64 research outputs found

    Bio-molecular applications of recent developments in optical tweezers

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    In the past three decades, the ability to optically manipulate biomolecules has spurred a new era of medical and biophysical research. Optical tweezers (OT) have enabled experimenters to trap, sort, and probe cells, as well as discern the structural dynamics of proteins and nucleic acids at single molecule level. The steady improvement in OT\u2019s resolving power has progressively pushed the envelope of their applications; there are, however, some inherent limitations that are prompting researchers to look for alternatives to the conventional techniques. To begin with, OT are restricted by their one-dimensional approach, which makes it difficult to conjure an exhaustive three-dimensional picture of biological systems. The high-intensity trapping laser can damage biological samples, a fact that restricts the feasibility of in vivo applications. Finally, direct manipulation of biological matter at nanometer scale remains a significant challenge for conventional OT. A significant amount of literature has been dedicated in the last 10 years to address the aforementioned shortcomings. Innovations in laser technology and advances in various other spheres of applied physics have been capitalized upon to evolve the next generation OT systems. In this review, we elucidate a few of these developments, with particular focus on their biological applications. The manipulation of nanoscopic objects has been achieved by means of plasmonic optical tweezers (POT), which utilize localized surface plasmons to generate optical traps with enhanced trapping potential, and photonic crystal optical tweezers (PhC OT), which attain the same goal by employing different photonic crystal geometries. Femtosecond optical tweezers (fs OT), constructed by replacing the continuous wave (cw) laser source with a femtosecond laser, promise to greatly reduce the damage to living samples. Finally, one way to transcend the one-dimensional nature of the data gained by OT is to couple them to the other large family of single molecule tools, i.e., fluorescence-based imaging techniques. We discuss the distinct advantages of the aforementioned techniques as well as the alternative experimental perspective they provide in comparison to conventional OT

    The Complex Conformational Dynamics of Neuronal Calcium Sensor-1: A Single Molecule Perspective

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    The human neuronal calcium sensor-1 (NCS-1) is a multispecific two-domain EF-hand protein expressed predominantly in neurons and is a member of the NCS protein family. Structure-function relationships of NCS-1 have been extensively studied showing that conformational dynamics linked to diverse ion-binding is important to its function. NCS-1 transduces Ca2+ changes in neurons and is linked to a wide range of neuronal functions such as regulation of neurotransmitter release, voltage-gated Ca2+ channels and neuronal outgrowth. Defective NCS-1 can be deleterious to cells and has been linked to serious neuronal disorders like autism. Here, we review recent studies describing at the single molecule level the structural and mechanistic details of the folding and misfolding processes of the non-myristoylated NCS-1. By manipulating one molecule at a time with optical tweezers, the conformational equilibria of the Ca2+-bound, Mg2+-bound and apo states of NCS-1 were investigated revealing a complex folding mechanism underlain by a rugged and multidimensional energy landscape. The molecular rearrangements that NCS-1 undergoes to transit from one conformation to another and the energetics of these reactions are tightly regulated by the binding of divalent ions (Ca2+ and Mg2+) to its EF-hands. At pathologically high Ca2+ concentrations the protein sometimes follows non-productive misfolding pathways leading to kinetically trapped and potentially harmful misfolded conformations. We discuss the significance of these misfolding events as well as the role of inter-domain interactions in shaping the energy landscape and ultimately the biological function of NCS-1. The conformational equilibria of NCS-1 are also compared to those of calmodulin (CaM) and differences and similarities in the behavior of these proteins are rationalized in terms of structural properties

    The complex conformational dynamics of neuronal calcium sensor-1: A single molecule perspective

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    The human neuronal calcium sensor-1 (NCS-1) is a multispecific two-domain EF-hand protein expressed predominantly in neurons and is a member of the NCS protein family. Structure-function relationships of NCS-1 have been extensively studied showing that conformational dynamics linked to diverse ion-binding is important to its function. NCS-1 transduces Ca 2+ changes in neurons and is linked to a wide range of neuronal functions such as regulation of neurotransmitter release, voltage-gated Ca 2+ channels and neuronal outgrowth. Defective NCS-1 can be deleterious to cells and has been linked to serious neuronal disorders like autism. Here, we review recent studies describing at the single molecule level the structural and mechanistic details of the folding and misfolding processes of the non-myristoylated NCS-1. By manipulating one molecule at a time with optical tweezers, the conformational equilibria of the Ca 2+ -bound, Mg 2+ -bound and apo states of NCS-1 were investigated revealing a complex folding mechanism underlain by a rugged and multidimensional energy landscape. The molecular rearrangements that NCS-1 undergoes to transit from one conformation to another and the energetics of these reactions are tightly regulated by the binding of divalent ions (Ca 2+ and Mg 2+ ) to its EF-hands. At pathologically high Ca 2+ concentrations the protein sometimes follows non-productive misfolding pathways leading to kinetically trapped and potentially harmful misfolded conformations. We discuss the significance of these misfolding events as well as the role of inter-domain interactions in shaping the energy landscape and ultimately the biological function of NCS-1. The conformational equilibria of NCS-1 are also compared to those of calmodulin (CaM) and differences and similarities in the behavior of these proteins are rationalized in terms of structural properties

    Direct single-molecule observation of calcium-dependent misfolding in human neuronal calcium sensor-1

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    Neurodegenerative disorders are strongly linked to protein misfolding, and crucial to their explication is a detailed understanding of the underlying structural rearrangements and pathways that govern the formation of misfolded states. Here we use single-molecule optical tweezers to monitor misfolding reactions of the human neuronal calcium sensor-1, a multispecific EF-hand protein involved in neurotransmitter release and linked to severe neurological diseases. We directly observed two misfolding trajectories leading to distinct kinetically trapped misfolded conformations. Both trajectories originate from an on-pathway intermediate state and compete with native folding in a calcium-dependent manner. The relative probability of the different trajectories could be affected by modulating the relaxation rate of applied force, demonstrating an unprecedented real-time control over the free-energy landscape of a protein. Constant-force experiments in combination with hidden Markov analysis revealed the free-energy landscape of the misfolding transitions under both physiological and pathological calcium concentrations. Remarkably for a calcium sensor, we found that higher calcium concentrations increased the lifetimes of the misfolded conformations, slowing productive folding to the native state. We propose a rugged, multidimensional energy landscape for neuronal calcium sensor-1 and speculate on a direct link between protein misfolding and calcium dysregulation that could play a role in neurodegeneration

    Designing selective Cys-ligands to unpair the binding of the Human Transcription Enhancer Associated Domain 4 (hTEAD-4) with its modulators to halt cancer cell growth

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    The Hippo Signalling cascade is an emerging target in tumour suppression regulation, neoplastic hypertrophy, and regenerative medicine. The pathway is activated by circulating anti-proliferative signals which leads to the phosphorylation of Yes Associated Protein (hYAP1) on Ser127/381, thus 14-3-3\u3c3 mediated cytosolic retention. Genetic alterations or exogenous factor may cause YAP nuclear migration and association to TEAD1-4 (Transcription Enhancer Associated Domain), triggering up-regulation of anti-apoptotic genes [1]. hTEAD is an enhancer that activates the nuclear transcription of genes as EMT\u2019s, EGFR and cyclins, and promotes the synthesis of survivin, tyrosine kinase HER3, and mitochondrial Bcl-xL involved in cell proliferation. TEAD binds a palmitic (palm) or myristic (myr) acids, tethered at Cys367 pocket, however its biological role is still not well known. hTEAD isoform-4 is the most represented of its family in solid tumours and its overexpression or mutation leads to cancer development and metastasis. Recent studies have considered hTEAD a promising target for anticancer drugs. Its inhibition strategy includes the disruption/prevention of YAP1:TEAD4 complex formation [2]. With the aim to develop a specific cysteine-directed inhibition strategy, we studied Cys on the protein surface and investigated their reactivity. Hence, our studies focus on characterizing the recombinant hTEAD4-ybd (aa217-434) surface though the analysis of the reactivity of its four Cys thiols (Cys310, Cys335, Cys367, Cys410), all close to YAP binding area. First, myr-Cys-367 was investigated to confirm the auto-myristoilation of the E. coli recombinant hTEAD4 through RP-chromatography on UHPLC-Orbitrap Q-Ex (ThermoFisher\u2122) by multicharged TIC deconvolution, and the total myr-TEAD was assessed around 25%. Myristate position was confirmed by FASP protein tryptic hydrolysis and tandem-MS peptide analysis. We studied hTEAD binding of a small disulphides and thiols library with different chemical properties through the exposed cysteines residues in presence of different concentration of reducing agent [3]. Top8 DDA (HCD)-MS/MS scan on the tryptic peptides suggested the ligands\u2019 high selectivity towards Cys335. Cys367 was never found conjugated, even in the non-Myr fraction, hinting the low accessibility to the lipid pocket. The number of surface reactive Cys was confirmed by a reverse-titration of the protein against increasing amount of thiophenol; excess of unreacted thiophenol was measured by HPLC-UV-ELSD (Agilent\u2122 1260), suggesting a 1:1 stoichiometry. We confirmed hTEAD-ybd ligand ratio by fluoresceine labelling with absorption and fluorescence differential spectroscopy. The ongoing work engages the screening of a larger compound library to study YAP:TEAD interaction with a ligand displacement assay of labelled TEAD to a rhodamine-tagged peptidomimetic probe to achieve structural information of the heterodimer interface and to start a hit-optimization programme. REFERENCES [1] Santucci M, Vignudelli T, et al. The Hippo Pathway and YAP/TAZ-TEAD Protein-Protein Interaction as Targets for Regenerative Medicine and Cancer Treatment. J Med Chem. 2015 Jun 25;58(12):4857-73. [2] Elisi G.M, Santucci M, et al. Repurposing of Drugs Targeting YAP-TEAD Functions. Cancers 2018, 10, 329. [3] Malpezzi G MSc Degree Thesis, Solvent exposure, and reactivity of the cysteines of Transcription Enhancer Associate Domain (TEAD), a potential anticancer target, 2021. University of Pavia \u2013 University of Modena and Reggio Emilia

    Bistable Clustering in Driven Granular Mixtures

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    The behavior of a bidisperse inelastic gas vertically shaken in a compartmentalized container is investigated using two different approaches: the first is a mean-field dynamical model, which treats the number of particles in the two compartments and the associated kinetic temperatures in a self-consistent fashion; the second is an event-driven numerical simulation. Both approaches reveal a non-stationary regime, which has no counterpart in the case of monodisperse granular gases. Specifically, when the mass difference between the two species exceeds a certain threshold the populations display a bistable behavior, with particles of each species switching back and forth between compartments. The reason for such an unexpected behavior is attributed to the interplay of kinetic energy non-equipartition due to inelasticity with the energy redistribution induced by collisions. The mean-field model and numerical simulation are found to agree qualitatively.Comment: 23 pages, 12 figure

    Human Small Heat Shock Protein B8 Inhibits Protein Aggregation without Affecting the Native Folding Process

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    : Small Heat Shock Proteins (sHSPs) are key components of our Protein Quality Control system and are thought to act as reservoirs that neutralize irreversible protein aggregation. Yet, sHSPs can also act as sequestrases, promoting protein sequestration into aggregates, thus challenging our understanding of their exact mechanisms of action. Here, we employ optical tweezers to explore the mechanisms of action of the human small heat shock protein HSPB8 and its pathogenic mutant K141E, which is associated with neuromuscular disease. Through single-molecule manipulation experiments, we studied how HSPB8 and its K141E mutant affect the refolding and aggregation processes of the maltose binding protein. Our data show that HSPB8 selectively suppresses protein aggregation without affecting the native folding process. This anti-aggregation mechanism is distinct from previous models that rely on the stabilization of unfolded polypeptide chains or partially folded structures, as has been reported for other chaperones. Rather, it appears that HSPB8 selectively recognizes and binds to aggregated species formed at the early stages of aggregation, preventing them from growing into larger aggregated structures. Consistently, the K141E mutation specifically targets the affinity for aggregated structures without impacting native folding, and hence impairs its anti-aggregation activity

    Capillary barriers during rainfall events in pyroclastic deposits of the Vesuvian area

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    In the present paper, the capillary barrier formation at the interface between soil layers, which is characterized by textural discontinuities, has been analyzed. This mechanism has been investigated by means of a finite element model of a two-layer soil stratification. The two considered formations, belonging to the pyroclastic succession of the “Pomici di Base” Plinian eruption (22 ka, Santacroce et al., 2008) of the Somma–Vesuvius volcano, are affected by shallow instability phenomena likely caused by progressive saturation during the rainfall events. This mechanism could be compatible with the formation of capillary barriers at the interface between layers of different grain size distributions during infiltration. One-dimensional infiltration into the stratified soil was parametrically simulated considering rainfall events of increasing intensity and duration. The variations in the suction and degree of saturation over time allowed for the evaluation of stability variations in the layers, which were assumed as part of stratified unsaturated infinite slopes
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