169 research outputs found

    Citizen Science and Gamification for Cultural Heritage

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    [ES] Este artículo presenta un procedimiento aplicado al levantamiento de los monumentos arqueológicos y arquitectónicos basado en un modelo de gamificación. La metodología puede devolver automáticamente datos científicos (XYZ y RGB) aprovechando el potencial de sistemas de adquisición structure from motion. De esta manera pueden abrirse nuevas perspectivas para el conocimiento y la valorización del patrimonio cultural, tanto en términos de participación del usuario, que se convierte en coprotagonista en el conocimiento del bien, como en relación con la contención de los costos en comparación con los métodos anteriores de levantamiento. [EN] Focus of this article is a procedure of knowledge for Built Cultural Heritage based on a model of gamification applied to scientific survey of the monuments. Automatically, the methodology is able to return scientific data (xyz and rgB) exploiting the potential of structure from motion capture systems. This new approach opens up new perspectives for the understanding and appreciation of cultural heritage, both in terms of audience involvement, which becomes co-starred in the development of knowledge of architectural and archaeological sites, both with respect to cost containment than previous methods.Senatore, L.; Gallozzi, A.; Cigola, M.; Strollo, RM. (2020). Citizen Science y Gamification aplicados a los Bienes Culturales. EGA Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 25(39):232-239. https://doi.org/10.4995/ega.2020.11586OJS2322392539BAMPATZIA S., BOURlAKOS I., ANTONIOU A., VASSIlAKIS C., lEPOURAS G., and WAllACE M., 2016. en Bottino R., Jeuring J., Veltkamp R. (eds) Games and learning Alliance. GAlA 2016. lecture notes in Computer Science, pp. 331-342. Cham: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-50182-6_30BUJARI, A., CIMAN, M., GAGGI, O. and PAlAZZI C., 2017. Using gamification to discover cultural heritage locations from geo-tagged photos. , 21, 235-252. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00779-016-0989-6.CLINI P., CERQUETTI M.G., BERTUCCIOLI l., INVERNIZZI l., and GASPARINI M., 2016. Integrated methodologies for the study, enhancement and sharing of archaeological heritage: the ArcheoFano project. 6(2), 81-92. https://doi.org/10.2423/i22394303v6n2p81GAllOZZI A. SENATORE l. and DE ROSA G., 2017. Territories and Frontier of Representation, pp. 699706. Roma: Gangemi.KOCH, U., 2019. Sharing Heritage Reflections after EYCH 2018 about the place of cultural heritage for future cooperation in Europe. SCIRES, 9(1), 33-40. DOI 10.2423/i22394303v9n1p33KONTOGIANNI, G., KOUTSAFTIS, C., SKAMANTZARI, M., CHRYSANTHOPOUlOU, C., and GEORGOPOUlOS, A., 2017. Utilising 3D Realistic Models in Serious Games for Cultural Heritage. 1(2), 21-46. https://doi. org/10.4018/IJCMHS.2017070102SMITH M.l., 2014. Citizen Science in Archaeology. American Antiquity, 4, 749-762. https://doi. org/10.7183/0002-7316.79.4.74