44 research outputs found

    Psychological and social factors predicting pro-environmental behaviour in the South African context

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    The present research aimed first at testing the Theory of Planned Behaviour and the extended model of the Theory of Planned Behaviour in a non-WEIRD nation context (i.e., western, educated, industrialized, rich and democratic); and secondly, at exploring the role of social and economic status not as an outcome of climate change but as a factor that influences the appraisal of climate change and the responses to climate change (i.e., pro-environmental behaviour). Two cross-sectional studies were conducted. Study 1 (N = 452) replicated previous findings in support of the Theory of Planned Behaviour; but also showed the important role of moral obligation and emotions such as guilt. Different to previous research, instrumental rather than experiential attitudes revealed to be associated with intention and pro-environmental behaviour. The latter finding was replicated in Study 2 (N = 681), which also aimed at exploring the role of social and economic status for both appraising climate change as threat and responding to climate change. Both objective and subjective socio-economic status did indeed influence responses to climate change (i.e., pro-environmental behaviour) and whether climate change was appraised as a threat. However, the effects of objective and subjective socio-economic status were opposite than expected. Implications of the present research are outlined in detail with regards to current discourses on appraisals of and responses to climate change.PsychologyM.A. (Psychology with specialization in Research Consultation

    Sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud basado en la ley 29783 para reducir costos por accidentes laborales en DAG SAC, 2019

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    El presente trabajo de investigación se ha realizado tras la realidad de accidentabilidad, que la mayoría de las empresas viven día a día en sus operaciones, en su mayoría los accidentes se materializan por actos inseguros de parte de los trabajadores y por condiciones inseguras por parte de las empresa. En este sentido y haciendo un estudio más a detalle la, las condiciones y actos inseguros se generan por la falta de monitoreo de las organizaciones, ya que existe un nivel muy bajo de cultura de seguridad y prevención de riesgos laborales lo que acarrea un alto grado de desembolso de dinero debido a costos por accidentes laborales y a infracciones por incumplimiento de la normatividad vigente en SST, tal es el caso de la organización en estudio. Díaz Acarreos Generales SAC, no cuenta con un Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo basado en la Ley 29783, trayendo como consecuencia la generación de accidentes e incidentes que en su mayoría se pueden prevenir, realizando un proceso de mejoramiento continuo con la implantación del SGSST. En esta investigación se ha realizado un diagnostico a través de la línea base y otras herramientas que nos han permitido identificar el estado de cumplimiento legal, de acuerdo a la normativa vigente, relacionado con la respectiva documentación que es de carácter obligatorio, así como los costos mismos. La finalidad de este este estudio es reducir los costos por accidentabilidad laboral mediante la implementación del SGSST, donde se aplicaran mecanismos de control, y sobre todo cumplimiento de la normatividad vigente. En este trabajo de investigación se demostró que se logró reducir la accidentabilidad, los costos por accidentes laborales y el incumplimiento legal con la implementación del SGSST basado en la Ley 29783. Esto ha generado un gran beneficio para DAG y para las partes interesadas que interactúan con esta empresa

    Multilocus microsatellite analysis of European and African Candida glabrata isolates

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    This study aimed to elucidate the genetic relatedness and epidemiology of 127 clinical and environmental Candida glabrata isolates from Europe and Africa using multilocus microsatellite analysis. Each isolate was first identified using phenotypic and molecular methods and subsequently, six unlinked microsatellite loci were analyzed using automated fluorescent genotyping. Genetic relationships were estimated using the minimum-spanning tree (MStree) method. Microsatellite analyses revealed the existence of 47 different genotypes. The fungal population showed an irregular distribution owing to the over-representation of genetically different infectious haplotypes. The most common genotype was MG-9, which was frequently found in both European and African isolates. In conclusion, the data reported here emphasize the role of specific C. glabrata genotypes in human infections for at least some decades and highlight the widespread distribution of some isolates, which seem to be more able to cause disease than others.This research was supported in part by the EU Mare Nostrum (EUMN-III Call) program of the European Union, grant agreement number 2011-4050/001-EMA2. Dr Sanae Rharmitt was the recipient of a scholarship (10 months) signed within the EUMN program for PhD students (F.S. UORI) under the supervision of Prof Orazio Romeo.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Influence of nutrition on a success of diabetes prevention

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    Im Tuebinger Lebensstil-Interventions-Programm wurden Personen mit erhöhtem Risiko für einen Typ-2-Diabetes einer Intervention mit Ernährungsumstellung und Bewegungsintensivierung zugeführt. Zu den Risikokollektiven zählen Personen mit gestörter Glukosetoleranz, einem BMI>27 kg/m², erstgradig Verwandte von einem Typ 2 Diabetiker oder frühere Gestationsdiabetikerinnen. Eine Gewichtsreduktion um 5% wird angestrebt. Die Ernährung der Probanden soll eine unter 30% liegende Fettaufnahme berücksichtigen, dabei soll der Anteil der gesättigten Fettsäuren unter 10% der Gesamtkalorienaufnahme liegen. Weiterhin sollen mindestens 15g Ballaststoffe pro 1000 kcal aufgenommen werden. Die Fragestellung dieser Zwischenauswertung ist einerseits, ob diese Ziele erreicht werden und andererseits, ob bestimmte Ernährungsfaktoren eine Gewichtsabnahme voraussagen können. Von 106 Probanden (68 Frauen, 38 Männer, Alter 45±1 Jahre) wurden bei einem Follow-up Zeitraum von 282±7 Tagen 6 Ernährungsberatungen (Range 2-10) durchgeführt. Im Mittel konnten Ernährungstagebücher an 15±1 Tagen mit Hilfe des Computerprogramms DGE-PC ausgewertet werden. Von Baseline zum Follow-up verbesserte sich der 2-Stunden Blutzucker im oralen Glukosetoleranztest von 127±3 auf 115±3 mg/dl (p<0.001), der BMI nahm von 30.3±0.6 auf 29.4±0.5 kg/m² ab (p<0.001), was einer Gewichtsabnahme um 2.7±0.5% entspricht. 48% der Probanden konnten den Gesamtfettanteil der Nahrung, 18% den Anteil der gesättigten Fettsäuren in den Zielbereich senken. Den Anteil der Ballaststoffe konnten 48% der Probanden auf über 15g/1000 kcal steigern. Dieser Ballaststoffanteil war mit der Gewichtsabnahme (r=-0.24, p=0.03) und einer Verbesserung der Insulinsensitivität (r=0.020, p=0.048) assoziiert, hingegen zeigte die Fettaufnahme keinen Zusammenhang mit der Gewichtsentwicklung. Zusammengefasst führt die Lebensstilintervention in der gesamten Gruppe im Mittel zu einer Körpergewichtsreduktion und zu einer Verbesserung des postprandialen Blutzuckers, obwohl weniger als die Hälfte der Probanden die jeweiligen Ernährungsziele erreichen. Ein höherer Ballaststoffanteil der Nahrung scheint mit stärkerer Gewichtsabnahme assoziiert zu sein. Zukünftige Diabetespräventionsprogramme sollten daher besonders darauf hin angelegt sein, den Ballaststoffanteil der Nahrung zu steigern.The participants of the lifestyle intervention program of Tübingen are high-risk subjects at getting type 2 diabetes. Eligibility criteria for TULIP included are an impaired glucose tolerance, BMI>27 kg/ m² or first grade relatives of a person with type 2 diabetes. The participants were given detailed advice about how to achieve the goals of the intervention, which were a reduction in weight of 5 percent, in total intake of fat to less than 30 percent and in intake of saturated fat to less than 10 percent of energy consumed; an increase in fiber intake to least 15g per 1000 kcal; and moderate exercise for at least 3 hours per week. The question of this evaluation is on the one hand, if these goals are achieved and on the other hand, if the way of nutrition predict a weight loss. The mean change of base line to follow-up in the plasma glucose concentration two hours after glucose challenge was 127±3 to 115±3 mg/dl (p< 0.001), the change in BMI was 30.3±0.6 to 29.4±0.5 kg/m² (p<0.001), what means a weight loss about 2.7±0.5 percent. The reduction of total intake of fat less than 30 percent was possibel to 48 percent of the participants, 18 percent achieved the goal of reducing the intake of saturated fat to less than 10 percent of energy consumed. 48 percent increase the fiber intake of about 15g/1000 kcal.The intake of fiber is associated with weight loss (r=-0.24, p=0.03) and improves insulinsensitivity (r=0.020, p=0.048). The intake of fat is not be connected with a decrease weight. The whole group have benefited of lifestyle intervention, even though only half of the participants achieved the goals. A higher intake of fiber seems to be associated with a higher weight loss

    Les pratiques effectives des enseignants pour construire la langue écrite chez les adultes en milieu plurilingue. : le cas de l'Alliance française de Kinshasa / R.D. Congo

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    Abstract :This research study in the field of socio-discursive interactionism focuses on scriptural competence of adult learners in a multilingual context. It questions the real practices of teachers with a view to describing what they do when they teach writing skills. Inspired by the theories of didactic transposition on the one hand, taught objects on the other, an ecological research methodology has been implemented in classes of French as a foreign or second language (FFL/FSL) for adult learners at the Alliance Française in Kinshasa, R.D. Congo. Data were collected from the interactions based on a didactic option focusing on textual genre. The qualitative analysis of teacher regulations highlights two different approaches to teaching writing skills. The first is essentially linguistic, whilst the second tends towards a communicative approach which didactically speaking, opens up a space in which an approach by textual genres would have a legitimate and beneficial place.Keywords: Effective Practices of teachers – scriptural competence - taught subject – writing skills - multilingual environment - adults - textual genreRésuméCette recherche qui s’inscrit dans le domaine de l’interactionnisme sociodiscursif, concerne la construction de la compétence scripturale chez les adultes en milieu multilingue. Elle interroge les pratiques effectives des enseignants en vue de comprendre ce qu’ils font réellement lorsqu'ils enseignent l’écrit. En prenant appui sur la théorie de la transposition didactique et la théorie des objets enseignés, une méthodologie d’observation de classe écologique a été mise en place dans le cadre de classes de Français Langue Etrangère et Seconde (FLES) pour un public adulte à l’Alliance Française de Kinshasa, R.D. Congo. Les données recueillies proviennent des interactions mobilisant un dispositif didactique centré sur les genres. L’analyse qualitative des régulations révèle deux logiques de l’enseignement de l’écrit : une à dominante linguistique et l’autre à orientation communicative et qui ouvre un espace didactique où l’approche par les genres textuels aurait toute sa place pour la production de textes écrits.Mots-clés :Pratiques effectives des enseignants – compétence scripturale – objet enseigné – langue écrite – milieu plurilingue – adultes – didactique – genre textuel

    Les pratiques effectives des enseignants pour construire la langue écrite chez les adultes en milieu plurilingue. : le cas de l'Alliance française de Kinshasa / R.D. Congo

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    Abstract :This research study in the field of socio-discursive interactionism focuses on scriptural competence of adult learners in a multilingual context. It questions the real practices of teachers with a view to describing what they do when they teach writing skills. Inspired by the theories of didactic transposition on the one hand, taught objects on the other, an ecological research methodology has been implemented in classes of French as a foreign or second language (FFL/FSL) for adult learners at the Alliance Française in Kinshasa, R.D. Congo. Data were collected from the interactions based on a didactic option focusing on textual genre. The qualitative analysis of teacher regulations highlights two different approaches to teaching writing skills. The first is essentially linguistic, whilst the second tends towards a communicative approach which didactically speaking, opens up a space in which an approach by textual genres would have a legitimate and beneficial place.Keywords: Effective Practices of teachers – scriptural competence - taught subject – writing skills - multilingual environment - adults - textual genreRésuméCette recherche qui s’inscrit dans le domaine de l’interactionnisme sociodiscursif, concerne la construction de la compétence scripturale chez les adultes en milieu multilingue. Elle interroge les pratiques effectives des enseignants en vue de comprendre ce qu’ils font réellement lorsqu'ils enseignent l’écrit. En prenant appui sur la théorie de la transposition didactique et la théorie des objets enseignés, une méthodologie d’observation de classe écologique a été mise en place dans le cadre de classes de Français Langue Etrangère et Seconde (FLES) pour un public adulte à l’Alliance Française de Kinshasa, R.D. Congo. Les données recueillies proviennent des interactions mobilisant un dispositif didactique centré sur les genres. L’analyse qualitative des régulations révèle deux logiques de l’enseignement de l’écrit : une à dominante linguistique et l’autre à orientation communicative et qui ouvre un espace didactique où l’approche par les genres textuels aurait toute sa place pour la production de textes écrits.Mots-clés :Pratiques effectives des enseignants – compétence scripturale – objet enseigné – langue écrite – milieu plurilingue – adultes – didactique – genre textuel

    Convantional and molecular determination of salmonella serotypes

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    Salmonella enterica serotiplerinin belirlenmesi epidemiyolojik çalışmalar açısından önem taşır. Salmonella serotipleri hücre duvarında yer alan somatik (O) antijeni ve flagellar (H) antijeni temel alınarak belirlenir. Bu çalışmanın amacı multipleks PCR yöntemi ile belirlenen moleküler serotiplendirme sonuçlarının konvansiyonel serotiplendirme sonuçları ile karşılaştırılmasıdır.Referans laboratuvarı tarafından 14 farklı serotipte tanımlanmış toplam 100 Salmonella suşu, Salmonella serogrupları (A, B, C1, D ve E) ve Vi antijen gen bölgelerine özgü primerler kullanılarak multipleks PCR yöntemi ile moleküler olarak serogruplandırıldı. H antijenleri (H: a, -b, -d, -g,m, -i, -r, -z10) ve iki antijen kompleksinde yer alan (H:1,2, -1,5, -1,6, -1,7 and H: enx, enz15) antijenlerini kodlayan fliC ve fliB genlerine yönelik ardışık dört multipleks PCR yöntemi uygulanarak serotipler belirlendi.Konvansiyonel serotiplendirme Ulusal Enterik Patojenler Laboratuvar Sürveyans Ağı (UEPLA) kapsamında Sağlık Bakanlığı Refik Saydam Hıfzısıhha Merkezinde yapıldı.Multipleks PCR sonuçları konvansiyonel yöntemle belirlenen serogruplarla %100 uyum gösterdi. Serogruplara yönelik multipleks PCR'ın duyarlılık ve özgüllüğü %100 olarak bulundu.Klinik mikrobiyoloji laboratuvarlarında en sık izole edilen Salmonella serotipleri olan S. Enteritidis, S. Typhimurium, S. Paratyphi multipleks PCR ile başarılı bir şekilde serotiplendirildi. Bu serotipler için multipleks PCR sonuçları konvansiyonel serotiplendirme sonuçları ile uyumlu bulundu. Multipleks PCR'ın S. Typhi'nin serogruplandırma ve serotiplendirme açısından duyarlılığı %100 olarak bulundu. Multipleks PCR klinik laboratuvarlarda izole edilen suşların tanımlanmasında konvansiyonel serotiplendirmeye göre daha ucuz ve daha hızlı bir yöntem olarak değerlendirilmektedir. Bununla birlikte moleküler tiplendirme metodunun konvansiyonel serotiplendirme ile birlikte kullanılması uygun olacaktır.Determination of Salmonella enterica serotypes is very important for epidemiological studies. Salmonella serotypes are defined on the basis of somatic (O) antigens and flagellar (H) antigens, both of which are present in the cell wall of Salmonella. The major aim of this study is the comparison of the results of molecular serotyping obtained by multiplex PCR method with the results of conventional serotyping results.A total of 100 Salmonella strains, defined into 14 different serotypes by the reference laboratory have been serogrouped molecularly by using specific primers for Salmonella serogroups (A, B, C1, D and E) and Vi antigen gene clusters via multiplex PCR method. Serotypes have been determined by applying four sequential multiplex PCR targeting the fliC and fliB genes which are encoding the H1 antigens (H1: a, -b, -d, -g,m, -i, -r, -z10) and H2 antigen complexes (H2:1,2, -1,5, -1,6, -1,7 and H: enx, enz15).Conventional serotyping has been made in Ministry of Health Refik Saydam Hygiene Center as part of the National Laboratoy of Enteric Pathogenes Surveillance Network (UEPLA).The results of multiplex PCR showed %100 consistency with the serogroups determined by the conventional method. Both sensivity and specivity of multiplex PCR devoted to serogroups was found to be 100%.S. Enteritidis, S. Typhimurium, S. Paratyphi, which are the most frequently isolated Salmonella serotypes in clinical microbiology laboratories, have been successfully serotyped by multiplex PCR. The results of multiplex PCR for these serotypes showed consistent with the results of conventional serotyping. The sensitivity of multiplex PCR to identify S. Typhi in terms of serogrouping and serotyping was 100%.Multiplex PCR is claimed to be a rather cheaper and a faster method than conventional serotyping method for the determination of strains isolated in clinical laboratories. However, it would be appropriate to use molecular identification method together with conventional serotyping methods