6,043 research outputs found

    Gender assessment through three-dimensional analysis of maxillary sinuses by means of Cone Beam Computed Tomography

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    OBJECTIVE: The availability of a low dose radiation technology such as Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) in dental practice has increased the number of scans available for forensic purposes. Moreover, specific software allows for three-dimensional (3D) characterization of the maxillary sinuses. This study was performed to determine whether sinus maxillary volumes can be useful to identify gender after validating the use of the Dolphin software as a tool for volumetric estimation of maxillary sinus volumes. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The validation was performed by four different operators measuring the volume of six phantoms, where the real volume was already known. The maxillary sinus volumes of 52 patients (26 males and 26 females) mean age 24.3 were calculated and compared between genders and sagittal skeletal class subdivision. The measurements for patients and phantoms were based on CBCT scans (ILUMAℱ) processed by Dolphin 3D software. RESULTS: No statistical difference was observed between the real volume and the volume measurements performed by the operators. No statistical difference was found in patient's maxillary sinus volumes between gender. CONCLUSIONS: Based on our results, it is not possible to support the use of maxillary sinuses to discern sexual difference in corpse identification

    No more time to stay ‘single’ in the detection of Anisakis pegreffii, A. simplex (s. s.) and hybridization events between them: a multi-marker nuclear genotyping approach

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    A multi-marker nuclear genotyping approach was performed on larval and adult specimens of Anisakis spp. (N = 689) collected from fish and cetaceans in allopatric and sympatric areas of the two species Anisakis pegreffii and Anisakis simplex (s. s.), in order to: (1) identify specimens belonging to the parental taxa by using nuclear markers (allozymes loci) and sequence analysis of a new diagnostic nuclear DNA locus (i.e. partial sequence of the EF1 α−1 nDNA region) and (2) recognize hybrid categories. According to the Bayesian clustering algorithms, based on those markers, most of the individuals (N = 678) were identified as the parental species [i.e. A. pegreffii or A. simplex (s. s.)], whereas a smaller portion (N = 11) were recognized as F1 hybrids. Discordant results were obtained when using the polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphisms (PCR–RFLPs) of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) ribosomal DNA (rDNA) on the same specimens, which indicated the occurrence of a large number of ‘hybrids’ both in sympatry and allopatry. These findings raise the question of possible misidentification of specimens belonging to the two parental Anisakis and their hybrid categories derived from the application of that single marker (i.e. PCR–RFLPs analysis of the ITS of rDNA). Finally, Bayesian clustering, using allozymes and EF1 α−1 nDNA markers, has demonstrated that hybridization between A. pegreffii and A. simplex (s. s.) is a contemporary phenomenon in sympatric areas, while no introgressive hybridization takes place between the two species

    On the ultraviolet behaviour of quantum fields over noncommutative manifolds

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    By exploiting the relation between Fredholm modules and the Segal-Shale-Stinespring version of canonical quantization, and taking as starting point the first-quantized fields described by Connes' axioms for noncommutative spin geometries, a Hamiltonian framework for fermion quantum fields over noncommutative manifolds is introduced. We analyze the ultraviolet behaviour of second-quantized fields over noncommutative 3-tori, and discuss what behaviour should be expected on other noncommutative spin manifolds.Comment: 10 pages, RevTeX version, a few references adde

    Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generators for Pico Hydropower Application: A Parametrical Study

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    A pico hydropower plant is an energy harvesting system that allows energy production using the power of the water flowing in small watercourses, and in water distribution network. Axial Flow Flux Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator (AFPMSG) are particularly suitable for this application, being efficient machines that achieve high power with small dimensions. This paper presents a parametrical study of several configurations and topologies of three-phase and single-phase AFPMSG, for pico hydropower application, to assess the most suitable dimensional characteristics for the most energy production using a safe voltage of 25 V. The AFPMSGs here considered has a simple single stator and rotor configuration, commercial-type permanent magnets, and concentric windings, to facilitate their cost-effective construction and the spread of their use also in developing countries. For each AFPMSG considered, the power output was calculated using 3-D modelling and Finite Element Analysis; besides, the different parameters and features that affect the power output were evaluated at different rotational speeds. The results achieving a power density up to 100 W/cm(3), at 1000 rpm with energy produced to 1.7 kWh/day

    MortalitĂ  per sclerosi multipla nella regione Toscana

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    OBIETTIVI: Valutare il trend di mortalitĂ  per Sclerosi Multipla (SM) in Toscana nel ventennio 1987-2006. METODI: I dati sulla mortalitĂ  per SM sono stati ottenuti consultando gli archivi informatici delle schede di morte presso l’Agenzia Regionale di SanitĂ  Toscana. I dati raccolti sono stati suddivisi per i quattro quinquenni compresi tra il 1987 e il 2006: (1987-1991), (1992-1996), (1997-2001), (2002-2006). Sono stati calcolati i tassi standardizzati di mortalitĂ  (metodo di standardizzazione diretta) per SM rispetto alla popolazione toscana del 2000 e i tassi di mortalitĂ  per SM specifici per sesso ed etĂ . RISULTATI: I tassi standardizzati di mortalitĂ  con causa SM calcolati per ogni anno mostrano una diminuzione della mortalitĂ , in entrambi i sessi, particolarmente marcata nel primo quinquennio (1987-1991). Per i maschi si osserva, nei quattro quinquenni analizzati, un trend decrescente dei tassi di mortalitĂ  che va da 0,61 per il quinquennio 1987-1991 a 0,42 per 100.000 per quello 2002-2006. Analogamente per le femmine si osserva una diminuzione da 1,29 a 0,60 per 100.000. Analizzando i tassi di mortalitĂ  per SM specifici per etĂ  abbiamo osservato un picco della mortalitĂ  nei maschi in corrispondenza della fascia di etĂ  75-79 anni, mentre nelle donne nella fascia 65-69 anni. In entrambi i sessi il numero dei decessi aumenta fortemente dopo i 45 anni e diminuisce dopo i 79 anni. Considerando l’etĂ  di esordio, che andava dai 25 ai 35 anni, e la sopravvivenza delle persone, pari a 30-35 anni dalla diagnosi, la mortalitĂ  maggiore si riscontra nelle fasce di etĂ  da noi osservate. CONCLUSIONI: A causa della piccola dimensione del campione, tutti i valori vanno interpretati con cautela, ma i dati presenti in letteratura sono in accordo con i dati osservati nel nostro studio relativi al primo quinquennio. Infatti, il decremento di mortalitĂ  nel periodo 1987-1991 Ăš in linea con i dati precedentemente pubblicati in uno studio sulla mortalitĂ  per SM in Italia dal 1974 al 1993 (Tassinari, 2001). Per gli anni successivi non esistono dati in letteratura relativi alla mortalitĂ  per SM in Italia. La mortalitĂ  piĂč elevata nelle femmine riflette il maggior numero di casi di SM nella popolazione femminile ed Ăš supportata anche dai dati presenti in letteratura sia in Italia che all’estero (Massey e Schoenberg, 1982). La mortalitĂ  per SM osservata nel nostro studio Ăš presumibilmente una sottostima poichĂ© talvolta l’SM non viene indicata come causa di morte

    Report 1 PHIN-CARE-JRA2-WP3 Second Task: Pulse Shaping

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    This report presents the activity developed on laser pulse shaping argument in years 2004-2005 by Milano-INFN within the framework of CARE /JRA2 \Charge production with Photoinjectors" second task \Pulse Shaping". A dedicated laser system with the relative diagnostic tools have been developed. A liquid crystal programmable spatial light modulator(LCP-SLM) shaper have been studied and set for the generation of diÂźerent waveforms. The shaper is integrated in the laser system for an automatic generation of the target waveforms via the insetion of a computer which drives the system through the developed software. The system can be programmed to generate any target waveform compatible with the spectral bandwidth of the laser system and some exemples are presented. The following issues are treated: (i) the operation stability as function of perturbations of the set-up parameters, (ii) the design of the shaper for the SPARC project, (iii) a new shaper concept for the generation of long target waveforms and (iiii) the rectangular pulse generation at the second harmonic

    WSN-Based Near Real-Time Environmental Monitoring for Shelf Life Prediction Through Data Processing to Improve Food Safety and Certification

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    This position paper aims to support a control technique in the perishables goods supply-chain through a combination of near real-time wireless sensor network (WSN) for environmental monitoring and further data processing to predict the shelf life of the product. This approach returns a low cost, versatile and efficient tool that can significantly improve the safety and food certification through the organoleptic qualities control using three different sensors, i.e. temperature, light and humidity. In this article, therefore, the advantages of the proposed technique are explained and a case study is presented to support this approach, as well as an example of processing algorithm for shelf life evaluation

    Fredholm Modules on P.C.F. Self-Similar Fractals and their Conformal Geometry

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    The aim of the present work is to show how, using the differential calculus associated to Dirichlet forms, it is possible to construct Fredholm modules on post critically finite fractals by regular harmonic structures. The modules are d-summable, the summability exponent d coinciding with the spectral dimension of the generalized laplacian operator associated with the regular harmonic structures. The characteristic tools of the noncommutative infinitesimal calculus allow to define a d-energy functional which is shown to be a self-similar conformal invariant.Comment: 16 page

    Effects of Reminiscence Therapy on Cognition, Depression and Quality of Life in Elderly People with Alzheimer’s Disease: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials

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    Background: Patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) present with cognitive function deterioration, neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPS)-especially depression-and low quality of life (QoL). Management of AD remains difficult, especially in the elderly. Reminiscence therapy (RT) is a well-known cognitive rehabilitation intervention that can be adopted in nursing and residential care homes to restore autobiographical memory, ameliorate NPS, and improve the QoL of people with dementia. However, the evidence-based efficacy of RT for elderly patients with AD remains to be determined. Methods: Here, we synthesized findings of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) exploring the effects of RT on cognition, depression, and QoL in elderly people with AD, according to the most recent PRISMA statement. We searched for RCTs in PubMed, Web of Science, and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and in trial registries (i.e., clinicaltrials.gov and International Clinical Trials Registry Platform of the World Health Organization). Two review authors extracted data of interest, with cognition, depression, and QoL measures as outcomes. Results: A total of five articles were included in the final analysis. Findings globally showed that RT, both administered in individual or group sessions at least once a week for 30–35 min over a period of 12 weeks, is effective in supporting global cognition, ameliorating depression, and improving specific aspects of the QoL in elderly people with AD. Conclusions: RT has the potential to be a routine non-pharmacological therapy for elderly people with AD, thanks to its wider effects on the individual in terms of cognitive vitality and emotional status promotion, with positive implications for patient’s daily life. Despite such evidences, caution should be used in findings’ generalizability in relation to the paucity of existing RCTs with long-term follow-up
