282 research outputs found

    Il lapidario del seminario vescovile di Susa (Torino)

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    Dopo aver accennato alla formazione storica della collezione, se ne descrivono brevemente allestimento e consistenza documentaria; si propone poi una valorizzazione del lapidario, nel rispetto della sua originale disposizione antiquaria.After mentioning the historical formation of the collection, the article describes its exposition and epigraphical documentation. It is then proponed a valorization of the Lapidary in respect of its original antiquarian placing

    Literacy Stories for Global Wits: Learning English Through the Literature-Language Line

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    This essay addresses the drastic and detrimental divide between language and literature characterizing the study of English in university programs and sustains it is high time for language and literary studies to dovetail a common ground allowing students to better comprehend and navigate through both the complex phenomenon of the spread of English in this era of globalization and the transcultural nature of English itself. One way how this pedagogical turn may be made is exemplified by an English course I taught to English Studies undergraduates at the University of Venice, Italy, in 2014. In examining four literacy stories by J.M Coetzee, Ngugi Wa Thiong'o, Ngozi Chimamanda Adichie and Caryl Phillips, the course had two aims: first, to prove that English, as any language, is formed in relation to personal identity and the context of use with its specific culture, a basic principle often implicitly denied by the widespread  structuralist and generative approaches to language; second, to see the English classroom as a microcosm connected to the social and cultural dynamics of the English-speaking  world at large, by using exceptional stories set in ex-colonial scenarios as mirrors casting reflections of one's positions  and aspirations.

    Hoc decreto in domo suo posita (CIL VI, 1492). La tabula esposta in casa del patrono: qualche proposta per una sua identificazione

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    Le tabulae hospitales et patronatus e le tabulae patronatus sono elementi scrittori, seppur non comuni, pertinenti a un contesto epigrafico domestico d’arredo di ambito sociale medio-alto: si propone un inventario degli indizi utili a individuare quali furono le copie conferite in etĂ  imperiale e tardo imperiale ad uso privato dei patroni e quali invece quelle destinate all’esposizione pubblica.Die tabulae hospitales et patronatus und die tabulae patronatus sind InschriftentrĂ€ger, die, wenn auch nur selten, zur hĂ€uslichen epigraphischen Ausstattung der höheren Mittelschicht gehören. In diesem Aufsatz wird eine Bestandsaufnahme jener Elemente vorgestellt, die dazu beitragen sollen, die Kopien, die in der mittleren und spĂ€ten Kaiserzeit zur privaten Nutzung der patroni bestimmt waren, von denjenigen, die in der Öffentlichkeit ausgestellt wurden, zu unterscheiden

    Ripensare al part time, ripensare il part time? Il lavoro a tempo parziale tra sfide demografiche e crisi economica.

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    L'Italia negli ultimi anni sta affrontando diverse sfide: in particolare vi sono significative pressioni sui sistemi previdenziale e sanitario a causa dell'invecchiamento della popolazione e del basso tasso di fecondit\ue0, associata all'aumento dei costi delle tecnologie medicali, dell'incidenza delle malattie croniche e alla perpetuante crisi finanziaria. Per questo l'Italia, come molti Stati membri dell'Unione Europea, ha attuato e sta continuando ad implementare riforme per migliorare la sostenibilit\ue0, finanziaria e sociale, dei propri sistemi pensionistici. A fronte delle gi\ue0 importanti pressioni sui conti pubblici, il nostro Legislatore ha risposto con l'aumento dell'et\ue0 pensionabile per entrambi i sessi (soggetta a continui aggiustamenti sulla base dell'aspettativa media di vita) e con l\u2019abolizione del sistema di calcolo c.d. \u2018retributivo\u2019, ad oggi utilizzato per determinare solo delle quote dell\u2019importo dell\u2019assegno previdenziale. Tuttavia, l'obiettivo di scoraggiare il pensionamento anticipato e di aumentare l'et\ue0 pensionabile effettiva presenta delle criticit\ue0: infatti molte persone non riescono a lavorare fino all'et\ue0 pensionabile perch\ue8 sono o fortemente demotivate, o affette da limitazioni fisiche e/o psichiche provocate dalle eterogenee tipologie di malattie croniche. La riduzione dell'orario di lavoro durante gli ultimi anni di attivit\ue0 risulta essere un valido approccio per consentire alle persone di lavorare pi\uf9 a lungo di quanto sarebbe stato possibile se avessero continuato a lavorare a tempo pieno. Certo, un limite di questa politica \ue8 la diminuzione di reddito provocata dalla riduzione delle ore lavorate. Schemi di pensionamento parziale affrontano questa barriera sostituendo una parte della perdita di reddito con un anticipo pensionistico o con dei benefici economici temporanei, entrambe misure finanziariamente molto onerose


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    Introduction to the 3rd number of the journal, entitled "Italy through Postcolonial Eyes". The introduction discusses the articles gathered in this issue that derive from a project on the representation of Italy and its culture in the literature, cinema and theatre of the former British colonies and settler colonies. The two main points at issue both in the essays and in this introduction are the ways in which Italy has been interpreted through the eyes of contemporary postcolonial literature in English, and Italy’s present postcolonial moment. The former has a well-established tradition in Italy, mainly thanks to the pioneering work done by university research groups that have contributed to understand and spread both Anglophone postcolonial literature and its sophisticated, revolutionary theoretical thought from the late 80s to our days. Italy’s present postcolonial moment has been brought into focus more recently, thanks to the convergence the work done by scholars of Italian literature; new trans-disciplinary research that discovers a latent ‘Italian postcolonial paradigm’ in the works of philosophers, writers and literary critics; and a new postcolonial literature produced in Italy that takes into account other postcolonial experiences (in particular in English speaking countries). From this theoretical framework the introduction moves on to the analysis of each of the chapter of this journal's issue

    Una aproximación a la concepción de familia en las políticas sociales. Un estudio en América Latina

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    Fil: Cimarosti, Marta L.. Universidad Nacional Villa MarĂ­a; Argentina..Fil: Musso, MarĂ­a Paola. Universidad Nacional Villa MarĂ­a; Argentina.

    An Approach to the Simulation of a Batch-respirometer

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    Dynamic models in activated sludge processes have demonstrated to be a reliable and useful instrument in design and management of wastewater treatment plants. The biochemical nature of the processes involved the models which need a specific calibration to local conditions. A common method to determine kinetic and stoichiometric parameters of the biomass or wastewater/sludge fractionations is respirometry. Theoretically, nearly all biomass parameters and fractions can be estimated by respirometry, but a lot of difficulties rise when some parameters, such as saturation and hydrolysis rate constants, have to be drawn from experimental data. The aim of our work is the setting up of a simple method to calibrate Activated Sludge Model No. 1 applying traditional batch respirometric tests together with dynamic simulations of the respirometer itself
