1,121 research outputs found

    Future Prisons and Personalized Trajectories

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    In the near future, imprisonment may no longer be the ultimate sanction. Imprisonment may be part of sanctions combined in an offender’s trajectory. These trajectories will become more and more personalized and tailor-made. A trajectory consists of different options: pre-trial options; front-door options; options during stay in prison; pre-release options; and aftercare options. With regard to future prisons, five basic principles can be recognized: human dignity; the avoidance of further damage or harm; the right to develop the self; the right to be important to other people; and a stable and professional organization

    Determinants of innovative ability

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    Deze strategische verkenning gaat in op de vraag welke factoren bepalend zijn voor het innovatievermogen van dienstverlenende bedrijven met 10 tot 100 werknemers. Voor deze bedrijven is de invloed van 38 factoren op het innovatievermogen onderzocht.

    From genome-wide association studies to disease mechanisms:celiac disease as a model for autoimmune diseases

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    Celiac disease is characterized by a chronic inflammatory reaction in the intestine and is triggered by gluten, a constituent derived from grains which is present in the common daily diet in the Western world. Despite decades of research, the mechanisms behind celiac disease etiology are still not fully understood, although it is clear that both genetic and environmental factors are involved. To improve the understanding of the disease, the genetic component has been extensively studied by genome-wide association studies. These have uncovered a wealth of information that still needs further investigation to clarify its importance. In this review, we summarize and discuss the results of the genetic studies in celiac disease, focusing on the "non-HLA" genes. We also present novel approaches to identifying the causal variants in complex susceptibility loci and disease mechanisms

    Multi-ethnic studies in complex traits

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    The successes of genome-wide association (GWA) studies have mainly come from studies performed in populations of European descent. Since complex traits are characterized by marked genetic heterogeneity, the findings so far may provide an incomplete picture of the genetic architecture of complex traits. However, the recent GWA studies performed on East Asian populations now allow us to globally assess the heterogeneity of association signals between populations of European ancestry and East Asians, and the possible obstacles for multi-ethnic GWA studies. We focused on four different traits that represent a broad range of complex phenotypes, which have been studied in both Europeans and East Asians: type 2 diabetes, systemic lupus erythematosus, ulcerative colitis and height. For each trait, we observed that most of the risk loci identified in East Asians were shared with Europeans. However, we also observed that a significant part of the association signals at these shared loci seems to be independent between populations. This suggests that disease aetiology is common between populations, but that risk variants are often population specific. These variants could be truly population specific and result from natural selection, genetic drift and recent mutations, or they could be spurious, caused by the limitations of the method of analysis employed in the GWA studies. We therefore propose a three-stage framework for multi-ethnic GWA analyses, starting with the commonly used single-nucleotide polymorphism-based analysis, and followed by a gene-based approach and a pathway-based analysis, which will take into account the heterogeneity of association between populations at different levels

    Expressing the Differences between Crohn Disease and Ulcerative Colitis

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    Wijmenga discusses the implications of a study that used a comprehensive gene expression approach to find new genes and pathways relevant to the pathophysiology of inflammatory bowel disease

    Studying the gut virome in the metagenomic era:challenges and perspectives

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    The human gut harbors a complex ecosystem of microorganisms, including bacteria and viruses. With the rise of next-generation sequencing technologies, we have seen a quantum leap in the study of humangut-inhabiting bacteria, yet the viruses that infect these bacteria, known as bacteriophages, remain underexplored. In this review, we focus on what is known about the role of bacteriophages in human health and the technical challenges involved in studying the gut virome, of which they are a major component. Lastly, we discuss what can be learned from studies of bacteriophages in other ecosystems


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    Diabetes Melitus (DM) adalah penyakit kronis yang disebabkan oleh ketidakmampuan tubuh untuk memproduksi hormon insulin yang ditandai dengan tingginya kadar glukosa darah. Gangguan toleransi glukosa darah akan semakin meningkat seiring dengan peningkatan usia. Faktor yang mempengaruhi kepatuhan geriatri yaitu tingkat pengetahuan, motivasi, dukungan petugas dan dukungan keluarga. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan tingkat kepatuhan dan clinical outcome pada pasien geriatri penderita diabetes melitus tipe 2 di Poliklinik Rawat Jalan RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara prospektif. Dari 38 pasien yang masuk ke dalam kriteria inklusi, karakter demografi mayoritas adalah (57,9%) perempuan, pensiunan (26,32%), dan lulusan SMA (57,9%). Pola penggunaan obatnya adalah tunggal (39,47%), kombinasi 2 obat (47,37%), kombinasi 3 obat (13,15%). Tingkat kepatuhan tinggi 28,95%, kepatuhan sedang 23,68%, dan kepatuhan rendah 47,37%. Terdapat hubungan yang tidak bermakna antara kepatuhan dan clinical outcome pasien geriatri penderita diabetes melitus tipe 2 dengan P= 0,784 (P>0,05). Kata kunci: Kepatuhan, Clinical Outcome, Geriatri, Diabetes Melitus Tipe II, MMAS-
