48 research outputs found

    Biniiboo: Celebrating Prophet Muḥammad

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    The entire manuscript is available for download as a PDF file(s). Higher-resolution images may be available upon request. For technical assistance, please contact [email protected]. Fieldwork Team: Dr. Fallou Ngom (Pricipal Investigator; Director, African Studies Center), Ablaye DiakitĂ© (Local Project Manager), Mr. Ibrahima Yaffa (General Field Facilitator), and Ibrahima Ngom (photographer). Technical Team: Professor Fallou Ngom (Principle Investigator, Project Director and former Director of the African Studies Center at Boston University), and Eleni Castro (Technical Lead, BU Libraries). This collection of Mandinka Ajami materials is copied as part of the African Studies Center’s African Ajami Library. This is a joint project between BU and the West African Research Center (WARC), funded by the British Library/Arcadia Endangered Archives Programme. Access Condition and Copyright: These materials are subject to copyright and are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 License, which permits non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are fully cited using the information below. For use, distribution or reproduction beyond these terms, contact Professor Fallou Ngom ([email protected]). Citation: Materials in this web edition should be cited as: Ngom, Fallou., Castro, Eleni, & DiakitĂ©, Ablaye. (2018). African Ajami Library: EAP 1042. Digital Preservation of Mandinka Ajami Materials of Casamance, Senegal. Boston: Boston University Libraries: http://hdl.handle.net/2144/27112. For Inquiries: please contact Professor Fallou Ngom ([email protected]). For technical assistance, please contact [email protected] / Custodial history: The manuscript's owner inherited it from his father (Imam Keba Dabo Cisse) after his death. His father was born in the region of Sedhiou. He had an advanced Islamic education and served as Imam and a religious leader in Ziguinchor until his death. Imam Keba Cisse was an Imam and Quranic teacher. He was born in the village of Bemme in Pakao and died in Ziguinchor. He had an advanced Islamic education and served as Imam and a religious leader in Ziguinchor until his death.The manuscript is a long poem that praises Prophet Muhammad. It celebrates his virtues and retraces his life and the history of his family. It highlights how he overcame the numerous challenges he faced as he sought to spread Islam. According to the owner, Fode Lamine Cisse who was an important Mandinka religious scholar in Pakao, wrote the poem. He was inspired by the Arabic poetry of the Mandinka scholar Shaykh Alpha Diadji. The poem is written in Arabic with extensive interlinear and marginal glosses. A few glosses are vocalized and are written in Soninke Ajami. Red ink is used to highlight key words (including the name of Prophet Muḥammad) and some key letters. The color red is also used to cross out some words and phrases. There are also small decorative illustrations in red and black ink with Arabic words written inside them. The small designs include the following shapes: square, rectangle, and circle. Watermarks have been photographed (5 pages total) but the page numbers were not recorded. The manuscript was digitized in the home of the owner (Abdou Khadre Cisse) in the neighborhood of Kandialang in Ziguinchor, Senegal

    Influence du diamètre sur le module d'Young apparent des fibres végétales. Effet géométrique ou microstructural ?

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    Les fibres végétales issues de plantes annuelles présentent un comportement mécanique complexe. La caractérisation et la compréhension de ce comportement sont primordiales en vue de leur substitution aux fibres de verre dans les composites à matrice organique. Une dépendance de la résistance et de la rigidité des fibres à leur diamètre a été mise en évidence dans la littérature par différents auteurs. Un modèle analytique 3D appliqué aux structures cylindriques tubulaires a été développé et exploité afin de mieux identifier les origines de cette dépendance

    Cervical cancer screening in pregnancy at the maternity clinics of Nabil Choucair health center and the Institute of Social Hygiene of Dakar, Senegal: a study on 67 cases

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    Background: This study aims were to develop the epidemiological profile of patients who received Pap smears during pregnancy, to describe aspects of cytological smears performed in pregnant women and to describe the therapeutic management in case of anomalies in the cervical smear during pregnancy.Methods: This was a prospective, descriptive and analytical study conducted from January 15, 2015 to June 31, 2015 at maternity of Nabil Choucair Health Centre and the Institute of Social Hygiene in Dakar. The Pap smear was performed in all patients who had given their consent to the experience. The parameters studied concerned socio-demographic aspects, gynecological and obstetric background, gestational age at the time of collection, cervico-vaginal smear results, diagnostic and therapeutic management of cytological and histological abnormalities. The data collected on a survey sheet prepared for this purpose were entered and analyzed through the version 3.5.3 of Epi info software.Results: During the study period, 67 pregnant women had received a Pap smear. The epidemiological profile of our patient was a paucipare gestity with an average of 3 with extremes ranging from 1 to 7, an average parity of 2.4 with extremes ranging from 1 to 7. The mean age of pregnancy was 15.4 weeks of amenorrhea (range of 6 and 32 weeks). Only 5 patients (7.4%) had already received a cervical-vaginal swab before the study. The smear was normal in 88.7% of the cases but got abnormalities in 11.3% of the cases. The abnormalities were mainly found in squamous cells and were divided into low-grade lesions (57.1%) and skew-cell abnormalities whose meaning was undetermined (42.1%). Colposcopy was performed in 8 patients. Colposcopy was normal and satisfactory in 4 patients (50%) and identified as atypical grade 1 transformation in 2 patients (25%) and an atypical grade 2 transformation in 2 patients (25%). From a therapeutic point of view, diathermic loop conduction associated with strapping was performed in one patient (12.5%) for severe dysplasia. In postpartum, all dysplastic cervical lesions diagnosed during pregnancy had declined.Conclusions: In the context of our study, where there is no organized screening policy for cervical cancer, antenatal clinics are an excellent screening opportunity to seize

    Les fistules anastomotiques (FA) post-colectomie au Service de Chirurgie Générale de l’Hôpital Aristide Le Dantec

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    La fistule anastomotique reste la complication la plus redoutée après chirurgie colorectale et continue à poser un problème diagnostique et thérapeutique. Le but de cette étude est de déterminer à la fois la prévalence et les éléments de prises en charge diagnostiques et  thérapeutiques de la fistule colique après colectomie. Nous avons mené une étude rétrospective descriptive des cas de fistule colique après  colectomie sur une période de 7 ans allant de janvier 2007 au décembre 2013. Il y avait 17 patients qui ont présenté une fistule colique parmi les 170 patients ayant bénéficié de colectomie dans notre service soit un taux de 10%. L'âge moyen au moment de l'intervention initiale était de 45,1 ans (extrêmes de 20 et 78 ans). Il y avait une prédominance des patients de sexe masculin (n=13) avec un sex ratio de 3,3. Les pathologies tumorales colorectales (n=9) et le volvulus de colon pelvien (n=7) était les principales indications de colectomie L'intervention initiale a été réalisée en urgence chez 13 patients. Le délai moyen d'apparition de la fistule était de 10,8 jours. Il y avait 10 patients ayant présenté une fistule colo-cutanée et 7 cas de péritonites postopératoires stercorales. Onze de nos patients présentaient une anémie (taux moyen d'hémoglobine de 9,1 g/dl) et 8 patients, une hyperleucocytose (taux moyen de 15100  leucocytes/mm3). Une échographie, réalisée chez 6 patients, était revenue normale chez 1 patient et avait mis en évidence un épanchement intra péritonéal chez 5 patients tandis que La tomodensitométrie (TDM) sans opacification digestive, réalisée chez 2 patients, n'était contributive au diagnostic que chez 1 seul patient. Neuf patients avaient bénéficié de traitement médical seul. Ce dernier consistait en une couverture  antibiotique, un régime hyperprotéique, et un appareillage de la fistule par une poche de colostomie. La fistule s'est fermée spontanément, dans un délai moyen de 15 jours. La reprise chirurgicale a été réaliséechez 8 patients dans un délai moyen de 4,8 jours. Elle a été indiquée pour une péritonite par fistule anastomotique chez 7 patients et pour  persistance de la fistule colocutanée malgré traitement médical chez 1 patient. Le geste chirurgical consistait en une stomie digestive dans 6 cas. Sept patients ont présenté au moins une complication liée à la fistule colique (2 récidives de la fistule, 3 suppurations et 2 éviscérations). La durée moyenne d'hospitalisation était de 55,2 jours (extrêmes de 15et 168 jours). Deux décès étaient enregistrés consécutif à un choc septique. Une accessibilité des moyens thérapeutiques telles que la nutrition parentérale et le drainage percutané nous permettrait de réduire une durée d'hospitalisation prolongée et également des coûts de prise en charge élevés.Mots clés: Colectomie, anastomose, fistule, péritonite, stomi

    African Priorities and Programs to Enhance African Stability, Cooperative Engagement for Partnership Capacity: Africa as a Model for Whole of Government [video]

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    African Priorities and Programs to Enhance African Stability, Cooperative Engagement for Partnership Capacity: Africa as a Model for Whole of Government. U.S. Partnership for Peace Training & Education Center, Naval Postgraduate School. Cultural and Organizational Awareness Foru

    Influence of environmental relative humidity on the tensile and rotational behaviour of hemp fibres

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    International audienceThe aim of this study is to throw new light on the influence of moisture on the mechanical properties of hemp fibres. Indeed, the behaviour of plant-based fibres strongly depends on their humidity. Although this topic has been relatively well treated for the case of wood, the literatureon fibre stemming from annual plants is unfortunately poor. This purpose is, however, of great importance, particularly in view of the production of high-performance composites. The influence of environmental conditions on the static and dynamic tensile moduli and the strength of elementary fibres are investigated using a versatile experimental setup. Novel equipment was also designed to measure the rotation of a fibre about its axis when it was subjected to static loading and moisture variations. Water sorption is shown to have a significant influence on the apparent tensile stiffness, strength and fracture mode of such fibres, and is also shown to act like an activator of the stiffening phenomena under cyclic loading. A remarkable increase in the fibre stiffness of up to 250% is measured. Significant longitudinal elongation, reaching a value in excess of 2%, is associated with this increase in stiffness. The absorption and desorption of moisture also lead to substantial rotation of the fibre about its axis. Water sorption certainly involves a modification of the adhesion between cellulose microfibrils and the amorphous matrix. Under cyclic loading, the cellulose microfibrils could be able to creep into the relaxed amorphous matrix, leading to their re-arrangement, with more parallel orientations withrespect to the fibre axis

    Nonlinear tensile behaviour of elementary hemp fibres. Part I : Investigation of the possible origins using repeated progressive loading with in situ microscopic observations

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    International audienceThe aim of this study is to achieve a better understanding of the nonlinear tensile behaviour of the elementary hemp fibre. This is of great importance in view of the need to develop an efficient predictive tool for the design of natural fibre reinforced composites. This first paper investigates the possible mechanisms responsible for the nonlinear behaviour, using repeated progressive tensile loading with in situ polarised light microscopy. The persistence of residual strain has been confirmed during testing when the tensile load was released. Only a certain fraction of this residual strain is reversible, and the reversibility is time-dependent. Beyond the yield level, the fibre’s rigidity is not deteriorated, but significantly increased as a function of the number of loading cycles and the level of strain. A new scenario involving a stick–slip mechanism, extension and re-orientation of the microfibrils and shear strain-induced crystallisation of the amorphous cellulose is proposed

    Effect of electron donating substituents on the electronic absorption and fluorescence spectra of coumarin derivatives

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    Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. 1996, 10(1), 33-38

    Epidemiology of chronic kidney diseases in the Republic of Guinea; future dialysis needs

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    Background: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is increasing worldwide and can lead to end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Objectives: Because few patients with ESRD in the Republic of Guinea have access to haemodialysis, we retrospectively evaluated the prevalence of CKD, ESRD and access to supportive therapies. Patients and Methods: 579 CKD patients (304 males; mean age: 44 ± 16 years) were admitted into Conakry nephrology department, the only centre in the Republic of Guinea, between 2009 and 2013. Most patients (63%) resided within Conakry (the capital), 12.5% came from lower Guinea, 11.7% from middle Guinea, 7.9% from upper Guinea and 4.8% from forest Guinea. Results: Reasons for referral were increased serum creatinine (49.5%), hypertension (27%) and diffuse edema (17%). Also, 11% were diabetic, 12.5% were smokers, 17% were HIV-positive, 8.3% were HBV-positive and 15% were HCV-positive. The most frequent symptom at admission was nausea/vomiting (56%). Upon admission, 70.5% of patients already had ESRD. Although no kidney biopsies were performed it was assumed that 34% and 27% of patients had vascular nephropathy and chronic glomerulonephritis, respectively. Of the 385 ESRD patients, only 140 (36.3%) had access to haemodialysis (two sessions/week, 4 hours each). Most patients that received haemodialysis resided within the Conakry region (P < 0.0001). There were significant associations between mortality and (i) terminal stage of CKD (P = 0.0005), (ii) vascular nephropathy (P = 0.002), and (iii) nephropathies of unknown origin (P = 0.0001). Conclusions: A fourfold increase in haemodialysis machines is needed in Conakry, plus four new nephrology/haemodialysis centres within the Republic of Guinea, each holding ≥30 haemodialysis machines