17 research outputs found

    Influence of ewe feeding systems on carcass quality of suckling lambs

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    Numerous studies have evidenced significant differences in the carcass and meat quality of grass-fed and concentrate-fed lambs. The main differences regard carcass fatness (Murphy et al., 1994), subcutaneous fat colour (Prache and Theriez, 1999), meat colour (Priolo et al., 2002a) and fatty acid composition (Enser et al., 1998). The use of grazing in lamb feeding favours the presence of substances in the meat which are beneficial to human health. Different methods, based on the spectrophotometric properties of fat have been proposed to verify the origin of the product (Priolo et al., 2002b). The objective of the present study is to verify if and to what extent the carcass quality of suckling lambs is affected by ewe feeding systems

    Interdisciplinary rehabilitation in morbidly obese subjects: an observational pilot study.

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    BACKGROUND AND AIM: To assess the clinical effectiveness of a interdisciplinary rehabilitation programme (CR), in a population of morbidly obese subjects we have undertaken a observational study. METHODS: The study included fifty-nine adult subjects (18 M, 60+/-10 years, BMI 47+/-8) with sleep-disturbance related symptoms and disabilities. Assessment and correction of sleep disordered breathing (SDB) abnormalities, improvement of exercise tolerance, body weight and associated psychological features were the aims of this CR, which has been carried out over a 1 month period.Lung functions, apnea/hypopnea index (AHI), 6-minute walking distance (6MWD), body weight (BW), quality of life by means of Sat-P questionnaire and serum metabolic data has been recorded at baseline (TO), at the end (Ti) and 6 months after (T2) the CR. RESULTS: The percentage of patients with AHI > 10 declined from 65% (at TO) to 20% (at both T1 and T2). 6MWD and BW significantly improved (p < 0.005) at T1 and still maintained at T2; a significant relationship (r = 0.379, p < 0.01) has been found between changes of BW and 6MWD recorded in between TO and T2. Sat-P item scores dealing with sleep efficiency, problem solving, and social interactions improved (p < 0.01) at T1 and still maintained at T2. CONCLUSIONS: This hospital-based CR provides indication for effectiveness in advanced morbidly obese subjects and warrants further controlled trials to confirm the results

    Impact of comprehensive pulmonary rehabilitation on anxiety and depression in hospitalized COPD patients.

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    To prospectively evaluate the effect of inpatient pulmonary rehabilitation (iPR) on anxiety and depression as outcome measures in patients with COPD, we studied 149 consecutive adults COPD referred to our iPR after an exacerbation. Patients were divided according to the GOLD staging into: Group 1 (stage 2a, n = 48, FEV1 63 +/- 9% pred.), Group 2 (stage 2b, n = 53, FEV1 42 +/- 6% pred.) and Group 3 (stage 3, n = 48, FEV1 25 +/- 7% pred.). The iPR consisted of twelve 3-hours daily sessions. Hospital Anxiety Depression (HAD) Scale as well as 6-minute walk (6MWD) with evaluation of dyspnea (D) and leg fatigue (F) at rest and end of effort, and health related quality of life by means of St. George Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) were assessed before (T0) and after (T1) the iPR. 6MWD, D and F at end of effort and SGRQ total score similarly improved (p < 0.001) in all groups after iPR. The mean level of HAD-anxiety (from 9.1 +/- 4.0 to 7.7 +/- 3.5, from 9.0 +/- 4.6 to 7.2 +/- 4.6 and from 8.1 +/- 4.1 to 6.7 +/- 4.3 in group 1,2 and 3 respectively) and HAD-depression (from 9.4 +/- 3.5 to 8.2 +/- 3.5, from 9.1 +/- 4.2 to 8.2 +/- 4.5 and from 9.0 +/- 4.0 to 7.4 +/- 4.5 respectively) similarly changed (p < 0.0001) over time in all groups. The total percentage of patients with abnormal score (> 10) of HAD-anxiety (from 31% to 21%) and HAD-depression (from 30% to 22%) significantly decreased (p < 0.05) after the iPR. Inpatient pulmonary rehabilitation may improve levels of anxiety and depression as well as symptoms, exercise capacity and health related quality of life in moderate to severe COPD patients after an acute exacerbation

    Fatty acid metabolism in lambs fed citrus pulp

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    Interdisciplinary rehabilitation in morbidly obese subjects: an observational pilot study

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    Background and aim. To assess the clinical effectiveness of a interdisciplinary rehabillitation programme (CR), in a population of morbidly obese subjects we have undertaken a observational study. Methods. The study included fifty-nine adult subjects (18 M, 60±10 years, BMI 47±8) with sleep-disturbance related symptoms and disabilities. Assessment and correction of sleep disordered breathing (SDB) abnormalities, improvement of exercise tolerance, body weight and associated psychological features were the aims of this CR, which has been carried out over a 1 month period.Lung functions, apnea/hypopnea index (AHI), 6-minute walking distance (6MWD), body weight (BW), quality of life by means of Sat-P questionnaire and serum metabolic data has been recorded at baseline (T0), at the end (T1) and 6 months after (T2) the CR. Results. The percentage of patients with AHI>10 declined from 65% (at T0) to 20% (at both T1 and T2). 6MWD and BW significantly improved (p<0.005) at T1 and still maintained at T2; a significant relationship (r=0.379, p<0.01) has been found between changes of BW and 6MWD recorded in between T0 and T2. Sat-P item scores dealing with sleep efficiency, problem solving, and social interactions improved (p<0.01) at T1 and still maintained at T2. Conclusions. This hospital-based CR provides indication for effectiveness in advanced morbidly obese subjects and warrants further controlled trials to confirm the results

    Incidence and causes of non-invasive mechanical ventilation failure after initial success

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    BACKGROUND—The rate of failure of non-invasive mechanical ventilation (NIMV) in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) with acute respiratory insufficiency ranges from 5% to 40%. Most of the studies report an incidence of "late failure" (after >48 hours of NIMV) of about 10-20%. The recognition of this subset of patients is critical because prolonged application of NIMV may unduly delay the time of intubation.
METHODS—In this multicentre study the primary aims were to assess the rate of "late NIMV failure" and possible associated predictive factors; secondary aims of the study were evaluation of the best ventilatory strategy in this subset of patients and their outcomes in and out of hospital. The study was performed in two respiratory intensive care units (ICUs) on patients with COPD admitted with an episode of hypercapnic respiratory failure (mean (SD) pH 7.23(0.07), PaCO(2) 85.3 (15.8) mm Hg).
RESULTS—One hundred and thirty seven patients initially responded to NIMV in terms of objective (arterial blood gas tensions) and subjective improvement. After 8.4 (2.8) days of NIMV 31 patients (23%; 95% confidence interval (CI) 18 to 33) experienced a new episode of acute respiratory failure while still ventilated. The occurrence of "late NIMV failure" was significantly associated with functional limitations (ADL scale) before admission to the respiratory ICU, the presence of medical complications (particularly hyperglycaemia), and a lower pH on admission. Depending on their willingness or not to be intubated, the patients received invasive ventilation (n=19) or "more aggressive" (more hours/day) NIMV (n=12). Eleven (92%) of those in this latter subgroup died while in the respiratory ICU compared with 10 (53%) of the patients receiving invasive ventilation. The overall 90 day mortality was 21% and, after discharge from hospital, was similar in the "late NIMV failure" group and in patients who did not experience a second episode of acute respiratory failure.
CONCLUSIONS—The chance of COPD patients with acute respiratory failure having a second episode of acute respiratory failure after an initial (first 48 hours) successful response to NIMV is about 20%. This event is more likely to occur in patients with more severe functional and clinical disease who have more complications at the time of admission to the ICU. These patients have a very poor in-hospital prognosis, especially if NIMV is continued rather than prompt initiation of invasive ventilation.

    Effects of respiratory-therapist directed protocol on prescription and outcome of pulmonary rehabilitation in COPD inpatients.

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    BACKGROUND: The use of respiratory therapist-directed (RD) protocols in non-ICU hospitalized patients decreases respiratory care charges as compared with physician-directed (PD) protocols. OBJECTIVES: To determine whether RD or PD protocol assessments in COPD patients may impact: (1) prescription of respiratory treatments, and (2) outcomes of pulmonary rehabilitation program (PRP). METHODS: In a retrospective observational case-control study, 73 cases (RD) were compared with controls (PD) matched for age, sex, FEV1 and diagnosis of either chronic airflow obstruction (CAO), pulmonary emphysema (PE) or chronic respiratory insufficiency (CRI). PRP programs were specifically tailored and assessed for inpatients with moderate to severe COPD. Type of PRP protocol (P), number of respiratory treatments (RT), number of exercise training prescription (EXP) and failure (EXF), time to start PRP (T) and length of hospital stay (LOS) were recorded. Perceived breathlessness (B) as assessed by MRC scale, 6-min walk meters (6MWD), and BORG-dyspnea at rest (D-rest) and end of effort (D-effort) were also assessed as outcome measures before (T0) and after (T1) the PRP. RESULTS: Frequency distribution of P, EXP and EXF was similar in the two groups. However, prescription of additional RT (1.9 +/- 0.8 and 2.5 +/- 1.1 days, p<0.01), T (1.2 +/- 0.4 and 1.8 +/- 1.2 days, p<0.001) and LOS (17.2 +/- 2.0 and 18.2 +/- 1.8 days, p<0.05) were lower in cases than in controls. Both cases and controls similarly improved (p<0.0001) B, 6MWD, D-rest and D-effort at T1. CONCLUSIONS: RT-directed assessment results in less respiratory treatments prescription than PD-directed protocol and it does not affect the outcomes of in-hospital pulmonary rehabilitation of COPD patients

    Influence of ewe feeding systems on meat quality of suckling lambs

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    In recent years interest has grown in the zootechnical exploitation of environmental feeding resources, above all in marginal areas. The survival of these areas is linked to the development of the limited available resources. Of these, natural pastures represent one of the most important, not only because their zootechnical utilisation permits savings in alimentary costs, but above all because it results in better quality dairy and meat products. The aim of this study is to verify if and to what level ewe feeding systems influence the meat quality of suckling lambs

    Impact of comprehensive pulmonary

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    rehabilitation on anxiety and depression in hospitalized COPD patien