310 research outputs found

    Measurements and scaling of buoyancy-induced flows in ventilated tunnels

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    We investigate the ventilation conditions required to control the propagation of smoke, produced by a tunnel fire, in the presence of two inertial forcings: a transverse extraction system and a longitudinal flow. For that purpose, we performed a series of experiments in a reduced-scale tunnel, using a mixture of air and helium to simulate the release of hot smoke during a fire. Experiments were designed to focus on the ventilation flows that allow the buoyant release to be confined between two adjacent extraction vents. Different source conditions, in terms of density and velocity of the buoyant release, were analysed along with different vent configurations. Experiments allowed us to quantify the increase of the extraction velocity needed to confine the buoyant smoke, overcoming the effect of an imposed longitudinal velocity. Vents with a rectangular shape, and spanning over the whole tunnel width, provide the best performance. Finally, we studied the stratification conditions of the flow, individuating four regimes. Interestingly, when the stratification conditions fade out, as both the longitudinal flow and vertical extraction flows increase, the flow dynamics becomes almost independent of the forcing induced by the presence of buoyant smoke, which eventually acts as a passive scalar transported by the flow

    Is it possible to define the ideal lips?

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    Process development for manufacturing of cellular structures with controlled geometry and properties

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    This study presents experimental results on the behaviour of aluminium alloy metal structures and foams manufactured by lost-wax casting and using 3D printed components for internal structure definition. Results for tensile tests, metallurgical properties, surface quality and geometry tolerances were obtained and discussed. The analysis focused on development geometries, used for adjusting manufacturing parameters and prototype geometries intended for geometrical and mechanical validation. The results are indicative of the viability of the method for producing foam structures suitable for mechanical loading.The authors are grateful to the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) who financially supported this work, through the project PTDC/EME-PME/115668/2009.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Biocompatibilità e durata in vivo di cinque nuovi polimeri sintetici testati su coniglio

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    I materiali alloplastici vengono frequentemente utilizzati negli interventi di chirurgia plastica sul volto, quali la rinoplastica e la chirurgia ricostruttiva del naso. Ad oggi non è stato ancora individuato un materiale alloplastico con caratteristiche ottimali. Il presente studio sperimentale si propone di valutare la risposta tissutale e la resistenza nel tempo di cinque nuovi polimeri proposti come materiali alloplastici. Il presente studio è stato condotto presso un ospedale universitario di terzo livello. Sono state ricavate sei tasche sottocutanee sul dorso di 10 conigli che sono state usate per l’impianto di ciascuno dei polimeri testati più una tasca di controllo. Ciascuna delle tasche è stata escissa congiuntamente al tessuto circostante dopo tre mesi, ed è stata sottoposta ad un esame istopatologico. È stata quindi condotta una valutazione semi quantitativa con focus su neo angiogenesi, infiammazione, fibrosi, formazione di ascessi, presenza di cellule giganti multinucleate contenenti corpi estranei e stato dei polimeri testati. E’ stata inoltre effettuata una valutazione statistica, che per quanto riguarda la comparazione diretta fra la tasca di controllo e i polimeri II, III e IV non ha mostrato differenze significative in merito alla neo vascolarizzazione, all’infiammazione, alla fibrosi, alla presenza di ascessi ed alla presenza di cellule giganti multinucleate. Il polimero I ha invece mostrato un grado di fibrosi inferiore rispetto alla tasca di controllo (p = .027) and V (p = .018), benché le altre variabili prese in considerazione fossero sostanzialmente uguali. L’integrità nel tempo dei polimeri III (9 intatti, uno frammentato) e IV (8 intatti, 2 assenti) è stata migliore di quella ottenuta con gli altri polimeri testati. Questo gruppo di nuovi polimeri può essere considerato interessante per future applicazioni cliniche. Tutti i polimeri hanno mostrato risultati accettabili in termini di risposta dei tessuti, tuttavia i fenomeni di integrazione fibrovascolare sono stati maggiori nel caso dei polimeri II, III e IV. Inoltre la durata nel tempo dei polimeri III e IV è stata la migliore in assoluto

    Evaluation of the nasal mucociliary transport rate by rhinoscintigraphy before and after surgery in patients with deviated nasal septum

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    In this study, we have investigated the effect of nasal septal deviation (NSD) on nasal mucociliary activity and how does a septoplasty operation affecs the nasal mucociliary transport rate in the first and third months during the post-operative period. Twenty-two patients who were diagnosed with NSD and 22 healthy controls were studied using rhinoscintigraphy with Tc-99m-macroaggregated albumin (Tc-99m-MAA). On each case, the nasal mucociliary transport rate (NMTR) was measured pre-operatively only on five cases, on the first and third months of post-operative period. The NMTRs of patients with a deviated septum were significantly lower than the NMTRs of the healthy controls on both the convex and concave sides. Significant improvement was observed in the first post-operative month. On the concave and convex sides, the average postop third month post-operative NMTR value was higher than the first month post-operative NMTR values. It was concluded that the septoplasty operation improves reduced NMTRs after surgery. The effect of nasal surgery on nasal mucociliary activity may be more accurately evaluated in the third month than the first month of post-operative period

    Real-world data using mHealth apps in rhinitis, rhinosinusitis and their multimorbidities

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    Digital health is an umbrella term which encompasses eHealth and benefits from areas such as advanced computer sciences. eHealth includes mHealth apps, which offer the potential to redesign aspects of healthcare delivery. The capacity of apps to collect large amounts of longitudinal, real-time, real-world data enables the progression of biomedical knowledge. Apps for rhinitis and rhinosinusitis were searched for in the Google Play and Apple App stores, via an automatic market research tool recently developed using JavaScript. Over 1500 apps for allergic rhinitis and rhinosinusitis were identified, some dealing with multimorbidity. However, only six apps for rhinitis (AirRater, AllergyMonitor, AllerSearch, Husteblume, MASK-air and Pollen App) and one for rhinosinusitis (Galenus Health) have so far published results in the scientific literature. These apps were reviewed for their validation, discovery of novel allergy phenotypes, optimisation of identifying the pollen season, novel approaches in diagnosis and management (pharmacotherapy and allergen immunotherapy) as well as adherence to treatment. Published evidence demonstrates the potential of mobile health apps to advance in the characterisation, diagnosis and management of rhinitis and rhinosinusitis patients.© 2022 The Authors. Clinical and Translational Allergy published by John Wiley and Sons Ltd on behalf of European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology

    Allergen immunotherapy in MASK-air users in real-life: Results of a Bayesian mixed-effects model

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    Background Evidence regarding the effectiveness of allergen immunotherapy (AIT) on allergic rhinitis has been provided mostly by randomised controlled trials, with little data from real-life studies. Objective To compare the reported control of allergic rhinitis symptoms in three groups of users of the MASK-air(R) app: those receiving sublingual AIT (SLIT), those receiving subcutaneous AIT (SCIT), and those receiving no AIT. Methods We assessed the MASK-air(R) data of European users with self-reported grass pollen allergy, comparing the data reported by patients receiving SLIT, SCIT and no AIT. Outcome variables included the daily impact of allergy symptoms globally and on work (measured by visual analogue scales-VASs), and a combined symptom-medication score (CSMS). We applied Bayesian mixed-effects models, with clustering by patient, country and pollen season. Results We analysed a total of 42,756 days from 1,093 grass allergy patients, including 18,479 days of users under AIT. Compared to no AIT, SCIT was associated with similar VAS levels and CSMS. Compared to no AIT, SLIT-tablet was associated with lower values of VAS global allergy symptoms (average difference = 7.5 units out of 100; 95% credible interval [95%CrI] = -12.1;-2.8), lower VAS Work (average difference = 5.0; 95%CrI = -8.5;-1.5), and a lower CSMS (average difference = 3.7; 95%CrI = -9.3;2.2). When compared to SCIT, SLIT-tablet was associated with lower VAS global allergy symptoms (average difference = 10.2; 95%CrI = -17.2;-2.8), lower VAS Work (average difference = 7.8; 95%CrI = -15.1;0.2), and a lower CSMS (average difference = 9.3; 95%CrI = -18.5;0.2). Conclusion In patients with grass pollen allergy, SLIT-tablet, when compared to no AIT and to SCIT, is associated with lower reported symptom severity. Future longitudinal studies following internationally-harmonised standards for performing and reporting real-world data in AIT are needed to better understand its 'real-world' effectiveness

    International Consensus Statement on Allergy and Rhinology: Allergic Rhinitis.

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    BACKGROUND: Critical examination of the quality and validity of available allergic rhinitis (AR) literature is necessary to improve understanding and to appropriately translate this knowledge to clinical care of the AR patient. To evaluate the existing AR literature, international multidisciplinary experts with an interest in AR have produced the International Consensus statement on Allergy and Rhinology: Allergic Rhinitis (ICAR:AR). METHODS: Using previously described methodology, specific topics were developed relating to AR. Each topic was assigned a literature review, evidence-based review (EBR), or evidence-based review with recommendations (EBRR) format as dictated by available evidence and purpose within the ICAR:AR document. Following iterative reviews of each topic, the ICAR:AR document was synthesized and reviewed by all authors for consensus. RESULTS: The ICAR:AR document addresses over 100 individual topics related to AR, including diagnosis, pathophysiology, epidemiology, disease burden, risk factors for the development of AR, allergy testing modalities, treatment, and other conditions/comorbidities associated with AR. CONCLUSION: This critical review of the AR literature has identified several strengths; providers can be confident that treatment decisions are supported by rigorous studies. However, there are also substantial gaps in the AR literature. These knowledge gaps should be viewed as opportunities for improvement, as often the things that we teach and the medicine that we practice are not based on the best quality evidence. This document aims to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the AR literature to identify areas for future AR research and improved understanding
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