23 research outputs found

    Criptografía cuántica en redes metropolitanas.

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    Presentación de resultados sobre la integración de QKD en redes de ópticas telecomunicaciones de área metropolitana

    Quantum communications in optical networks

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    La posibilidad de utilizar sistemas cuánticos para procesar y transmitir información ha impulsado la aparición de tecnologías de información cuántica, p. ej., distribución cuántica de claves. Aunque prometedoras, su uso fuera del laboratorio es actualmente demasiado costoso y complicado. En este trabajo mostramos como utilizarlas en redes ópticas de telecomunicaciones. Al utilizar una infraestructura existente y pervasiva, y compartirla con otras señales, tanto clásicas como cuánticas, el coste se reduce drásticamente y llega a un mayor público. Comenzamos integrando señales cuánticas en los tipos más utilizados de redes ópticas pasivas, por su simplicidad y alcance a usuarios finales. Luego ampliamos este estudio, proponiendo un diseño de red óptica metropolitana basado en la división en longitud de onda para multiplexar y direccionar las señales. Verificamos su funcionamiento con un prototipo. Posteriormente, estudiamos la distribución de pares de fotones entrelazados entre los usuarios de dicha red con el objetivo de abarcar más tecnologías. Para ampliar la capacidad de usuarios, rediseñamos la red troncal, cambiando tanto la topología como la tecnología utilizada en los nodos. El resultado es una red metropolitana cuántica que escala a cualquier cantidad de usuarios, a costa de una mayor complejidad y coste. Finalmente, tratamos el problema de la limitación en distancia. La solución propuesta está basada en codificación de red y permite, mediante el uso de varios caminos y nodos, modular la cantidad de información que tiene cada nodo, y así, la confianza depositada en él. ABSTRACT The potential use of quantum systems to process and transmit information has impulsed the emergence of quantum information technologies such as quantum key distribution. Despite looking promising, their use out of the laboratory is limited since they are a very delicate technology due to the need of working at the single quantum level. In this work we show how to use them in optical telecommunication networks. Using an existing infrastructure and sharing it with other signals, both quantum and conventional, reduces dramatically the cost and allows to reach a large group of users. In this work, we will first integrate quantum signals in the most common passive optical networks, for their simplicity and reach to final users. Then, we extend this study by proposing a quantum metropolitan optical network based on wavelength-division multiplexing and wavelengthaddressing, verifying its operation mode in a testbed. Later, we study the distribution of entangled photon-pairs between the users of the network with the objective of covering as much different technologies as possible. We further explore other network architectures, changing the topology and the technology used at the nodes. The resulting network scales better at the cost of a more complex and expensive infrastructure. Finally, we tackle the distance limitation problem of quantum communications. The solution offered is based on networkcoding and allows, using multiple paths and nodes, to modulate the information leaked to each node, and thus, the degree of trust placed in them

    Quantum key distribution based on selective post-processing in passive optical networks

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    One of the main obstacles to the widespread adoption of quantum cryptography has been the difficulty of integration into standard optical networks, largely due to the tremendous difference in power of classical signals compared with the single quantum used for quantum key distribution. This makes the technology expensive and hard to deploy. In this letter, we show an easy and straightforward integration method of quantum cryptography into optical access networks. In particular, we analyze how a quantum key distribution system can be seamlessly integrated in a standard access network based on the passive optical and time division multiplexing paradigms. The novelty of this proposal is based on the selective post-processing that allows for the distillation of secret keys avoiding the noise produced by other network users. Importantly, the proposal does not require the modification of the quantum or classical hardware specifications neither the use of any synchronization mechanism between the network and quantum cryptography devices

    Quantum optical signals in telecommunication networks

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    Introducción a una red óptica metropolitana cuántica donde señales cuánticas y convencionales son multiplexadas en longitud de onda utilizando bandas separadas del espectro óptico. El enrutado se realiza con componentes pasivos para no perturbar los qubits. Se estudian dos redes: red de acceso WDM-PON y red metropolitana completa con backbone DWDM y redes de acceso WDM-PON

    Networks based on QKD and weakly trusted repeaters

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    We study how to use quantum key distribution (QKD) in common optical network infrastructures and propose a method to overcome its distance limitations. QKD is the first technology offering information theoretic secret-key distribution that relies only on the fundamental principles of quantum physics. Point-to-point QKD devices have reached a mature industrial state; however, these devices are severely limited in distance, since signals at the quantum level (e.g. single photons) are highly affected by the losses in the communication channel and intermediate devices. To overcome this limitation, intermediate nodes (i.e. repeaters) are used. Both, quantum-regime and trusted, classical, repeaters have been proposed in the QKD literature, but only the latter can be implemented in practice. As a novelty, we propose here a new QKD network model based on the use of not fully trusted intermediate nodes, referred as weakly trusted repeaters. This approach forces the attacker to simultaneously break several paths to get access to the exchanged key, thus improving significantly the security of the network. We formalize the model using network codes and provide real scenarios that allow users to exchange secure keys over metropolitan optical networks using only passive components

    Towards an Optimal Implementation of Cascade

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    Cascade is an information reconciliation protocol proposed in the context of secret key agreement in quantum cryptography. This protocol allows removing discrepancies in two partially correlated sequences that belong to distant parties, connected through a public noiseless channel. It is highly interactive, thus requiring a large number of channel communications between the parties to proceed and, although its efficiency is not optimal, it has become the de-facto standard for practical implementations of information reconciliation in quantum key distribution. The aim of this work is to analyze the performance of Cascade, to discuss its strengths, weaknesses and optimization possibilities, comparing with some of the modified versions that have been proposed in the literature. When looking at all design trade-offs, a new view emerges that allows to put forward a number of guidelines and propose near optimal parameters for the practical implementation of Cascade improving performance significantly in comparison with all previous proposals

    Demystifying the information reconciliation protocol cascade

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    Cascade is an information reconciliation protocol proposed in the context of secret key agreement in quantum cryptography. This protocol allows removing discrepancies in two partially correlated sequences that belong to distant parties, connected through a public noiseless channel. It is highly interactive, thus requiring a large number of channel communications between the parties to proceed and, although its efficiency is not optimal, it has become the de-facto standard for practical implementations of information reconciliation in quantum key distribution. The aim of this work is to analyze the performance of Cascade, to discuss its strengths, weaknesses and optimization possibilities, comparing with some of the modified versions that have been proposed in the literature. When looking at all design trade-offs, a new view emerges that allows to put forward a number of guidelines and propose near optimal parameters for the practical implementation of Cascade improving performance significantly in comparison with all previous proposals

    Entanglement Distribution in Quantum Metropolitan Optical Networks

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    The ability to generate entangled photon-pairs over a broad wavelength range opens the door to the simultaneous distribution of entanglement to multiple users of a network using a single source and wavelength-division multiplexing technologies. Here we show the design of a metropolitan optical network made of tree-type access networks where entangled photon-pairs are distributed to any pair of users, independently of their location. The resulting network improves the reach, number of users and capabilities of existing proposals. Moreover, it is made up of typical commercial components and uses the existing infrastructure, which allows for moderate deployment costs. Finally, we develop a channel plan and a network design that allow direct optical communications, quantum and classical, between any pair of users. Therefore, multiple quantum information technologies can make use of this network

    Reconciliación de errores mínimamente interactiva en distribución cuántica de claves

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    Algunos trabajos recientes han desarrollado varias alternativas a Cascade, entre las cuales destacan aquellas basadas en el uso de técnicas de codificación modernas. Por ejemplo, a través del uso de códigos Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) hoy día encontramos varias propuestas que permiten mejorar la eficiencia de la reconciliación de clave para ratios de error elevados. Al utilizar códigos LDPC tan sólo se requiere un único uso del canal de comunicación. Estas propuestas se basan en una técnica conocida como “codificación de síndrome” que permite aplicar métodos de corrección de errores para reconciliar cadenas aleatorias correlacionadas. En una de estas propuestas aplicamos dos técnicas conocidas en codificación, cómo son la perforación y el acortado de símbolos, para adaptar en tiempo real el ratio de información proporcionado por el síndrome intercambiado

    Entanglement distribution in optical networks

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    The ability to generate entangled photon pairs over a broad wavelength range opens the door to the simultaneous distribution of entanglement to multiple users in a network by using centralized sources and flexible wavelength-division multiplexing schemes. Here, we show the design of a metropolitan optical network consisting of tree-type access networks, whereby entangled photon pairs are distributed to any pair of users, independent of their location. The network is constructed employing commercial off-the-shelf components and uses the existing infrastructure, which allows for moderate deployment costs. We further develop a channel plan and a network-architecture design to provide a direct optical path between any pair of users; thus, allowing classical and one-way quantum communication, as well as entanglement distribution. This allows the simultaneous operation of multiple quantum information technologies. Finally, we present a more flexible backbone architecture that pushes away the load limitations of the original network design by extending its reach, number of users and capabilities