41 research outputs found

    Hecke category actions via Smith-Treumann theory

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    Let G\textbf{G} be a simply connected semisimple algebraic group over a field of characteristic greater than the Coxeter number. We construct a monoidal action of the diagrammatic Hecke category on the principal block Rep0(G)\text{Rep}_0(\textbf{G}) of Rep(G)\text{Rep}(\textbf{G}) by wall-crossing functors. This action was conjectured to exist by Riche-Williamson. Our method uses constructible sheaves and relies on Smith-Treumann theory.Comment: 38 pages, preliminary versio

    Society and the inquisition in Malta 1743-1798

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    The thesis falls into two main sections. It endeavours to analyse the major aspects of Maltese society in the second half of the eighteenth century as they emerge from a close scrutiny of the Archives of the Inquisition in Malta. The approach is mainly that of the ethnologist, a social history written 'from below'. The ultimate purpose was to try to arrive at as clear and accurate a picture of the Maltese mentalite as the archives permitted. Unfortunately, the Archives of the Inquisition in Malta have hardly ever been seriously studied by the social historian. Their richness and diversity not only cast enormous insight into the mental habits and frame of mind of a wide cross-section of Maltese society; they even shed sufficient light on a wide range of the social life of the Maltese. The subject is also approached from the point of view of the legal historian. The Inquisition was a Tribunal of Faith set up to stop the onslaught of Protestantism, as well as to reform the superstitious accretions to popular religion practised by the remaining part of the Catholic Church. The thesis examines the events leading to the charge and possibly arrest of the accused. Most of the reports were self-accusations and those arrested were taken into custody only after much deliberation. If the Inquisitors did make use of torture the accused was assisted by the defence counsel and produced his own witnesses. No instance of death sentences are encountered with in the second half of the eighteenth century and those found guilty were kindly dealt with, the Inquisitors being only after their conversion

    Marriage and the family in a Maltese Parish: St. Mary's (Qrendi) in the eighteenth century

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    This article addresses the Maltese traditional family, taking St. Mary's (Qrendi) as a test case. It results that couples married in their early twenties, while a high proportion of men and women never married at all. Marriage was not popular so that one-fifth of all marriages were remarriages. Very few widows remarried and it was only for some economic reason that they sought another man. There is no evidence though that a high rate of celibacy resulted in flagrant promiscuity even if there is evidence that the Qrendin were not so particular about their sex life. No birth control was practiced within marriage and children followed one another regularly. This brings into relief the parents' unconcern for their offspring's future as well as the inferior status of women because husbands made their wives several offspring. Relations between the spouses were poor so that dissatisfied couples went their own ways.peer-reviewe

    Lay healers and sorcerers in Malta (1770-1798)

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    What is the power of the mind over the body? What is the degree of psychological or psychic manipulation that may be exercised over any person? Selecting numerous cases indicating popular beliefs in the supernatural, and methods of folk medicine – from confessions before the Inquisition Tribunal – Francis Ciappara here throws some light on the dubious faith of the simple man in moments of pain, including some most weird superstitious practices caused partly by medical insufficiency and party by an exotic, if not actually magical, disposition to life. We may laugh, but these extreme cases are recorded as having actually happened throughout the Maltese islands not so many generations ago; nor are beliefs relating to such things as the evil eye and “natural doctors” alien to contemporary Maltese society: and indeed there appear to be no ultimate explanation of the phenomenon other than, possibly, the simplistic disdain for “ignorance”. A more profound analysis would certainly make a worthwhile contribution to our understanding of social history.peer-reviewe

    La peur de la Révolution française à Malte

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    Durant la pĂ©riode 1789-1798 la peur Ă  Malte Ă©tait dans l’air, la peur d’une rĂ©bellion ou d’une invasion. Le gouvernement prit les mesures militaires nĂ©cessaires pour dĂ©fendre l’üle. Grimaldi, le prĂ©sident de la Cour supĂ©rieure de justice, fut nommĂ© Ă  la tĂȘte d’une congrĂ©gation criminelle d’état. Les partisans de la rĂ©volution, chevaliers, maltais et Ă©trangers furent exilĂ©s. La peur saisit la nation, spĂ©cialement quand une lettre datĂ©e du 19 mai 1792 informa le gouvernement qu’une conspiration se tramait Ă  Malte. En juin 1797 une rĂ©volte fut dĂ©couverte et un an plus tard NapolĂ©on occupa l’üle.The fear of the French Revolution in Malta. From 1789 to 1798, the fear of a rebellion or an invasion was brewing in Malta. The government took the military measures which were necessary to defend the isle. Grimaldi, who was President of the higher Court of Justice, was promoted at the head of a state criminal congregation: those in favour of the revolution, such as Maltese Chevaliers or foreigners, were banished. The whole nation was panic-stricken, especially when a letter dated on the 19th of May 1792 informed the government that a conspiracy was hatching in Malta. In June 1797, a revolt was discovered. Then, one year after, Napoleon invaded the isle

    Energy & crack tip stress interactions in mixed mode I/III fracture of DX51 steel sheets

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    DX51D sheet is subjected to mixed mode I/III loading in a purposely designed fixture apparatus. The resulting stable crack-tip growth, direction, slant angle and typical factory-roof crack were observed and discussed as the loading mixity was varied. The total essential work of fracture or fracture toughness, for each mixity loading, was evaluated adopting energy methods during experimentation, whilst theory details how the total may be separated into its individual mode components. The fracture type and direction of crack path were based on the von Mises failure theory and the fracture criteria of maximum shear stress, maximum hoop stress and maximum normal stress along with the application of Hill’s theory. The findings described clearly establish the link between the applications of the energy based equations governing crack initiation and propagation and the equations describing the stress field surrounding the crack tip in the mixed mode I/III field.peer-reviewe

    Illettrisme, évaluation et formation : réflexions sur une approche européenne

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    Le PsyEF, Ă©quipe de recherche Ă  l’universitĂ© Lyon 2, a participĂ© Ă  trois projets europĂ©ens de formation d’adultes. AprĂšs la construction des projets et leur intĂ©rĂȘt pour l’équipe, le prĂ©sent article dĂ©taille le partenariat et aborde les contraintes d’une recherche conduite dans des pays aux cultures et aux langues diffĂ©rentes. Sont exposĂ©s Ă©galement les avantages d’une dynamique de coopĂ©ration, les adaptations nĂ©cessaires et les exigences de la diffusion sur internet. Compte tenu de l’évolution et de l’internationalisation des pratiques de formation, il semble utile de maintenir des recherches au niveau europĂ©en ; Ă  cet Ă©gard, les travaux des trois projets reprĂ©sentent une avancĂ©e pour la rĂ©flexion sur les compĂ©tences des personnes en difficultĂ© et sur les profils de formateurs.The PsyEF, a research team at the University Lyon 2, took part in three European projects for adult education. After detailing the development of the projects and their interest for the team, this article describes the partnership and discusses the difficulties of research conducted in countries with different cultures and languages. The benefits of a dynamic cooperation, the necessary adjustments and the requirements of the webcasting are explained. Given the evolution and internationalization of practices in training programs, it appears helpful to maintain researches at European level and in this respect, the work of the three projects represents a headway for the thought about the skills of people with learning difficulties and the profiles of trainers

    Murder in Jerba : honour, shame and hospitality among Maltese in Ottoman Tunisia

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    Little is known about the sizeable Maltese communities developing along the southern and eastern shores of the Mediterranean in the mid-nineteenth century and the extent to which the migrants reproduced Maltese cultural traditions and practices overseas. This article considers this question through a microhistorical analysis of events culminating in the murder of a Maltese woman in the Ottoman Regency of Tunis in 1866. A close reading of transcripts from the interrogation of witnesses and the accused, all members of a Maltese community in Jerba reveals their shared cultural practices and beliefs surrounding the provision of hospitality, honour and shame. Viewed from this perspective, the curious responses of the witnesses to the murder of their compatriot become meaningful, and the crime is reframed as an honour killing.peer-reviewe

    Private life, religion and enlightenment in Malta in the late eighteenth century

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    Ciappara Frans. Private life, religion and enlightenment in Malta in the late eighteenth century. In: Revue du monde musulman et de la Méditerranée, n°71, 1994. Le carrefour maltais, sous la direction de Christiane Villain-Gandossi . pp. 109-126