2,810 research outputs found

    Inquisitive bisimulation

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    Inquisitive modal logic InqML is a generalisation of standard Kripke-style modal logic. In its epistemic incarnation, it extends standard epistemic logic to capture not just the information that agents have, but also the questions that they are interested in. Technically, InqML fits within the family of logics based on team semantics. From a model-theoretic perspective, it takes us a step in the direction of monadic second-order logic, as inquisitive modal operators involve quantification over sets of worlds. We introduce and investigate the natural notion of bisimulation equivalence in the setting of InqML. We compare the expressiveness of InqML and first-order logic in the context of relational structures with two sorts, one for worlds and one for information states. We characterise inquisitive modal logic, as well as its multi-agent epistemic S5-like variant, as the bisimulation invariant fragment of first-order logic over various natural classes of two-sorted structures. These results crucially require non-classical methods in studying bisimulation and first-order expressiveness over non-elementary classes of structures, irrespective of whether we aim for characterisations in the sense of classical or of finite model theory

    Bisimulation in Inquisitive Modal Logic

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    Inquisitive modal logic, InqML, is a generalisation of standard Kripke-style modal logic. In its epistemic incarnation, it extends standard epistemic logic to capture not just the information that agents have, but also the questions that they are interested in. Technically, InqML fits within the family of logics based on team semantics. From a model-theoretic perspective, it takes us a step in the direction of monadic second-order logic, as inquisitive modal operators involve quantification over sets of worlds. We introduce and investigate the natural notion of bisimulation equivalence in the setting of InqML. We compare the expressiveness of InqML and first-order logic, and characterise inquisitive modal logic as the bisimulation invariant fragments of first-order logic over various classes of two-sorted relational structures. These results crucially require non-classical methods in studying bisimulations and first-order expressiveness over non-elementary classes.Comment: In Proceedings TARK 2017, arXiv:1707.0825

    Implicatures of modified numerals: quantity or quality?

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    We propose a new analysis of modified numerals that allows us to: (i) predict ignorance with respect to the prejacent of at least (and thereby avoid to Bernard Schwarz's recent criticism of Coppock and Brochhagen 2013), (ii) get a three-way contrast between superlative modifiers, comparative modifiers, and numerals, without appeal to a two-sided analysis of numerals, and (iii) avoid the prediction that at least should produce quantity implciatures when only is not a grammatical alternative. With it, we reconcile Westera and Brasoveanu's (2014) findings with the achievements of the Coppock and Brochhagen account, bring that work in line with recent theorizing in inquisitive semantics using downward-closed possibilities, and show that inquisitive sincerity can interact with Horn-based quantity in a non-trivial way, something that may be fruitful to consider in other domains as well.https://4f669968-a-62cb3a1a-s-sites.googlegroups.com/site/sinnundbedeutung21/proceedings-preprints/modified-numerals-sub-2016-final.pdf?attachauth=ANoY7cp1Q88YF1lYnJLBxpbbMXxIReQLbjxbyfwsP3Dv0qStClh5zYCtiMY7oAffAskO4UIYw6zMQdQsLC51Szi9TVOkc2R-u24FpZ2Kxynell_DpHjqNGsvjzr4pn_sCZW_Zh7IuhuPtq1BvO_Qhr3GD0edCikCRvmXyduRelK7rMAl5SiQoQA4owH7XZgPb2UzcSrB-usqdQ5lUe6d4wevpSEM1M8AqgtmWwDMWfkSeWZ6iF5T_aAPRuLWJg5ate1CWzhwRqsS_gXl8hWNNKvB3-KRsLfRtw==&attredirects=0Published versio

    Breaking de Morgan's law in counterfactual antecedents

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    The main goal of this paper is to investigate the relation between the meaning of a sentence and its truth conditions. We report on a comprehension experiment on counterfactual conditionals, based on a context in which a light is controlled by two switches. Our main finding is that the truth-conditionally equivalent clauses (i) "switch A or switch B is down" and (ii) "switch A and switch B are not both up" make different semantic contributions when embedded in a conditional antecedent. Assuming compositionality, this means that (i) and (ii) differ in meaning, which implies that the meaning of a sentential clause cannot be identified with its truth conditions. We show that our data have a clear explanation in inquisitive semantics: in a conditional antecedent, (i) introduces two distinct assumptions, while (ii) introduces only one. Independently of the complications stemming from disjunctive antecedents, our results also challenge analyses of counterfactuals in terms of minimal change from the actual state of affairs: we show that such analyses cannot account for our findings, regardless of what changes are considered minimal

    The dynamic logic of stating and asking

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    Inquisitive dynamic epistemic logic (IDEL) extends standard public announcement logic incorporating ideas from inquisitive semantics. In IDEL, the standard public announcement action can be extended to a more general public utterance action, which may involve a statement or a question. While uttering a statement has the effect of a standard announcement, uttering a question typically leads to new issues being raised. In this paper, we investigate the logic of this general public utterance action. We find striking commonalities, and some differences, with standard public announcement logic. We show that dynamic modalities admit a set of reduction axioms, which allow us to turn any formula of IDEL into an equivalent formula of static inquisitive epistemic logic. This leads us to establish several complete axiomatizations of IDEL, corresponding to known axiomatizations of public announcement logic

    Progettazione di superfici selettive in frequenza mediante algoritmo parallelo evoluzionistico di tipo "Particle Swarm"

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    L’obiettivo di questo lavoro di tesi è duplice. Da un lato presentare e implementare una nuova tecnica di “inizializzazione” dello sciame nello spazio di ricerca. Il fine di questa modifica è consentire un ulteriore miglioramento della capacità di convergenza dell’algoritmo grazie all’introduzione di nuovi confini che riducano, almeno inizialmente, le dimensioni del dominio in esame. Dall'altro realizzare una soluzione che operi in parallelo secondo lo stardard MPI in modo da ridurre i tempi di elaborazione soprattutto nel caso di analisi di superfici selettive in frequenza


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