18 research outputs found

    Preclinical development of a vaccine against oligomeric alpha-synuclein based on virus-like particles

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) is a progressive and currently incurable neurological disorder characterised by the loss of midbrain dopaminergic neurons and the accumulation of aggregated alpha-synuclein (a-syn). Oligomeric a-syn is proposed to play a central role in spreading protein aggregation in the brain with associated cellular toxicity contributing to a progressive neurological decline. For this reason, a-syn oligomers have attracted interest as therapeutic targets for neurodegenerative conditions such as PD and other alpha-synucleinopathies. In addition to strategies using small molecules, neutralisation of the toxic oligomers by antibodies represents an attractive and highly specific strategy for reducing disease progression. Emerging active immunisation approaches using vaccines are already being trialled to induce such antibodies. Here we propose a novel vaccine based on the RNA bacteriophage (Qbeta) virus-like particle conjugated with short peptides of human a-syn. High titres of antibodies were successfully and safely generated in wild-type and human a-syn over-expressing (SNCA-OVX) transgenic mice following vaccination. Antibodies from vaccine candidates targeting the C-terminal regions of a-syn were able to recognise Lewy bodies, the hallmark aggregates in human PD brains. Furthermore, antibodies specifically targeted oligomeric and aggregated a-syn as they exhibited 100 times greater affinity for oligomeric species over monomer a-syn proteins in solution. In the SNCA-OVX transgenic mice used, vaccination was, however, unable to confer significant changes to oligomeric a-syn bioburden. Similarly, there was no discernible effect of vaccine treatment on behavioural phenotype as compared to control groups. Thus, antibodies specific for oligomeric a-syn induced by vaccination were unable to treat symptoms of PD in this particular mouse model.</p

    Pcsk5 is required in the early cranio-cardiac mesoderm for heart development

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    Abstract Background Loss of proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 5 (Pcsk5) results in multiple developmental anomalies including cardiac malformations, caudal regression, pre-sacral mass, renal agenesis, anteroposterior patterning defects, and tracheo-oesophageal and anorectal malformations, and is a model for VACTERL/caudal regression/Currarino syndromes (VACTERL association - Vertebral anomalies, Anal atresia, Cardiac defects, Tracheoesophageal fistula and/or Esophageal atresia, Renal & Radial anomalies and Limb defects). Results Using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), we examined heart development in mouse embryos with zygotic and cardiac specific deletion of Pcsk5. We show that conditional deletion of Pcsk5 in all epiblastic lineages recapitulates all developmental malformations except for tracheo-esophageal malformations. Using a conditional deletion strategy, we find that there is an essential and specific requirement for Pcsk5 in the cranio-cardiac mesoderm for cardiogenesis, but not for conotruncal septation or any other aspect of embryonic development. Surprisingly, deletion of Pcsk5 in cardiogenic or pharyngeal mesodermal progenitors that form later from the cranio-cardiac mesoderm does not affect heart development. Neither is Pcsk5 essential in the neural crest, which drives conotruncal septation. Conclusions Our results suggest that Pcsk5 may have an essential and early role in the cranio-cardiac mesoderm for heart development. Alternatively, it is possible that Pcsk5 may still play a critical role in Nkx2.5-expressing cardiac progenitors, with persistence of mRNA or protein accounting for the lack of effect of deletion on heart development

    Additional file 1: Figure S1. of Pcsk5 is required in the early cranio-cardiac mesoderm for heart development

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    Hoxa3Cre-driven deletion of Pcsk5. Ethidium bromide stained agarose gel showing multiplex polymerase chain reaction products of allele-specific genotyping from embryonic hearts. Primer details are as in Fig. 5. Five hearts of the Pcsk5 Δ1/flox ; Hoxa3Cre + embryos were analysed. The floxed allele is almost completely absent in this hearts indicating a loss of Pcsk5 floxed allele. (TIF 477 kb

    LRRK2 BAC transgenic rats develop progressive, L-DOPA-responsive motor impairment, and deficits in dopamine circuit function

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    Mutations in leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) lead to late-onset, autosomal dominant Parkinson's disease, characterized by the degeneration of dopamine neurons of the substantia nigra pars compacta, a deficit in dopamine neurotransmission and the development of motor and non-motor symptoms. The most prevalent Parkinson's disease LRRK2 mutations are located in the kinase (G2019S) and GTPase (R1441C) encoding domains of LRRK2. To better understand the sequence of events that lead to progressive neurophysiological deficits in vulnerable neurons and circuits in Parkinson's disease, we have generated LRRK2 bacterial artificial chromosome transgenic rats expressing either G2019S or R1441C mutant, or wild-type LRRK2, from the complete human LRRK2 genomic locus, including endogenous promoter and regulatory regions. Aged (18–21 months) G2019S and R1441C mutant transgenic rats exhibit L-DOPA-responsive motor dysfunction, impaired striatal dopamine release as determined by fast-scan cyclic voltammetry, and cognitive deficits. In addition, in vivo recordings of identified substantia nigra pars compacta dopamine neurons in R1441C LRRK2 transgenic rats reveal an age-dependent reduction in burst firing, which likely results in further reductions to striatal dopamine release. These alterations to dopamine circuit function occur in the absence of neurodegeneration or abnormal protein accumulation within the substantia nigra pars compacta, suggesting that nigrostriatal dopamine dysfunction precedes detectable protein aggregation and cell death in the development of Parkinson's disease. In conclusion, our longitudinal deep-phenotyping provides novel insights into how the genetic burden arising from human mutant LRRK2 manifests as early pathophysiological changes to dopamine circuit function and highlights a potential model for testing Parkinson's therapeutics

    A Genomic DNA Reporter Screen Identifies Squalene Synthase Inhibitors That Act Cooperatively with Statins to Upregulate the Low-Density Lipoprotein Receptor

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    Hypercholesterolaemia remains one of the leading risk factors for the development of cardiovascular disease. Many large double-blind studies have demonstrated that lowering LDL-cholesterol using a statin can reduce the risk of having a cardiovascular event by ~30%. However, despite the success of statins, some patient populations are unable to lower their LDL-cholesterol to meet the targeted lipid levels, due to compliance or potency issues. This is especially true for heterozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia (heFH) patients who may require additional upregulation of the Low-Density Lipoprotein Receptor (LDLR) to reduce LDL-cholesterol levels below those achievable with maximal dosing of statins. Here we identify a series of small molecules from a genomic DNA reporter screen which upregulate the LDLR in mouse and human liver cell lines at nanomolar potencies (EC50: 39 nM). Structure-activity relationship studies carried out on the lead compound (compound OX03771) led to the identification of compound OX03050, which had similar potency (EC50: 26 nM), but a much-improved pharmacokinetic profile and showed in vivo efficacy. Compound OX03050 and OX03771 were found to inhibit squalene synthase, the first committed step in cholesterol biosynthesis. These squalene synthase inhibitors were shown to act cooperatively with statins to increase LDLR expression in vitro. Overall, we have demonstrated here a novel series of small molecules with the potential to be further developed to treat patients either alone, or in combination with statins

    Preclinical development of a vaccine against oligomeric alpha-synuclein based on virus-like particles

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    <div><p>Parkinson's disease (PD) is a progressive and currently incurable neurological disorder characterised by the loss of midbrain dopaminergic neurons and the accumulation of aggregated alpha-synuclein (a-syn). Oligomeric a-syn is proposed to play a central role in spreading protein aggregation in the brain with associated cellular toxicity contributing to a progressive neurological decline. For this reason, a-syn oligomers have attracted interest as therapeutic targets for neurodegenerative conditions such as PD and other alpha-synucleinopathies. In addition to strategies using small molecules, neutralisation of the toxic oligomers by antibodies represents an attractive and highly specific strategy for reducing disease progression. Emerging active immunisation approaches using vaccines are already being trialled to induce such antibodies. Here we propose a novel vaccine based on the RNA bacteriophage (Qbeta) virus-like particle conjugated with short peptides of human a-syn. High titres of antibodies were successfully and safely generated in wild-type and human a-syn over-expressing (<i>SNCA</i>-OVX) transgenic mice following vaccination. Antibodies from vaccine candidates targeting the C-terminal regions of a-syn were able to recognise Lewy bodies, the hallmark aggregates in human PD brains. Furthermore, antibodies specifically targeted oligomeric and aggregated a-syn as they exhibited 100 times greater affinity for oligomeric species over monomer a-syn proteins in solution. In the SNCA-OVX transgenic mice used, vaccination was, however, unable to confer significant changes to oligomeric a-syn bioburden. Similarly, there was no discernible effect of vaccine treatment on behavioural phenotype as compared to control groups. Thus, antibodies specific for oligomeric a-syn induced by vaccination were unable to treat symptoms of PD in this particular mouse model.</p></div

    Competition ELISA to estimate relative affinity of vaccine-induced antibodies.

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    <p>Antigens in the form of peptides or recombinant monomer/oligomer protein preparations as described in the methods were coated on to microtitre plates and ELISA reading measured with fixed concentrations of serum IgG antibodies (at OD50 dilution) purified from pooled sera of vaccinated mice (n = 4), preincubated with serial dilutions of (A) free a-syn peptides (PD1, left; PD3, right); (B) free a-syn protein, either monomeric (left panels) or oligomeric (right panels) species, PD1 (top) and PD3 (bottom); and (C) liberated a-syn from haemolysed RBCs (orange line) or PBS negative control (blue line) for PD1 (top) and PD3 (bottom).</p

    Qb VLP and PD vaccine preparation.

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    <p>(A) Qb positive fractions from anion exchange were pooled and concentrated prior to size exclusion chromatography (SEC) on 16/600 Sephacryl S500-HR column, elution monitored by UV at 280 nm (blue), 254 nm (red) and 220 nm (pink). (B) A sample from the major SEC peak (adjusted to 0.1 mg/mL) was negatively stained and viewed by TEM (scale bar, 100nm). (C) Coomassie stained SDS-PAGE of peptide conjugated VLP preparation of PD vaccines. Purified VLPs (lane 1), derivatised with SMPH (lane 2) and subsequent conjugation with peptides PD1 (lane 3), PD2 (lane 4) and PD3 (lane 5) (Precision Plus Protein Standards, Bio-Rad. Sizes in kDa as indicated). (D) Vaccine preparations loaded on native agarose gel were stained for nucleic acid with SYBR safe (left) and for protein with Coomassie (right). Purified VLPs (lane 1), derivatised with SMPH (lane 2), conjugated with peptides PD1 (lane 3) and PD3 (lane 4).</p