863 research outputs found

    Non-continuous Froude number scaling for the closure depth of a cylindrical cavity

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    A long, smooth cylinder is dragged through a water surface to create a cavity with an initially cylindrical shape. This surface void then collapses due to the hydrostatic pressure, leading to a rapid and axisymmetric pinch-off in a single point. Surprisingly, the depth at which this pinch-off takes place does not follow the expected Froude1/3^{1/3} power-law. Instead, it displays two distinct scaling regimes separated by discrete jumps, both in experiment and in numerical simulations (employing a boundary integral code). We quantitatively explain the above behavior as a capillary waves effect. These waves are created when the top of the cylinder passes the water surface. Our work thus gives further evidence for the non-universality of the void collapse

    An Exploratory Assessment of Applying Risk Management Practices to Engineered Nanomaterials

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    The widespread industrial application of nanotechnology has increased the number of workers exposed to engineered nanomaterials (ENMs), but it is not clear to what extent prevention guidance is practiced. Our aim was to explore the extent that companies manufacturing and/or using ENMs apply risk assessment and management measures. Thirty-four companies were surveyed with an international 35-item questionnaire investigating company and workforce features, types of ENM handled, and risk evaluation and preventive measures adopted. Among participating companies, 62% had a maximum of 10 employees. Metal-based nanomaterials were most frequently identified (73%). Environmental monitoring was performed by 41% of the companies, while engineering exposure controls were approximately reported by 50%. Information and training programs were indicated by 85% of the sample, only 9% performed specific health surveillance for ENM workers. Personal protective equipment primarily included gloves (100%) and eye/face protection (94%). This small-scale assessment can contribute to the limited amount of published literature on the topic. Future investigations should include a greater number of companies to better represent ENM workplaces and a direct access to industrial settings to collect information on site. Finally, deeper attention should be paid to define standardized frameworks for ENM risk assessment that may guide nano-specific preventive actions

    Web-based randomised controlled trials in orthodontics

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    Randomised controlled trials (RCT) are considered the best source of scientific evidence--the gold standard--when evaluating the efficacy of orthodontic treatments. Frequently, RCT are planned as multicentre trials, with the intention of increasing statistical power and raising the precision of outcome estimates. The management of large-scale RCT, however, requires even more thorough organisation than conventional RCT. Indeed, the need for high accuracy and standardisation in data collection, research aids, secretarial skills, staff and patient training, and organisational meetings, make these studies time-consuming, expensive and, in general, relatively complex to carry out well. A website was developed to support a large scale-orthodontic RCT which aimed to evaluate the efficacy of a functional appliance(www.ortodonzia.unina.it). Websites such as this can increase the quality of data collection, simplify the randomisation process, speed up data collection, and improve trial monitoring. Web-based RCT have the potential to help globalise orthodontic research and also increase our rate of acquisition of evidence in orthodontics

    Correction of multiple canine impactions by mixed straightwire and cantilever mechanics: a case report.

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    Background. This case report describes the orthodontic treatment of a woman, aged 17 years, with a permanent dentition, brachyfacial typology, Angle Class I, with full impaction of two canines (13,33), and a severe ectopy of the maxillary left canine. Her main compliant was the position of the ectopic teeth. Methods. Straightwire fixed appliances, together with cantilever mechanics, were used to correct the impaired occlusion and to obtain an ideal torque control. Results and Conclusion. The treatment objectives were achieved in 26 months of treatment. The impactions were fully corrected with an optimal torque. The cantilever mechanics succeeded in obtaining tooth repositioning in a short lapse of time. After treatment, the dental alignment was stable

    Effects of resveratrol on bone health in type 2 diabetic patients. A double-blind randomized-controlled trial

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    Abstract Objectives Patients with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) are at increased fracture risk. Resveratrol has shown beneficial effects on bone health in few studies. The aim of this trial was to investigate the effects of resveratrol on bone mineral density (BMD) and on calcium metabolism biomarkers in T2DM patients. Methods In this double-blind randomized placebo-controlled trial 192 T2DM outpatients were randomized to receive resveratrol 500 mg/day (Resv500 arm), resveratrol 40 mg/day (Resv40 arm) or placebo for 6 months. BMD, bone mineral content (BMC), serum calcium, phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase, and 25-hydroxy vitamin D were measured at baseline and after 6 months. Results At follow-up, calcium concentrations increased in all patients, while within-group variations in alkaline phosphatase were higher in both resveratrol arms, and 25-hydroxy vitamin D increased in the Resv500 arm only, without between-group differences. Whole-body BMD significantly decreased in the placebo group, while whole-body BMC decreased in both the placebo and Resv40 arms. No significant changes in BMD and BMC values occurred in the Resv500 arm. The adjusted mean differences of change from baseline were significantly different in the Resv500 arm vs placebo for whole-body BMD (0.01 vs −0.03 g/cm2, p = 0.001), whole-body BMC (4.04 vs −58.8 g, p < 0.001), whole-body T-score (0.15 vs −0.26), and serum phosphorus (0.07 vs −0.01 µmol/L, p = 0.002). In subgroup analyses, in Resv500 treated-patients BMD values increased to higher levels in those with lower calcium and 25-hydroxy vitamin D values, and in alcohol drinkers. Conclusions Supplementation with 500 mg resveratrol prevented bone density loss in patients with T2DM, in particular, in those with unfavorable conditions at baseline

    Effect of weather on temporal pain patterns in patients with temporomandibular disorders and migraine

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    Patients with masticatory muscle pain and migraine typically report that the intensity of pain fluctuates over time and is affected by weather changes. Weather variables, such as ambient temperature and humidity, may vary significantly depending on whether the individual is outdoor or indoor. It is, therefore, important to assess these variables at the individual level using portable monitors, during everyday life. This study aimed to determine and compare the temporal patterns of pain in individuals affected with facial and head pain and to investigate its relation with weather changes. Eleven patients (27·3 ± 7·4 years) with chronic masticatory muscle pain (MP) and twenty (33·1 ± 8·7 years) with migraine headache (MH) were asked to report their current pain level on a visual analogue scale (VAS) every hour over fourteen consecutive days. The VAS scores were collected using portable data-loggers, which were also used to record temperature, atmospheric pressure and relative humidity. VAS scores varied markedly over time in both groups. Pain VAS scores fluctuate less in the MP group than in the MH group, but their mean, minimum and maximum values were higher than those of migraine patients (all P < 0·05). Pain scores <2 cm were more common in the MH than in the MP group (P < 0·001). Perceived intensity of pain was negatively associated with atmospheric pressure in the MP group and positively associated with temperature and atmospheric in the MH group. Our results reveal that patients with masticatory muscle pain and patients with migraine present typical temporal pain patterns that are influenced in a different way by weather changes

    Ag-based synergistic antimicrobial composites. A critical review

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    The emerging problem of the antibiotic resistance development and the consequences that the health, food and other sectors face stimulate researchers to find safe and effective alternative methods to fight antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and biofilm formation. One of the most promising and efficient groups of materials known for robust antimicrobial performance is noble metal nanoparticles. Notably, silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) have been already widely investigated and applied as antimicrobial agents. However, it has been proposed to create synergistic composites, because pathogens can find their way to develop resistance against metal nanophases; therefore, it could be important to strengthen and secure their antipathogen potency. These complex materials are comprised of individual components with intrinsic antimicrobial action against a wide range of pathogens. One part consists of inorganic AgNPs, and the other, of active organic molecules with pronounced germicidal effects: both phases complement each other, and the effect might just be the sum of the individual effects, or it can be reinforced by the simultaneous application. Many organic molecules have been proposed as potential candidates and successfully united with inorganic counterparts: polysaccharides, with chitosan being the most used component; phenols and organic acids; and peptides and other agents of animal and synthetic origin. In this review, we overview the available literature and critically discuss the findings, including the mechanisms of action, efficacy and application of the silver-based synergistic antimicrobial composites. Hence, we provide a structured summary of the current state of the research direction and give an opinion on perspectives on the development of hybrid Ag-based nanoantimicrobials (NAMs)