34 research outputs found

    Agile cryptography:A universally composable approach

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    Being capable of updating cryptographic algorithms is an inevitable and essential practice in cryptographic engineering. This cryptographic agility, as it has been called, is a fundamental desideratum for long term cryptographic system security that still poses significant challenges from a modeling perspective. For instance, current formulations of agility fail to express the fundamental security that is expected to stem from timely implementation updates, namely the fact that the system retains some of its security properties provided that the update is performed prior to the deprecated implementation becoming exploited. In this work we put forth a novel framework for expressing updateability in the context of cryptographic primitives within the universal composition model. Our updatable ideal functionality framework provides a general template for expressing the security we expect from cryptographic agility capturing in a fine grained manner all the properties that can be retained across implementation updates. We exemplify our framework over two basic cryptographic primitives, digital signatures and non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK), where we demonstrate how to achieve updateability with consistency and backwards-compatibility across updates in a composable manner. We also illustrate how our notion is a continuation of a much broader scope of the concept of agility introduced by Acar, Belenkiy, Bellare, and Cash in Eurocrypt 2010 in the context of symmetric cryptographic primitives

    Mapping the Landscape Identity in Tuscany

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    Il contributo presenta gli esiti della redazione di una cartografia in scala 1:50000, estesa all’intero territorio della Regione Toscana, concepita per descrivere con chiarezza i caratteri di identità del paesaggio regionale. La carta è costruita con una particolare attenzione alla massimizzazione della leggibilità e della espressività visiva, ed è l’esito della elaborazione formalizzata di informazioni disponibili nel sistema informativo istituzionale regionale. Da questo punto di vista è un prodotto che rinnova il repertorio delle tecniche tradizionali di rappresentazione, senza rinunciare a essere un prodotto “aperto”: aggiornabile, verificabile, falsificabile.This paper presents the results of a scale 1:50000-map drafting project. The map will cover the whole territory of Tuscany Region, and has been designed to expressively represent landscape identity. The map is built with special attention to cartographic editing issues; but uses the formal practices employed by institutional geographic information systems. From this point of view the map uses and renews traditional techniques of cartographic representation, continuing to be, in all respects, an updatable, testable and falsifiable product

    Agile Cryptography: A Universally Composable Approach

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    Being capable of updating cryptographic algorithms is an inevitable and essential practice in cryptographic engineering. This cryptographic agility, as it has been called, is a fundamental desideratum for long term cryptographic system security that still poses significant challenges from a modeling perspective. For instance, current formulations of agility fail to express the fundamental security that is expected to stem from timely implementation updates, namely the fact that the system retains some of its security properties provided that the update is performed prior to the deprecated implementation becoming exploited. In this work we put forth a novel framework for expressing updateability in the context of cryptographic primitives within the universal composition model. Our updatable ideal functionality framework provides a general template for expressing the security we expect from cryptographic agility capturing in a fine-grained manner all the properties that can be retained across implementation updates. We exemplify our framework over two basic cryptographic primitives, digital signatures and non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK), where we demonstrate how to achieve updateability with consistency and backwards-compatibility across updates in a composable manner. We also illustrate how our notion is a continuation of a much broader scope of the concept of agility introduced by Acar, Belenkiy, Bellare, and Cash in Eurocrypt 2010 in the context of symmetric cryptographic primitives

    La pianificazione della filiera dei distretti agro-energetici

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