3 research outputs found

    Rearguard remix : a practice of political listening

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    Rearguard remix is a creative practice that aims to be a non-extractivist form of inquiry and a practice of political listening that fosters activists’ interpretations and conceptualisations of their situated political experiences. Video remix is used as a way to explore, research and create relations among diverse knowledges and political practices that resist colonial, capitalist and heteropatriarcal oppression. I consider these practices what Boaventura de Sousa Santos calls “knowledge born in struggle” (2014). These knowledges center on political, ethical and critical thinking in collective terms, and form a digital oral archive including anarchist, feminist and indigenous activist, intellectual activists/militant researchers and their collectives, mainly from Latin America. I examine the remix literature in relation to these sources and reconceptualise remix in terms of Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui’s Ch’ixi epistemology. The practice of remix works with the logic of sharing, in this case of knowledge and media productions available on the internet, by remixing these videos and offer access to the original materials. Rearguard remix is also a way to recirculate both the articulation of knowledges by remixing them and the complete media productions shared online. I also reflect on my creative process through the use of the metaphors: aphorism and memory, weaving and the weaver, ingesting, and the idea of intimacy without proximity

    Expediciones Humboldt: Honda-Méndez, Tolima

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    Este informe presenta los resultados de la caracterización biológica de uno de los bosques secos con mejor estado de conservación en el departamento del Tolima, ubicado entre los municipio de Honda, Méndez y Armero-Guayabal. Estos bosques se encuentran en una matriz de ganadería y producción agropecuaria, donde las coberturas boscosas son conservadas por los propietarios, conscientes de la importancia de este ecosistema para la provisión de bienes y servicios ecosistémicos. Esperamos que esta información producto de la capacidad científica del Instituto Humboldt, sea relevante y útil en las decisiones de planificación estratégica tanto en el ordenamiento territorial de los municipios de Honda, Méndez y Armero-Guayabal, como para las decisiones de conservación que se tomen en la regiónBogotáCiencias Básicas de la Biodiversida