5 research outputs found

    Bird checklist and contributions to conservation of the Atlantic forest-cerrado ecotone in Três Lagoas municipality, Brazil

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    Although Três Lagoas municipality is located in a rare and highly fragmented Atlantic Forest-Cerrado ecotone, there is scarcity of biodiversity data to guide conservation decisions. Therefore, this study aimed to compile the first bird checklist in 31 localities in this municipality to propose conservation strategies based on avian richness, conservation and migratory status. A total of 419 bird species were recorded, of which 412 were exclusive to the Atlantic Forest-Cerrado ecotone and seven to the Cerrado domain (C. minor, L. xenopterus, P. unicinctus, T. curucui, S. pileata, S. melanopis and S. luteola). According to the results, 12 species are included in the Near Threatened category, four are vulnerable (C. fasciolata, L. xenopterus, A. tricolor and S. hypoxantha) and one is endangered (U. coronata). Regarding migratory birds, 112 were recorded (95 intracontinental, 17 intercontinental). Since the majority of these species are recorded in grasslands, aquatic habitats and Seasonal Deciduous Alluvial Forest, they necessarily have highest priority for conservation and restoration. Thus, we recommend that: (1) areas 2, 11 and 24 be considered as both Important Bird Area and “Area de Proteção Ambiental”; (2) riparian forest restoration along the Paraná river act as a local ecological corridor among these areas, allowing the recolonization, genetic exchange and restoration of locally reduced populations of migratory and near/threatened bird species

    Bird checklist and contributions to conservation of the Atlantic forest-cerrado ecotone in Três Lagoas municipality, Brazil

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    Posso, Sérgio Roberto, Godoi, Maurício Neves, Faxina, Claudenice, Gabriel, Vagner de Araújo, Souza, Lys Pereira de, Godoy, Fernando Igor de, Villegas-Vallejos, Marcelo Alejandro, Cintra, Luiz Arthur de Carvalho (2023): Bird checklist and contributions to conservation of the Atlantic forest-cerrado ecotone in Três Lagoas municipality, Brazil. Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 63: 1-20, DOI: 10.11606/1807-0205/2023.63.035, URL: https://www.revistas.usp.br/paz/article/view/20149

    Herpetofauna do Parque Municipal Governador Mário Covas no município de Sorocaba, São Paulo, Sudeste do Brasil. Herpetofauna of the Parque Municipal Governador Mário Covas, Sorocaba municipality, São Paulo, southeastern Brazil.

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    A compreensão da biodiversidade local torna-se cada vez mais essencial para a implantação de ações futuras como estratégias conservacionistas e planos de manejo de espécies ameaçadas. Este estudo teve como objetivo apresentar uma lista de espécies de anuros e répteis do Parque Municipal Mário Covas ‒ PMGMC, localizado no município de Sorocaba, São Paulo. Foram realizadas visitas mensais entre os meses de setembro de 2008 a agosto de 2009. Os trabalhos de campo totalizaram 48 dias de amostragem, sendo realizadas quatro amostragens por mês, e as expedições foram realizadas de dia e à noite, sendo aplicadas as seguintes metodologias conjugadas: procura limitada por tempo; coleta por terceiros; encontros ocasionais e os métodos direto (avistamento) e indireto (zoofonia) para os anuros. Foram registradas 17 espécies de anfíbios anuros, pertencentes a nove gêneros e quatro famílias. Os répteis foram representados por 19 espécies, com 17 gêneros e 10 famílias, sendo 11 espécies de serpentes e oito de lagartos. A composição de espécies de anuros do PMGMC tem maior similaridade com a Estação Ecológica de Itirapina e Estação Ecológica de Jataí, enquanto a de répteis apresentou maior similaridade com as localidades da fitofisionomia floresta ombrófila densa. Apesar de o município de Sorocaba estar localizado próximo aos grandes centros de pesquisa do país, existe uma enorme carência de dados básicos sobre as espécies da herpetofauna que ocorrem na região. Neste estudo, acrescentamos 19 novos registros para a região, totalizando 52 espécies para a herpetofauna local. Knowledge of local biodiversity is essential for the implementation of future actions, such as conservation strategies and management plans for endangered species. This paper presents a check list of amphibians and reptiles of the Parque Municipal Mário Covas, at the municipality of Sorocaba, São Paulo. Field works were carried out between September 2008 and August 2009. The effort totalized 48 sampling days, being four days per month, and they were carried out during day and night; the combined methods were: time limited search; collection by others; occasional encounters and direct (sighting) and indirect (zoophony) method for the anurans. We registered 17 species of amphibians from nine genera and four families. Reptiles were represented by 19 species from 17 genera, and 10 families, being 11 snakes and eight lizards. The species composition of anuran amphibians found in the PMGMC is quite similar to that found in the Estação Ecológica de Itirapina and Estação Ecológica de Jataí, while the composition of reptiles is more similar to that found in the areas located in the dense ombrophilous forest. Although Sorocaba municipality is located close to some of the major research centers in this country, there is an enormous lack of basic data on herpetofauna species from this region. In this survey, we added 19 species to this area, which now has a total of 52 species of herpetofauna

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