3,547 research outputs found

    W Charge Asymmetry Measurement in CDF Run 2

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    We present the status of the forward-backward charge asymmetry measurement for W boson production using early Run 2 data collected with the Collider Detector at Fermilab (CDF). Tracking for forward electrons is a critical component of this measurement, and we describe a new technique which combines the position and energy measurements from the calorimeter with position measurements in the silicon detector to provide tracking and charge determination for electron candidates. The performance of this algorithm is described and the sensitivity for the W charge asymmetry measurement with Run 2 data is quantified.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, conference proceedings, X Mexican School of Particles and Fields Fig. 6 and Fig. 7 correcte

    A Model of Family Change in Cultural Context

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    This reading is about the psychological study of the family with a cross-cultural comparative orientation. It attempts to provide answers to some basic questions regarding the family in context - whether there are systematic global changes in the family, what might be some of the important factors that characterize family and family change, and how they function. A model of family change is proposed to address these questions and to shed light on the variations in family patterns in different socio-cultural-economic contexts. These patterns also help understand the development of the self in family and society. It is proposed that the modernization hypothesis of \u27converging on the Western pattern\u27 with socio-economic development around the globe is not being supported by the research results from various countries. Instead, a synthetic family pattern of emotional/psychological interdependence is emerging across different contexts, as it best satisfies the two basic human needs for autonomy and relatedness

    Environmental Superstatistics

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    A thermodynamic device placed outdoors, or a local ecosystem, is subject to a variety of different temperatures given by short-tem (daily) and long-term (seasonal) variations. In the long term a superstatistical description makes sense, with a suitable distribution function f(beta) of inverse temperature beta over which ordinary statistical mechanics is averaged. We show that f(beta) is very different at different geographic locations, and typically exhibits a double-peak structure for long-term data. For some of our data sets we also find a systematic drift due to global warming. For a simple superstatistical model system we show that the response to global warming is stronger if temperature fluctuations are taken into account.Comment: 37 figures. Significantly extended version, to appear in Physica A. Added new material in section 6 quantifying the stronger response to global warming if temperature fluctuations are taken into account. Concluding section 7 and several new references adde

    The historical evolution of accounting in China (novissima sinica): effects of culture (2nd part).

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    Este artículo intenta explicar los criterios que sustentan la idea de que la contabilidad China ha sido conformada durante el pasado siglo con arreglo a factores culturales, económicos y políticos. Asimismo se propone estudiar los fenómenos históricos experimentados por la contabilidad china en el transcurso de los años, y evaluar comparativa y críticamente los efectos culturales de los mismos con las transformaciones políticas y económicas que han tenido influencia en el desarrollo de la contabilidad China. This paper attempts to argue the criteria which claim that Chinese accounting has been shaped by together with cultural, economical and political factors in the last century. This paper also aims to compare historical phenomena which occurred in Chinese accounting over the years, and then to assess comparatively or critically the effects of culture with politic and the economic transformations on the development of Chinese accounting.Contabilidad comparativa, contabilidad china, factores culturales, historia, sociología. Chinese accounting, comparative accounting, cultural factors, evolution, history, sociology.

    The historical evolution of accounting in China: the effects of culture.

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    Muchos estudios recientes han afirmado que China integra en su sistema contable sus reglas tradicionales, sus intereses culturales y su estilo de vida. La “cultura” serĂ­a el punto dominante en su sistema contable. Hofstede, Gray, Mueller y otros investigadores empĂ­ricos de la contabilidad, que enfatizan la influencia de los efectos culturales en la configuraciĂłn de los sistemas contables nacionales, sostienen que la Contabilidad China ha sido dominada por la “Cultura” China. Este trabajo presenta tres de entre las variables culturales chinas, a saber, Confucianismo, Feng Shui, Budismo, Yin-Yang, etc., que han marcado los comportamientos y las tĂ©cnicas contables chinas. En China, el sistema contable se basĂł tradicionalmente en las prĂĄcticas confucianistas y en la antigua sabidurĂ­a; estos elementos todavĂ­a influyen en el sistema actual. En este artĂ­culo se estudian las influencias desde una perspectiva histĂłrica en relaciĂłn con las variables culturales chinas. Las influencias examinadas se centran en los metĂłdos de la tenedurĂ­a de libros, en las prĂĄcticas contables, en la informaciĂłn contable, etc. Many recent studies have argued that China integrates its traditional rules, cultural interests and its life style into its accounting system. “Culture” is the main point for their accounting system. Hofstede, Gray, Mueller, and some other empiricist accounting researchers who emphasize the influence of cultural effects on national accounting improvements claim that Chinese Accounting has been dominated by Chinese “Culture”. This paper presents three Chinese cultural variables (e.g. Confucianism, Feng Shui, Buddhism, Yin-Yang, etc.) that have shaped Chinese accounting behaviors and techniques. In China, the Chinese accounting system was traditionally based on Confucian practices and ancient wisdom; these elements still influence the current system. In this paper, the influences are discussed from a historical perspective with regard to cultural variables in China. The influences studied focused on bookkeeping methods, accounting practices, accounting information, etc.Factores ambientales, contabilidad, cultura, China, Confucianismo, Feng Shui, polaridad Yin-Yang, contabilidad por partida simple y partida doble. Environmental Factors, Accounting, Culture, China, Confucianism, Feng Shui, Yin-Yang Polarity, Single & Double-Entry bookkeeping methods.

    Entropies for severely contracted configuration space

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    We demonstrate that dual entropy expressions of the Tsallis type apply naturally to statistical-mechanical systems that experience an exceptional contraction of their configuration space. The entropic index α>1\alpha>1 describes the contraction process, while the dual index αâ€Č=2−α<1\alpha ^{\prime }=2-\alpha<1 defines the contraction dimension at which extensivity is restored. We study this circumstance along the three routes to chaos in low-dimensional nonlinear maps where the attractors at the transitions, between regular and chaotic behavior, drive phase-space contraction for ensembles of trajectories. We illustrate this circumstance for properties of systems that find descriptions in terms of nonlinear maps. These are size-rank functions, urbanization and similar processes, and settings where frequency locking takes place
