46 research outputs found

    Coagulation characteristics of electrochemically prepared polyaluminium chloride on humac acid removal from water

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    The treatment of surface natural water for drinking water production goes through the degradation of humic substances. The increasing demand of more efficient coagulation water treatment, especially regarding the removal of natural organic matter (NOM), has lead to the development of a new category of coagulants, the pre-polymerised inorganic coagulants, such as polyaluminium chloride (PAC). An alternative preparation procedure for PAC (prehydrolyzed aluminium chloride with general formula Alm(OH)nCl3n-m) is presented in this paper. Using the principles of coagulant preparation and of the electrolysis process, the proposed procedure is based on the use a new method for the preparation of electrochemically obtained PAC (E-PAC) in an electrochemical reactor, equipped with plain-plate A1 anodes and stainless steel cathodes, and AICI3 aqueous solution as electrolyte, applied with successfully in our laboratory. Coagulation behaviors of E-PAC and conventional coagulants as alum and commercial product PAC were compared, using the so-called „Jar test" procedure, in accordance with water treatment standards, to remove humic acid (HA) from deionized water with addition of lmg/L of humic acid (commercial HA powder), selected for this study, due to the fact that it is a principal component of humic substances, which are typically the major component of NOM in water supplies. As part of the applied procedures, the level of residual turbidity, the amount of total organic carbon, the UV-254 absorbance and colour were evaluated, in oerder to assess the efficiency of the coagulation process in all situations (PAC, E-PAC and alum as coagulants). The results suggest than the electrochemically obtained E-PAC can be alternatively produced by electrolysis process easily controlled, resulting a product with better properties than the commercial PAC used for comparison to remove humic acid from synthetic water

    Evaluation of the nutrients uptake by tomato plants in different phenological stages using an electrical conductivity technique

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    Nutrient consumption by plants depends on the growth stage and environmental conditions. In general, plants take up species of elements at different speeds. We monitored and recorded the electrical charge flow through xylem sap of tomato plants (Brillante F1) using femto/picoammeter equipment (Keysight B2981A). This technique evaluates the nutrient uptake of tomato treated with the most common macronutrients (KNO3; KH2PO4; Ca(NO3)2; KCl) by monitoring the electrical conductivity for 24 h. The electrical conductivity of each treatment correlated with the plant growth and development stages. The results showed that the tomato plants had a high consumption of nutrients in the vegetative stage, while in other stages, they had a specific consumption, like phosphorus for bulb formation, potassium for increasing the number of flowers and water for the ripening of fruits. The quantitative evaluation of the ions absorbed by the plant was based on the magnitude and shape of the electrical conductivity curves. Our technique is an efficient method to determine nutrient consumption and is useful in predicting the deficiency of a certain element in tomato plants


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    Abstract The experiment was placed on the chromic luvisol of the Moara Domneasc Teaching Farm belonging to th

    Technical-scientific considerations regarding the reduction of the explosion effects generated by the explosive materials on persons and industrial and civil objectives

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    The attenuation is a function of a structural strength and mass of the PES structure. Relatively light or weak structures (or open PES facilities) are assumed to not attenuate any of the pressure or impulse load. These not-attenuating facilities include: Pre-engineered metal building, Hollow clay tile building, Trailer (drop or stand-alone), Tractor-trailer and Bulk/tank truck/Van truck. If there is a barricade present between the PES and the ES and this barricade meets certain criteria, the user can direct the model to reduce the pressure and impulse arriving at the ES because of the presence of the barricade. The fractional damage of the PES structure remaining intact after an explosive event is a function of the equivalent NEW (Net Explosive Weight) and the PES building type. The fractional damage (a value between 0 and 1) of each PES component (roof, front wall, side walls, and rear wall) is determined by comparing the NEW to lower-bound and upper-bound damage limits for the PES types. So, if the NEW is below the lower-bound damage limit value, then the PES structure is assumed to remain totally intact; if the NEW is greater than upper-bound damage limit value, then the PES structure is assumed to be completely destroyed; if the NEW value is between the lower-bound damage limit and upper-bound damage limit, the PES structure is partially or fractionally damaged. If the equivalent NEW is between the two values, an algorithm is used to determine how fast the PES structure transitions from zero damage to full damage as the NEW increases between the lower-bound damage limit and upper-bound damage limit values. This algorithm and all associated parameters are described in the following

    Polymorphism of the Prolactin (PRL) Gene and Its Effect on Milk Production Traits in Romanian Cattle Breeds

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    In the present study, we investigated one polymorphism of the PRL gene (rs211032652 SNP) and assessed its influence on milk production and chemical composition in two Romanian cattle breeds. A total of 119 cattle from two breeds reared in Western Romania (64 Romanian Spotted and 55 Romanian Brown) were included in the research herd. A PCR-RFLP genotyping assay was used for the identification of the rs211032652 SNP variants. Shapiro’s test and Levene’s test were used to verify ANOVA assumptions and ANOVA and Tukey’s test were employed to test the associations between PRL genotypes and five milk traits. Among the studied breeds, our results showed that PRL genotypes were significantly associated (p < 0.05) with fat and protein percentage in the milk of Romanian Brown cattle. The AA genotype was associated with a higher fat percentage in milk (4.76 ± 0.28) compared to the GG genotype (4.04 ± 0.22, p = 0.048), as well as a higher protein percentage (3.96 ± 0.32% vs. 3.43 ± 0.15%, p = 0.027) in Romanian Brown cattle. Moreover, the PRL locus favored a significantly higher fat (p = 0.021) and protein (p = 0.028) percentage in the milk of Romanian Brown cattle compared to the Romanian Spotted breed, with a difference of 0.263% and 0.170%, respectively

    Rezultate privind producţia şi parametri fiziologici ai cultivarului de tomate Siriana F1 sub influenţa stimulatorilor convenţionali şi neconvenţionali

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    Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) is a leading vegetable crop, in terms of global cultivation (open field and protected area) and consumption. The chemical nutrients of plants serve as critical factors that determine the plant growth and vigour, also the crop yield. In addition, these nutrients play aparticular role in contributing to the survival of crop plants under environmental stress conditions. Under climatic or nutritional stress, the productivity is affected in a percentage that range between 45-70%. In this study, the influence of unconventional and conventional stimulants was evaluated for Siriana F1 in term of physiological parameters and yield. In order to achieve this, at UASVM Iasi was carried out an experiment on a tomato crop from the Siriana F1 hybrid, where six treatments were tested compared to a control version.The highest values of the analyzed physiological parameters were recorded under treatment of Au -citrate C; for the total pigments this variant had the lowest value, respectively 14.9 CCI

    Дослідницький аналіз: впровадження інноваційних енергетичних технологій та їх узгодження з ЦСР 12

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    The object of the research is the alignment of innovative energy technologies with the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 12, which pertains to sustainable consumption and production. The problem to be solved – there is an ambiguity regarding how these technologies contribute to SDG 12. This study aims to conduct a strategic analysis of external factors influencing innovative energy technologies from the perspective of SDG 12. The results show that innovative energy technologies, like bioenergy, geothermal energy, solar energy, wind energy, hydropower, and ocean energy, enhance energy efficiency, cut emissions, and reduce waste and toxins. These technologies align with SDG 12 and are shaped by various legislations. They intersect with the shift from fossil fuels, requiring analysis in the context of other UN SDGs. Legal frameworks must adapt to innovative energy technologies. The findings highlight that innovative energy technologies support SDG 12 by ensuring energy efficiency and reducing emissions. These technologies address economic and environmental challenges, promote sustainable progress and economic growth, enhance business competitiveness, stabilize prices, diversify energy sources, ensure national energy security and reduce energy poverty. The scope and conditions for practical application of the results of this research provide valuable insights for the scientific community, energy companies, policymakers, and investors in the energy sector. They can be used to inform decisions and strategies aimed at aligning energy technologies with the objectives of SDG 12. However, the implementation and effectiveness of these technologies also depend on regulatory support, industry collaboration, and public acceptance of new energy solutions.Об'єктом дослідження є узгодження інноваційних енергетичних технологій з Ціллю сталого розвитку (ЦСР) 12 щодо сталого споживання та виробництва. Завданням, яке необхідно вирішити, є неясність щодо того, як ці технології сприяють досягненню ЦСР 12. Дане дослідження спрямоване на проведення стратегічного аналізу зовнішніх факторів, що впливають на інноваційні енергетичні технології з точки зору ЦСР 12. Результати показують, що інноваційні енергетичні технології, такі як біоенергетика, геотермальна енергетика, сонячна енергетика, вітроенергетика, гідроенергетика та енергія океану, сприяють підвищенню енергоефективності, скороченню викидів та зниженню кількості відходів та токсинів. Дані технології узгоджуються з ЦСР 12 та визначаються різними законодавчими актами. Вони перетинаються з переходом від використання викопного палива, що потребує аналізу в контексті інших ЦСР ООН. Правова база має адаптуватися до інноваційних енергетичних технологій. Отримані результати наголошують, що інноваційні енергетичні технології підтримують ЦСР 12 шляхом забезпечення енергоефективності та скорочення кількості викидів. Ці технології спрямовані на вирішення економічних та екологічних завдань, сприяння сталому прогресу та економічному зростанню, підвищення конкурентоспроможності підприємств, стабілізацію цін, диверсифікацію джерел енергії, забезпечення національної енергетичної безпеки та скорочення масштабів енергетичної бідності. Масштаби та умови практичного застосування результатів даного дослідження дають цінну інформацію для наукової спільноти, енергетичних компаній, директивних органів та інвесторів в енергетичному секторі. Вони можуть бути використані для обґрунтування рішень та стратегій, спрямованих на приведення енергетичних технологій у відповідність до цілей ЦСР 12. Однак впровадження та ефективність цих технологій також залежать від нормативної підтримки, галузевого співробітництва та суспільного прийняття нових енергетичних рішень

    Mini-Review Regarding the Applicability of Genome Editing Techniques Developed for Studying Infertility

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    Infertility is a highly debated topic today. It has been long hypothesized that infertility has an idiopathic cause, but recent studies demonstrated the existence of a genetic substrate. Fortunately, the methods of editing the human genome proven to be revolutionary. Following research conducted, we identified a total of 21 relevant studies; 14 were performed on mice, 5 on zebrafish and 2 on rats. We concluded that over forty-four genes in total are dispensable for fertility in both sexes without affecting host homeostasis. However, there are genes whose loss-of-function induces moderate to severe phenotypic changes in both sexes. There were situations in which the authors reported infertility, exhibited by the experimental model, or other pathologies such as cryptorchidism, cataracts, or reduced motor activity. Overall, zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs), transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs), and clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR)/Cas9 are techniques that offer a wide range of possibilities for studying infertility, even to create mutant variants. It can be concluded that ZFNs, TALENs, and CRISPR/Cas9 are crucial tools in biomedical research