially biodiesel which produces crude glycerin. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of including crude glycerin on the ingestive behavior of crossbred heifers supplemented with pasture. Thirty-six crossbred heifers with an initial mean weight of 301.5 ± 31 kg were distributed in a completely randomized design with four treatments and nine replicates per treatment. The animals were kept in a Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) Stapf 'Marandu' pasture in a rotational-grazing system. The treatments tested were 0.0%, 3.33%, 6.66%, and 9.99% crude glycerin included in total DM to replace corn (Tea mays L.) Including crude glycerin reduced the time for grazing and eating at the trough and increased idle time. Rumination was quadratically influenced. Eating time (min kg-1 DM and neutral detergent fiber [NDF]) was reduced, while rumination time (min kg-1 DM and NDF) was quadratically affected by adding glycerin. The variables, time spent per ruminated bolus and the number of chews per day, were not affected. The number of boluses per day showed a quadratic effect. The number of grazing, idle, ruminating, and eating at the trough periods were not affected by including crude glycerin; means were 15.1, 24.9, and 13.3 and 3.71 periods d-1, respectively. Feed and rumination efficiency (kg h-1 DM and NDF) increased when crude glycerin was included in the diet. Including crude glycerin promotes feed and rumination efficiency in grazing heifers