23 research outputs found

    New financial derivatives on Romanian market - contracts for difference

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    Investors’ motivation on derivatives market is a profit gain under the law of “buy cheap and sell expensive” no matter the order in which the two operations succeed. Contracts for difference are a good option for short-term investment. The possibility to trade very cheap, relatively simple mechanism of trading and permanent marking to market make the CFD perfect tools for short-term speculators. The investments in CFD aren’t suitable for any investor. Depending on the risks that the investor wants to assume and the knowledge he acquired so far, the decision to invest in CFD can be taken. The permanent increase of the derivatives number has the role to enable a large number of participants to find the right product for everybody.financial derivatives, emerging market, futures market

    Developments of credit default swap contracts under the influence of global crisis

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    This article aims to present the overall market for credit default swaps and their regulatory trends worldwide. Over the past year and a half, the states’ interest for CDS contracts has grown significantly, due to the global crisis and especially to the speculations on sovereign risks. If for ten years the regulatory discussions on credit derivatives market were only theoretical, the current period showed that a postponement of regulations may destabilize the country's efforts to get out of recession.credit derivatives, credit default swap market, global crisis

    The global derivatives trend in 2008

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    The global crisis put under question the economical theories about capital markets. Financial derivatives create problems for the legal context of these markets as well as for the way in which such financial instruments can be controlled by the final user. A derivative product may be an instrument of covering the inevitable risks from any economic activity, or may be a perfect instrument adapted to speculation. Duality is even greater as it cannot be a hedger without a speculator. The investors with high risk appetite meet the investors with risk aversion. In order to have a correct environment on the derivatives markets, regulations should establish the market rules, who should participate, how and when new instruments should appear.global crisis, capital markets, risks

    Correlation between the use of derivatives products and the implementation of the monetary policy

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    In a developing and fluctuant world, derivatives help the investors to avoid risks and moreover to assume them when it is necesary. The trade of the derivatives contributes to the growth of liquidity of the assets’ market. For the banks, which traditionally avoid risks, this fact combined with low costs for communication and trading, lead to some potential risky investments. The materialization of monetary policy is based on the idea that the needs of the real economy are expressed through the bankimg system, and the changes of the monetary policy influence the evolution of the economy. In this way, the monetary authority has to promote a proper policy, which can lead to the achievement of its main objective – price stability. The use of derivatives made the central bank mission more difficult. The authorities have a difficult task in order to establish new methods, more powerful, for a better implementaton of the monetary policy. In a dynamic environment the equilibrium is not permanent; this is the reason why the central bank and the financial markets participants must prevent first, and then avoid the possible repairs.derivative, monetary policy, risk management, financial markets

    Etiopathogenicity and diagnosis of endometrial ovarian tumors

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    Department of Oncology Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, The 8th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors, September 24-26, 2020Introduction. Endometriosis is a benign gynecological estrogen-dependent disease characterized by endometrium-like tissue outside the uterus. The disease affects approx. 6-10% of women of reproductive age. The benign endometrial tumor also known as ’’chocolate cyst” affects 17-44% of women with endometriosis. Etiological theories explaining the endometrial lesions are: reflux of endometrial tissue via fallopian tubes during menstruation, coelomic metaplasia, vestiges of embryonic cells and lymphatic and vascular proliferation. The golden standard in diagnosis of endometrial tumors is laparoscopy. Transvaginal ultrasound does not help in initial diagnosis, but nonetheless can help in telling apart the endometrial from other benign ovarian tumors, while MRI helps in differentiating endometrial ovarian tumors from other ovarian cysts. Aim of the study. Evaluation of risk factors and methods of diagnosis of endometrial ovarian tumors. Materials and methods.. Lot of patients: 27 patients with endometrial ovarian tumors who were hospitalized and received treatment at PMSI OI of the Republic of Moldova between 2014 and 2019. Results. Total number of patients enrolled in the study: 27 patients, 25-45 years (age of highest incidence) - 15 patients (55,5%). The most frequent symptoms: pelvic pain - 27 patients (100%), dysmenorrhea - 9 patients (33,3%), dyspareunia- 5 patients (18,51%), metrorrhagia - 3 patients (11,1%).Bimanual examination of 12 patients (44,4%), revealed a smooth, elastic mass. According to laboratory data, 19 patients (70,37%) showed high CA 125 values, and 14 patients (51,8%) high estradiol values. Diagnostic imaging: ultrasound - 27 patients (100%), CT -7 patients (25,92%), MRI - 3 patients (11,1%). Laparoscopic methods: diagnostic laparoscopy - 12 patients (44,4%). All patients have received surgical treatment: surgery under laparoscopy - 12 patients (44,4%), laparotomy - 15 patients (55,5%). Conclusions. 1.Age and high estrogen levels are among the main factors which lead to endometrial ovarian tumors. 2.Pelvic pain is the main symptom shown by patients followed by dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, and metrorrhagia. 3.Laparoscopy is the golden standard in the diagnosis of endometrial ovarian tumors


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    Audit expectations gap (AEG) is one of the most debated phenomena animating the international scientific research scene. The volume of papers focused on defining the AEG concept, examining its determinants, implications, and mechanisms to minimize the gapaudit expectation gap, audit research, auditors, perceptions


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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Boala hemolitică a nou-născutului afectează 3/100 000 până la 80/100 000 de pacienți pe an. Megaloureterul congenital este o anomalie rară raportul dintre băieți și fete este de 4:1, iar rinichiul stâng este mai des afectat decât cel drept (1,6-4,5 ori). Scopul lucrării. Prezentarea unui caz clinic de boală hemolitică a nou-născutului. Materiale și metode. Datele anamnestice clinice și paraclinice au fost preluate din fișa de observație a pacientului care a fost spitalizat în secția patologia nou-născutului din cadrul IMSP IM și C. Rezultate. Copil născut de la sarcina a III-a, nașterea a III-a, la termen de 39 săptămâni cu greutatea 3326g, talia 50cm, scor Apgar 7/8, a țipat deodată. Copilul s-a aflat în RTI cu icter sever al tegumentelor cu datele paraclinice: bilirubina – 103 mcmol/l, Hb – 127 g/l, er - 3,9x10 12 /l, creatinina - 65,9 mmol/l, ureea - 4,75 mmol/l, PCR - 12U/l. Rezultatele ecografiei sistemului reno-urinar au identificat anomalie de dezvoltare a sistemului reno-urinar: rinichi dublu pe stânga, megaureterohidronefroză pe stânga. Copilul în secția RTI a primit tratament sindromal de reechilibrare metabolică, electrolitică, dezintoxicare, fototerapie. Concluzii. Tratamentul precoce sindromal al bolii hemolitice este esențial în evoluția severității bolii. Examenul imagistic este important în depistarea precoce a malformațiilor congenitale ale sistemului reno-urinar, cât și pentru evaluarea corecției chirurgicale precoce.Background. Hemolytic disease of the newborn affects 3/100 000 to 80/100 000 patients per year. Congenital megaloureter is a rare anomaly, the ratio between boys and girls is 4:1, and the left kidney is more affected than the right kidney (1.6 to 4.5 times). Objective of the study. Presentation of a clinical case of hemolytic disease of the newborn. Material and methods. Clinical and paraclinical anamnestic data were taken from the observation sheet of the patient, which was admitted to The Department of Pathology of Newborns within the Mother and Child Institute. Results. Child born from the III pregnancy, the III birth, at 39 weeks gestation, weight-3326g, waist-50cm, score Apgar 7/8. The child was in The Department of RTI with severe skin jaundice, with paraclinical data: Bilirubin – 103 mcmol/l, Hb – 127 g/l, RBC - 3.9x10 12 /l, Creatinine - 65.9 mmol/l, Urea - 4.75 mmol/l, CRP – 12 U/l. During the paraclinical investigations, according to the results of the abdominal ultrasound and the reno-urinary system, were detected an abnormality of development of the reno-urinary system, double left kidney, magaureterohydronephrosis on the left. The child received syndrome metabolic, rebalancing, and ionic, detoxification treatment and phototherapy. Conclusion. Early syndrome treatment of hemolytic disease is essential in the evolution of the severity of the disease. Imaging examination is important in the early detection of congenital malformations of the reno-urinary system and for the evaluation of early surgical correction

    Boala hemolitică a nou-născutului asociată cu megaureterohidronefroza: particularitățile unui caz clinic

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    Background. Hemolytic disease of the newborn affects 3/100 000 to 80/100 000 patients per year. Congenital megaloureter is a rare anomaly, the ratio between boys and girls is 4:1, and the left kidney is more affected than the right kidney (1.6 to 4.5 times). Objective of the study. Presentation of a clinical case of hemolytic disease of the newborn. Material and methods. Clinical and paraclinical anamnestic data were taken from the observation sheet of the patient, which was admitted to The Department of Pathology of Newborns within the Mother and Child Institute. Results. Child born from the III pregnancy, the III birth, at 39 weeks gestation, weight-3326g, waist-50cm, score Apgar 7/8. The child was in The Department of RTI with severe skin jaundice, with paraclinical data: Bilirubin – 103 mcmol/l, Hb – 127 g/l, RBC - 3.9x1012/l, Creatinine - 65.9 mmol/l, Urea - 4.75 mmol/l, CRP – 12 U/l. During the paraclinical investigations, according to the results of the abdominal ultrasound and the reno-urinary system, were detected an abnormality of development of the reno-urinary system, double left kidney, magaureterohydronephrosis on the left. The child received syndrome metabolic, rebalancing, and ionic, detoxification treatment and phototherapy. Conclusion. Early syndrome treatment of hemolytic disease is essential in the evolution of the severity of the disease. Imaging examination is important in the early detection of congenital malformations of the reno-urinary system and for the evaluation of early surgical correction.Introducere. Boala hemolitică a nou-născutului afectează 3/100 000 până la 80/100 000 de pacienți pe an. Megaloureterul congenital este o anomalie rară raportul dintre băieți și fete este de 4:1, iar rinichiul stâng este mai des afectat decât cel drept (1,6-4,5 ori). Scopul lucrării. Prezentarea unui caz clinic de boală hemolitică a nou-născutului. Materiale și metode. Datele anamnestice clinice și paraclinice au fost preluate din fișa de observație a pacientului care a fost spitalizat în secția patologia nou-născutului din cadrul IMSP IM și C. Rezultate. Copil născut de la sarcina a III-a, nașterea a III-a, la termen de 39 săptămâni cu greutatea 3326g, talia 50cm, scor Apgar 7/8, a țipat deodată. Copilul s-a aflat în RTI cu icter sever al tegumentelor cu datele paraclinice: bilirubina – 103 mcmol/l, Hb – 127 g/l, er - 3,9x1012/l, creatinina - 65,9 mmol/l, ureea - 4,75 mmol/l, PCR - 12U/l. Rezultatele ecografiei sistemului reno-urinar au identificat anomalie de dezvoltare a sistemului reno-urinar: rinichi dublu pe stânga, megaureterohidronefroză pe stânga. Copilul în secția RTI a primit tratament sindromal de reechilibrare metabolică, electrolitică, dezintoxicare, fototerapie. Concluzii. Tratamentul precoce sindromal al bolii hemolitice este esențial în evoluția severității bolii. Examenul imagistic este important în depistarea precoce a malformațiilor congenitale ale sistemului reno-urinar, cât și pentru evaluarea corecției chirurgicale precoce


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    Audit expectations gap (AEG) is one of the most debated phenomena animating the international scientific research scene. The volume of papers focused on defining the AEG concept, examining its determinants, implications, and mechanisms to minimize the ga

    The strategic adaptation of the railway transporting enterprises

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