33 research outputs found

    Pharmacogenetics of nucleoside analogs : cytidine deaminase and clinical outcome

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    La prise en charge du cancer reste dépendante de l’utilisation des agents cytotoxiques, avec les analogues nucléosidiques. Au-delà de leur similarité structurelle, certains de ces composés partagent une voie métabolique commune, où la cytidine déaminase apparaît comme enzyme majeure. L’existence d’une variabilité génétique et/ou phénotypique de la CDA nous a mené à nous intéresser aux relations entre le statut CDA et l’issue clinique des patients afin de déterminer si la CDA pouvait être considérée comme biomarqueur d’issue clinique chez les patients.Nos travaux personnels ont consisté à évaluer deux techniques permettant de mesurer l’activité de la CDA. Nous avons publié le premier cas mondial de toxicités mortelles sous azacytidine chez un patient CDA-déficient, ainsi que le premier cas de déficience en CDA et de toxicités sous cytarabine causées par la présence d’une variation génétique du gène CDA chez une patiente transplantée hépatique. L’influence du statut CDA a également été étudiée chez deux patients traités par azacytidine. Concernant la gemcitabine, nous avons démontré l’impact délétère en terme d’efficacité de l’augmentation de l’activité CDA chez les patients, ainsi que les résultats d’une étude multicentrique prospective dont le but était de déterminer si la CDA pouvait être un marqueur prédictif de l’apparition des toxicités sous gemcitabine, avec une étude pharmacocinétique en support. Les travaux préliminaires du pyroséquençage partiel de la CDA sur technologie Roche® sont présentés. L’ensemble de ces travaux de thèse confirme l’intérêt d’évaluer le statut CDA chez les patients susceptibles de recevoir une thérapie à base d’analogues nucléosidiques.Nowadays, the management of cancer pathology remains largely dependent on the use of cytotoxic agents, including nucleoside analogs, used in a variety of settings. Beyond their structural similarity, some of these compounds also share a common metabolic pathway, wherein the cytidine deaminase (CDA) plays a pivotal role. The existence of constitutional genetic and / or phenotypic variability in CDA prompted us to study the relationships between the CDA status and clinical outcome in patients, and to determine if the constitutional CDA could be considered as a biomarker of efficacy and toxicity in patients treated with this class of drugs.Our personal work first consisted in evaluating two methods to measure the CDA enzymatic activity, in terms of robustness and cost. Then we published the first case-report of life-threatening toxicities in a CDA-deficient patient treated with azacytidine, and the first case of CDA deficiency and cytarabine-caused toxicities correlated with presence of a genetic variation in CDA gene in a liver-transplant patient. The influence of CDA status was also assessed in two patients treated with azacytidine. Regarding gemcitabine, we present the impact of an increase in CDA activity on loss of efficacy in patients, and the results of a prospective multicenter study whose purpose was to determine whether the CDA could be a predictive marker of the occurrence of gemcitabine-toxicities, with a pharmacokinetic study support. Finally, preliminary data on partial Roche®-pyrosequencing of CDA, also presented.All these thesis work confirms the interest to evaluate the CDA status in patients likely to receive a nucleosidic analogues-based therapy

    Pharmacokinetics and pharmacogenetics of Gemcitabine as a mainstay in adult and pediatric oncology: an EORTC-PAMM perspective

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    Gemcitabine is an antimetabolite ranking among the most prescribed anticancer drugs worldwide. This nucleoside analog exerts its antiproliferative action after tumoral conversion into active triphosphorylated nucleotides interfering with DNA synthesis and targeting ribonucleotide reductase. Gemcitabine is a mainstay for treating pancreatic and lung cancers, alone or in combination with several cytotoxic drugs (nab-paclitaxel, cisplatin and oxaliplatin), and is an option in a variety of other solid or hematological cancers. Several determinants of response have been identified with gemcitabine, i.e., membrane transporters, activating and inactivating enzymes at the tumor level, or Hedgehog signaling pathway. More recent studies have investigated how germinal genetic polymorphisms affecting cytidine deaminase, the enzyme responsible for the liver disposition of gemcitabine, could act as well as a marker for clinical outcome (i.e., toxicity, efficacy) at the bedside. Besides, constant efforts have been made to develop alternative chemical derivatives or encapsulated forms of gemcitabine, as an attempt to improve its metabolism and pharmacokinetics profile. Overall, gemcitabine is a drug paradigmatic for constant searches of the scientific community to improve its administration through the development of personalized medicine in oncology

    Meeting Abstract: 1993

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    International audienc