7 research outputs found

    Interpretation of wire-scanner asymmetric profiles in a low-energy ring

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    In the CERN PS Booster, wire-scanner profile measurements performed at injection energy are affected by a strong asymmetry. The shape was reproduced with the code PyORBIT, assuming that the effect is due to the beam evolution during the scans, under the influence of space-charge forces and Multiple Coulomb Scattering at the wire itself. Reproducing the transverse profiles during beam evolution allows to use them reliably as input for simulation benchmarking

    Tail Repopulation Measurements in the PSB

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    The PS Booster (PSB) is the first circular accelerator in the LHC injector chain providing protons for the full CERN complex. Each of its four rings provides beams in a range of intensities varying from 40 e11 p/cycle to 0.8 e13 p/cycle. Low intensity beams are produced by transverse shaving, that is by scraping the tails, in order to tailor the intensity and transverse emittances. Eventually, tails repopulate and the beam profile reshapes, under the effect of space charge, which is dominant at low energy in the PS Booster. This paper describes the results of the measurements after the shaving process, where the tails are scraped but finally re-appear in the transverse profile, and it provides a first benchmark with space-charge simulations. It highlights the challenges encountered and the lessons learned, to guide the future experiments. The final outcome of these studies is the characterisation of the halo creation mechanism and the determination of the diffusion speed, important for the design of the future PS Booster scraping system

    Space charge effects and mitigation in the CERN PS Booster, in view of the upgrade

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    The CERN PS Booster (PSB) is presently running with a space-charge tune spread larger than 0.5 at injection. Since the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) will require beams with twice the intensity and brightness of today, the LHC Injector Upgrade (LIU) Project is putting in place an upgrade program for all the injector chain and, in particular, it relies on the important assumption that the PS Booster can successfully produce these beams after the implementation of the 160 MeV H−^{-} injection from Linac4. This contribution describes the studies (measurements and simulations) that have been carried out to confirm that the PSB can indeed perform as needed in terms of beam brightness for the future HL-LHC runs. The importance of the mitigation measures already in place, such as the correction of the half-integer line, and the effects of non-linear resonances on the beam are also discussed

    Evolution of High Intensity Beams in the CERN PS Booster after H⁻ Injection and Phase Space Painting

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    With the LHC Injector Upgrade (LIU) project, the injection energy of PS Booster (PSB) ' first circular accelerator in the LHC injector chain ' will be raised from 50 MeV to 160 MeV and the present multiturn injection will be upgraded to H⁻ injection with transverse and longitudinal painting. In the scope of this project, it is planned to double the beam intensities, profiting from the fact that the ÎČÎł2 factor will be two times larger (0.35 at 50 MeV and 0.71 at 160 MeV), so the resulting tune spread driven by a direct space charge should remain similar. This paper describes the feasibility to double the intensity of high intensity and large emittance beams, looking into the evolution under space charge and taking into account losses constrains in the ring and in the extraction lines

    Overview Of The ESSnuSB Accumulator Ring

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    The European Spallation Source (ESS) is a research center based on the world's most powerful proton driver, 2.0 GeV, 5 MW on target, currently under construction in Lund. With an increased pulse frequency, the ESS linac could deliver additional beam pulses to a neutrino target, thus giving an excellent opportunity to produce a high-performance ESS neutrino Super-Beam (ESSnuSB). The focusing system surrounding the neutrino target requires short pulses. An accumulator ring and acceleration of an H- beam in the linac for charge-exchange injection into the accumulator could provide such short pulses. In this paper we present an overview of the work with optimizing the accumulator design and the challenges of injecting and storing 1.1E15 protons per pulse from the linac. In particular, particle tracking simulations with space charge will be described.ESSnuS

    3D Emittances Tailoring Techniques and Optimization with Space Charge for the Future CERN PS Booster Operations with Linac4

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    In the frame of the LIU (LHC Injectors Upgrade) project, the CERN PS Booster is going to be renovated to host a new H⁻ charge-exchange injection from the Linac4. One important feature of the new injection scheme is the possibility to tailor a wide range of 3D emittances for CERN's different users in an intensity span in the order of 5·10âč to 1.6·10ÂčÂł protons per PSB ring. This paper gives an overview of 3D multi-turn injection techniques, focusing on the future LHC beams, which aim at reaching high brightness, and on highest intensity beams (ISOLDE), where losses are the main concern. Complete RF capture simulations and transverse injection maps, including space charge effects, are presented and also intended to be used during the commissioning with Linac4

    Machine Development Studies in the CERN PS Booster, in 2016

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    The paper presents the outstanding studies performed in 2016 in preparation of the PS Booster upgrade, within the LHC Injector Upgrade project (LIU), to provide twice higher brightness and intensity to the High-Luminosity LHC. Major changes include the increase of injection and extraction energy, the implementation of a H⁻ charge-exchange injection system, the replacement of the present Main Power Supply and the deployment of a new RF system (and related Low-Level), based on the Finemet technology. Although the major improvements will be visible only after the upgrade, the present machine can already benefit of the work done, in terms of better brightness, transmission and improved reproducibility of the present operational beams. Studies address the space-charge limitations at low energy, for which a detailed optics model is needed and for which mitigation measurements are under study, and the blow-up reduction at injection in the downstream machine, for which the beams need careful preparation and transmission. Moreover they address the requirements and the reliability of new beam instrumentation and hardware that is being installed in view of LIU