12 research outputs found

    A multibiomarker approach in clams (Ruditapes philippinarum) for a toxicological evaluation of dredged sediments

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    The Lagoon of Venice is often dredged for channel maintenance. To avoid harmful consequences to the ecosystem, a proper disposal of bottom sediments requires a preliminary evaluation of its potential toxicity before excavation. Here we evaluated the effects of polluted sediments on clams (Ruditapes philippinarum) using a multibiomarker approach. Bivalves were exposed for 3 and 14 days to five sediment samples collected along a navigation canal between Venice historical centre and the industrial area of Porto Marghera. Immunological, antioxidant, detoxification, and neurotoxicity biomarkers were analysed in haemolymph, gill, and digestive gland. As a control, sediment collected far from pollution sources was used. Two experiments were performed to assess potential seasonal/gametogenic influence in clam sensitivity. A different response of clam biomarkers was observed during the two experiments and among sampling sites. Clams’ digestive gland resulted to be the most sensitive tissue analysed showing significant differences among sites in all biomarkers analysed. Greater differences were present due to seasonality rather than exposure. The concentrations of metals and organic pollutants increased from the city centre to the industrial area, highlighting the influence that industrial activities had on the lagoon ecosystem. However, bioaccumulation in clams did not follow the same clear pattern, suggesting low bioavailability of compounds due to relatively high organic matter content. Biomarkers modulation was mainly driven by metals, both present in sediments and bioaccumulated. In comparison, effects of organic pollutants on the biomarkers tested were negligible. Other sources of contamination not investigated (e.g. pesticides) were suggested by neurotoxicity biomarkers alteration

    Contaminants from dredged sediments alter the transcriptome of Manila clam and induce shifts in microbiota composition

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    Background The reuse of dredged sediments in ports and lagoons is a big issue as it should not affect the quality and the equilibrium of ecosystems. In the lagoon of Venice, sediment management is of crucial importance as sediments are often utilized to built-up structures necessary to limit erosion. However, the impact of sediment reuse on organisms inhabiting this delicate area is poorly known. The Manila clam is a filter-feeding species of high economic and ecological value for the Venice lagoon experiencing a drastic decline in the last decades. In order to define the molecular mechanisms behind sediment toxicity, we exposed clams to sediments sampled from different sites within one of the Venice lagoon navigable canals close to the industrial area. Moreover, we investigated the impacts of dredged sediments on clam’s microbial communities. Results Concentrations of the trace elements and organic chemicals showed increasing concentrations from the city of Venice to sites close to the industrial area of Porto Marghera, where PCDD/Fs and PCBs concentrations were up to 120 times higher than the southern lagoon. While bioaccumulation of organic contaminants of industrial origin reflected sediments’ chemical concentrations, metal bioaccumulation was not consistent with metal concentrations measured in sediments probably due to the activation of ABC transporters. At the transcriptional level, we found a persistent activation of the mTORC1 signalling pathway, which is central in the coordination of cellular responses to chemical stress. Microbiota characterization showed the over-representation of potential opportunistic pathogens following exposure to the most contaminated sediments, leading to host immune response activation. Despite the limited acquisition of new microbial species from sediments, the latter play an important role in shaping Manila clam microbial communities. Conclusions Sediment management in the Venice lagoon will increase in the next years to maintain and create new canals as well as to allow the operation of the new mobile gates at the three Venice lagoon inlets. Our data reveal important transcriptional and microbial changes of Manila clams after exposure to sediments, therefore reuse of dredged sediments represents a potential risk for the conservation of this species and possibly for other organisms inhabiting the Venice lagoon

    Assessment of phenolic herbicide toxicity and mode of action by different assays

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    A phytotoxicity assay based on seed germination/root elongation has been optimized and used to evaluate the toxic effects of some phenolic herbicides. The method has been improved by investigating the influence of experimental conditions. Lepidium sativum was chosen as the most suitable species, showing high germinability, good repeatability of root length measurements, and low sensitivity to seed pretreatment. DMSO was the most appropriate solvent carrier for less water-soluble compounds. Three dinitrophenols and three hydroxybenzonitriles were tested: dinoterb, DNOC, 2,4-dinitrophenol, chloroxynil, bromoxynil, and ioxynil. Toxicity was also determined using the Vibrio fischeri MicrotoxA (R) test, and a highly significant correlation was found between EC50 values obtained by the two assays. Dinoterb was the most toxic compound. The toxicity of hydroxybenzonitriles followed the order: ioxynil > bromoxynil > chloroxynil; L. sativum exhibited a slightly higher sensitivity than V. fischeri to these compounds. A QSAR analysis highlighted the importance of hydrophobic, electronic, and hydrogen-bonding interactions, in accordance with a mechanism of toxic action based on protonophoric uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation. The results suggest that the seed germination/root elongation assay with L. sativum is a valid tool for the assessment of xenobiotic toxicity and can be recommended as part of a test battery

    A new ballistic limit equation for thin tape tethers

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    Electrodynamic tethers represent one of the possible means to de-orbit defunct satellites from Low-Earth-Orbit at end of life. However, tethers survivability to orbital debris impacts is still debated because of the large area they expose to the space environment. Recently, increasing consideration has been given to thin-tape tether geometries, whose response to space debris threat is believed to be better than that of round wires. This paper describes a new Ballistic Limit Equation (BLE) applicable for thin tapes, to go beyond previous investigations referring at most to the impact resistance of round-wires (furthermore neglecting the damage dependence from the impact velocity and angle). In this paper, a new approach for BLE derivation is presented, which combines experimental results (in total 24 impact tests) and numerical simulations (in total 112 runs). The resulting BLE is non-monotonic with respect to the impact angle and presents a minimum at certain values of the impact obliquity, depending from the debris size and speed. In other words, the minimum particle diameter which is just able to cut a tape at a given velocity decreases with increasing impact obliquity up to a certain angle above which the damage is reduced due to early debris fragmentation triggered by shock waves propagating into the material. Notably, it has been observed that there is a minimum value of debris velocity v* below which no critical damage is possible and, furthermore, there is a minimum velocity-dependent value d* of debris diameter below which no critical damage is possible. This feature of BLE is extremely important, since it sets a minimum particle diameter for risk assessment and thus excludes a large part of the flux from risk computations. In conclusion, the newly-developed BLE confirms that thin tapes are significantly more resistant than round wires of equivalent cross-section; this is due to the intrinsic ballistic response of tapes, not only to their reduced cross-section at high impact obliquit

    Substituted aniline interaction with submitochondrial particles and quantitative structure–activity relationships

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    AbstractThe toxic effects of eighteen substituted anilines were determined by means of a short-term in vitro assay, using submitochondrial particles (SMP) as biosensors. The assay allows for the quantification of the effects of toxicants that act specifically on mitochondrial respiratory functions, like uncouplers and inhibitors, or non-specifically, by disturbing the structure and functioning of the inner mitochondrial membrane. The obtained EC50 values range from 72.5 to 1910 μmol/l. The type and position of the substituents are of fundamental importance in determining the toxic potency. In general, the presence of electron-withdrawing substituents produces higher toxic effects, whereas electron-donating groups seem to reduce the toxicity. Quantitative structure–activity relationships (QSAR) showed that toxicity values were correlated with the Hammett σ constant and with hydrogen bonding capacity descriptors, such as ELUMO, EHOMO and Q+. The results indicate that toxicity increases with increasing the hydrogen bonding donor capacity of the NH2 group and support the hypothesis of a mechanism of action based on hydrogen bonding formation between the amino group of anilines and polar groups at the membrane/water interface. Such an interaction would cause a derangement of the membrane structure and, as a consequence, a disturbance of its functioning

    Colloidal stability classification of TiO2 nanoparticles in artificial and in natural waters by cluster analysis and a global stability index: Influence of standard and natural colloidal particles

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    In the field of exposure-driven risk assessment of engineered nanoparticles (NPs), the highly complex interactions of NPs with natural components in surface waters are considered key factors to understand their fate and behavior in the environment. However, since experimental approaches aiming at imitating environmentally relevant conditions include many parameters and lead to a high number of outcomes, statistical tools can be extremely useful to support the results' interpretation. In this context, a multimethod approach was applied to investigate the colloidal behavior of TiO2 NPs in both artificial waters and natural brackish water (from the Venice lagoon, Italy), in the presence of standard kaolinite and natural organic matter (NOM), or of the fine fraction of natural colloidal particles (NCPs) from the lagoon sediment. In detail, the experimental data obtained, i.e. hydrodynamic size, surface charge and sedimentation velocity values, were i) statistically treated by hierarchical clustering and ii) merged into a global stability index (IG). The hierarchical clustering allowed to group the dispersions into three colloidal stability classes, where the main discriminant was the medium composition (i.e. ionic strength and presence of NOM), while the IG allowed to establish a colloidal stability ranking of the dispersions within each class. Moreover, the comparison among the different dispersions suggested that kaolinite could be considered as a suitable surrogate for NCPs, to estimate the colloidal behavior and environmental fate of TiO2 NPs in natural aqueous media

    Cytotoxicity inhibition of catechol's type molecules by grafting on TiO2 and Fe2O3 nanoparticles surface

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    The potential toxicity deriving from the interaction between chemicals and manufactured nanoparticles (NPs) represents an emerging threat to the environment and human health. Several studies have focused on the risks and (eco)toxicity of manufactured NPs as a consequence of their extensive use in recent years, however, there is still a limited understanding of the combined effects caused by manufactured NPs in the presence of other environmental contaminants. This is particularly relevant to aquatic environments, where many types of pollutants are inevitably released and can be involved in many kinds of reactions. In this context, the interaction between catecholate type ligands and two different nanomaterials, namely TiO2 and Fe2O3 NPs, was investigated by performing cytotoxicity assays with the topminnow fish hepatoma cell line (PLHC-1) using: i) the original organic molecules, ii) pristine NPs alone, and iii) modified NPs obtained by grafting the ligands on the NPs surface. Cytotoxic effects were explored at three different levels, specifically on cellular metabolism, membrane integrity and lysosomal activity. The outcomes from these assays showed cytotoxicity only for the free catechol type ligands, while in general no significant decrease in cell viability was observed for pristine NPs, as well as for the modified NPs, regardless the initial cytotoxicity level of the organic ligands These results suggest that the binding of catechols on the NPs’ surface inhibited their cytotoxicity, indicating that TiO2 and Fe2O3 NPs may act as sorbents of these contaminants, thus reducing their possible detrimental effects