56 research outputs found

    La strage di Ustica: le indagini tecniche, le vicende giudiziarie e politiche, il contesto internazionale

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    Il lavoro proposto si incentra sull’incidente avvenuto al DC9 della compagnia aerea italiana Itavia il 27 giugno 1980 e sulle vicende ad esso collegate. Dopo la caduta del velivolo infatti, a causa delle incongruenze che furono riscontrate a livello giudiziario e rese pubbliche grazie all’interesse della stampa, su questo episodio calò un alone di mistero, caratteristica che lo contraddistinguerà fino ai giorni nostri. Lo scopo della tesi è quello di fornire un quadro completo e veritiero della strage di Ustica. L’elaborato, dopo una preventiva ricostruzione della sera del disastro, è stato suddiviso in capitoli che trattano i quattro ambiti cardine della vicenda: le inconcludenti analisi tecniche, il superficiale operato della magistratura che portò alla sbarra le più alte cariche dell’Aeronautica Militare, il frammentario e insufficiente interessamento all’accaduto da parte delle supreme istituzioni dello Stato e infine, il conflittuale background internazionale. Quest’ultimo viene affrontato anche attraverso l’elaborazione di un inedito parallelismo tra il conflitto scatenatosi nell’estate del 1980 coinvolgente le nazioni occidentali, Francia e Stati Uniti su tutti, e la Libia e le nuove tensioni sorte tra gli stessi negli ultimi mesi; ostilità probabilmente entrambi riconducibili al tentativo di eliminare il colonnello Muhammar Gheddafi. La ricerca è stata inizialmente effettuata attraverso lo studio di libri che riflettessero le controversie affiorate a seguito della caduta dell’I-TIGI, cercando di tenerne in considerazione i divergenti punti di vista. Successivamente, grande attenzione è stata rivolta alla ricerca di documenti ufficiali che potessero quantomeno fornire dei riscontri oggettivi, utili per la strutturazione di un’opinione personale che, oltre ad affiorare durante la lettura dell’elaborato, è stata chiaramente espressa all’interno delle conclusioni. Si è inoltre rivelata determinante per l’elaborazione della parte finale della tesi, l’intervista, interamente consultabile all’interno dell’appendice documentaria, rilasciatami dalla senatrice Bonfietti, presidentessa della associazione dei parenti delle vittime nonché sorella di un passeggero deceduto sull’I-TIGI. Infine, si è dimostrata rilevante la visita al Museo della Memoria di Bologna, all’interno del quale è conservato il relitto del DC9 ricostruito da Carlo Casarosa, professore in pensione della Facoltà di Ingegneria dell’Università di Pisa. In conclusione, ci si auspica che la lettura della tesi possa sollevare un vivo interessamento ad una delle vicende più drammatiche e importanti che hanno contraddistinto la storia dell’Italia repubblicana, vicenda ancora attuale nonostante gli anni trascorsi

    A criminological analysis on safety and security of African foreign nationals in Durban, South Africa.

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    Doctor of Philosophy in Criminology and Forensic Studies. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2019.The South African local citizens are not xenophobic, but they are rather forced to behave as such due to poverty, unemployment and serious social inequalities that characterise their communities. If these conditions are addressed through improved service delivery, foreign nationals could be spared from the blame. The scapegoating theory shows that local citizens do not hate foreigners but rather blame them because of strains caused by unsatisfactory life conditions which lead them to violent reactions against foreign nationals mostly from African countries. This research was undertaken to explore the threatening factors and experiences faced by foreign nationals on their safety and security in the city of Durban South Africa. The study adopted a qualitative methodology consisting of 50 in-depth interviews with African foreign nationals living in the city of which 16 African countries were represented in the research. Nevertheless, the displayed acts during the xenophobic [violence] attacks are of serious concern within the field of criminology holistically. Common law offences, such as; [physical] assault (I.e. Grievous Bodily Harm - GBH), arson, rape, injuries verbal abuse, house robberies, property damage as well as discrimination are serious crimes characterised by xenophobic violent attacks on foreign nationals. This urges for the re-definition of the concept “xenophobia” from a criminological perspective. Previously considered as mere hatred sentiments or negative attitudes towards foreigners, this research provides a different way of understanding xenophobia. This criminological analysis on safety and security of African foreign nationals in the city of Durban suggests that xenophobia can best be understood as a series of crimes against foreign nationals -which are violent in nature leading to physical beating, killing and the looting of goods as well as destroying of properties owned by foreign nationals. These crimes are a serious violation of human rights affecting the human security of the people victims as they constitute a violation of both the international humanitarian laws and national laws providing protection of the human rights of every individual. The issue of safety and security of African foreign nationals is threatened by constant fear owing to experiences of violence and discrimination, social exclusion marked by anti-immigrant attitudes by some local citizens. Local authorities, community members and the government need to come together in association with foreign nationals’ representatives and re-think possibilities of social integration and cohesion. As with anyone, foreigners’ nationals living in South Africa must have unhindered access to the socio-economic and cultural facilities available in communities they live. This will make them feel part of the community. Since the South African government is a signatory of different international frameworks and treaties accepting to temporarily and permanently host people from other countries worldwide, different awareness campaign programs are needed within the communities aiming at creating an environment of understanding the importance and need of living with people from different nationalities. This itself will create a safe and happy place for both South African citizens and foreign nationals residing in the country

    Dieci anni di informazione sanitaria. Analisi di tre quotidiani a tiratura nazionale.

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    -L?Osservatorio della Comunicazione Sanitaria ha sede nel Dipartimento di Biologia dell\u27Universit? di Pisa.L\u27ILC collabora con l\u27OSC per il trattamento dei testi raccolti e le strategie di estrazione dei contenuti. Quotidianamente, nella sede dell\u27OSC, vengono raccolti e memorizzati gli articoli su temi sanitari pubblicati da quotidiani nazionali. In collaborazione con l?OCS l?Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale (ILC-CNR), ha realizzato una Banca Dati Testuale composta dagli articoli che trattano Informazione Sanitaria, pubblicati a partire dall?anno 1999, su tre quotidiani a diffusione nazionale: Corriere della Sera (C), Repubblica (R) e Stampa (S). I testi vengono elaborati e codificati per il successivo inserimento nel DBT (Data Base Testuale, Brevetto CNR di Picchi E.). Il DBT ? un sistema di creazione, gestione e analisi di banche dati testuali

    Combatting violence against African foreign nationals : A criminological approach towards community safety in the KwaZulu- Natal province of South Africa

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    South Africa has seen waves of collective xenophobic violence and daily criminal attacks targeting foreign migrants. This study interviewed foreign nationals from African countries living in Durban. Through the lens of strain theory, it explores possible solutions to combat violence against foreign nationals in South Africa. The findings suggest the need to address poverty, socioeconomic integration, community participation, and skills. This will reduce strain and build social cohesion. The government should also revise the Immigration Act to accommodate foreign nationals who legally find themselves within its borders. This revision should take into consideration the suffering of foreigners and reduce any restrictive measures that limit their socioeconomic integration

    Content analysis dei provvedimenti della sezione disciplinare del C.S.M

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    -Nell\u27ambito del progetto di ricerca denominato "Tecnologie dell\u27informazione e della comunicazione per la giustizia" coordinato dall\u27Istituto di Ricerca sui Sistemi Giudiziari (IRSIGCNR di Bologna)1 e co-finanziato dai Fondi Integrativi Ricerca di Base (FIRB) del Ministero dell\u27Universit? e della Ricerca, l\u27Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale (ILC-CNR di Pisa) ha collaborato con l\u27IRSIG e con il Centro Studi e Ricerche sull\u27Ordinamento Giudiziario dell\u27Universit? di Bologna2 per la realizzazione di una base dati elettronica per l\u27analisi dei provvedimenti della sezione disciplinare del Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura. A questo scopo ? stato bandito un Assegno di Ricerca, espletato dalla Dr.ssa Alessandra Cinini, laureata in Informatica, con esperienza nel trattamento di dati testuali. La collaborazione all\u27attivit? di ricerca prevista per l\u27 Assegno verteva sul tema seguente: "Individuazione ed estrazione di informazioni da banche dati giuridiche tramite lo studio e la creazione di regole testuali con parametri di tipo linguistico. Creazione e sperimentazione di protipi per l\u27analisi della giurisprudenza"


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    -En el ?mbito del proyecto "Tecnolog?as para la justicia", coordinado por el Istituto di Ricerca sui Sistemi Giudiziari del CNR di Bologna (IRSIG), el Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale del CNR (ILC), ha brindado instrumentos, ya experimentados en la investigaci?n ling??stica, para la extracci?n de informaciones ling??stico-conceptuales desde grandes cantidades de datos textuales

    Combatting violence against African foreign nationals: A criminological approach towards community safety in the KwaZulu-Natal province of South Africa

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    South Africa has seen waves of collective xenophobic violence and daily criminal attacks targeting foreign migrants. This study interviewed foreign nationals from African countries living in Durban. Through the lens of strain theory, it explores possible solutions to combat violence against foreign nationals in South Africa. The findings suggest the need to address poverty, socioeconomic integration, community participation, and skills. This will reduce strain and build social cohesion.  The government should also revise the Immigration Act to accommodate foreign nationals who legally find themselves within its borders. This revision should take into consideration the suffering of foreigners and reduce any restrictive measures that limit their socioeconomic integration.

    A victimological exploration of the victimisation vulnerability of a group of foreign nationals in the city of Durban.

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    M. Soc. Sc. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban 2015.The reasons for leaving home are complex, but the majority of respondents acknowledged political-economy as one of the major reasons for leaving their home to search for a better life. In South Africa, the country, is politically and economically stable in comparison to other African countries, hence the choice of South Africa for black Africans who migrate. However, previous studies have shown that although attitudes towards non-nationals vary across South Africa’s socio-economic and ethnic spectrum, there is strong evidence that non-nationals living and/or working in South Africa face discrimination at the hands of citizens, governments officials, members of the police and private organisations contracted to immigration. The researcher explores the victimisation experiences of foreign nationals with the purpose to attract the attention of the government, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), and Civil society activists, in order to raise the level of awareness. One of the objectives of this research was to explore the experiences of victims of xenophobia in the city of Durban, amongst groups of foreign nationals. The study focused on extensive literature review and the perceptions of participants who all have a shared experience of xenophobia. In conducting the literature review, the researcher used multiple information sources, including books, dissertations, internet resources, professional journals and periodicals. These sources were accessed through Google Scholar, EBSCOhost Web, JSTOR, ProQuest, Sabinet Reference, and Science Direct. The researcher also made use of the Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation (CSVR) website and the South African Migrant Project (SAMP) website to gather information on previous publications of studies that have been conducted in this area of study. The researcher sought to understand the nature and frequency of the victimisation of foreign nationals, and also the impact of their victimisation as well as the nature and function of coping mechanisms employed by foreign nationals in the face of victimisation and victimisation vulnerability. A qualitative survey-based research design was used to identify the various meanings underlying the respondents’ perceptions of xenophobia and the causes ascribed to the phenomenon. This approach allowed the use of in-depth thematic content analysis, revealing more detailed descriptions and a deeper understanding of xenophobia in South Africa. The use of a qualitative method was meant to exploring the experiences of the victimisation of a group of foreign nationals in the city of Durban. Twenty participants of different nationalities were invited to participate in the study. Participants were 19 to 35 ages old who resided in the city of Durban over 2 years and have experienced victimisation. The researcher used purposive sampling and snowball technique. Hence, participants in this study were purposefully selected from their churches, shops, and work sites but others were identified through snowball technique. Data collection was based on semi-structured interviews conducted on an individual basis. For ethical reasons, only foreign nationals living legally in the city were interviewed. These are those with refugee status, asylum seekers holding temporary permit, and economic migrants with work permits. The first major finding of this research is that the majority 85% of respondents have been victims of crime. Crime such as petty crime, house breaking, and shop looting have been identified as the main crimes that a group of foreign nationals have experienced during their stay in the city of Durban. It has been noticed that most of the victimisation are perpetrated by black local citizens and that government officials are not much seen as perpetrators for these crimes as they are not in full contact with a group of foreign nationals. Amongst a group of 20 respondents, 80% of the respondents reported have never been victimised by any government official, accusing the department of home affairs (DHA) to be the only governmental institution victimising a group of foreign nationals as it can be seen in the findings of this study. Some of the findings in this research have demonstrated poorer psychological health condition such as depression, stress, trauma and isolation as the main problems a group of foreign nationals encounter during and in the aftermath of their victimisation. Therefore, it can be concluded that the impact of the victimisation on a group of foreign nationals in this study is mostly psychological than physical. Most of the respondents who have been victimised, have suffered psychological damage such as trauma, depression, stress and isolation, resulting in fear. Consequently, respondents have reported living in fear in the city of Durban, thinking that “what has happened will happen again”. In addition to psychological health condition, loss of properties during shop looting and house breaking can also be seen as economic loss which can still play a psychological side effect on the victims. Although, the findings of this study demonstrate the treatment of black local citizen against fellow black African foreign nationals, it cannot be concluded that only black local citizens discriminate against fellow black African, but in some extent, foreigners are discriminated against by almost all existing races in South Africa. , it can also be argued that not only black foreign nationals are victimised but also other foreign nationals from other continents of the globe do face lesser degree of discrimination. The differences in the level of xenophobia can be explained by the pull factors of immigrants in South Africa. Mostly, African foreigners leave their countries to South Africa for economic reason, they come to search for jobs, and many other opportunities, this put them into conflict of interest with local citizens who are still struggling for their well-being, unlike Europeans, Asians, and Americans who come to South Africa, most of them come for business purposes, for which they are mostly the bosses. Others come because their skills are in demand in some industries or companies operating within South Africa. Therefore, even though people from other continents can be perceived to undergo lesser degree of discrimination within the South African institutions as a form of xenophobia, the above claim can be considered as the reason why local citizens do not threaten or attack foreigners other than those coming from African continent. Nonetheless, there is the issue of abuse of hospitality, South Africans gave foreigners refuge, but it transpires from Westville prison statistics that many migrants are abusing the hospitality of South Africa. Hence there is a need of making some recommendations as to address this situation. Xenophobia should not only be blamed for the South African government inability to deliver, but African countries’ corruption lack of accountability and transparency leading to the massive African migrants who migrate to SA for a search of peace, human rights, democracy and job opportunities, whose burden goes to SA. As a consequence, the SA government failure to deliver to its own citizens basic social needs, education, health, housing and employment won’t be able to assist the massive surge of migrants from other African countries. Corruption and irresponsible African leadership has led to South African carrying the burden of the African migration done. Basically, if most countries are doing very well, less corruption, civil wars, the need to travel to another country will be reduced

    Mass media health information: Quantitative and qualitative analysis of daily press coverage and its relation with public perceptions

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    Objective: This paper describes the methods followed by the Pisa University OCS for collecting, storing and analyzing all health-related articles and database contents. Moreover, an example population survey on the topic of food safety based on such analysis is shown. Methods: Articles published each day since 1999 in Italy\u27s three most popular newspapers are collected and stored in a Data Base Text; on these articles quantitative and qualitative analyses were conducted. On the basis of these results as well as of epidemiological data, a questionnaire survey was carried out about sources of information, knowledge and risk perception of citizens regarding food safety. Results: On a total of 24,434 articles on all health topics, 18% regarded food related hazards: their evolution over time showed peaks on BSE, avian flu and dioxin. A large proportion of the people surveyed declared having changed their food habits, at least temporarily, as a consequence of media information. Most get their information on food safety mainly from television. Most respondents remembered having previously heard news on BSE, avian flu and dioxin, but did not recall having heard of listeriosis, brucellosis or typhoid fever. Conclusions: Newspapers articles facing food related hazards tend to be alarming thus affecting the citizens risk perception. On the other hand people often ignore how to manage their own food safety in a practical way. Practice implications: Analysis of media messages can help to evaluate and correct the negative effects that may result in wrong information
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