1,309 research outputs found

    The Herschel view of GAS in Protoplanetary Systems (GASPS): First comparisons with a large grid of models

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    The Herschel GASPS key program is a survey of the gas phase of protoplanetary discs, targeting 240 objects which cover a large range of ages, spectral types, and disc properties. To interpret this large quantity of data and initiate self-consistent analyses of the gas and dust properties of protoplanetary discs, we have combined the capabilities of the radiative transfer code MCFOST with the gas thermal balance and chemistry code ProDiMo to compute a grid of ≈300  000 disc models (DENT). We present a comparison of the first Herschel/GASPS line and continuum data with the predictions from the DENT grid of models. Our objective is to test some of the main trends already identified in the DENT grid, as well as to define better empirical diagnostics to estimate the total gas mass of protoplanetary discs. Photospheric UV radiation appears to be the dominant gas-heating mechanism for Herbig stars, whereas UV excess and/or X-rays emission dominates for T Tauri stars. The DENT grid reveals the complexity in the analysis of far-IR lines and the difficulty to invert these observations into physical quantities. The combination of Herschel line observations with continuum data and/or with rotational lines in the (sub-)millimetre regime, in particular CO lines, is required for a detailed characterisation of the physical and chemical properties of circumstellar discs

    A Technique to Derive Improved Proper Motions for Kepler Objects of Interest

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    We outline an approach yielding proper motions with higher precision than exists in present catalogs for a sample of stars in the Kepler field. To increase proper motion precision we combine first moment centroids of Kepler pixel data from a single Season with existing catalog positions and proper motions. We use this astrometry to produce improved reduced proper motion diagrams, analogous to a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, for stars identified as Kepler Objects of Interest. The more precise the relative proper motions, the better the discrimination between stellar luminosity classes. With UCAC4 and PPMXL epoch 2000 positions (and proper motions from those catalogs as quasi-bayesian priors) astrometry for a single test Channel (21) and Season (0) spanning two years yields proper motions with an average per-coordinate proper motion error of 1.0 millisecond of arc per year, over a factor of three better than existing catalogs. We apply a mapping between a reduced proper motion diagram and an HR diagram, both constructed using HST parallaxes and proper motions, to estimate Kepler Object of Interest K-band absolute magnitudes. The techniques discussed apply to any future small-field astrometry as well as the rest of the Kepler field.Comment: Accepted to The Astronomical Journal 15 August 201

    Intestinal intussusception in an adult caused by helminthic parasitosis

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    Intestinal intussusception is an uncommon acute condition in adults and is most commonly caused by an intestinal tumor mass. Helminthic parasitosis is a widespread infection in Africa, and the load of worms is often high in individuals living in areas with inadequate sanitation. We report a case of intestinal obstruction caused by Ascaris lumbricoides infection, which was complicated by ileo-caecal intussusception and required surgical treatment in a 40-year-old Ugandan woman. This case reinforces the importance of anthelminthic prophylaxis in African rural areas

    Discovery and Validation of Kepler-452b: A 1.6 R⨁ Super Earth Exoplanet in the Habitable Zone of a G2 Star

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    We report on the discovery and validation of Kepler-452b, a transiting planet identified by a search through the 4 years of data collected by NASA's Kepler Mission. This possibly rocky 1.63_(-0.20)^(+0.23) R⨁ planet orbits its G2 host star every 384.843_(-0.012)^(+0.007) days, the longest orbital period for a small (R_p < 2 R⨁) transiting exoplanet to date. The likelihood that this planet has a rocky composition lies between 49% and 62%. The star has an effective temperature of 5757 ± 85 K and a log g of 4.32 ± 0.09. At a mean orbital separation of 1.046_(-0.015)^(+0.019) AU, this small planet is well within the optimistic habitable zone of its star (recent Venus/early Mars), experiencing only 10% more flux than Earth receives from the Sun today, and slightly outside the conservative habitable zone (runaway greenhouse/maximum greenhouse). The star is slightly larger and older than the Sun, with a present radius of 1.11_(-0.09)^(+0.15) R⨁ and an estimated age of ~6 Gyr. Thus, Kepler-452b has likely always been in the habitable zone and should remain there for another ~3 Gyr

    Revision of Earth-sized Kepler Planet Candidate Properties with High Resolution Imaging by Hubble Space Telescope

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    We present the results of our Hubble Space Telescope program and describe how our analysis methods were used to re-evaluate the habitability of some of the most interesting Kepler planet candidates. Our program observed 22 Kepler Object of Interest (KOI) host stars, several of which were found to be multiple star systems unresolved by Kepler. We use our high-resolution imaging to spatially resolve the stellar multiplicity of Kepler-296, KOI-2626, and KOI-3049, and develop a conversion to the Kepler photometry (Kp) from the F555W and F775W filters on WFC3/UVIS. The binary system Kepler-296 (5 planets) has a projected separation of 0.217" (80AU); KOI-2626 (1 planet candidate) is a triple star system with a projected separation of 0.201" (70AU) between the primary and secondary components and 0.161" (55AU) between the primary and tertiary; and the binary system KOI-3049 (1 planet candidate) has a projected separation of 0.464" (225AU). We use our measured photometry to fit the separated stellar components to the latest Victoria-Regina Stellar Models with synthetic photometry to conclude that the systems are coeval. The components of the three systems range from mid-K dwarf to mid-M dwarf spectral types. We solved for the planetary properties of each system analytically and via an MCMC algorithm using our independent stellar parameters. The planets range from ~1.6R_Earth to ~4.2R_Earth, mostly Super Earths and mini-Neptunes. As a result of the stellar multiplicity, some planets previously in the Habitable Zone are, in fact, not, and other planets may be habitable depending on their assumed stellar host.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, ApJ, 804, 9

    HIV-associated progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. Current perspectives

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    Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) is a demyelinating disease of the central nervous system, caused by the polyomavirus JC and occurring almost exclusively in the context of severe immune depression. AIDS represents the most common predisposing condition for PML development. Antiretroviral treatment has reduced PML incidence in HIV-infected subjects, but the disease remains a severe and life-threatening complication of AIDS, considering thus far the lack of an effective anti-JC virus (JCV) direct-acting antiviral drug. In the last decade, the use of monoclonal antibodies for treating immune-based diseases evidenced new predisposing conditions for PML development, promoting a renewed interest in PML pathogenesis. In this article, we review the current knowledge on JCV epidemiology and AIDS-associated PML incidence, JCV viral cycle, pathogenesis, and the interplay with HIV infection. We give an updated overview of diagnostic and prognostic tools available for PML diagnosis and describe past and current therapeutic approaches, including new strategies for PML cure

    Interferometric Evidence for Resolved Warm Dust in the DQ Tau System

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    We report on near-infrared (IR) interferometric observations of the double-lined pre-main sequence (PMS) binary system DQ Tau. We model these data with a visual orbit for DQ Tau supported by the spectroscopic orbit & analysis of \citet{Mathieu1997}. Further, DQ Tau exhibits significant near-IR excess; modeling our data requires inclusion of near-IR light from an 'excess' source. Remarkably the excess source is resolved in our data, similar in scale to the binary itself (\sim 0.2 AU at apastron), rather than the larger circumbinary disk (\sim 0.4 AU radius). Our observations support the \citet{Mathieu1997} and \citet{Carr2001} inference of significant warm material near the DQ Tau binary.Comment: 14 pgs, 3 figures, ApJL in pres