30 research outputs found

    Comparative study of the neuropsychological and neuroimaging evaluations in children with dyslexia

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    We analyzed retrospectively the neuroimaging exams of children with a confirmed diagnosis of dyslexia and correlated our findings with the evaluation of higher cortical functions. We studied 34 medical files of patients of the Ambulatory of Neuro-difficulties in Learning, FCM/UNICAMR All of them had been sent to the ambulatory with primary or secondary complaints of difficulties at school and were submitted to neuropsychological evaluation and imaging exam (SPECT). From the children evaluated 58.8% had exams presenting dysfunction with 47% presenting hypoperfusion in the temporal lobe. As for the higher cortical functions, the most affected abilities were reading, writing and memory. There was significance between the hypoperfused areas and the variables schooling, reading, writing, memory and mathematic reasoning. The SPECTs showed hypoperfusion in areas involved in the reading and writing processes. Both are equivalent in terms of involved functional areas and are similar in children with or without specific dysfunctions in neuroimaging.642B36937

    Cerebrovascular disease in childhood - Neuropsychological investigation of 14 cases

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    There are few studies about the development of a child after a cerebrovascular accident (CVA), and they usually describe problems such as diminishing in intellectual capacities, difficulties in linguistic and visual-motor skills, as well as in spatial organization and integration. In this study, there were 28 children participating, being 14 placed in the experimental group (EG) after clinical diagnosis and ischemic CVA imaging, and other 14 children without past history of CVA, who formed the control group (CG). The neuropsychological research protocol included an intelligence test, a visual-motor coordination test, human figure drawing, a cortical functions battery and the medical records of the children from the EG. The analysis of the results of this study revealed that the best performances after the CVA are related to the shortest time of functional recovery; CG presented better performances than EG in all the instruments used, in cognitive, perceptual and motor skills. It has been noticed that CVA may lead to intellectual reduction in case of a recurrence of the vascular insult.651414

    Stroke in patients with sickle cell disease - Clinical and neurological aspects

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    The aim of this study was to characterize a group of patients (n=8) with sickle cell disease (SCD) and ischemic stroke concerning the clinical, neurological, imaging and progressive aspects. Data were collected from records and completed with an interview of patients and their parents. In this study there were 8 patients with ages ranging from 10 to 23 years old; SCD diagnosis was given between one and two years of age with clinical features of fatigue and anemia. The stroke was ischemic in all individuals and the first cerebrovascular event occurred before 6 years of age; 3 patients had recurrence of stroke despite prophylactic blood transfusion therapy and both cerebral hemispheres were affected in 4 patients. Clinical and neurological current features observed were: acute pain crises, sialorrhea, mouth breathing, motor, and neuropsychological impairments resulting from cortical-subcortical structure lesions.661303

    Cerebrovascular disease: language acquisition in preschool children

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    We describe ten children, aging 5 years and 1 month until 5 years and 11 months, when the phonoaudiological assessment was conducted. They are divided according to cerebrovascular disease, in CVD group (CVD-G) and control group (cG). Children were seen and CVD was confirmed in the acute phase at UNICAMP hospital. Audiologic assessment, protocol for Infant language assessment, and Peabody picture vocabulary test were used in the evaluations. The qualitative analysis of the subjects from a phonoaudiological and neurological point of view has shown the recovery of acquired language desorder (ALD) with no influence whatsoever in the development of 2 subjects and subtle language and/or learning process alterations for 3 subjects. The cases study has revealed that all aspects of language development in preschool children should be analyzed in an individual, quantitative, and qualitative basis to lead to conclusive findings.633B80781

    Dichotic listening and SPECT in dyslexic children

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    Dichotic listening (DL) was evaluated in 36 children with: verbal dichotic listening test, alternating dissilable dichotic test and non-verbal dichotic listening test. Children were separated into two groups: experimental group with 18 dyslexic children and control group with 18 normal children. Both groups were comparable in gender, laterality and social-economic level. All dyslexic children underwent neuroimaging exam (SPECT). Our data showed that there was a statistical difference between both groups in all DL tests. Abnormal SPECT findings were seen in 50% of the dyslexic children, hypoperfusion of the left temporal lobe being the most frequent abnormality. We conclude that dyslexic children present an impairment of central neurologic processing that may be detected by DL tests, and by functional imaging exam, such as SPECT, as well.64110811