10 research outputs found

    Evaluation of operational ocean forecasting systems from the perspective of the users and the experts

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    The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) has an Ocean Decade Implementation Plan (UNESCO-IOC, 2021) that states seven outcomes required for the ocean we want, with the fourth outcome being “A predicted ocean where society understands and can respond to changing ocean conditions.” To facilitate the achievement of this goal, the IOC has endorsed Mercator Ocean International to implement the Decade Collaborative Center (DCC) for OceanPrediction (https://www.mercator-ocean.eu/oceanprediction/, last access: 21 August 2023), which is a cross-cutting structure that will work to develop global-scale collaboration between Decade Actions related to ocean prediction

    Il riuso degli spazi abbandonati, il caso del "Mercato Sonato"

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    Gli spazi urbani sono oggi caratterizzati da realtà interne che costituiscono una vera e propria “città nella città” e che sono costituite dagli spazi abbandonati. Nonostante il panorama dell’abbandono sia diffuso e pervasivo, l’attenzione ad esso riservata e ad una sua possibile valorizzazione risulta scarsa. Il riuso si presenta come una possibile soluzione al problema, oltre che essere un’opportunità per dar luogo ad episodi di riqualificazione urbana. La tesi si compone di tre parti che riguardano l’analisi degli spazi urbani abbandonati, il riuso degli stessi nelle sue differenti declinazioni ed il progetto architettonico per la riqualificazione del Mercato San Donato di Bologna, ex mercato rionale di quartiere attualmente in disuso. Si analizza la tematica degli edifici e degli spazi abbandonati all’interno delle città proponendo una chiave di lettura e catalogazione degli stessi. In seguito viene proposta una prima modalità di approccio all’insieme dei luoghi abbandonati, identificata nella loro mappatura, di cui si riporta il caso di Bologna. Il tema del riuso viene poi presentato come soluzione all’eccesso di consumo di suolo e al mancato utilizzo di numerosi spazi costituenti le realtà urbane, per cui si analizzano le diverse strade e i diversi ambiti di applicazione. Particolare attenzione è rivolta alle possibili pratiche di attivazione del processo, nelle quali svolge un ruolo preminente la comunità degli “enablers”. Infine, viene esposto il caso studio del riuso del Mercato San Donato. Il progetto architettonico prevede un approccio all’edificio esistente sviluppato in due fasi, quella di riuso temporaneo e quella di riuso a lungo termine, per la creazione di una nuova identità del mercato. Nell’ottica della trasformazione in sala concerti dell’edificio, si propone un intervento che si sviluppa con l’intento di rispettare e valorizzare l’esistente ma allo stesso tempo di reinterpretarne lo spazio, sulla base dei suoi caratteri peculiari originari

    Fertirrigação na produção de mudas de Eucalyptus grandis nos períodos de inverno e verão

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    Studies correlating the splitting of fertigation with the development and quality of tree seedlings in different production systems and periods of the year are fundamental to optimize inputs and minimization of the production cycle. Thus we conducted this study aimed to check the influence of the split of fertigation in the development and quality of Eucalyptus grandis seedlings in winter and summer periods. The fertilization through the irrigation system by capillarity was split on: one, two, three or six times in the week, maintaining the total amount of nutrients applied. We concluded that the most effective fertigation for the development and quality of seedlings of Eucalyptus grandis were six and one times in the week for the period of winter and summer, respectively, demonstrating the need for adequacy of fertigation managements according to the period of year.Pesquisas correlacionando o parcelamento da fertirrigação com o desenvolvimento e qualidade de mudas florestais, em diferentes sistemas de produção e períodos do ano são fundamentais para a otimização de insumos e minimização do ciclo de produção. Dessa forma conduziu-se esse estudo com o objetivo de verificar a influência do parcelamento da fertirrigação no desenvolvimento e qualidade de mudas de Eucalyptus grandis nos períodos de inverno e verão. As fertilizações por meio do sistema de irrigação por capilaridade foram parceladas em: uma, duas, três ou seis vezes por semana, sendo mantida a quantidade total de nutrientes aplicados. Concluiu-se que, as fertirrigações mais eficazes para o desenvolvimento e a qualidade de mudas de Eucalyptus grandis foram de seis e uma vez na semana, para o período de inverno e verão, respectivamente, demonstrando-se a necessidade de adequação dos manejos de fertirrigação em função do período do ano.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Longitudinal monitoring of mRNA levels of regulatory T cell biomarkers by using non-invasive strategies to predict outcome in renal transplantation.

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    Acute T-cell mediated rejection (aTCMR) is still an issue in kidney transplantation, for it is associated with chronic rejection, graft loss, and overall worse outcomes. For these reasons, a standard non-invasive molecular tool to detect is desirable to offer a simpler monitoring of kidney transplant recipients (KTRs). The purpose of our study was to examine, in peripheral blood before and after transplantation, the expression patterns of regulatory T cell (Treg)-related genes: the forkhead box P3 (FOXP3) and the two CTLA-4 isoforms (full-length and soluble) to predict acute rejection onset, de novo donor-specific antibodies (DSA) development and renal dysfunction 1 year after transplantation. We profiled by using a relative quantification analysis (qRT-PCR) circulating mRNA levels of these biomarkers in peripheral blood of 89 KTRs within the first post-transplant year (at baseline and 15, 60 and 365 days, and when possible at the acute rejection) and compared also the results with 24 healthy controls. The three mRNA levels drastically reduced 15 days after transplantation and gradually recovered at 1 year in comparison with baseline, with very low levels at the time of aTCMR for FOXP3 (RQ = 0.445, IQR = 0.086-1.264, p = 0.040), maybe for the pro-apoptotic role of FOXP3 during inflammation. A multivariate Cox regression analysis evidenced a significant relation between aTCMR onset and thymoglobuline induction (HR = 6.749 p = 0.041), everolimus use (HR = 7.017, p = 0.007) and an increased risk from the solCTLA-4 expression at 15 days, mainly considering recipients treated with Mycophelolic acid (HR = 13.94 p = 0.038, 95%CI:1.157-167.87). Besides, solCTLA-4 also predisposed to graft dysfunction (eGFR< 60 mL/min/1.73m) at 1 year (AOR = 3.683, 95%CI = 1.145-11.845, p = 0.029). On the other hand, pre-transplant solCTLA-4 levels showed a protective association with de novo DSAs development (HR = 0.189, 95%CI = 0.078-0.459, p < 0.001). mRNA levels of Treg-associated genes, mainly for solCTLA-4, in peripheral blood could put forward as candidate non-invasive biomarkers of cellular and humoral alloreactivity in clinical transplantation and might help shape immunosuppression, tailor monitoring and achieve better long-term outcomes of kidney transplantation in the wake of "precision medicine"

    Developmental Coordination Disorder in a Patient with Mental Disability and a Mild Phenotype Carrying Terminal 6q26-qter Deletion

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    Terminal deletion of chromosome 6q is a rare chromosomal abnormality associated with variable phenotype spectrum. Although intellectual disability, facial dysmorphism, seizures and brain abnormalities are typical features of this syndrome, genotype–phenotype correlation needs to be better understood. We report the case of a 6-year-old Caucasian boy with a clinical diagnosis of intellectual disability, delayed language development and dyspraxia who carries an approximately 8 Mb de novo heterozygous microdeletion in the 6q26-q27 locus identified by karyotype and defined by high-resolution SNP-array analysis. This patient has no significant structural brain or other organ malformation, and he shows a very mild phenotype compared to similar 6q26-qter deletion. The patient phenotype also suggests that a dyspraxia susceptibility gene is located among the deleted genes

    The biological correction of agro-photosynthesis of soil plant productivity

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