5 research outputs found


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    El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar y describir las estructuras que conforman y se relacionan con la gl谩ndula mamaria de la llama (Lama glama). Se emplearon cinco hembras adultas en lactaci贸n, que fueron embalsamadas mediante una soluci贸n de formol al 12%. Se realiz贸 la disecci贸n de los planos superficial y profundo, comparando ambos lados de la gl谩ndula mamaria y observando las estructuras relacionadas, como m煤sculos, troncos arteriales y venosos, nervios y n贸dulos linf谩ticos. Las caracter铆sticas macrosc贸picas de la porci贸n glandular se asemejan a lo descrito para cam茅lidos en general y a otros mam铆feros; sin embargo, el origen de las arterias es diferente y se observaron n贸dulos linf谩ticos supramamarios no descritos en otras especies. Los dos conductos del pez贸n convergen en uno.The present study aimed to identify and describe the structures of the mammary glands and related structures of the llama (Lama glama). Five adult females in lactation were embalmed using a 12% formalin solution. Superficial and deep dissections were done; comparing both sides of the glands and observing related structures as muscles, arteries, veins, nerves and lymph nodes. Macroscopic characteristics of the udder were similar to other camelids and mammals; however, there was a different arterial vessel pattern. Also, was observed the presence of the supramammary lymphatic nodule, not described in other domestic animals. The nipple presented two output ducts that join into one

    Macroscopic anatomy, irrigation and venous drainage of female reproductive apparatus of llama (Lama glama)

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    Se hizo la descripci贸n anat贸mica del tracto reproductor femenino de la llama. Se usaron 4 llamas adultas. Macrosc贸picamente, la anatom铆a del aparato reproductor es morfol贸gicamente similar a la del bovino, diferenci谩ndose por la ausencia de ligamento intercornual y cotiledones, as铆 como por la presentaci贸n de un tabique intercornual, como es el caso de la alpaca. La distribuci贸n de las arterias y venas que irrigaron y drenaron sangre a la cavidad p茅lvica y aparato reproductor presentaron en un primer tramo, a nivel de la arteria iliaca interna, una distribuci贸n vascular casi concordante con los patrones descritos en rumiantes; luego sigui贸 un patr贸n similar al del equino. A nivel del aparato reproductor, los vasos sangu铆neos adoptaron un patr贸n totalmente diferente al descrito en especies dom茅sticas. Se encontraron arterias no antes descritas como la arteria vaginal caudal, la arteria vesical media, la arteria vaginal craneal, la arteria uterina dorsal con sus ramas lateral y medial, y la arteria arco cervical. A cada arteria encontrada le correspondi贸 una vena sat茅lite. El cuerno uterino izquierdo present贸 una mejor irrigaci贸n dado que la arteria uterina derecha envi贸 su rama medial derecha hacia el lado izquierdo del aparato reproductor; adem谩s, la arteria arco cervical estableci贸 comunicaci贸n entre las arterias uterinas izquierda y derecha, pasando por la superficie ventral de la c茅rvix. Esta arteria puede emerger tanto de la misma arteria uterina como de su rama medial.The anatomical description of the reproductive tract of the female llama was studied in four animals. Macroscopically, the reproductive system is morphologically similar to the cow. However, the difference is the absence of intercornual ligament and cotyledons, and the presence of an intercornual septum, as in the alpaca. The distribution of the arteries and veins that irrigated and drained the blood to and from the pelvic cavity and reproductive system presented a vascular distribution almost equal to the ruminant鈥檚 pattern and then, they followed a pattern similar to that on the equine. At the reproductive system level, blood vessels adopted a totally different pattern from those described for domestic species. Some arteries had never been described such as the caudal vaginal artery, medium vesical artery, cranial vaginal artery, dorsal uterine artery with its lateral and medial branches, and the arch cervical artery. Each artery had the corresponding satellite vein. The left uterine horn presented a better irrigation as the right uterine artery send its medial right branch to the left side of the reproductive system; moreover, the arch cervical artery established communication between the left and right uterine arteries through the cervix ventral surface. This artery could emerge from the uterine artery itself as well as from its medial branch


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    El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo realizar la descripci贸n anat贸mica de los m煤sculos del miembro posterior y cola del mono Mach铆n Blanco (Cebus albifrons). Se utilizaron 4 monos castrados, adultos, con m谩s de 3 a帽os. Los monos fueron eutanasiados y embalsamados, y luego de 6 d铆as se procedi贸 a la divulsi贸n de los miembros posteriores y la cola, describi茅ndose todos los m煤sculos cut谩neos superficiales y profundos, tomando como referencia estudios previos en el mono Rhesus (Maccaca mullata). Las regiones de la pelvis y muslo, pierna y pie presentaron 18, 12 y 11 m煤sculos, respectivamente. No se encontr贸 el m煤sculo piriforme, peroneotibial, per贸neo digital del IV dedo y el oponente del primer dedo. En la cola se hallaron 10 m煤sculos, n煤mero mayor a lo encontrado en el mono Rhesus.The objective of this study was to perform the anatomic description of the muscles located in the hind limb and tail of Cebus albifrons. Four adult monkeys older than 3 years of age and castrated were used. The animals were euthanized and embalmed; then, after six days, the dissection of the hind limb and tail was carried out. Muscles were described in comparison with the Rhesus monkey (Maccaca mullata). The pelvis and thigh, leg and foot region presented 18, 12 and 11 muscles respectively. Piriformis, peroneotibialis, peroneus digiti quarti and the opponens digiti hallucis muscles were not present. The tail region presented 10 muscles, a higher number as compared to the Rhesus


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    El presente estudio tuvo por objetivo evaluar la ganancia de peso de un lote de gorrinos provenientes de madres vacunadas y no vacunadas contra Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae. Se seleccionaron al azar 2 grupos de cuatro marranas mult铆paras provenientes de una granja positiva a M. hyopneumoniae. Un grupo fue vacunado con una bacterina contra M. hyopneumoniae en el d铆a 85 de la gestaci贸n y el otro se dej贸 sin vacunar quedando como control. Luego del parto, se seleccionaron 30 lechones (50% hembras y 50% machos) de cada grupo de madres. Los animales se pesaron al destete (19 d铆as de edad) y al sacrificio (149 d铆as). El consumo de alimento por grupo de tratamiento fue registrado diariamente. Adem谩s, se evalu贸 el grado de lesi贸n pulmonar en los animales beneficiados en una escala arbitraria del 0 al 6. No se encontr贸 diferencia estad铆stica significativa en el crecimiento (peso final y ganancia de peso) ni en lesiones pulmonares entre grupos o sexo.The aim of the study was to evaluate body weight gain of piglets coming from vaccinated and not vaccinated sows against Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae. Two groups of four sows each from a herd positive to M. hyopneumoniae were randomly selected. One group was vaccinated with a bacterin against M. hyopneumoniae at day 85 of gestation, while the other was kept as control. After parturition, 30 piglets (50% female and 50% male) from each group of sows were selected and weighed at weaning (19 days of age) and at slaughter (149 days of age). Food intake per group was daily recorded. In addition, the degree of lung lesions at slaughter in a scale of 0-6 was evaluated. No significant statistical difference was found in body growth (final body weight and body weight gain) as well as in lung lesions between groups or sex


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    The aim of this work was to identify and describe the arterial vessels of the pelvic member of the alpaca (Vicugna pacos). Six adult alpacas were dissected (3 females and 3 males). There were no anatomical differences between males and females. The arterial blood supply leading to the pelvic limbs mainly originates from the external iliac artery and to a lesser extent from the internal iliac artery, as described also for the canine, equine, bovine and llama. The external iliac artery is the main arterial channel that runs through the different regions of the pelvic limb, changing the name (femoral, popliteal, cranial tibial, dorsal pedal), giving off several collateral branches during its course. The superficial circumflex iliac, lateral circumflex femoral, saphenous, the proximal and distal caudal femoral arteries arose from the femoral artery as does the medial circumflex femoral artery. In the alpaca, coinciding with the llama, did not present the deep femoral artery as described in other domestic animals such as dog, horse and bovine. The popliteal artery gives off to the descending genicular artery, as the first collateral branch, the sural arteries and other branches that were distributed at the knee. The longer cranial tibial artery and the less developed caudal tibial have a distribution very similar to that described in the llama. At the level of the tarsus, the saphenous artery divides into the lateral plantar and medial plantar arteries. In the hindfoot, the medial plantar artery has a greater anatomical presence, being its contribution vital to the digital blood perfusion, as occurs in the llama. Thus, although in the pelvic limb of the alpaca has been observed several homologous arteries described in the classic texts of anatomy of domestic animals, they mostly followed an arterial pattern similar to that of the llama.El objetivo de este trabajo fue identificar y describir los vasos arteriales del miembro p茅lvico de la alpaca (Vicugna pacos). Se utilizaron seis alpacas adultas (3 hembras y 3 machos). En la disecci贸n no se observaron diferencias anat贸micas entre machos y hembras. La irrigaci贸n se origin贸 a partir de la arteria il铆aca externa, principalmente, y de la arteria il铆aca interna. La arteria il铆aca externa fue el gran conducto arterial que se extendi贸 por las diferentes regiones del miembro p茅lvico cambiando de denominaci贸n (femoral, popl铆tea, tibial craneal, dorsal del pie), desprendiendo m煤ltiples ramas colaterales durante su curso. Las arterias circunfleja il铆aca superficial, circunfleja femoral lateral, safena y caudales femorales proximal y distal nacieron de la arteria femoral al igual que la arteria circunfleja femoral medial. La alpaca, en coincidencia con la llama, no present贸 la arteria femoral profunda que se describe en el canino, equino y bovino. La arteria popl铆tea dio origen a la arteria descendente de la rodilla, como primera rama colateral, y a las arterias surales y otras ramas que se distribuyeron en la rodilla. La arteria tibial craneal, m谩s larga, y la arteria tibial caudal, menos desarrollada, siguieron una distribuci贸n muy similar a la descrita en la llama. A nivel del tarso, la arteria safena se dividi贸 en arteria plantar lateral y plantar medial. En el pie, la arteria plantar medial tuvo una mayor presencia anat贸mica, siendo su aporte vital para la perfusi贸n sangu铆nea digital, dado el poco desarrollo de las arterias dorsal del pie y plantar lateral, como tambi茅n ocurre en la llama. As铆, aunque en el miembro p茅lvico de la alpaca se han observado varias arterias hom贸logas descritas en los textos cl谩sicos de la anatom铆a de los animales dom茅sticos, estas siguieron mayormente un patr贸n arterial similar a la llama