348 research outputs found

    Non-linear atmospheric stability indices by neural-network modelling

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    New atmospheric stability indices have been recently developed for the evaluation of primary pollution and the application results show their ability to grasp the physical features of the boundary layer. They are based on radon progeny measurements and multiple linear correlations with benzene. Here, neural networks are used in order to catch non-linearities in the boundary layer and to build nonlinear indices. Their application to the modelling of benzene behaviour shows better prognostic results if compared with those coming from linear indices

    Chemical Composition of PM10 in 16 Urban, Industrial and Background Sites in Italy

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    Italy is characterized by a very variable configuration in terms of altitude, proximity to the sea, latitude and the presence of industrial plants. This paper summarizes the chemical characterization of PM10 obtained from 38 sampling campaigns carried out in 16 sites in Italy during the years 2008–2018. Chemical determinations include all macro-components (six macro-elements, eight ions, elemental carbon and organic carbon). The sum of the individual components agrees well with the PM10 mass. The chemical composition of the atmospheric aerosol clearly reflects the variety in the Italian territory and the pronounced seasonal variations in the meteoclimatic conditions that characterize the country. Macro-sources reconstruction allowed us to identify and evaluate the strength of the main PM10 sources in different areas. On 10 sampling sites, the soluble and insoluble fractions of 23 minor and trace elements were also determined. Principal Component Analysis was applied to these data to highlight the relationship between the elemental composition of PM10 and the characteristics of the sampling sites

    Comparing the Performance of Teflon and Quartz Membrane Filters Collecting Atmospheric PM: Influence of Atmospheric Water

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    Mass concentration and chemical composition of PM10 and PM2.5 was measured during eight one-month winter and summer field studies carried out in the Po Valley (Northern Italy). PM was daily collected on Teflon (T) and on quartz (Q) filters set side-by-side. During the summer periods the differences between the mass concentrations measured on the two filters (T-Q) were within the range of experimental error, while statistically significant positive differences were detected during the winter periods. The sum of the chemical analyses (elements, ions, elemental and organic carbon) allowed the achievement of satisfactory mass closure during the summer periods, while unaccounted masses of the order of 10–20% of the PM mass measured on Teflon were detected during the winter periods. Unaccounted mass and T-Q differences increased during periods of high atmospheric stability, when the ammonium nitrate concentration also increased rapidly. Unaccounted masses and T-Q differences can be attributed to PM-bound and PM-adsorbed water

    Qualitative and quantitative determination of water in airborne particulate matter

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    Abstract. This paper describes the optimization and validation of a new simple method for the quantitative determination of water in atmospheric particulate matter (PM). The analyses are performed by using a coulometric Karl-Fisher system equipped with a controlled heating device; different water contributions are separated by the application of an optimized thermal ramp (three heating steps: 50–120 °C, 120–180 °C, 180–250 °C). The analytical performance of the method was verified by using standard materials containing 5.55% and 1% by weight of water. The recovery was greater than 95%; the detection limit was about 20 μg. The method was then applied to NIST Reference Materials (NIST1649a, urban particulate matter) and to real PM10 samples collected in different geographical areas. In all cases the repeatability was satisfactory (10–15%). When analyzing the Reference Material, the separation of four different types of water was obtained. In real PM10 samples the amount of water and its thermal profile differed as a function of the chemical composition of the dust. Mass percentages of 3–4% of water were obtained in most samples, but values up to about 15% were reached in areas where the chemical composition of PM is dominated by secondary inorganic ions and organic matter. High percentages of water were also observed in areas where PM is characterized by the presence of desert dust. A possible identification of the quality of water released from the samples was tried by applying the method to some hygroscopic compounds that are likely contained in PM (pure SiO2, Al2O3, ammonium salts, carbohydrates and dicarboxylic acids) and by comparing the results with those obtained from field samples

    Improved time-resolved measurements of inorganic ions in particulate matter by PILS-IC integrated with a sample pre-concentration system

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    A particle-into-liquid sampler coupled with ion chromatograph (PILS-IC) for the on-line measurement of inorganic ions has been modified by the insertion of two ion-exchange pre-concentration cartridges that enrich the sample during the period of the IC analysis. The limits of detection of the modified instrument were 10-15 times lower and the time coverage 24 times higher (from 2 to 48 min per hour) than those of the original PILS-IC setup. The instrumental performance in terms of recovery and break-through volume from the cartridges was satisfactory. The modified PILS-IC was operated in comparison with a diffusion denuder line and with a high-resolution time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometer (HR-TOF-AMS) during a short intensive measurement period organized in the framework of the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP), a co-operative program for monitoring and evaluation of the long-range transmission of the air pollutants in Europe. The instrument showed a quantitative response in agreement with the results of the diffusion lines, and an ability to trace fine concentration variations not so different from the performance of the much more complex HR-TOF-AMS. From the time patterns of the ion concentrations measured by the modified PILS-IC, it was possible to obtain useful information about the variations in the air quality and in the strength of the particulate matter sourc

    Chemical characterization of atmospheric PM in Delhi, India, during different periods of the year including Diwali festival

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    Abstract A study of the chemical composition of atmospheric particulate matter has been carried out in the city of Delhi. During two 6–day special observation periods, in November 2009 and in March 2010, we have determined atmospheric concentration of element, ions, elemental carbon, organic carbon and levoglucosan, obtaining a satisfactory mass closure (better than 94%). The results show that during these periods, pollutants produced by combustion sources constituted 6 –7 % of the total mass, and that the rest of it, in the absence of desert storms, was evenly divided among species coming from the soil, inorganic secondary compounds formed in the atmosphere and organic species. The results of the analysis of levoglucosan concentration showed that during the cold season in the atmosphere of Delhi about one fifth of the organics was directly produced by biomass burning. Elemental content of PM 10 has also been determined once a week during the year 2008. It has been found that PM 10 composition varies according to the season: soil components increase during the summer while secondary pollutants and organics increase during the post–monsoon and the winter. Elemental and ionic content of PM 10 and PM 2.5 have been determined every day during the week of Diwali festivals in 2008 and 2009. PM 10 concentration has reached the value of 767 μg m −3 in 2008 and 620 μg m −3 in 2009; a remarkable increase of elements produced by firework combustion (Sr, Ba, Ti, Mg, Cu, K, S, V, Cl, Bi, Ga) has been detected. The analysis of the extractable and residual fraction of elements has shown that most of the elements were predominantly in the residual fraction and that changes in the size and solubility distribution occurred as a consequence of fireworks

    sources of pm in an industrial area comparison between receptor model results and semiempirical calculations of source contributions

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    Source apportionment of PM_(10) and PM_(2.5) samples collected in an industrial area of the Po Valley was performed by using the Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) model and a semiempirical calculation of five macro-source contributions. Samples were collected during four monitoring periods, January-February 2011, June 2012, January-February 2012, May-June 2012, resulting in a total of 720 samples (360 for PM_(10) and 360 for PM_(2.5)). PMF variables included major elements, ions, elemental carbon and organic compounds and minor and trace elements. In order to increase the selectivity of minor and trace elements as source tracers, a chemical fractionation methodology based on the elemental solubility was employed; it was thus possible to include the extractable, the residual or both thefractions of the minor and trace elements in the database. PMF resolved six factors for PM_(10) (crustal matter, marine aerosol, industry, secondary/oil combustion, secondary nitrate/biomass burning/exhaust particles, brake/tyre wear/re-suspended road dust) and seven factors for PM_(2.5) (crustal matter, marine aerosol, industry, secondary nitrate, biomass burning, other secondary components, secondary sulphate/oil combustion). Mixing properties of the lower atmosphere were monitored by using natural radioactivity. The lack in the separation of some sources was shown to be due to their co-variation during periods of high atmospheric stability in the cold months. Seasonal variations of the source contributions were evaluated and discussed. PMF results were compared with those obtained by a semiempirical calculation method in which analytical results are grouped into five macro-sources (crustal matter, marine aerosol, secondary inorganic compounds, combustion products from vehicular emissions and organics). Although similar trends in the temporal variation of the main PM sources were obtained, the absolute magnitude of the concentrations varied in some cases, especially for crustal matter and marine aerosol sources

    Femoral Plaque Echogenicity and Cardiovascular Risk in Claudicants

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    OBJECTIVES: The present study was designed to verify whether the evaluation of femoral plaque echogenicity might be a useful tool for cardiovascular risk assessment in patients affected by lower extremity peripheral arterial disease. BACKGROUND: Lower extremity peripheral arterial disease is a common manifestation of atherosclerosis and is associated with a high risk of developing major cardiovascular events. Vulnerable atherosclerotic plaque plays a central role in the occurrence of acute ischemic events in different vascular territories. Furthermore, atherosclerosis is a systemic disease, and the presence of an unstable atherosclerotic plaque in a certain vascular district, characterized by low echogenicity at B-mode ultrasound, is associated to a greater prevalence of unstable plaques in other vascular beds. METHODS: Femoral plaque echogenicity of 246 claudicants with ankle/brachial index ≤0.90 was evaluated at B-mode ultrasound by visual analysis and by calculating the grayscale median (GSM) value. In these patients, the occurrence of myocardial infarction and stroke was prospectively assessed. RESULTS: Femoral GSM values and plaque types assessed by visual analysis were highly correlated by Spearman analysis (rho = 0.905, p < 0.001). During a median follow-up of 30 months, 32 patients (13%) had a major cardiovascular event. Compared with patients without events, those who experienced an event during the follow-up had a lower femoral plaque GSM value (42.9 ± 26.2 vs. 58.8 ± 19.3, p = 0.002) and a higher prevalence of hypoechoic femoral plaque at visual analysis (68.8% vs. 19.6%, p < 0.001). At Cox analysis, femoral GSM showed an inverse relationship with cardiovascular risk, even after adjustment for possible confounders (hazard ratio: 0.96, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.95 to 0.98, p < 0.001). Furthermore, patients with hypoechoic femoral plaques at visual analysis had a 7.24-fold increased cardiovascular risk compared with patients with hyperechoic plaques after adjustment for possible confounders (95% CI: 3.23 to 16.22, p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that the presence of hypoechoic atherosclerotic femoral plaques is associated with higher cardiovascular risk in lower extremity peripheral arterial disease patients

    Effects of balloon injury on neointimal hyperplasia in steptozotocin-induced diabetes and in hyperinsulinemic nondiabetic pancreatic islet-transplanted rats.

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    BACKGROUND: The mechanisms of increased neointimal hyperplasia after coronary interventions in diabetic patients are still unknown. METHODS AND RESULTS: Glucose and insulin effects on in vitro vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) proliferation and migration were assessed. The effect of balloon injury on neointimal hyperplasia was studied in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats with or without adjunct insulin therapy. To study the effect of balloon injury in nondiabetic rats with hyperinsulinemia, pancreatic islets were transplanted under the kidney capsule in normal rats. Glucose did not increase VSMC proliferation and migration in vitro. In contrast, insulin induced a significant increase in VSMC proliferation and migration in cell cultures. Furthermore, in VSMC culture, insulin increased MAPK activation. A reduction in neointimal hyperplasia was consistently documented after vascular injury in hyperglycemic streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Insulin therapy significantly increased neointimal hyperplasia in these rats. This effect of hyperinsulinemia was totally abolished by transfection on the arterial wall of the N17H-ras-negative mutant gene. Finally, after experimental balloon angioplasty in hyperinsulinemic nondiabetic islet-transplanted rats, a significant increase in neointimal hyperplasia was observed. CONCLUSIONS: In rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes, balloon injury was not associated with an increase in neointimal formation. Exogenous insulin administration in diabetic rats and islet transplantation in nondiabetic rats increased both blood insulin levels and neointimal hyperplasia after balloon injury. Hyperinsulinemia through activation of the ras/MAPK pathway, rather than hyperglycemia per se, seems to be of crucial importance in determining the exaggerated neointimal hyperplasia after balloon angioplasty in diabetic animals
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