104 research outputs found

    The 9-MilCA method as a rapid, partly automated protocol for simultaneously recording milk coagulation, curd firming, syneresis, cheese yield, and curd nutrients recovery or whey loss

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    Abstract The aim of this study was to propose and test a new laboratory cheesemaking procedure [9-mL milk cheesemaking assessment (9-MilCA)], which records 15 traits related to milk coagulation, curd firming, syneresis, cheese yield, and curd nutrients recovery or whey loss. This procedure involves instruments found in many laboratories (i.e., heaters and lacto-dynamographs), with an easy modification of the sample rack for the insertion of 10-mL glass tubes. Four trials were carried out to test the 9-MilCA procedure. The first trial compared 8 coagulation and curd firming traits obtained using regular or modified sample racks to process milk samples from 60 cows belonging to 5 breeds and 3 farms (480 tests). The obtained patterns exhibited significant but irrelevant between-procedure differences, with better repeatability seen for 9-MilCA. The second trial tested the reproducibility and repeatability of the 7 cheesemaking traits obtained using the 9-MilCA procedure on individual samples from 60 cows tested in duplicate in 2 instruments (232 tests). The method yielded very repeatable outcomes for all 7 tested cheese yield and nutrient recovery traits (repeatability >98%), with the exception of the fresh cheese yield (84%), which was affected by the lower repeatability (67%) of the water retained in the curd. In the third trial (96 tests), we found that using centrifugation in place of curd cooking and draining (as adopted in several published studies) reduced the efficiency of whey separation, overestimated all traits, and worsened the repeatability. The fourth trial compared 9-MilCA with a more complex model cheese-manufacturing process that mimics industry practices, using 1,500-mL milk samples (72 cows, 216 tests). The average results obtained from 9-MilCA were similar to those obtained from the model cheeses, with between-method correlations ranging from 78 to 99%, except for the water retained in the curd (r=54%). Our results indicate that new 9-MilCA method is a powerful research tool that allows the rapid, inexpensive, and partly automated analysis processing 40 samples per day with 2 replicates each, using 1 lacto-dynamograph, 2 heaters, and 3 modified sample racks, and yields a complete picture of the cheesemaking process (e.g., milk gelation, curd firming, syneresis, and whey expulsion) as well as the cheese yield and the efficiency of energy or nutrients retention in the cheese or loss in the whey

    Short communication: Factors affecting coagulation properties of Mediterranean buffalo milk

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    Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate sources of variation of milk coagulation properties (MCP) of buffalo cows. Individual milk samples were collected from 200 animals in 5 herds located in northern Italy from January to March 2010. Rennet coagulation time (RCT, min) and curd firmness after 30min from rennet addition (a 30 , mm) were measured using the Formagraph instrument (Foss Electric, Hillerod, Denmark). In addition to MCP, information on milk yield, fat, protein, and casein contents, pH, and somatic cell count (SCC) was available. Sources of variation of RCT and a 30 were investigated using a linear model that included fixed effects of herd, days in milk (DIM), parity, fat content, casein content (only for a 30 ), and pH. The coefficient of determination was 51% for RCT and 48% for a 30 . The most important sources of variation of MCP were the herd and pH effects, followed by DIM and fat content for RCT, and casein content for a 30 . The relevance of acidity in explaining the variation of both RCT and a 30 , and of casein content in explaining that of a 30 , confirmed previous studies on dairy cows. Although future research is needed to investigate the effect of these sources of variation on cheese yield, findings from the present study suggest that casein content and acidity may be used as indicator traits to improve technological properties of buffalo milk

    Comparison between mechanical and near-infrared methods for assessing coagulation properties of bovine milk

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    AbstractThe aim of the present study was to compare milk coagulation properties measured through a traditional mechanical device, the Formagraph (FRM; Foss Electric A/S, Hillerød, Denmark), and a near-infrared optical device, the Optigraph (OPT; Ysebaert SA, Frépillon, France). Individual milk samples of 913 Brown Swiss cows from 63 herds located in Trento Province (Italy) were analyzed for rennet coagulation time (RCT, min), curd-firming time (k20, min), and 2 measures of curd firmness (a30 and a45,mm) using the 2 instruments and under identical conditions. The trial was performed in the same laboratory, by the same technician, and following the same procedures. Extending the analysis by either instrument to 90min permitted RCT and k20 values to be obtained even for late-coagulating milk samples. Milk coagulation properties measured using the OPT differed considerably from those obtained using the FRM. The average k20 values varied greatly (8.16 vs. 5.36min for the OPT and the FRM, respectively), as did the a45 figures (41.49 vs. 33.66mm for the OPT and the FRM, respectively). The proportion of noncoagulating samples for which k20 could be estimated differed between instruments, being less for the OPT. The between-instrument correlation coefficients were either moderate (0.48 for a30) or low (0.24 and 0.17 for k20 and a45, respectively) when the same traits were compared. The correlations between k20 and a45, and milk yield varied among instruments, as did the correlations between k20, a30, and a45 and milk composition, and the correlations between a45 and pH. The relative influence of days in milk on k20 and a45 varied, as did the effect of parity on a45 and that of the measuring unit of coagulation meter on k20 and a30. The RCT estimated by the OPT was the only milk coagulation property to show good agreement with the FRM-derived value, although this was not true for the data from late-coagulating samples

    Genetic analysis of rennet coagulation time, curd-firming rate, and curd firmness assessed over an extended testing period using mechanical and near-infrared instruments

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    Abstract The aims of this study were (1) to analyze rennet coagulation time (RCT), curd-firming rate, and curd firmness obtained by extending the standard 30-min testing time to 45min; (2) to estimate heritabilities of the aforementioned traits determined by mechanical (Formagraph; Foss Electric, Hillerod, Denmark) and near-infrared optical (Optigraph; Ysebaert, Frepillon, France) instruments, and to assess the statistical relevance of their genetic background by using the Bayes factor procedure, the deviance information criterion, and the mean squared error; (3) to estimate phenotypic and genetic relationships between instruments within trait and between traits within instrument; and (4) to obtain correlations for sire rankings based on the used instruments. Individual milk samples were collected from 913 Brown Swiss cows reared in 63 herds located in Trento Province (Italy). Milk coagulation properties (MCP) were measured using 2 different instruments: Formagraph and Optigraph. Both instruments were housed in the same laboratory and operated by the same technician. Each sample was analyzed simultaneously on each instrument. All experimental conditions (milk temperature and the concentration and type of rennet) were identical. For the analysis, univariate and bivariate animal models were implemented using Bayesian methods. Univariate analyses were conducted to test the hypothesis that the traits showed additive genetic determination. Deviance information criterion, Bayes factor, and mean squared error were used as model choice criteria. The main results were that (1) RCT could be measured on all samples by extending the observation time to 45min, and its genetic parameters ( h 2 =0.23) and breeding values could be estimated while avoiding the bias of noncoagulating samples; (2) curd-firming rate could be measured on almost all milk samples, and its genetic parameters could be estimated for the first time on a field data set ( h 2 =0.21); (3) for the first time, genetic parameters of curd firmness 45min after rennet addition ( h 2 =0.12) were estimated, and they were compared with curd firmness 30min after rennet addition ( h 2 =0.17); and (4) MCP estimated using the Optigraph appeared to be genetically different from those determined by Formagraph, with the partial exception of RCT (genetic correlation=0.97). Breeding strategies for the improvement of MCP must be planned with caution. Currently, the high throughput, ease of use, and reduced costs of analysis make predictions obtained from mid-infrared spectroscopy (MIRS) on untreated milk samples a promising alternative to produce relevant data at the population level. The use of mechanical lactodynamographs to establish reference data for MIRS calibrations have been already studied, whereas the use of near-infrared optical lactodynamographs as a reference method for MIRS calibrations needs to be investigated

    Herd and animal factors affect the variability of total and differential somatic cell count in bovine milk

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    This study investigated factors affecting the variability of somatic cell traits in bovine milk. Animal had greater influence on somatic cell score (SCS) and differential somatic cell count (DSCC) compared to herd factors. Herds producing high average of daily milk energy were characterized by lower SCS and DSCC compared to the low average daily milk energy herds. The SCS and DSCC were higher in Holstein-Friesian than in Simmental, and during summer with respect to the other seasons. Older cows at the end of lactation showed the highest content of somatic cell traits. These results are helpful for the management of somatic cell traits at herd and animal levels

    Effect of dairy farming system, herd, season, parity, and days in milk on modeling of the coagulation, curd firming, and syneresis of bovine milk

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    The objectives of this study were to characterize the variation in curd firmness model parameters obtained from coagulating bovine milk samples, and to investigate the effects of the dairy system, season, individual farm, and factors related to individual cows (days in milk and parity). Individual milk samples (n=1,264) were collected during the evening milking of 85 farms representing different environments and farming systems in the northeastern Italian Alps. The dairy herds were classified into 4 farming system categories: traditional system with tied animals (29 herds), modern dairy systems with traditional feeding based on hay and compound feed (30 herds), modern dairy system with total mixed ration (TMR) that included silage as a large proportion of the diet (9 herds), and modern dairy system with silage-free TMR (17 herds). Milk samples were analyzed for milk composition and coagulation properties, and parameters were modeled using curd firmness measures (CFt) collected every 15 s from a lacto-dynamographic analysis of 90min. When compared with traditional milk coagulation properties (MCP), the curd firming measures showed greater variability and yielded a more accurate description of the milk coagulation process: the model converged for 93.1% of the milk samples, allowing estimation of 4 CFt parameters and 2 derived traits [maximum CF (CFmax) and time from rennet addition to CFmax (tmax)] for each sample. The milk samples whose CFt equations did not converge showed longer rennet coagulation times obtained from the model (RCTeq) and higher somatic cell score, and came from less-productive cows. Among the sources of variation tested for the CFt parameters, dairy herd system yielded the greatest differences for the contrast between the traditional farm and the 3 modern farms, with the latter showing earlier coagulation and greater instant syneresis rate constant (kSR). The use of TMR yielded a greater tmax because of a higher instant curd-firming rate constant (kCF). Season of sampling was found to be very important, yielding higher values during winter for all traits except kCF and kSR. All CFt traits were affected by individual cow factors. For parity, milk produced by first-lactation cows showed higher kCF and kSR, but delays in achieving CFmax. With respect to stage of lactation, RCTeq and potential asymptotic CF increased during the middle of lactation and stabilized thereafter, whereas the 2 instant rate constants presented the opposite pattern, with the lowest (kCF) and highest (kSR) values occurring in mid lactation. The new challenge offered by prolonging the test interval and individual modeling of milk technological properties allowed us to study the effects of parameters related to the environment and to individual cows. This novel strategy may be useful for investigating the genetic variability of these new coagulation traits. \ua9 2015 American Dairy Science Associatio

    The mineral profile affects the coagulation pattern and cheese-making efficiency of bovine milk

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    Natural variations in milk minerals, their relationships, and their associations with the coagulation process and cheese-making traits present an opportunity for the differentiation of milk destined for high-quality natural products, such as traditional specialties or Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) cheeses. The aim of this study was to quantify the effects of the native contents of Ca, P, Na, K, and Mg on 18 traits describing traditional milk coagulation properties (MCP), curd firming over time (CFt) equation parameters, cheese yield (CY) measures, and nutrient recoveries in the curd (REC) using models that either included or omitted the simultaneous effects of milk fat and casein contents. The results showed that, by including milk fat and casein and the minerals in the statistical model, we were able to determine the specific effects of each mineral on coagulation and cheese-making efficiency. In general, about two-thirds of the apparent effects of the minerals on MCP and the CFt equation parameters are actually mediated by their association with milk composition, especially casein content, whereas only one-third of the effects are direct and independent of milk composition. In the case of cheese-making traits, the effects of the minerals were mediated only negligibly by their association with milk composition. High Ca content had a positive effect on the coagulation pattern and cheese-making traits, favoring water retention in the curd in particular. Phosphorus positively affected the cheese-making traits in that it was associated with an increase in CY in terms of curd solids, and in all the nutrient recovery traits. However, a very high P content in milk was associated with lower fat recovery in the curd. The variation in the Na content in milk only mildly affected coagulation, whereas with regard to cheese-making, protein recovery was negatively associated with high concentrations of this mineral. Potassium seemed not to be actively involved in coagulation and the cheese-making process. Magnesium content tended to slow coagulation and reduce CY measures. Further studies on the relationships of minerals with casein and protein fractions could deepen our knowledge of the role of all minerals in coagulation and the cheese-making process

    Cheesemaking in highland pastures: Milk technological properties, cream, cheese and ricotta yields, milk nutrients recovery, and products composition

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    Summer transhumance of dairy cows to high Alpine pastures is still practiced in many mountainous areas. It is important for many permanent dairy farms because the use of highland pastures increases milk production and high-priced typical local dairy products often boost farm income. As traditional cheese- and ricotta-making procedures in Alpine pastures are central to this dairy system, the objective of this study was to characterize the quality and efficiency of products and their relationships with the quality and availability of grass during the grazing season. The milk from 148 cows from 12 permanent farms reared on a temporary farm located in Alpine pastures was processed every 2 wk during the summer (7 cheesemakings from late June to early September). During each processing, 11 dairy products (4 types of milk, 2 by-products, 3 fresh products, and 2 ripened cheeses) were sampled and analyzed. In addition, 8 samples of fresh forage from the pasture used by the cows were collected and analyzed. At the beginning of the pasture season the cows were at 233 \ub1 90 d in milk, 2.4 \ub1 1.7 parities, and produced 23.6 \ub1 5.7 kg/d of milk. The milk yield decreased with the move from permanent to temporary farms and during the entire summer transhumance, but partly recovered after the cows returned to the permanent farms. Similar trends were observed for the daily yields of fat, protein, casein, lactose, and energy, as we found no large variations in the quality of the milk, with the exception of the first period of Alpine pasture. The somatic cell counts of milk increased during transhumance, but this resulted from a concentration of cells in a lower quantity of milk rather than an increase in the total number of cells ejected daily from the udder. We noted a quadratic trend in availability of forage (fresh and dry matter weight per hectare), with a maximum in late July. The quality of forage also varied during the summer with a worsening of chemical composition. The evening milk (before and after natural creaming), the whole morning milk, and the mixed vat milk had different chemical compositions, traditional coagulation properties, and curd-firming modeling parameters. These variations over the pasture season were similar to the residual variations with respect to chemical composition, and much lower with respect to coagulation and curd-firming traits. Much larger variations were noted in cream, cheese, and ricotta yields, as well as in nutrient recoveries in curd during the pasture season. The protein content of forage was correlated with some of the coagulation and curd-firming traits, the ether extract of forage was positively correlated with milk fat content and cheese yields, and fiber fractions of forage were unfavorably correlated with some of the chemical and technological traits. Traditional cheese- and ricotta-making procedures showed average cream, cheese, and ricotta yields of 6.3, 14.2, and 4.9%, respectively, and an overall recovery of almost 100% of milk fat, 88% of milk protein, and 60% of total milk solids

    Heritability and genetic correlations of total and differential somatic cell count with milk yield and composition traits in Italian Simmental cows

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    Costs of production have deeply increased each year in the last decades, breeders are continuously looking for more cost effective and more efficient ways to produce milk. Despite the major signs of progress in productivity, it is fundamental to optimize rather than maximize the performances of the dairy cows. Mastitis is still a highly prevalent disease in the dairy sector which causes several economic losses and environmental effect. Its accurate and early diagnosis is crucial to improve profitability of dairy cows and contribute to a more sustainable dairy industry. Among mastitis reduction strategies, there is the urgent need to implement breeding objectives to select cows displaying mastitis resistance by investigating the genetic mechanisms at the base of the inflammatory response. Therefore, in this study we aimed to further understand the genetic background of the differential somatic cell count (DSCC), which provides thorough insights on the actual inflammatory status of the mammary glands. The objectives of this study were to estimate on a cohort of 20,215 Italian Simmental cows over a 3-yr period: (1) the heritability and repeatability values of somatic cell score (SCS) and DSCC, (2) the genetic and phenotypic correlations between these 2 traits and milk production and milk composition traits, (3) the heritability and repeatability values of SCS and DSCC within class of udder health status. Heritability was low both for SCS (0.06) and DSCC (0.08), whereas the repeatability values for these traits were 0.43 and 0.36, suggesting that the magnitude of cow permanent environmental effect for these traits is remarkable. The genetic and phenotypic correlation of SCS with DSCC was 0.612 and 0.605, respectively. Because both significantly differed from the unit, we must consider those traits as different ones. This latter aspect corroborates the need to consider the DSCC as a further indicator of inflammatory status which might be implemented in the Simmental breed genetic evaluation. It is worthy to mention that heritability estimates for SCS and DSCC were the highest in healthy cows compared with the other udder health classes. This implies that when the udder health status changes, it is most likely due to environmental factors rather than aspects related to the animal's genetics. In contrast, the highest additive genetic variance and heritability found for SCS and DSCC in the healthy group might reveal the potential to further implement breeding strategies to select for healthier animals
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