8 research outputs found


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    This publication is an attempt to describe the transformations to which the basic cell of social life is subject. The collected material outlines the traditional conditions and the ways of perceiving the community of family life and emphasizes the nature of change, strongly reverberating over the last decades. In the publication, the author presents the following issues: 1. Family as a community of social life. 2. Directions of changes in family life. 3. The institution of a family at the crossroads of modern times.Niniejsza publikacja stanowi próbę opisu przemian, jakim podlega podstawowa komórka życia społecznego. Zebrany materiał zarysowuje tradycyjne uwarunkowania i sposoby postrzegania wspólnoty życia rodzinnego oraz podkreśla charakter przemian, silnie wybrzmiewający na przestrzeni ostatnich dekad. W publikacji autorka prezentuje następujące zagadnienia: 1. Rodzina jako wspólnota życia społecznego. 2. Kierunki przemian życia rodzinnego. 3. Instytucja życia rodzinnego na rozdrożu współczesności

    Determinants of social development. About the power of expansion of (new) technologies

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    The article deals with contemporary problems resulting from technological progress. The authors outline the main determinants of social development, outlining the begin-nings of shaping the information society. The important issue of the impact of technol-ogy on the dimension and changes in social life was also raised. All the considerations entail an attempt to outline the direction of transformations carried out with new technologies, both in the global and individual dimensions. The article presents the issues of contemporary societies that bring together participants in a complex system, more and more interconnected and dependent on new technologies.Niniejszy artykuł traktuje o współczesnych problemach wynikających z postępu technologicznego. Autorki zarysowują główne determinanty społecznego rozwoju, nakreślając początki kształtowania społeczeństwa informacyjnego Poruszają przy tym istotny problem oddziaływania technologii na wymiar i zmiany życia społecznego. Całość rozważań niesie za sobą próbę nakreślenia kierunku dokonywanych przeobrażeń nowymi technologiami, zarówno w wymiarze globalnym, jak i jednostkowym. Artykuł poświęcony jest problematyce współczesnych społeczeństw, które skupiają uczestników złożonego układu, coraz bardziej ze sobą powiązanych i uzależnionych od nowych technologii

    Social activity of academic youth. Report on the research of students from the Marie Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin

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    In today's world, social activity is an extremely important element in the process of building a civil society and social capital. Moreover, apart from activities for the common good, this aspect is a key element of personal development, allowing even to gain highly-valued experience in the labor market. Considering the age, lifestyle and educational capital of university students. it can be assumed that this group may be characterized by a high level of activity in the social field. However, numerous analyz-es carried out by research institutions indicate a low level of this activity among the university students. The article is an attempt to verify the above thesis based on studies carried out among students of the Marie Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin. In the assumption, the article points to: diagnosis of the tendency of students to undertake social activities; assessment of the values that determine pro-social and "pro-civil" attitudes, which constitute a barrier to the development of this field; and draws attention to the activi-ties that prevail, and which become marginalized

    Challenges of field research. Between involved participant and outside observer

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    The article is a theoretical contribution that deals with problems of field researcher. Shows difficulties related to researcher's morality, their role as a witness and an observer, describes etic and emic research. The authors begin their deliberations with an in-depth description of the essence of the relationship created between the arrived researcher and rooted in the given research community. They review anthropological research, pointing to valuable discoveries of field researchers, and do not bypass the description of difficult situations related to the experience of social relations that can not be experienced or described adequately from the privacy of an office

    Strategic concept paper for bioeconomy in Poland: executive summary [version 1; peer review: 3 approved, 1 approved with reservations]

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    The main objective of the proposed approach is to accelerate the transition of the bioeconomy towards a knowledge-based sustainable system, covering key biobased sectors strongly linked to agriculture in Poland, in line with the European Green Deal. The proposed model of a bioeconomy development strategy, with a special focus on agriculture, is based on two pillars: (1) strengthening traditional, relevant (in terms of economic indicators) sectors of the economy and improving their ‘sustainability’ by implementing the proposed transformation pathways; and (2) developing economic activities or ‘niche or novel sectors’ that are prospective accelerators of change in the face of climate challenge, and ensuring their upscaling. This approach forms the basis for policy planning at national and regional level in these European Union (EU) countries, where bioeconomy development strategies have been initiated through dialogue between science, administration and industry stakeholders. The strategic actions we propose are grouped in three areas; (1) Market intervention mainly by introducing sustainability criteria for the national production system; (2) Research, innovation and education that significantly strengthen the relationship between business and science and educational activities in the field of sustainability and climate change, and (3) Governance and policy actions to enforce the relationship between the main sub-sectors of bioeconomy and niche sectors in frame of bio-economy strategy or action plan that will profits by added value of products from bioeconomy sectors and increasing number of newly created jobs