593 research outputs found

    Adhesion to zirconia: A systematic review of current conditioning methods and bonding materials

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    Background. Reliable bonding between resin composite cements and high strength ceramics is difficult to achieve because of their chemical inertness and lack of silica content that makes etching impossible. The purpose of this review is to classify and analyze the existing methods and materials suggested to improve the adhesion of zirconia to dental substrate by using composite resins, in order to explore current trends in surface conditioning methods with predictable results. Methods. The current literature, examining the bond strength of zirconia ceramics, and including in vitro studies, clinical studies, and a systematic review, was analyzed. The research in the literature was carried out using PubMed and Cochrane Library databases, only papers in English, published online from 2013 to 2018. The following keywords and their combinations were used: Zirconia, 3Y-TZP, Adhesion, Adhesive cementation, Bonding, Resin, Composite resin, Composite material, Dentin, Enamel. Results. Research, in PubMed and Cochrane Library databases, provided 390 titles with abstracts. From these, a total of 93 publications were chosen for analysis. After a full text evaluation, seven articles were discarded. Therefore, the final sample was 86, including in vitro, clinical studies, and one systematic review. Various adhesive techniques with different testing methods were examined. Conclusions. Airborne-particle abrasion and tribo-chemical silica coating are the pre-treatment methods with more evidence in the literature. Increased adhesion could be expected after physico-chemical conditioning of zirconia. Surface contamination has a negative effect on adhesion. There is no evidence to support a universal adhesion protocol

    Essential Role of the cVRG in the Generation of Both the Expiratory and Inspiratory Components of the Cough Reflex.

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    As stated by Korpáš and Tomori (1979), cough is the most important airway protective reflex which provides airway defensive responses to nociceptive stimuli. They recognized that active expiratory efforts, due to the activation of caudal ventral respiratory group (cVRG) expiratory premotoneurons, are the prominent component of coughs. Here, we discuss data suggesting that neurons located in the cVRG have an essential role in the generation of both the inspiratory and expiratory components of the cough reflex. Some lines of evidence indicate that cVRG expiratory neurons, when strongly activated, may subserve the alternation of inspiratory and expiratory cough bursts, possibly owing to the presence of axon collaterals. Of note, experimental findings such as blockade or impairment of glutamatergic transmission to the cVRG neurons lead to the view that neurons located in the cVRG are crucial for the production of the complete cough motor pattern. The involvement of bulbospinal expiratory neurons seems unlikely since their activation affects differentially expiratory and inspiratory muscles, while their blockade does not affect baseline inspiratory activity. Thus, other types of cVRG neurons with their medullary projections should have a role and possibly contribute to the fine tuning of the intensity of inspiratory and expiratory efforts

    Eating habits and lifestyle changes during COVID-19 lockdown : An Italian survey

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    Background: On December 12th 2019, a new coronavirus (SARS-Cov2) emerged in Wuhan, China, sparking a pandemic of acute respiratory syndrome in humans (COVID-19). On the 24th of April 2020, the number of COVID-19 deaths in the world, according to the COVID-Case Tracker by Johns Hopkins University, was 195,313, and the number of COVID-19 confirmed cases was 2,783,512. The COVID-19 pandemic represents a massive impact on human health, causing sudden lifestyle changes, through social distancing and isolation at home, with social and economic consequences. Optimizing public health during this pandemic requires not only knowledge from the medical and biological sciences, but also of all human sciences related to lifestyle, social and behavioural studies, including dietary habits and lifestyle. Methods: Our study aimed to investigate the immediate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on eating habits and lifestyle changes among the Italian population aged 65 12 years. The study comprised a structured questionnaire packet that inquired demographic information (age, gender, place of residence, current employment); anthropometric data (reported weight and height); dietary habits information (adherence to the Mediterranean diet, daily intake of certain foods, food frequency, and number of meals/day); lifestyle habits information (grocery shopping, habit of smoking, sleep quality and physical activity). The survey was conducted from the 5th to the 24th of April 2020. Results: A total of 3533 respondents have been included in the study, aged between 12 and 86 years (76.1% females). The perception of weight gain was observed in 48.6% of the population; 3.3% of smokers decided to quit smoking; a slight increased physical activity has been reported, especially for bodyweight training, in 38.3% of respondents; the population group aged 18-30 years resulted in having a higher adherence to the Mediterranean diet when compared to the younger and the elderly population (p < 0.001; p < 0.001, respectively); 15% of respondents turned to farmers or organic, purchasing fruits and vegetables, especially in the North and Center of Italy, where BMI values were lower. Conclusions: In this study, we have provided for the first time data on the Italian population lifestyle, eating habits and adherence to the Mediterranean Diet pattern during the COVID-19 lockdown. However, as the COVID-19 pandemic is ongoing, our data need to be confirmed and investigated in future more extensive population studies

    Evaluation of mechanical and interfacial properties of bio-composites based on poly(lactic acid) with natural cellulose fibers

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    The circular economy policy and the interest for sustainable material are inducing a constant expansion of the bio-composites market. The opportunity of using natural fibers in bio-based and biodegradable polymeric matrices, derived from industrial and/or agricultural waste, represents a stimulating challenge in the replacement of traditional composites based on fossil sources. The coupling of bioplastics with natural fibers in order to lower costs and promote degradability is one of the primary objectives of research, above all in the packaging and agricultural sectors where large amounts of non-recyclable plastics are generated, inducing a serious problem for plastic disposal and potential accumulation in the environment. Among biopolymers, poly(lactic acid) (PLA) is one of the most used compostable, bio-based polymeric matrices, since it exhibits process ability and mechanical properties compatible with a wide range of applications. In this study, two types of cellulosic fibers were processed with PLA in order to obtain bio-composites with different percentages of microfibers (5%, 10%, 20%). The mechanical properties were evaluated (tensile and impact test), and analytical models were applied in order to estimate the adhesion between matrix and fibers and to predict the material's stiffness. Understanding these properties is of particular importance in order to be able to tune and project the final characteristics of bio-composites

    Immunolocalization of Vasa, PIWI, and TDRKH proteins in male germ cells during spermatogenesis of the teleost fish Poecilia reticulata

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    Vasa, PIWI and TDRKH are conserved components of germ granules that in metazoans are involved in germline specification and differentiation, as documented by mutational experiments in some model animals. So far, investigations on PIWI during spermatogenesis of fish has been limited to a few species, and no information is available for TDRKH, another protein involved in the piRNA pathway. In this study, the immunolocalization of these three germline determinants was analyzed in male gonads of the teleost fish Poecilia reticulata to document their localization pattern in the different stages of germ cell differentiation. To analyze their distribution pattern during the different stages of spermatogenesis we performed immunohistochemistry (IHC) and immunofluorescence (IF) assays using primary polyclonal antibodies after testing their specificity with Western Blot. Moreover, sections of testis stained with haematoxylin and eosin clarified the structural organization of P. reticulata testis, while the use of the confocal microscope and the nuclear staining clarified the different stages of germ cell differentiation during spermatogenesis. The results showed that Vasa, PIWI and TDRKH were specifically immunolocalized in the germ cells of P. reticulata, with no specific signal detected in Sertoli cells and in other somatic cells of the gonad. These markers were detected in all stages of differentiation from early spermatogonia to advanced spermatids. Vasa staining was the strongest in spermatogonia, and then decreases throughout differentiation. Instead, both PIWI and TDRKH staining increases during differentiation, and their distribution pattern, similar to what observed in the mouse, suggests their concerted participation in the piRNA pathway also in this fish

    Binary green blends of poly(Lactic acid) with poly(butylene adipate-co-butylene terephthalate) and poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene adipate) and their nanocomposites

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    Poly(lactic acid) (PLA) is the most widely produced biobased, biodegradable and biocompatible polyester. Despite many of its properties are similar to those of common petroleum-based polymers, some drawbacks limit its utilization, especially high brittleness and low toughness. To overcome these problems and improve the ductility and the impact resistance, PLA is often blended with other biobased and biodegradable polymers. For this purpose, poly(butylene adipate-co-butylene terephthalate) (PBAT) and poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene adipate) (PBSA) are very advantageous copolymers, because their toughness and elongation at break are complementary to those of PLA. Similar to PLA, both these copolymers are biodegradable and can be produced from annual renewable resources. This literature review aims to collect results on the mechanical, thermal and morphological properties of PLA/PBAT and PLA/PBSA blends, as binary blends with and without addition of coupling agents. The effect of different compatibilizers on the PLA/PBAT and PLA/PBSA blends properties is here elucidated, to highlight how the PLA toughness and ductility can be improved and tuned by using appropriate additives. In addition, the incorporation of solid nanoparticles to the PLA/PBAT and PLA/PBSA blends is discussed in detail, to demonstrate how the nanofillers can act as morphology stabilizers, and so improve the properties of these PLA-based formulations, especially mechanical performance, thermal stability and gas/vapor barrier properties. Key points about the biodegradation of the blends and the nanocomposites are presented, together with current applications of these novel green materials
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